Live Thoughts


Dark Match Winner
So I'm watching TNA for the first time in a few months to check out tonight's live episode. I'm not familiar with some of the current storylines and what-not but am familiar with all the talent, etc. Here's my thoughts...

Sting and Roode was cool. Nothing special but at least it made this show seem important from the start.

The promo with Bully Ray was a little long, but was way better than expected. The attorney gimmick for Abyss is so cheesy and his facial expressions are so over the top, but instead of making me hate it, I end up liking him for it. It's one of those things you want to hate, but just can't. Strange.

Sabin VS Austin Aires was a pretty good. No real complaints here as this was what I expected it would be for a five minute X-Division match.

Dixie then made an announcement of a TNA HOF. I'll try not to judge it just yet, but seems a bit silly for a company with only a 10 year history.

A strange video of TNA history is played showing Christian's debut. Probably wasn't the wisest decision to use this clip out of everything in the archive. Just saying.

Then was the backstage review of the Gut Check which is cool to watch, but kind of removes me from the rest of the show since it breaks kayfabe so blatantly.

Here's where I turned off the channel... WTF is Brooke Hogan doing in TNA? Like why in the hell would I want her there? For the most part I don't mind Hogan in TNA one way or the other, but this actually makes me start buying into the "Hulk and friends" theory and it's definitely a negative in my mind at this point.

Devon VS Hardy was another solid match, again nothing special. The run-in finish was bleh and kind of ruined it, but I understand the the reason it ended that way.

The in-ring Gut Check segment was again interesting, but kind of kills the rest of the show for me. A separate reality type show similar to Tough Enough would work, but I highly doubt they can afford it financially and/or that Spike would even be interested in that.

Daniels VS AJ was damn good. Not great, but none the less I really enjoyed this match. Also, I like the odd pairing of Styles and Angle. For some reason, it works. Nice ending to set up the PPV match. But I spoke too soon... Then this whole Dixie Carter love affair thing. Blah. WTF!!!! Way to ruin a perfectly fine ending. I don't give a damn about Dixie so why is she the main focus of the show?

Overall thoughts: It was okay. It wasn't terrible, but it definitely wasn't "must-see" either. I liked certain aspects of the show and strongly disliked others. Putting out a product equally as good to WWE right now shouldn't be a problem given their last few shows and yet somehow this show really failed to live up to that. I'm not a TNA hater either, and I'll give them more chances, but man, whoever decides some of those things on the show is simply terrible and has no clue what they're doing. This show was mediocre at best.

Okay, your turn. What was your thoughts on some of the things you saw and/or the overall show? Do you agree/disagree? Discuss.
Overall a decent show, there were a few mistakes, mostly on commentary but after the AJ match when Kaz was attacking styles you could clearly see him not connecting but AJ still sold the hits, other then that it was a good show I look forwad to seeing what happens next
I thought it was great.

Some very good matches, some very compelling segments. What more do you want from a wrestling show?

I loved how they seem to be more focused on how their booking the show. Almost all the title holders got spotlight and good amount of time to build. It was an entertaining show, didn't notice any technical errors.

Love getting Taz to snap back into Taz mode. lol. When Taz talks things get extreme. I woulda gave Ryan the contract, but I understand Taz not wanting to put a guy over whos rubbing his oiled up chest hair. Taz is hardcore... he has to maintain that image.

This AJ Styles/Dixie Carter thing is interesting, mainly because I have no clue how this one is going to play out. Anything to showcase the great talents they have such as AJ, Christopher Daniels, Kaz.... It was nice seeing them in the main event scene... especially when WWE is throwing Cena and Laurintis/Big Slow out there..

I guess what I'm saying in this is I liked the focus of the show. Everything seemed to be where it should in a wrestling show.

I hope Jeff Hardy feuds with Robbie E, this could be somewhat entertaining I feel. It's just such a character clash... and it could really give Robbie E some momentum too. I find him entertaining and good in the ring.

Aries and Sabin... yes... yes.... yes?! Looks like we might get a little more from these two too... I hope we do. The X Divison coulda used Ryan as it's pretty thin right now. Who else we got... Zema Ion, and I don't know....

Almost forgot about the Lumberjack match.. I enjoyed it, I thought it was a solid lumber jack match. I thought it was for the World Title so I was little scared when Sting won at first... didn't want to see him win the belt. But hey... I liked how it built up to a match at Slammy, they should have made it No Disqualifications. thru the first hour then flipped over to the Spurs OKC game. Was expecting to be kept intrested but it failed. One thing I will say is I really like Roode and Aires good talents but as soon as Hogan gets on the screen my interest fades. Definitely appreciate WWE more after watching this
I actually thought it was sub-par but that has nothing to do with it being live. It was just a subpar program. Other than a decent roode/sting match and a seasoned match between 2 guys who know each other well like styles/daniels the show did nothing for me. Brooke Hogan "overseeing" the knockouts?? I'm waiting for Nick Hogan to "oversee" the X-division. A "live gut-check"?. Now I'm all for Taz talking on the Mic as I believe he is undervalued when it comes to his Mic skills, but a "gut-check" isn't the way to do it. If they wanna have a "winner gets a contract" type of match I am all for it, but the gut-check idea is foolish when NO ONE believes the guy is actually hearing his "result" live on TV. It saddens me because TNA was doing so well with regards to logical booking and they clearly have the talent for success, but they make too many illogical choices here lately.
i just thought the overall product comes off cheezy. I liked the austin aries match, but everything else seemed very forced and stupid. You think I care about gut check on a guy that could only make it in pwg. And than the broke hogan shit. You tna marks can defend this all you want, but its still a no talent nobody that knows nothing about wrestling in charge of a whole division of wrestling. Its just stupid. Than you have this dumb storyline to end the night with three guys that couldn't talk on the mic to save their own life.
I think like a lot of people, I tuned into the live show to see how TNA is shaping up. I have to say it was pretty bad. The mic work is horrible-why have so much mic work if its no good? Why was Brooke Hogan a part of this? Do they think she has celebrity appeal? God- I guess the Hogan and friends thing is correct. The matches were decent. I cant comment much on the story lines as I dont follow them so I dont really know. And why is TNA going to have a Hall of Fame? I guess another award for Hogan? I was really hoping the product would deliver but it was fairly bland. Oh well, maybe in another ten years if they are still around things will improve.
Nice way they're making young stars with Sting pinning the champion and getting a title shot.
Brooke Hogan looks like a drag queen.
Definetely not a good sign when you end Impact on a completely unnecessary and stupid storyline.
Seems the condenders for Roode's strap are all involved in Tag Teams. Angle & Styles, with Jeff Hardy seemingly now to enter a Tag Team Fued with Devon vs Robbie E&T. Granted this is probably to allow Sting to have a shot at the title. Pretty obvious Roode defends against Sting. Would of been more interesting and less predictable with Angle, Styles or Hardy as number 1 contender.

I guess they are trying to make thier Tag Team division look strong having thier top guys involved. It just looks like a temporary thing though as these teams just seem thrown together.

This "Big" announcment by Dixie Carter was dissapointing. I was expecting a big return of a Big name wrestler or something like that. Like others have said a HOF seems stupid after only 10 years of existence. However the Styles/Dixie angle is pretty interesting, keeps people guessing on what is going on.

The Gut-Check segments were also not very interesting. Joey Ryan just reminds me of another Zach Ryder with a 70's hairdo and Tash.

Some of the in-ring action was pretty good. But nothing to really hold your attention.

Overall an Average Show for me.

Just to add Sting does look pretty awesome for a 53 year old. He looks in great shape for his age.
i just thought the overall product comes off cheezy. I liked the austin aries match, but everything else seemed very forced and stupid. You think I care about gut check on a guy that could only make it in pwg. And than the broke hogan shit. You tna marks can defend this all you want, but its still a no talent nobody that knows nothing about wrestling in charge of a whole division of wrestling. Its just stupid. Than you have this dumb storyline to end the night with three guys that couldn't talk on the mic to save their own life.

First of all, her name is Brooke Hogan, NOT "broke" hogan! Before you start insulting people make sure you can spell and use proper grammar. When you can't complete a thought without misspelling everything it makes you "come off as being cheesy" (not "cheezy").

So............. Brooke Hogan "knows nothing about wrestling". Riiiiiigggghhhhtttt! Her dad is only the biggest draw in the history of the business! Yeah, I am sure that she doesn't know anything about wrestling. What is even better is that you ACTUALLY THINK SHE IS REALLY IN CHARGE OF THE KNOCKOUTS!!!:lmao: Brooke is playing a character on a tv show. Get a grip dude! Didn't Vince McMahon put all of his family on tv?

The segment at the end of the show was done to give the viewer a "hook" to tune in next week. It was actually one of the best endings to a wrestling show in some time.
Aries v. Sabin was phenomenal.

Dixie Carter was extremely awkward on the mic; she looked really uncomfortable and had to force everything she was saying. I don't think even *she* believed that Brooke Hogan would be an asset.

If it wasn't for Bobby Roode and the homegrown talent (sabin, styles, daniels, etc.), TNA would be in the shitter.
I had high expectations going into the show. first live show of the summer. so many possibilities. by the end of the show I thought most of it was a total failure.

TNA picked 4 guys for fans to choose from to wrestle Devon for the TV title. 1 of Jeff Hardy, Mr Anderson, RVD, Robbie E. Jeff Hardy gets the shot. so much potential. TNA could have done something really great here by giving Hardy the TV title, someone fans want to see on TV every week, seeing as how they voted for him into the match. what happens? we get interference by some nobody so the match results in a non contest. ugh, what a waste! not only that it doesn't really lead to anything specifically special. instead of a Hardy/Devon rematch or even Devon/Robbie E match we get Robbie E and Robbie T against Devon and Garrett Bischoff in a tag team match at Slamiversary. what a joke. TNA basically told the fans they didn't matter by having the fans pick Jeff Hardy for the match but to have it end in no contest. hell even a Devon win over Jeff Hardy would have been better.

Gut Check is a JOKE. no credibility at all. they might as well scrap it because it's completely useless. all they want is for the wrestler to talk and be desperate and out of character in order to get a job. maybe the next guy can get on his knees and su, er never mind I wont go there.
it started with Alex Silva. boring plain look, no character, and not that impressive in a match with Robbie E. he gets a contract. Joey Ryan. good look with a character and an impressive match with the X division champion Austin Aries. but no contract. what a joke. Joey Ryan was so beyond clearly better than Alex Silva, but Silva gets the contract over Ryan. backwards idiots. Joey Ryan would have been a perfect fit in the X division. I don't get it.

where are the Knockouts? you introduce Brooke Hogan to run the Knockouts, but that's it. if you're not going to have an actual Knockouts match then at least have them in the ring to introduce Brooke.
also while Dixie is in the ring to introduce Brooke she mentions about the TNA Hall Of Fame. was that supposed to be the big surprise? seemed like something done 2nd to Brooke.

the ending was stupid. so far all the information that has come out about AJ and Dixie could just be a misunderstanding. nothing really that scandalous IMO. this seems more like a Russo type angle. what's the point? AJ Styles has always been one of the best in the company, but now if they're going to make it look like he had n affair with Dixie you're risking all that AJ has accomplished.

I had high expectations going into the show, but ended up being very disappointed.
I only watched the Sting/Roode match. The match itself was good, but the audience did them no favors in making it that much better. I felt like I was watching an indie show at a high school gym. The crowd was THAT quiet. They had small pops here and there. But overall, it didn't make it a pleasant experience.

And why did they lead in with that match anyway? That's an "end of the show" quality match.

I turned it off after Dixie came out.
Impact once agains had it's ups and downs last night.

The Good

Sabin vs Aries - Im glad Sabin is back to singles competition and looked excellent against Aries, hopefully a foreseen fued is on the cards

AJ Styles vs Daniels - Once again a great back and forth match between the two

Bobby Roode vs Sting - Roode was impressive as always and I was suprised at how Sting faired with Roode and still has a lot of fire power within him.

Bully Ray's mic work and overall segment with Joseph Park was great, ray really caputures the audience and is really interesting.

Tazz involved in Gut Check is a good move and was great in the segment.
The Bad

Jeff Hardy vs Devon, whilst a didn't have a problem with the match itself, the way the match was booked at the time was terrible. Hardy should've won this won, it just seems that all those votes hardy recieved were flushed down the toilet with no purpose. Hardy would make a perfect TV champ too.

Brooke Hogan and Dixie Carter segment - Although I don't mind a Hall of Fame, the aquistion of Brooke is not needed. Just bring Karen Jarrett or Traci Brookes back, they're much more entertaining.

Finally, Gut Check took up too much time.
Some real negative nancys here.

I thought it was a good start to the live summer shows. The Christian Cage thing seemed very out of place. My only other complaint was the god awful amount of commercial breaks and the length that they were.
Some real negative nancys here.

I thought it was a good start to the live summer shows. The Christian Cage thing seemed very out of place. My only other complaint was the god awful amount of commercial breaks and the length that they were.

I think a lot of them are WWE fans who want to dislike the product before even watching it just so they can keep telling themselves how bad it is.

I wouldn't say the show was perfect because it wasn't, but for some people to say that it was BAD or that the promos were BAD, is pushing it too far. Sure Brooke Hogan was lame and Dixie Carter Hall of Fame was laughable, but you can't say the format is THAT different from your typical WWE show.

Or maybe they are just ROH fans or not even wrestling fans in the first place.

They were some good matches and decisions, just like they were some bad.

I don't mind AJ vs Daniels going last, because in TNA world they are upper midcard to main event. Sure maybe some of them only knwo Sting and ex-WWE guys, but in TNA is not weird to have them finish the show.

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