"Cool Guy" Jensen
Undertaker for Champ!
Yesterday, Theo Mays was nice enough to make me a sig of my 3 favorite WWE divas.
Now, I would like to know if someone could PLEASE make me another sig.
To go with my WWE one, I would love one with my 3 favorite TNA Knockouts.
For those wondering, that would be Angelina Love, Taylor Wilde, and Velvet Sky.
Anyone who wouldn't mind helping me out, will receive rep for yours truly.
-Thank you!
Now, I would like to know if someone could PLEASE make me another sig.
To go with my WWE one, I would love one with my 3 favorite TNA Knockouts.
For those wondering, that would be Angelina Love, Taylor Wilde, and Velvet Sky.
Anyone who wouldn't mind helping me out, will receive rep for yours truly.
-Thank you!