Actually all my comments were responses to your posts...so it is not I my friend...

Actually I responded to each thing you said in detail and then for my own amusement mocked you...so that means either you can't read or you have reading comprehension problems...

I'm not...just wondering why you made it the central theme of EVERY post you made. Go back and reread your posts...in every comment you had some sort of anti-gay bias...I just thought it was humorous to point it out...

I don't hate the guy at all...go back and reread some of my prior posts on the subject...outside of the ring I have heard he is a hard worker that gives 100% to his career and he dedicates him to many many charities which tells me he gives back to his community...I would never despise a guy like that. My problem was his on-screen portrayal...just not something im into...I don't see the problem with that...you might but I don't...its boring and stale and not in any way interesting to me...at least I gave honest clear cut and intelligent reasons why..

I don't wanna see the guy fired...I would prefer him as a heel dropping the rap gimmick...something less kid friendly and SuperCena like...I feel the rap angle is boring...like i said before if i wanna hear a white rapper I will pop in some Eminem...change yourself up man...even Hogan reinvented himself in the nWo....do something drastic and stop being the same thing over and over...

I have been a fan of WWF/WWE since 1985...some periods were better then others but like any other entertainment venue you stick with the good and the bad...I'm from NY and I'm a Yankee fan...that doesn't mean if they start losing every game I'll like another team...I just wish there wasn't such a mad on by Vince to edit out every mention of the name Wrestling from his Wrestling company...

I don't have a particular favorite among the crop of current performers...some guys I like and some I don't...none of them seem to give me a reason to favor one over the other...

I never said that....again...go read YOUR OWN POSTS...every single one was laced with anti-homo rants...I could care less I just thought it was funny....don't put it on me...had you said nothing I would've had no response to give...

LOL sorry but humor isnt your next step, you cant even mock me, i mean if you did that i didnt even understood.
You didnt make any valuable point, the only thing i get in here is that you are a hater and a old guy that misses attitude era and that right now must be addicted to TNA, cause it has Kurt Angle (Dont you love him?)

You dont make sense, you just hate him because Kids love him?? Okay, I Hate every guy that has been huge in the Attitude Era because they are cheered for old people that thinks that they know it all!!
Right now, 70% of your posts is about the homophobic slur!!
John Cena's rap isnt all about gay things, and who the hell wrote that, it was good!!
If it was an 1vs1 battle rap, John Cena would own him, just saying... WWE will not hire Eminem just for you get a good rap, they write their stuff and its funny because it was and is a good form of getting in with a feud...

When, WHEN John Cena turn a heel, will be such a shock to every single person, including you, that you cant even dream...
The moment that we see John Cena assaulting a face so bad, will make every hater jerk off!!

John Cena is a great wrestler, only a prick like you cant see that!!

John Cena vs Kurt Angle
John Cena vs JBL - I Quit Match
John Cena vs Randy Orton - Hell in a Cell
John Cena vs Batista - SummerSlam
John Cena vs HBK
hell even John Cena vs Ziggler was GOOD!!!
Probably the best matches that he had!!
You didnt like any of them?

John Cena is the best talker in the WWE right now
and for sure the guy that VKM give his ass only for having him in the WWE

I will not respond anymore to this post, you are just ******ed!!!

TWJC you should do the same, you are only wasting your time my man, the guy is a hater without reason!!

For all the Haters, stop bitching and please continue to BOO him and chanting Cena Sucks, because all the atmosphere is great with that!!
Is like Kurt Angle, even as a face people chanted that he sucks, and everybody knows that he doesnt (Edge is great)!!
I believe that the guys in the crowd that chant Cena Sux.. would cheer him if he was heel, which again would be the same problem as a worker is trying to create heat for their character. If you're a heel then you want boos but Cena would create cheers if he was heel from this demographic I think ... they really want him to turn heel..
Honestly i think that once Cena's merchandise is selling that he'll remain the same. I mean the WWE is a business and its the goal of every business is to make a profit and by catering to kids he brings in a lot of money. Its the same reason that fast food places give away toys with their kiddie meals. Appeal to the kids and the parents WILL follow. But i wouldn't mind him turning heel. I like Cena and he'll change whenever WWE creative decides that the time is right for him to switch but hes doing an awesome job overall. He gets TOTAL crowd reaction, its not like the divas match which is pretty much the universal restroom break ( i hope that ends when Kong comes in). He gets people to watch and spend money so hes doing a great job.:icon_neutral:
I don't know what the original post is even talking about. Cena is still a legitimate face. He is the face of WWE as a whole right now. As for the hate.... that is mostly from attitude era fanboys who don't like that Cena stopped being the rapper heel, and don't like his current style of getting beat up only to hulk up and hit one of his finishers for the win. It is absolutely not wrong for him to "never give up" or have hustle, loyalty, and respect because that is a great thing for a top face to be portraying for the fans who look up to him. He is a hero to many. I would probably not hate him as a heel, I'm a huge Cena mark and cheered for him even when he was a heel long ago. I already explained why he gets disrespected, it is from attitude era fanboys who cannot move on, and a group who complain about the "5 moves of doom" or him not selling. Cena's not going anywhere and they need to realize that he's out there doing everything he can to entertain the very people who hate him, it isn't fair, but you can't force them to like him either.
I started watching wrestling right at the end of the attitude era xD, but i know most of it and because of the internet and various videos i can tell it was REALLY good but right now pg is the main thing and people just need to deal with it. Cena cuts awesome promos while staying within the pg border and thats quite the accomplishment. Its hard to really insult someone without cussing xD
HE'S NOT A TRADITIONAL HEEL OR FACE HE'S TOTALLY NEW. By doing BABYFACE THINGS he gets HEEL HEAT from the smarks. Because of this, he's a HEEL to them. A heel is just someone who wants to get booed. He wants to get booed by the IWC. It's a great reaction.

YES, he wants to be booed, not by everyone (which he doesn't, not even close) but by YOU. YOU don't like him because he doesn't want you to. He IS the biggest babyface in the company.
Awesome...then Mission Accomplished...

goddman you're dumb. I mean that as an abjective, not an insult. As in, everyone else is able to comprehend this except for you. CENA ONLY WANTS CHEERS FROM KIDS NOT EVERYONE... YOU BOOING HIM IS WHAT HE WANTS, NOT EVERYONE, JUST YOU AND THE IWC...This isn't 1980, this isn't even 2000. The way the crowd is, you MUST be able to work BOTH types of fans to get everyone 100% making noise.
Good for him...as I said Mission accomplished...

He does't suck and his character doesn't suck. If it did, there wouldn't be so much noise.

Actually that’s a matter of opinion...IMHO opinion and in the opinions of many, many different posters his character does indeed suck but whatever...agrees to disagree...I’m starting to see I’m arguing in circles...I posted what I felt and why I felt that...but it seems that those reasons aren’t valid to people that feel differently...I mean this is getting way to serious...I mean really...whatev...you like him, you have your reasons and that’s fine.....I don’t, I have my reasons and that’s fine too...let’s leave it at that and move on to other things....
see now cena oversells his bumps which is even worse. he gets hit twice and is down for the count until its shoulder block time.
i use to like cena. now i just respect him.
its and wow he lost one mania in his set up for next year's mania. and how come cena entered last in the main event if he was the challenger? and why did he need a video? we know about cena that video was pointless. the miz's video served a purpose and was actually good.
i get why cena became the face of the company but they went a little overboard with it. and yeah he lost to barret and then eventually got fired but then became unbeatable and took out nexus then burried barret. then took all of them out in the rumble. yeah orton punted them but those were all one on one situations.
the point is even though cena showed signs of improvement and hasnt been the champ, he's still been in the spotlight in a bad way
LOL sorry but humor isn’t your next step, you can’t even mock me, i mean if you did that I didn’t even understood.
Well it’s unfair to mock people when they can’t even tell what’s going on...

You didn’t make any valuable point, the only thing I get in here is that you are a hater and an old guy that misses attitude era and that right now must be addicted to TNA, and because it has Kurt Angle (Don’t you love him?)
I know I know I know...specifically explaining things in specific detail is not saying anything valuable when disagreeing with the likes of you...don’t know where the TNA reference came from but um ok...

You don’t make sense; you just hate him because Kids love him?? Okay, I hate every guy that has been huge in the Attitude Era because they are cheered for old people that thinks that they know it all!!
Ok see this shows lack of literacy...I never once said I hated him just didn’t like his onscreen portrayal and it had nothing to do with kids liking him..you must confusing me with another person you are arguing with...so you don’t like the Attitude Era...that’s fine a lot of people do and apparently Vince is one of them since he gathered as many Attitude Era wrestlers as he could to help prop up his currently weak product on the biggest PPV of the year but hey what do I know...

Right now, 70% of your posts is about the homophobic slur!!
Ya know...I was gonna let this go but since you wanna keep harping on my responses to your comments then ok...this was ur original post....

....maybe if Cena dresses up as a ballerina you would like him!! And if Cena is a midcard what would you think about JoMo or DB? You probably think that they are AWESOME and you want to fuck with them, maybe a threesome!!
And then...
... and if you didnt smile with Cena's rap (to Rock) and his homophobic slur, well you have personality issues my man!! WWE is PG now...in case you don’t know Brokeback Mountain is a movie with homo characters, its not the word, is how he said that, it was cool and fun to watch!...because you're a little bit old to watch WWE and you only like to see guys with 6 pack abs doing suplexes and hurricaranas ...P.S I rather be a child for thinking that is funny when John Cena called The Rock GAY, than being here and simply saying The Rock is not gay, you are :´(
These are YOUR words focused at me directly...then I turn around and mock you for all the comments and you are confused to where I got my responses from...this conversation would help if you possessed common sense but this has become a waste of time...you’re too stupid to see what is even happening even when the words come from you...

If it was a 1vs1 battle rap, John Cena would own him, just saying...
Your posts are getting dumber and dumber as they go on...since when did WWE become a battle rap stage...this was about who had a better promo...I had one opinion and you had another...fair enough...;but trying to make it about who has the battle rap is just ignorant...now I’m just sayin...

When, WHEN John Cena turn a heel, will be such a shock to every single person, including you, that you can’t even dream...The moment that we see John Cena assaulting a face so bad, will make every hater jerk off!!
Here we go with more gay rants...of course I’m sure you will respond with “huh, wha...what do you mean” this is because you are stupid and insignificant...you are immature and can’t believe someone would have an opinion that is odds with yours...

John Cena is a great wrestler; only a prick like you can’t see that!!
Fine then I’m a prick...so be it...to me he isn’t and that’s the end of that...

John Cena is the best talker in the WWE right now
Again...ur opinion...that’s fine...like I said to the last poster I am going to agree to disagree and leave it at that...

TWJC you should do the same, you are only wasting your time my man, the guy is a hater without reason!!
I listed several and people that have brains discussed it in this forum with me and we left it off on cordial terms...you however are an utter moron so I’m done with the back and forth...

PS...thanks for the sig...:flipa:
I don't think Cena is working on Cena-haters at all. A couple of years back Cena was getting booed and WWE was trying to ignore/hide those reactions. The sounds were getting edited, the guys who had Cena sucks signs were not shown. I think even after WM25 match he had a photo in front of the crowd and Cena Sucks signs were edited out from the picture so they can put it on the website. I might still find that pic, or just watch him after the match. If WWE is doing anything now, they are acknowledging those fans. Cena is acknowledging those fans. I will believe they are working on these fans when I see WWE.com sells I hate Cena merchandise. Currently, I wouldn't care if I didn't see Cena on an episode or at least I won't watch any show just because of him. I won't buy a ticket, I won't order a PPV or I won't be able to buy a Cena Sucks merchandise, so WWE can't make money because of the fact I hate Cena. So my hatred doesn't give WWE anything, at least just yet.

As for the reactions, personally if I go out to that ring, act like I am a hot shot, act like I am the Rock when obviously I am not, fans will boo me out of the building. And if I do that against the Miz a couple of kids will cheer regardless which will end up fueling the boos even more. Here you go. I have a reaction for you, what I mean is not every reaction is good...
What would it take for Cena to become a legitmate face again?

Why so much hate for a guy who doesn't change his approach?

Is it wrong to for him to "never give up" or have "hustle, loyalty, and respect"?

Would you hate him even more if he were a heel?

Why does a top draw in the company get disrespected as much as he does?

1)cena is still a face, but lets face it, some people like him while others dont so it goes both ways.
2)like i already said, he gets alot of love as well so its a 2 way street.
3)no its not, however people arent afraid to voice their opinions so who cares?
4)its like kane being heel/face, he flips back and forth depending on the situation, he could be heel, then next thing you know he is a face so it doesnt matter.
5)people get sick of cena winning major titles, and always being super-cena, and his same 5 moves, i like how kane, big show, undertaker, rock, or any other huge name, you dont hear people diss their moves. cena goes out and gives us his all but people still dont like him, thats just the way it is. people are hypocrites, and wont be pleased with anything therefore they complain about every little thing and miss the bigger picture (no offence meant to anyone but this is the truth).
5)people get sick of cena winning major titles, and always being super-cena, and his same 5 moves, i like how kane, big show, undertaker, rock, or any other huge name, you dont hear people diss their moves. cena goes out and gives us his all but people still dont like him, thats just the way it is. people are hypocrites, and wont be pleased with anything therefore they complain about every little thing and miss the bigger picture (no offence meant to anyone but this is the truth).

Like I said in my OP, he hasn't had a major title since June of last year and again, every popular superstar, past or present had there own "5 moves of Doom". If you pick whoever your favorite was/is, watch 2 or 3 of there matches and you will see what I'm talking about. As far as dissing moves go, The Rock used to get killed on boards like this for his moves. The People's Elbow was a constant punchline. That's just one example.

Fans will never be satisfied and nowadays the great thing about this whole deal is that we are allowed to cheer and boo for whoever we want, which I think is great. They listen to the people now, more than ever. The purpose of this whole thread was just to gauge if the hate/love for Cena is legit, or is it more of a thing to do because you are at a live event.
I don't know what the original post is even talking about. Cena is still a legitimate face. He is the face of WWE as a whole right now.

I think my definition of a legit babyface may be different. Im talking in terms of what Hogan used to be back in the day. When everyone in America (at least an overwhelming %) would cheer for him because he was a good guy. Hogan always did the right thing and never backed down (so to speak) from any challenger. It was more of a comparison to the golden era. Hogan, SCSA, and Cena were all "the face of the WWE" at one point, but SCSA was a tweener. Everyone loved and related to him because everyone, at one point or another, wanted to knock their boss out or give him/her the middle finger without any reprocussions(sp?). I understand times are different and the Attitude Era made it cool to cheer for the bad guy. Cena is the ultimate company man. He does all of the things the proto typical good guy would do except he gets killed for it and is more or less resented by a good % of the fans (hence the LETs go CENA!!/CENA SUX! title).Hope that cleared it up for you.
This whole "5 Moves of Doom" fuckshit really needs to stop. Every WAY over wrestler has the same damn repitore type. They have their money moves, little punch combo, and finishers. And sometimes they bust out a big spot for a big match. It doesn't matter if its Cena, HHH, Hogan, Undertaker, or hell even Kurt fucking Angle. They have the same moves that are their 'go to' moves. Don't believe, then youtube the shit. Does Cena know how to do more than what he does in the ring? Yes. If he pulls out a german suplex to jacknife pin or a fucking top rope michinoku driver will the haters cheer him? No- they are fucking haters, they'll find something else. The guy wasn't trained in the Dungeon but he's still a good wrestler, so you're arguments are fucking invalid.
Its gotten really unbearable, i can't watch ANY wrestling videos on youtube with John Cena in them without a bunch of cena hate in the comments. Even some old attitude-era videos, they are never about the actual video but how the people wrestling would "Bury john Cena's candy striped ass". And its always the same thing, the 5 moves of Doom or SuperCena. Almost every WWE superstar is watered down, R-truth could do alot more than most people are aware of for example and the divas can't go all out because they will look like they are actually wrestling like the men. If you don't like him thats fine and you are entitled to your opinion. That being said we don't really need to have your opinion shoved down our throats because it gets very annoying when we want to watch our favourtie wrestler.......By the way....if you really don't like him then don't talk about him xD it just doesn't make sense ^__^
For all of these whiners complaining about the "Five Moves Of Doom"... watch the match with R-Truth a couple of weeks ago. Go ahead, I'll wait...

Ok, you done? I believe the signs were there in that match of John Cena bringing everything out to try to take out R-Truth after his first couple of matches, and Cena showing frustration that his moves weren't working. It looked like he was trying to INTENTIONALLY not use the so-called "Five Moves Of Doom" to shut you IWC idiots up. Cena has more than the "Five Moves Of Doom", it's how the WWE creative team books him in the same formula that they used for Hulk Hogan during his heyday.

And if you REALLY don't think Cena can wrestle, go back and watch his debut match with Kurt Angle. I'll wait...

You're back? Ok. Angle made Cena look like a million bucks, and Cena showed the type of ability that he truly has. Again, as I said before, WWE BOOKS HIM in this "Five Moves of Doom" manner.

I like the role that Cena is playing now. He is completely over as a face (regardless of the assclowns that boo him), and he is doing his job the way that the E WANTS him to do his job. Maybe one day he'll make that nWo type heel turn that is completely shocking just to shut you IWC marks up. Frankly I hope he doesn't.
So true, but man if you go to watch any video with Cena in it on youtube you can't read the majority of the comments, that pisses me of, hes been giving and giving for years but the minute the rock comes back everyone turns on him. I get that hes not your fav superstar but how can anyone hate him? He has granted more make-a-wish wishes than anybody else and that alont proves that he has a heart. Cena is a great guy and a good wrestler.
The problem with Cina is, he ONLY has 3 moves in the ENTIRE match. He is a hardworking man, no doubt, but he work only on his body, not his in ring ability. Can you imagine that he's actually been wrestling for 15 years! When he is on, I knew it's time to take a break. Watching the commercials is so much more entertaining than watching his match. I, for one isn't thrilled to know that he has already booked a place in the coming Wreatlemania with The Rock.

Oh, I almost forgot... "CENA SUX"

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