[Lockdown 2013] Robbie E v. Robbie T

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  • Robbie E

  • Robbie T

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Lockdown 2013
Robbie E v. Robbie T




All discussion here.​
I can see this match opening the show. 5 min bing, bang, boom, Robbie T is your winner. Personally I'd prefered Robbie E turn face on the last episode of iMPACT, leading to these two becoming more of a serious team. TNAs tag divsion (or what's left of it) could use more teams. Robbie E is actually a decent wrestler who is saddled with a shit gimmick and Robbie T is your typical big man who seems to have a few fans and is pretty over with the ladies.
I see this being about a 5 minute glorified squash. Terry will dominate most of the match, effortlessly tossing Robbie all over the ring and generally shrugging off the majority of his offense.

I'd say Robbie will get Terry on the mat a couple of times and he'll get in some offense in general but nothing to talk about.

If I were TNA, I wouldn't start the show off with this match. It's not exactly what one might call a hot program so it's not too likely to get the live crowd pumped. This has filler written all over it, so put it somewhere towards the middle. People will need bathroom breaks by that time.
If I were TNA, I wouldn't start the show off with this match. It's not exactly what one might call a hot program so it's not too likely to get the live crowd pumped. This has filler written all over it, so put it somewhere towards the middle. People will need bathroom breaks by that time.
I agree about it not starting the show, but this would make for a good breather between the World title match and Lethal Lockdown. Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim sounds more like a bathroom break due to the lack of build. People at least give Rob Terry's dancing a positive response.
Why is Rob Terry still being referred to as "Robbie T" if the two are now feuding? That aside, I hope it will be a quick, painless squash. Otherwise if TNA gives them standard PPV match time, you can best guarantee it's going to be a STINKER.
Definitely a middle of the card bathroom break match. Like everyone else has said, Robbie T will get the squash win in about 5 minutes. I am hoping the both of them will move on to better things after this is over finally.
Hard to see this match as anything other than a new "coming out party" for Rob Terry. He will slap Robbie E around a little until Robbie does something that really pisses him off, then we'll see Terry hit that Incredible Hulk switch we've seen recently and Robbie E will have nowhere to escape to.

Part of me was tempted to say that they could let Robbie E find a way to steal a victory here, to further anger Terry and prolong the program. But, since Robbie has managed to get his cheap shots in on Impact without Terry getting his hands on him for any type of response, they will likely just keep it mercifully simple at Lockdown instead of trying to get cute.

Terry in a squash. Here's to hoping that he has picked up a couple of new impressive power moves to show off. It would be nice for TNA if they could transition Terry to something more in the vein of a "Ryback" and less of a "Mason Ryan"(if you'll forgive the WWE analogy).
TNA has a very weak mid-card. This is a prime example. Who the hell wants to see this? Not many people, but a fillers a filler.

I feel like I am ranting alot about these Lockdown match. They deserve it.

I think Bigger Rob wins, just for the heck of it.

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