Little Progress made Idenitfying Body found on Queen Elizabeth's estate.


King Of The Ring
Most of us undoubtably spent New Years Day on Sunday celebrating the past year, and the arrival of the new one. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for everyone, as the body of a yet to be identified young woman was found on the grounds of Queen Elizabeth's Sandringham Estate, less then two miles from her actual home.

Police have more questions then answers five days following said discovery of the body of a young woman, who was suspected to be between 15-23 years old. Police also suspect that the woman's body has been there between 1 to 4 months, and are proceeding with the case as if it was a homicide.

However, little more then this has been found over the past 5 days. While they believe it a homicide, no visible signs of trauma have been discovered. No clues have been found regarding identifying the young woman, or closing in on her age. Police have also yet to discover whether the woman was killed there, or the body was dumped. With the estimated time between 1-4 months of the body being there, police are also puzzled as to how it went undiscovered for so long. Why? Because the body was found less then 1/4 mile from the main breeding and training ground of Queen Elizabeth's horses.

Detective Chief Inspector Jes Fry said the following:
We are at the very early stages of the investigation and it could be a complex inquiry. The body had been there for some time, between one and four months, most likely. It's highly unlikely the woman's death was through natural causes, but there is no evidence of injury through firearms, a knife or other trauma, such as broken bones."

"It's pretty bizarre. Sandringham is huge, it's sprawling. Most of it is open to the public. What baffles me is, why was it only stumbled upon on New Year's Day?"

The Royal Family are not expected to be questioned in this case, despite the odd nature of this case. The area and Sandringham estate are open to the public between April and November, so police are looking closely at people who held, or worked at, events in August or September of this previous year. The only person to be questioned thusfar is the man who found the body, a dogwalker.

This case perplexes me on many levels. I may be wrong in making this analogy, but it seems the proximity of where the body was found is akin to a body being found on the White House. Further, this isn't the first time a body has been discovered in the area. In March of 2010, American Robert James Moore, described as a "loner and obsessed with the queen", was found 100 yards from Buckingham Palace. The remains had been there for approximately 3 years, and police also suspected foul play, although no arrests were ever made.

If this were a one-time thing, I'd be curious, but with two unresolved incidents of foul play, I find myself highly suspicious. Personally, I think the Royal Family in this case should at least be looked into, especially given the odd circumstances and this not being the first time a body was discovered long after its death, and under suspicious circumstances at that. I'm not villifying them here, I have no substance by which to do so. But I do feel in the process of trying to ascertain the truth, no one should be above reproach.

Thoughts on this? Any discussion regarding this story is welcome.
It doesn't make any sense for the Royal family to be involved. I mean, if you murdered somebody, would you keep them on your front lawn? The only sort of killer that would do that is someone that's obviously crazy, which no one in the Royal family has ever appeared to be. If anyone in the Royal family were a killer, it's just totally nonsensical for them to go dumping bodies on their own estates, especially given the power and wealth they control that could no doubt acquire the services of a multitude of underground organizations to help them deal with the problem. The only thing the Royal family ought to be questioned about is anyone who might have been stalking them.

With regard to the loner, is it at all possible he killed himself? He sounds as if he was mentally ill, and might have killed himself in as close proximity to the Queen as possible for some strange reason. Alternatively, I could envision a personality like that rubbing the right people the wrong way. It could be that someone got sick of him and dumped his body on the Queen's estate as a joke. A further alternative is some sort of budding serial killer whose MO is dumping bodies on the Queen's lawn. I don't know, I'm not a detective, but I just really have my doubts that anyone in the Queen's family would kill someone and dump them on their own lawn.

The same goes for the young lady. Obviously more will have to be uncovered to determine who she was and if she had similar feelings to the Queen or anything like the man who was found dead. Again, I think the Queen or her family having anything to do with this is the least likely scenario.

I'm interested in how the story plays out, certainly. I would be beyond shocked to discover that anyone related to the Queen had anything to do with the murders.
The same goes for the young lady. Obviously more will have to be uncovered to determine who she was and if she had similar feelings to the Queen or anything like the man who was found dead.

Yes, that's likely the key. Whether she deposited herself there or someone else saw fit to kill her and chose the rather odd location of the Royal grounds to leave her body, it's vital to dig into her life and try to determine if she had some special attraction for the Royal family.

It's kind of annoying that investigators won't even be questioning the people who live on the estate; royal or not. If someone turned up dead on your property, police might think it in order to ask you if you noticed anything, no?

Hey, how about questioning the person who mows the Royal lawn? If the body has been there for up to four months, wasn't it strange he didn't notice something blocking the way?
Just a quick update on this story:

Using advanced DNA evidence, police identified the body found on Queen Elizabeth's estate as Alisa Dmitrijeva, a 17 year old woman whose family had immigrated to the United States from Latvia. Her family, in speaking with local papers, explained that their daughter had been missing since August. The parents also noted that they had immigrated from Latvia with hopes of finding a better life, and better education for their daughter.

The timeline from the girl's disappearance and the the estimated time the body was decomposing on Palace grounds sync up, trusting the family is being honest regarding when the girl went missing. The police are continuing to investigate her death as a homicide, although no cause of death has been identified. Police are questioning members of the royal staff who work on the premises. It should be noted that while the body was found on the Queen's estate, it was found in an area open to the public.

I find it odd that the body was in a fairly visible place open to the public so long. It was simply a man walking his dog in the area who discovered the body. I'm highly doubtful that he was the first to go through that area, so it seems odd that the body went undiscovered for so long. At this time, the police continue to have no interest in questioning the Royal Family.Although I don't believe them to be suspects or responsible, I'm still of the belief that the Royal Family should be questioned. If a body was found on my property, even if it was clearly a body dump, I would undoubtably be questioned. With the body found "a stone's throw away" of where the Queen breeds her horses, it again lends itself as suspicious as to why the body went undiscovered for so long. Without hostility or being treated as suspects, I believe the owners of the property should be questioned. A young girl who should be enjoying friends, getting ready for college, and dating had her life snuffed out, and any possible lead should be explored.

Thoughts on this developing story?

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