Little Jimmy = Austin 3:16 ??

TJ Matics

It was never the same.
Calm Down.

In no way am I comparing the legendary, intangible Austin 3:16 to Little Jimmy. What I'm asking is did both sayings come about and pick up the same way. Austin 3:16 wasn't scripted, Austin just said it, and the next show the place was littered with signs, and it's today one of the greatest quotes in history. So, like Austin, do you think R-Truth just said Little Jimmy, and the crowd reacted, because I'm pretty sure Little Jimmy wasn't scripted. Another saying comes from one of my favorite feuds, HHH vs Taker (WM17), the whole, "you try me, i'll make you famous", this certainly seems like it would be scripted, but it just flowed so naturally I'm not sure, so was it good acting by dead man or a saying of his own?

Are there anymore sayings you think or know for sure weren't scripted that the crowd picked up and the E ran with ??
Is there any way to tell unless someone lets the cat out the bag ?

If you're not really following what I'm saying, A little while ago, I was reading up on one of my favorite shows, Burn Notice, and if anyone claims to be a half decent fan then you know that Michael loves yogurt. The director was asked about this, and he said the yogurt frenzy wasn't planned. When they were shooting there just happened to be a yogurt cup on the table, and Jeffery Donovan started eating it. Now yogurt, is like, a permanent fixture of the show.
Austin 3:16 was NOT an overnight success, it grew, and gained momentum, and posthumously about the time of Survivor Series 96 a few months later, became big. A few people did show up with signs, but it was not a quick rise like people seem to "remember". In all honesty The Shoot Heard Round the World by CM Punk was more successful.
There was an article not long ago saying Vince McMahon thought of "Little Jimmy", so the premise of your post isn't necessarily right, but the question you imparted still remains.
I would say it is closer to Mr. Socko than Austin 3:16. Little Jimmy is for more comedic value than anything else, it certainly doesn't make R Truth look like a legitimate bad ass. It was something small that came up in a promo and caught on. Although Mr. Socko caught on faster than Little Jimmy has, but that is probably because Mick Foley was also more liked before that point than R Truth is now.
WWE writers don't just hand scripts to the wrestlers with catchy one-liners that stick. This isn't Hollywood or some mainstream recording studio. The wrestlers are still the one's who have the words in the ring. Austin 3:16 was just as spontaneous as The Rock's first time telling you smell or when Kurt bragged about winning a gold medal. With a broken freakin' neck.

Little Jimmy =/= Austin 3:16.

Little Jimmy = Wrestler being creative.
I would say it is closer to Mr. Socko than Austin 3:16. Little Jimmy is for more comedic value than anything else, it certainly doesn't make R Truth look like a legitimate bad ass. It was something small that came up in a promo and caught on. Although Mr. Socko caught on faster than Little Jimmy has, but that is probably because Mick Foley was also more liked before that point than R Truth is now.

I agree with you 100%. Little Jimmy is just like Mr. Socko and not like Austin 3:16. Also a big difference between Little Jimmy and Austin 3:16 is that people liked Stone Cold and Austin 3:16. R-Truth is playing a heel at the moment, so I don't see Little Jimmy catching on in a positive way, like Austin 3:16 did.
Oh, yeah. Little Jimmy is the new Austin 3:16. And I supposed that "You Can't See Me" is "And That's the Bottom line". (Only joking, guys. No hard feelings)

All kidding aside, Little Jimmy really isn't anything. It's just something R-Truth says to push his "I'm an insane maniac" gimmick..... & it's working.
I remember one that is not scripted and it is "Excuse me!" by Vickie Guerrero. She said in her interview last time that she accidentally said Excuse me because she's out of words to say and the crowd began booing her.Its just a coincidence but it works perfectly for Vickie Guerrero.
I happen to enjoy the Little Jimmy saying its funny as hell!! It doesnt compare to 316 Know your role And thats the bottom line etc!! Little Jimmy definitely has legs and its running full steam ahead due to the insanity of R-Truth!!! I like Truths new gimmick hes not a kiss ass to the fans hes his own man now i hope they give him a push!! I could see him with the IC strap hell val venius had a reign why not R-Truth!!
Thread Title: Little Jimmy = Austin 3:16 ??

In no way am I comparing the legendary, intangible Austin 3:16 to Little Jimmy[/I]

thanks these 2 items contradict themselves. never thought I see someone ride both sides of the fence quite like that...

anyways...R-Truth's "Little Jimmy" is equal to Bobby Heenan's "Humanoids" or Bob Backlund's "Plebians"...just a derogatory nickname for the fans.

comparing that to Austin 3:16 is such a misnomer that you compare a nickname to the slogan that captured the attention of an entire fanbase to escalate to a birth of a new era in a company's creative direction
Calm Down.

In no way am I comparing the legendary, intangible Austin 3:16 to Little Jimmy. What I'm asking is did both sayings come about and pick up the same way. Austin 3:16 wasn't scripted, Austin just said it, and the next show the place was littered with signs, and it's today one of the greatest quotes in history. So, like Austin, do you think R-Truth just said Little Jimmy, and the crowd reacted, because I'm pretty sure Little Jimmy wasn't scripted. Another saying comes from one of my favorite feuds, HHH vs Taker (WM17), the whole, "you try me, i'll make you famous", this certainly seems like it would be scripted, but it just flowed so naturally I'm not sure, so was it good acting by dead man or a saying of his own?

Are there anymore sayings you think or know for sure weren't scripted that the crowd picked up and the E ran with ??
Is there any way to tell unless someone lets the cat out the bag ?

If you're not really following what I'm saying, A little while ago, I was reading up on one of my favorite shows, Burn Notice, and if anyone claims to be a half decent fan then you know that Michael loves yogurt. The director was asked about this, and he said the yogurt frenzy wasn't planned. When they were shooting there just happened to be a yogurt cup on the table, and Jeffery Donovan started eating it. Now yogurt, is like, a permanent fixture of the show.

the 'ill make you famous' line is a ripoff from billy the kid in the movie 'young guns', starring emilio estevez. i do still remember that promo however.
with that said, 'little jimmy' is a brilliant concept that i honestly think cm punk indirectly lifted the premise off of for his anti-cena promos.
however it came about, kudos to truth for his delivery and believability in this gimmick.

Come on now. Thats the first thing i thought of when i saw your post. Im surprised no one else said it first. But then again im pretty sure that it was a planned skit, but i dont think they expected it to be a huge hit still annoying wrestlers 10 years later! :lmao:

Yeah i cant really think of anything else.... Maybe the first time Jerry said "puppies"? And cole saying "vintage" every 2 seconds. Sure they didnt catch on superfast but they did. Its pretty bad when WWE made a "vintage" collection. :rolleyes:

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