Let's remake some movies...


2 Time Co-Beach Volleyball Champion
Given the recent wave of movies being remade or reimaged, whatever you call it, I would like you all to give me three (3) movies prior to 1990 that you think could be redone and be as good as the original. Conversely give me three (3) that they should not remake. Give me reasons also, just not the movie names, I want to know your reasoning.
I'll start this off. The three I think should not be remade, that are classics the way they are and any remake would pale in comparision are :
1. Rocky - I don't think they could tell this story any better than they have. There are no super special effects that could be updated, the acting was fine, and it had a kinda gritty feel to it. They couldn't make this movie better than it is.
2. Breakfast Club - The dynamic of the actors couldn't be matched, those kids did a nice job together. Plus I think if they tried to remake it, it would come off somewhat cheesey.
3. Caddyshack - My reasoning on this is somewhat a combination of the previous 2 movies, there was no real special effects, other than the groundhog and that kinda helps that it is obviously stuffed looking, in my opinion, so no need to update that. Plus you can't find a better cast.
The 3 that could be tastefully remade are :
1. Weird Science - 2 dorks that make a hot chick. This movie is asking to be remade and it would work and be sucessful. Kids today haven't seen the original, they could cast Micael Cera and some other dork, some hot woman and not even have to follow the exact script, just go off on the same direction, new jokes and what not.
2. Risky Business - This also could easily be remade and be good. Almost for the same reasons as I had for Weird Science, just take the basic script, recast with young fresh faces and kids today would go see it.
3. The Thing- Remake John Carpenters remake of the original. Simple because special effects have advanced greatly in the time since this came out. It's still a good story, just needs to be spruced up a bit.
In my opinion, remakes should only be made for movies that could have been better, not for classics that stand the test of time. With that said, here are a couple of movies from me.

Rookie of the Year - I loved this movie when I was a kid, but as an adult, while still a little fun, doesn't hold up quite as well. I think this should be remade with the same storyline, but make it PG-13 or even R, and give a more realistic feel to the movie, instead of all that goofy, illogical shit.

Silver Bullet - What a coincidence, another movie starring Gary Busey :lmao: Seriously though, does this movie piss anyone else off? What a piece of shit. I love Stephen King's work, and this was the first of his work to get thrown in the fucking toilet by Hollywood (though I do feel Carrie is one of the most overrated movies of all time and didn't give the book justice, but many, many more feel differently, so I'm in the minority on that one). It's like they didn't even try with this one. Anyway, I would love to see this remade by someone who actually knows what he/she's doing, and a cast that doesn't suck dick (though Corey Haim is okay in my book). This story is too awesome to have such a shitty movie. It needs to be remade, NOW!

I'll come up with more later, perhaps.
I'd like to see Rob Zombie remake Deliverance. It's right up his ally and could make it a much darker film. There was also a rumor recently about Zombie remaking Halloween III: Season of the Witch. It turned out to be false but I would have liked to have seen that. If not Rob, I hope somebody does it 'cause I always thought the premise of the movie was cool, just executed poorly. Other than that, I'd like to see a darker, more twisted version of Flowers in the Attic.

As for 3 films that shouldn't be made, I don't have any to list. I don't mind remakes, if they suck, fine, the original still exits.
Well i can think of 3 that shouldn't be done:

Back To The Future Don't do it! EVER! No one could ever recapture the same chemistry as Michael J and Christopher Lloyd. Plus i doubt it would attract a huge audience either.

Nightmare on Elm Street See they're actually doing this one. We didn't need Friday the 13th remade, and we didn't need Hallowe'en remade either. Plus it'll only open up the avenue for you to do more remakes that no one wants.

The Godfather Basically i don't think anyone could direct anything anywhere near the standard of the original 3, but i'm sure some muppet will try.

Remakes that should be amde:

Superman I think they should really just start again to be honest. I'm fine with leaving all the actors from the recent one as the cast, but we need to scrap the whole 'Son of Superman' bollocks (like Lane's womb could handle it even) and start over.

Mad Max Now this would be interesting to see purely because i'm sure they could find some hot up and coming star who can act circles around Mel Gibson, although they'd probably just cop out and go with Bale, meaning he'll spend 3 months roaming round Australia wearing crazy armour and making people hack their limbs off before their car explodes. You know, so he can really get into the role believably.

Brain Dead Oh, i'd love to see them re-make this. What with all the other awesome special effects they have for Zombie movies these days, and the sheer comedy value of the script combined, would result in one totally awesome remake.

Other examples: Hellraiser and.... well basically, any horror movie that didn't suck in the first place, could easily be remade successfully.
Well i can think of 3 that shouldn't be done:

Back To The Future Don't do it! EVER! No one could ever recapture the same chemistry as Michael J and Christopher Lloyd. Plus i doubt it would attract a huge audience either.

Nightmare on Elm Street See they're actually doing this one. We didn't need Friday the 13th remade, and we didn't need Hallowe'en remade either. Plus it'll only open up the avenue for you to do more remakes that no one wants.

The Godfather Basically i don't think anyone could direct anything anywhere near the standard of the original 3, but i'm sure some muppet will try.

Other examples: Hellraiser and.... well basically, any horror movie that didn't suck in the first place, could easily be remade successfully.

I agree with you on everything except you mention that Nightmare, Friday and Halloween shouldn't have been redone. I enjoyed the remakes, the originals are still better, and the remakes don't take away from that. But there is a whole generation that didn't grow up with these films. I'm 33, so those are the horror icons I grew up with, but kids these days have nothing really, as a horror movie series. Other than Saw. I work with teenage kids as a mentor and 90% of the kids I work with weren't aware that there was a Friday the 13th movie before the remake came out. Which made me feel old and made me think kids are stupid.
As far as Nightmare, I loved the original but I watched it recently and it comes off as kinda chessey, mainly because of how far technology has progressed since it was released 25 years ago. And no one can replace Robert England, but i look forward to seeing how it turns out.
Alrighty. Let's get this party started:

Top Three Movies To Be Remade:

Krull : Good idea, weirdly executed. Refined by today's standards, this could be epic. Especially he scene in the lava. A great film that could stand to get cleaned up a bit.

A Clockwork Orange : I know. I know.. McDowell owned this role. But it was done with an angle that left a lot of people tilting their heads and confused. I think a remake of the classic could be interesting, especially if they filmed BOTH ending and put one on the DVD.

Masters of the Universe : We all love He-Man. I love He-Man. You love He-Man. I think bringing this back would be fantastic, especially if you can somehow toss She-Ra in there as well to complete the cast. Verne Troyer as Orko!

Top Three Movies To Be Deemed Sacred:

The Back To The Future Trilogy : Certain things are so awesome you can't beat it. From the lines we all know and love, to the actors we love so much. Who hasn't at some point in their life, had the line in their head: "When this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit." ? GREAT SCOTT!

The Terminator : I love sequels. But the first Terminator started the everything. Kyle Reese was perfectly done. No one could replace Michael Beihn in this film. I wouldn't mind if ILM came in and cleaned up the special effects, but the original acting and screenplay was perfect.

Willow : Sweet, charming Willow. Who else thought that R2-D2 would get his own film? Okay, it wasn't REALLY Artoo, but we all love him just the same. There was a certain magick to the 80's version of special effects that would be ruined with 200X Hollywood.

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