Let's Talk Evolution


Scientific Skeptic
Preface: I don't know if this is exactly what's intended for the Cigar Lounge, as I am not exactly bringing up a topic to discuss, or asking questions, but I don't know any other place this would go, and this is about intellectual thought and knowledge. Assuming that this is a perfectly fine thread, I will update the OP and then bump the thread as I have more time and come across questions I think people will find interesting (or to answer other questions.)

Recently it's become more clear to me that a lot of people don't really know a lot about evolution, or it's basic tenets. Most people understand the concepts of natural selection, and that species have evolved from other species, but I find that's where a lot of the basic understanding ends. I like to think of myself as rather educated on the topic, and it's really one of the few topics I always yearn to know more about (the others that I can think of being faith, gay rights, and American politics).

What's I'm suggesting is a thread (this one clearly), where others can post questions, or post answers to common misconceptions or misunderstandings about evolution, and then they can be discussed if they are disagreed with, and then added to this OP as a general FAQ on evolution.

For example of the type of things I'm talking about:

Q: If we evolved from apes (or monkeys as some put it), why are the apes/monkeys/chimps still here?

A: That question should be more accurately phrased, "If we're evolved from modern apes, why are the modern apes still here?" The assumption here is that we're evolved from modern apes, and we're not. Without getting in to the exact details, because that's not entirely necessary, we share a common ancestor with chimps, apes, orangutans, etc. Instead of the chain going from other modern primates that exist now to us, the link is from a prior ancestor of ours to modern primates, thus there were more than one evolutionary path. So that's why other primates are still around, we're not on the exact same evolutionary line.

Q: How can you believe that such complex beings (like us for example) occurred by chance?

A: A question like this rather misleading. Evolution doesn't state that a series of chance mutations resulted in a 'perfectly' working system within a specie. If that were the case, the probably of existence of any specie we now have would be extremely low. To clarify: The only chance within evolution is the mutation itself, they do occur by chance. However natural selection does exactly what the name implies, it selects the mutations that are beneficial to that specie.

Here's an example. Let's say there is species X, and two different species X undergo two different mutations, Y & Z respectfully. Let's say that Y is beneficial, and Z is not, it's a hindrance. The species X with the Y mutation (beneficial) will be more successful than regular species X, and thus they will procreate more (as that is the entire purpose for an animal, to spread it's genes). Now that new generation from the specie that had that Y benefit will also inherit that Y benefit, and thus the proportion of creatures with that Y benefit has increased, and this cycle continues. Now hindrance Z is going to hurt the species X with it. Depending on the magnitude of that hindrance, this specific species X might die before procreating, or might create less children, etc. Thus hindrance Z has actually hurt the propagation of that species X's genes. In repeated cycles over generations, that Z mutation will die, whereas the Y mutation will thrive.

This is important to understand because it explains why seemingly perfect working system exist. It's not just the chance combination of a variety of characteristics and mutations, it's the combination of beneficial characteristics and mutations to already beneficial mutations. The bottom line is, if it doesn't improve the specie (the mutation that is), then it doesn't survive. Under this theory, it very much explains how we and many others have become so complex.
I would presume that you are talking about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, opposed to the Creationists Theory of Intelligent Design.

Charles Darwin believed that the human species evolved from a primordial soup, going through various metamorphoses until we are what you see today. The most common belief is that the last evolution occurred from apes, since they are animals that have traits in common with humans. That would make them our most recent descendants. It is something he referred to as “Natural Selection”.

You asked why they are still here if we are. Over the years I have read that scientists have been looking for a “missing link”, some form of chimp that is more human like than monkey. That could explain why apes are still here along with us. Until they find it the question will always be out there, unanswered.

The Creationists believed that the earth is only a few thousand years old, instead of the billions of years scientists have determined. And that we were in fact basically plucked down by some sort of God like creature. Most of the hard line Creationists believe in the Book of Genesis, and take it as a literal translation of how we ended up here.

As none of us were around back then, I'm not sure if the Bible is really the word of God or the greatest piece of fiction ever written, no one can answer these questions.

As for what are the chances of us becoming such complex beings. Well all you have to do is look at the diversity of the people around you. We all have different viewpoints and characteristics, no two are the same. We are unique to one another and it's a good thing too, otherwise this would be one boring planet. Our uniqueness comes from how we were raised to what we believe in, to how we view others. You can have 20 brothers and sisters and even though you come from the same parents, each one of you will be in your own little way different.

There are still people that believe in a flat earth society. They think that if you walk to the end of the earth you will fall off. Even though we now have satellites that show the earth as being round, they scoff at the idea. I have heard that if you visit Cape Canaveral and stand at the end of the runway the Space Shuttle uses, you can see the curvature of the earth. Some who believe in a flat earth would say it’s an optical illusion. Crazy I know but it takes all kinds to make this world work.
In Response to Navi

"Evolution vs Creationism was going to be my "Superior's War on Stupidity II", but I cancelled it under the realization that most of the Cigar Lounge has a fairly decent knowledge base and it wouldn't turn into an argument, nor would anyone need to be educated."

^That's what I was GOING to post, until Navi opened his mouth. He's on the side I prefer, but his post is more appropriate for 20 years ago and even then was quite poor.

I would presume that you are talking about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, opposed to the Creationists Theory of Intelligent Design.
No, he was just putting up an educational thread on Evolution. Not just the Theory, but the natural phenomenon itself.

Charles Darwin believed that the human species evolved from a primordial soup, going through various metamorphoses until we are what you see today. The most common belief is that the last evolution occurred from apes, since they are animals that have traits in common with humans. That would make them our most recent descendants. It is something he referred to as “Natural Selection”.
No, Charles did not believe that humans evolved from primordial soup. He had no knowledge of early life, and therefore never came to that conclusion. Metamorphoses occurs in insects. It has nothing to do with Evolution or the Theory of Evolution. You're correct that the most common belief is that the last evolution occurred from apes. That common belief is NOT held by scientists, and anyone educated on the subject knows better. Evolution is a constantly occuring process. It's happening in every form of life on Earth right now. Also, Children are descendants. You meant ancestors.

You asked why they are still here if we are. Over the years I have read that scientists have been looking for a “missing link”, some form of chimp that is more human like than monkey. That could explain why apes are still here along with us. Until they find it the question will always be out there, unanswered.
He asked no such question to be answered. If you had read his post, this was a question he was answering. Not something he wanted to know. Also, there are millions of "missing links" through out the fossil record. There have been billions upon billions of species living on Earth. We will never find fossils of them all. We do have a dozen or so transitional species between humans and our ancient non-bipedal ape ancestors. They all walked on two legs, and had large brains. However they were not human.

The Creationists believed that the earth is only a few thousand years old, instead of the billions of years scientists have determined. And that we were in fact basically plucked down by some sort of God like creature. Most of the hard line Creationists believe in the Book of Genesis, and take it as a literal translation of how we ended up here.
Creationists still believe that. Other than that brief bit of gammar spasm, you are correct.

As none of us were around back then, I'm not sure if the Bible is really the word of God or the greatest piece of fiction ever written, no one can answer these questions.
Genesis is wrong. Science has proven that time and again for the last two hundred years. As for the rest, that's opinion.

As for what are the chances of us becoming such complex beings. Well all you have to do is look at the diversity of the people around you. We all have different viewpoints and characteristics, no two are the same. We are unique to one another and it's a good thing too, otherwise this would be one boring planet. Our uniqueness comes from how we were raised to what we believe in, to how we view others. You can have 20 brothers and sisters and even though you come from the same parents, each one of you will be in your own little way different.
The chances of my air conditioner running right now in the exact spot its in is 1/ in Several trillion. Not by household statistical standards, but by the same standards as every other atom in the universe. Chance is a strange thing and often useful when trying to determine an outcome- such as the lottery, but in the end it means little to nothing when speaking of where something is or how it got there.

There are still people that believe in a flat earth society. They think that if you walk to the end of the earth you will fall off. Even though we now have satellites that show the earth as being round, they scoff at the idea. I have heard that if you visit Cape Canaveral and stand at the end of the runway the Space Shuttle uses, you can see the curvature of the earth. Some who believe in a flat earth would say it’s an optical illusion. Crazy I know but it takes all kinds to make this world work.
It's not that uncommon in creationism. I know a few that believe the Sun revolves around the Earth. Fact and Truth are important in this day and age. Believing in myths that tell falsehoods is something that keeps mankind in a bondage, and those that enable it are our intellectual slaveholders.
Answered the question: How can you believe that such complex beings (like us for example) occurred by chance?

I agree with everything Xemnas essentially said, and hopefully others find this topic interesting and useful, and can contribute questions and/or answers of their own.
Question: If evolution is a gradual process the covers billions of years, why can't we find a chain of fossils that clearly show the process? Why does all the fossil evidence seem to have big jumps in between each stage?

Question: Why haven't scientists found the "missing link" between humans and our ancestral species? If there is no doubt that evolution is true, why is there such excitement in the scientific community every few years when someone finds "the missing link" (even though a few weeks later it comes out that this was a hoax or just a false alarm)?
Question: If evolution is a gradual process the covers billions of years, why can't we find a chain of fossils that clearly show the process? Why does all the fossil evidence seem to have big jumps in between each stage?
Answer: Because fossils don't fall out of the sky. Not everything fossilizes. The condition has to be just right for fossilization of an organism to occur, so there aren't too many to find. And even then, we still have to find it in the ground. And we do- New ones every day.

Question: Why haven't scientists found the "missing link" between humans and our ancestral species? If there is no doubt that evolution is true, why is there such excitement in the scientific community every few years when someone finds "the missing link" (even though a few weeks later it comes out that this was a hoax or just a false alarm)?
1. We haven't seen a false alarm like that in a few decades to my knowledge. 2. As I already answered- there are over a dozen known species between humans and our non-bipedal ape ancestors. All of them would be considered "missing links".

Here's a list of all species involved in human evolution

Genus Sahelanthropus
Sahelanthropus tchadensis

Genus of Orrorin
Orrorin tugenensis

Genus of Ardipithecus
Ardipithecus kadabba
Ardipithecus ramidus
Australopithecus anamensis
Australopithecus afarensis
Australopithecus bahrelghazali
Australopithecus africanus
Australopithecus garhi
Australopithecus sediba
Paranthropus aethiopicus
Paranthropus boisei
Paranthropus robustus
Kenyanthropus platyops

In the Genus of Homo - our closest realitivesHomo habilis
Homo rudolfensis
Homo ergaster
Homo georgicus
Homo erectus
Homo cepranensis
Homo antecessor
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo rhodesiensis
Homo neanderthalensis
Homo sapiens idaltu
Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon)
Homo sapiens sapiens - Humans- Us
Homo floresiensis

I apologize for "taking over your thread" Salv. I'll let you get the next one. I promise. XD
By all means Xemnas, do take the thread. As TC, I intend to collect all the answers and put them in the original post as a general FAQ. When I have time later today I will expand a bit on what you said, especially Australopithecus Afarensis, as that one is particularly important, as well as touch on the other means of evidence for evolution, as the fossil evidence isn't the most impressive in my opinion (although a huge part).
Evolution is simple. When you actually break it down.

The first question that any non-evolution type brings up is always, "Why are monkeys still here, if we evolved from monkeys?" First things first, it's not monkeys. It's primates that we evolved from. Next, we didn't evolve from modern-day monkeys/primates. Finally, the reason any form of a primate is still in the form that it currently is, is due to the fact that it takes thousands to millions of years for these changes to take place.

Religious/non-evolutionary types always ask, "Why aren't there any monkeys born half monkey/half human? Why hasn't a monkey given birth to a human baby?"

Because no one in their right mind has ever claimed evolution took place that way. Ever. Not once. Evolution by definition doesn't happen in one event. That wouldn't be evolution. That would be instant change. There is a big difference.

Take something like the evolution of a language. Historically, our language was used far differently than it currently is in this country. Especially in certain regions of this country.

Certain words/phrases are dropped. Certain affectations are picked up. Certain words are shifted/altered. Certain people speak differently due to their surroundings and the people that molded their speech.

Nonetheless, none of these things happened over night. It took generations upon generations to get language to form the current shape it forms. Some would call that a bad thing. Nonetheless, it still proves a point. It doesn't happen over night.

For all we know, the primates currently roaming the Earth could be in the position we were in, millions of years ago.

In terms of the "How do you believe that complex creatures can happen by chance," question, it's simple. It's not about belief. Doesn't matter how hard it is to IMAGINE happening, if it's scientifically backed, that's it. If that is where the evidence points, then you have to assume it's at least more likely then a all-powerful man in the sky that has no proof or evidence.

Nonetheless, that's not the measuring stick. It's simply true. The measuring stick is, any theory that is currently in place that holds the most weight. Currently, it seems to be (and I'm not a scientist and would never claim to be one) that we HAPPENED upon this planet, through a series of unplanned events that gathered the correct genes in order to prosper in different climates and circumstances. When you understand the human body (even as little of it that I understand,) you realize that the system we have in place is all about self-preservation. It's not really a happenstance in that sense. The fact we are here is the only "accident."
Question: How did sexual reproduction evolve?

Question: What about irreducible complexity? What good is evolving an eye if there is nothing to carry the information from your eye to your brain?

Question: What about the Cambrian Explosion?
Question: How did sexual reproduction evolve?
Scientists currently have developed several competing hypotheses to explain the evolution of sexual reproduction. Many groups of organisms, notably the majority of animals and plants, reproduce sexually. The evolution of sex contains two related, yet distinct, themes: its origin and its maintenance. However, since the hypotheses for the origins of sex are difficult to test experimentally, most current work has been focused on the maintenance of sexual reproduction.- Wikipedia

Question: What about irreducible complexity? What good is evolving an eye if there is nothing to carry the information from your eye to your brain?

Irreducible complexity is one of the most common creationist arguments, and for the longest time I didn't have an answer because I wasn't educated enough- however I learned that the process is a bit similar to a sky scraper. When you're building a sky scraper you have scaffolds in place and other structures that keep the incomplete structure in place. When the structure is complete, all of the other structures and scaffolds are gone. Also, the nerves that carried the information evolved before the eye did.

Question: What about the Cambrian Explosion?

What about it?

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