Let's Settle This #2: Daniel Bryan

What do you think about Daniel Bryan

  • Love the guy! Hes funny, over, great wrestler.

  • I like him...but he does get on the nerves after a while.

  • Hate him. Vanilla midget that really wrecked Batista's return

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Is it me or?
*Hopefully fixed some bugs the first one had. Second in a series featuring people or things people here disagree about.


>Came into the E back in 2010, in NXT Season 1, and made a splash from the get go.
>Member of original Nexus, but leaves in "remorse"
>Member of "Team WWE" at SS 2010
>Won first title from the Miz in 2010
>Mr. MITB 2011
>Wins WHC form Big Show at TLC 2011
>Member of great Tag team Team Hell No and wins the tag gold (which i saw live btw)
>Screwed outta WWE WHC by the Authority, invoking a long "Worker vs Control" storyline that lasts frickin forever. Finally wins it at WM 30...only to suffer a nasty neck injury.
>IS a vanilla midget
>Is a great technical wrestler
>Totally over with fans
>ONly over because of YES YES YES

MY TAKE: I like the guy, but I do agree the YES got a little old after a while. Hes an incredible wrestler, but doesn't exactly have a pro wrasslin' look.

What you do you guys think? LETS SETTLE THIS!!!
As for me I really like Bryan. He's an excellent wrestler and performer. A top class guy.

The "YES!" thing did get old after awhile but looking at crowds when Bryan would make his entrance you wouldnt notice it. He's just one of those guys you cant hate no matter how repetitive he can be at times.

He being a smaller wrestler only adds to his appeal. With guys like Cena, Lesnar, Orton, HHH on the roster, Bryan stands out and people want to see him succeed as the underdog.
I love Bryan. He's does all the right things - put on good matches, cut promos and doesn't get in trouble.

The only problem I have with him is how they booked them. They made him look so weak against Kane of all people, even running away from him while he's WWE WHC. I understand you want your opponent to look credible but this isn't Attitude Era Kane we're talking about. This is 2014 almost 50 Kane.

The fact they were going to book him to get demolished by Brock at Summerslam, only goes to show how much respect they had towards as champion
I have to agree with kadroan.

They book him to beat HHH, Bluetista and The Latex Predator in a single night, but suddenly he's scared of a 46 year old 7 foot veteran in Kane. He's a great talent no doubt, but that angle was just messy. Thankfully we got a table on fire, but the feud was way below Bryan's standards.

As for Bryan on the whole, he had to be given major credit for the success of Hell No and a slight boost to the prestige of the Tag Team championships. He played the underdog role well during his feud with the authority and earned one of the biggest pops against Bray Wyatt, while also putting over the better Rotunda brother.

Above all, he's about my height :wtf: and he's been impressive both in the WWE and the indy circuits, and he deserves far less hate than he's been getting since Summerslam 2013.
He's fine, but not really the kind of wrestler I like to see. Especially on the mic he seems a bit lackluster. His injury gave space to Ambrose and Rollins to be pushed which I like a lot more.
I LOVE Daniel Bryan.

He, along with Dolph Ziggler, is my favorite wrestler right now. He gives us great matches, promos full of heart, stays out of trouble and actually makes me want to cheer for him. He has that average guy appeal that makes you want to see him succeed.

Daniel Bryan is the guy people in charge didn't want to have on top because he doesn't have the right look or because he is an internet darling or even because he doesn't play the politics but the man took all of that and made it work for his character.

Bryan could get the people on side because he is a underdog and cheering for him makes you feel like you are the whole reason he is successful. which is great. he gives power to the people. We had the power to change the Main Event of Wrestlemania.
I think he's a great guy. Carries himself extremely well in interviews, seems humble, and just gives off a positive vibe no matter what he's doing. There are some wrestlers you can watch, or listen to, and you know they LOVE what they're doing, and you know that they have a passion for the industry and want to succeed in it. Daniel Bryan is the epitome of that description in my opinion.

No, I don't find him as THE most entertaining wrestler, though I think he's right up there. But I always know I'll see him giving it 100% every time. I get a sense of believability whether he's wrestling or cutting a promo that the guy I'm watching and listening to is the same guy you could bump into in the middle of the street and have a friendly conversation with.

He has many endearing qualities as a wrestler, and just as a regular guy. That's why I like him, and why many others do too.

As for the YES! thing, I think it's cool, and I like that it spread across and dipped into non-wrestling events.

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