
The Greatest of the Universe!!
I was watching Raw yesterday and I heard the classic chant by the fans. the fact that fans are openly expressing themselves and are allowed to do so is great. I have a couple of problems with this chant though: it doesn't seem genuine to me. Some people seem to boo or say Cena sux just because it's the thing to do. Kinda like the chants you hear at a high school basketball game when each side of the gym is going back and forth for there team. "hell everyone else is doing it, I gonna join in".

IMO he hasn't garnered any heat or disdain from the crowd, but people continue to boo. I hear all the supposed reasons and they were all relevant, 3 years ago.
"He does the same 5 moves of Doom"
"he doesn't sell his bumps"
"he always comes back to win no matter what"

Here we are in 2011 and Cena hasn't had a World Title since June of 2010. He lost to Sheamus in a tables match and again in a Triple Threat Match (or was it a Fatal 4 Way?). Lost to Wade Barrett and had to join nexus, got "fired". Hell he even lost a one on one match at WM27 to the Fn Miz of all people (with the "help" of the Rock). I doubt he will win at ER either and continue the spiral, but yet people will continue to chant Cena Sux. And when he comes back to eventually win the title (whenever that may be) people will go back to the same old song. I understood it when the Rock came around but he has since gone and won't be back until 2 May and then he will be gone again. Im pretty sure he took all of Team Bring it with him.

I guess my questions on this thread are:

What would it take for Cena to become a legitmate face again?

Why so much hate for a guy who doesn't change his approach?

Is it wrong to for him to "never give up" or have "hustle, loyalty, and respect"?

Would you hate him even more if he were a heel?

Why does a top draw in the company get disrespected as much as he does?

What would it take for Cena to become a legitmate face again?

I love him personally no homo. He does his job, and does it like a pro.

Why so much hate for a guy who doesn't change his approach?

People seem to hate someone who seems non human in his character...the point is...thats how is in real life! He has that mentality where he will die in the ring if he has to because thats what his life has been about.

Is it wrong to for him to "never give up" or have "hustle, loyalty, and respect"?

Nope, the same way it wasnt exactly wrong for Eddie Guerrero to "Lie cheat and steal" We know that it is for entertainment, dont like? Dont watch it. Hes just doing his job.

Would you hate him even more if he were a heel?

I wouldn't see him suited in that role, play to your strengths.

Why does a top draw in the company get disrespected as much as he does?

Everyones going to hate on someone, in a 1vs1 50% of the crowd will always generally hate, unless of course your Michael Cole...

In the end, he does his job, and does it better than most. Hes top face for a reason!
In my opinion, Cena is overexposed in a relatively "small pond".
Said another way, Cena is better than average and it exposes the gap in talent at this time and that causes him to be marketed to the hilt which overall hurts him.
I think he should stay the course, be the good guy and do whatever else he can do to put as many guys over as possible in the hopes of making another star.
More stars is better for him, better for fans and Vince.
IF AND ONLY IF his heel turn shines up a bonafide next level guy do you pull the trigger on the turn. Otherwise, you risk too much for too little return.
The disrespect is what comes out of being overexposed and literally and figuratively being "too good".
I think it's mainly because his character is targetted at kids that many of the teenagers and older generation will hate on him. And then there is of course the people like me who generally prefer the heels. I feel while he is booed, anyone who has a clue about wrestling will respect the man even if they don't like the character because he really does dedicate his entire life both public and many times private life since he is connected on social networking sites too.
That's the genius of the WWE. Cena has drew a mixed reaction since coming to Raw. It wasn't planned but they have taken it and made it a trademark of Cena's character. Now he gets the biggest reaction every night whether positive or negative nobody is quiet when they see him. People chant that because they are supposed to, just like they are supposed to yell WOOO every time someone is chopped.
I will admit 100% that Cena is the top guy in the WWE. He is a hell of a hard worker, his work ethic is probably unmatched in the past 20 years in the wrestling business. His moveset is good enough at this point to stay as the top guy, but I still can't pick any match of his that I would call memorable.

However, the main reason I dislike him is just his look. The JORTS (Jean Shorts) are absolutely ridiculous and the whole white rapper gangster just looks extremely douchey to people of my age and generation (29). That, the brightly colored shirts and chain gang. Blehck, he is marketed to appeal to a younger generation and that is fine. But I will not cheer for him.

Again, still recognize he's the best the WWE's got right now!
i dont think its so much ppl not liking cena, as it is we are just sick and tired of him. I mean in the 7-8yrs he's been in WWE he's had the same gimmick for at least 6 of them. HE's been the super hero guy for long enough and is in need of a major character re-vamp or something. Every time cena comes out its the same song and dance that we've been seeing for the last 6yrs and we're just tired of it. Give us something different, please
I've actually grown to like Cen'a character this past year, i've always respected him don't get me wrong but up until recently I never liked is character.

But the whole Let's go Cena/Cena Sucks chants are starting to bore me and if you think about it all that it is it's grown men arguing with little kids and I belive if these grown men really want Cen'a character to change so badly then I would reccommend not makeing any noise when his music hits or when he's in the ring, just stand in silence or even go have your toilet break or go get a drink, or if your watching him on TV then change the channal whenever he is on screen so that the rating will fall, if the arena is emptying out and the rateings are falling when ever Cena has his camera time then the WWE will have no choice but to change his character.
However, the main reason I dislike him is just his look. The JORTS (Jean Shorts) are absolutely ridiculous and the whole white rapper gangster just looks extremely douchey to people of my age and generation (29). That, the brightly colored shirts and chain gang. Blehck, he is marketed to appeal to a younger generation and that is fine. But I will not cheer for him.

Obviously you can cheer for who you want to cheer for. But ridiculous is King and JR in a match against Cole and Swagger. Shoot, JR being in the ring in its own is ridiculous. I would take the white gangster / JORTS any day over that. LOL!!

For that matter, 90% of todays "wrestling entertainment" is ridiculous. What happened to the day when a Piledriver was enough to put a man down? Now, some of these guys may take 3 or 4 and still get up. Chair shot to the head after chair shot to the head and after a minute they pop up like they just entered the match. Yeah, yeah, wrestling is fake and entertainment. But it still has to have some sense of realism.
Generally speaking, I like Cena. I'm not a huge fan of the guy but a lot of the hate tossed his way is unjustified. He does get on my nerves sometimes and I do think that he does get a little overexposed at times. However, he's the top face in the company and that's just simply how it is and how it's supposed to be.

Whether you're cheered or booed by fans, the important thing is to get a reaction. One big reason for the dueling chants on Cena is the plain and simple fact that it's just fun to do. It's when a crowd doesn't give shit, sits like a knot on a log with their hands tucked under their asses is when there's a problem. Just take a look at TNA's Impact Zone and you'll see a perfect example of what I mean.
The reason he garners so much hate is actually pretty simple- the people that boo him and ignorantly bash don't aspire to be him. They follow what is "cool." Everyone wants to cheer for the badass, the Stone Colds and the Rocks who go out every night and give the whole world a big middle finger. We want our entertainers to channel how we feel to the screen. We want them to scream "FUCK YOU WORLD!" These people want to do that too, they work shitty jobs, have shitty bills and feel like THE MAN is cause of all their problems (which he fucking is, but thats another post for another time) so when they see someone on TV in front of thousands acting out their fantasies they throw their support behind him. Take Orton about a year ago- who wouldn't love to be an ice cold badass destroying who and what he wants when he wants? Have the looks, the cunning ability to do whats needed? So the older fans saw something they aspired to be, and they cheered. Cena doesn't play the part of the guy with the FTW attitude, he's just a guy trying to play by the rules, and people don't like rules. The excuses of his moves, "corny" jokes, "superCena" are bullshit- the people who hate him do so because they don't like someone who is something they can't or don't want to be. Grown men don't love Superman, they love the Joker.
from a fan's perspective, this is similar 2 when we began 2 grow tired of Hulk Hogan's "train, say Ur prayers & eat Ur vitamins" gimmick back in the 90s, which eventually led 2 Hogan reinventing himself as a heel with the Hollywood Hogan character. I'm sure eventually John Cena, who IS this generation's Hogan, minus the roids, will pull a swerve on the fans & use the "Cena Sux" chants as a valid excuse, the same way The Rock did....that "DIE ROCKY DIE" sign was hilarious
My general take is that a lot of it is residual from the 2005-7 days when he constantly won. Hell it's only very recently that he hasn't been so dominant.

I guess my questions on this thread are:

What would it take for Cena to become a legitmate face again?

He needs to change his gimmick. Bottom line. People are sick of it. There's no edge- at all. If he turned heel for a while, then came back with a shaken up personality (in much the say way as The Rock did), he'd be fresh and I'm sure wouldn't get as much hate.

Why so much hate for a guy who doesn't change his approach?

This is the heart of the matter: he doesn't change his approach. Economics 101: the law of diminishing marginal utility. Prevailing economic theory explains that the utility of a unit decreases with each additional homogenous unit. Example: I might happily enjoy an ice cream cone, but after the first, my enjoyment will steadily decrease.

Same thing with Cena. He hasn't changed his approach, his gimmick, his style, for years. Older people get tired of it, so the approach relies on new fans coming in (kids), to eat it up. The marginal utility (in this case, enjoyment) that we, as the consumer watching the show, gets from his gimmick decreases as long as he keeps the same personality with few changes, no matter how he's booked. If he did what I described above, then the "John Cena" unit would cease to be a homogenous consumption unit, and thus the scale would stop.

Is it wrong to for him to "never give up" or have "hustle, loyalty, and respect"?

No. That's his warrior code if you will, and it's fine, but he should at least change it up a little- how he interacts with his warrior code, and not the code itself.

Would you hate him even more if he were a heel?

No. It would be a welcome change.

Why does a top draw in the company get disrespected as much as he does?[/B]

See above. And of course, I won't deny that the trend of older fans disliking him plays a role as well on its own.
I was watching a recorded Wrestlemania X9 the other day and got a little of the pre-show where Cena came out heel and did some of his rapping. Not gonna lie... VERY funny stuff. What was even cooler to me is that he wasn't even on the card and part of what he was saying is that he would soon be main-eventing Mania's. Good call, John.

Anyway, let me preface this by saying that I might sometimes catch a ppv in a bar somewhere, and I might be the guy booing John Cena. And the ONLY reason that might happen is that ppv's are more fun when everybody you're watching 'em with is so invested in what happens. Same at live shows. So sometimes it's fun to play a heel role, and pull for the bad guy just to make the other people pull for the Face that much more.

That said...

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY... has a legitimate reason to actually hate John Cena. And if it came down to it, although I might boo him, I'd argue that he's one of the greatest to anyone.

Come on, there isn't another person in WWE that deserves that success more than Cena. Not saying other guys aren't working hard, just saying that Cena has spent years working his butt off for the company. And he's still doing it. Even when he doesn't have to work as hard I'd say he's doing just as much if not more, and then he's spending so much time and money in charity and just giving back in general. Seriously, he seems like one of the coolest, down to earth guys there is. What is there to hate?

As far as the criticism's you mentioned... man, the people that use those are either A) New wrestling fans, or B) People who claim to have loved wrestling a long time but apparently have short-term memory.

What's happening to John Cena right now is NOT new. It's all a cycle. This same thing happens to every single top babyface character that wrestles. Most people I talk to that hate Cena for those reasons you mentioned, were sooo excited when The Rock came back to save them from how lame Cena is. Listen, I love Rock too, but you've really gotta check out the history on this. The Rock comes from a time when PG wasn't the answer, and YES, he possibly is the greatest talker in the business. I was happy when he came back, but not because I thought he could wipe the floor with Cena. Check out Cena promo's on the tail-end of the attitude era. He was just as raunchy, and drew AMAZING heat. Cena can talk. And I'll be honest here too, when he talked with The Rock, I booed him, but I almost had to stop. Because Cena won those arguments they had. The Rock was on fire his first couple of tries, but if you actually LISTENED to what they were saying... Cena made way more sense and the Rock just kept repeating catch-phrases.

As far as an argument about 5 moves goes? Has anyone with that argument seen a Rock match? How about Stone Cold? Hogan? I used to troll them with the same thing. It's like when a guy gets big enough, Vince makes a call for them to stop being fancy and just use the basic stuff for pops. Unless it's a situation where they can use their in-ring skill as an advantage. But "Stunning" Steve Austin "wrestled" circles around his counter-part. Wanna see Cena wrestle? Check out his feud with Kurt Angle. The man can go.

I'm gonna stop now cause I sound like a Cena fanboy, but I'm not. He's not my favorite, and yeah I still may boo him from time to time but I respect him. I'll cheer him again when he turns heel if it ever happens... maybe. Oh, which btw, if you're worried about that? We just live in this age where fans from all over the world are louder and can communicate readily. That heat just seems bigger because of that. The same exact thing happened to Steve Austin and then he joined the Alliance and he reinvented himself and became popular enough to turn him Face again. Oh, The Rock did it too. More than once. I still remember his amazing promo where he asked the people booing, if they were sure they wanted his heel turn. When they said yes, he did it. Then he got popular again.

Hmm. Maybe that's what Cena needs? Just go ahead and give the people what they're asking for. Could he do it? Come on. There is no bigger fan of the business than him. Of course he could. Will they let him? Maybe not. He still sells WAY too many t-shirts, and this mixed reaction thing is kinda fun and unique. All that mixed reaction means is that he's definitely "over" with the fans. They'll be talking about it when he's inducted into the HOF.

It's like that sign on RAW a few weeks back that read: "NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE MIZ." Really? But umm... you MADE A SIGN TO SAY THAT!?!

People are ridiculous sometimes.
What would it take for Cena to become a legitmate face again?

He already is a legit face. Now if you what you really meant was "universally-beloved face" like Austin or The Rock, then I don't think there's much he can do there. He would probably need to turn heel first and maybe go back to face one day to make it happen, but even then it might be too late. He just doesn't have the appeal for the older fans and smarks.

Why so much hate for a guy who doesn't change his approach?

I've disliked his approach for years, so the fact he doesn't change it does nothing to help.

Is it wrong to for him to "never give up" or have "hustle, loyalty, and respect"?

Of course not, but I don't base my like/dislike of characters on their slogans. I'm more concerned with the substance they provide, and I find Cena's promos corny and lame. His jokes fall flat with me and those moments when he tries to sounds serious and intense just don't feel organic.

What I don't understand is why people find my dislike of Cena (or that of so many other people) so difficult to accept. When a character relies on humor for a lot of his material as Cena does, it's going to fail with various demographics. Humor is probably the toughest and most diverse genre in entertainment. I find Jim Gaffigan hilarious but think Dane Cook is pretty lame. I'm sure there's someone on my street who feels the exact opposite.

Guys like Austin and Rock are special; they're like a legendary comic who almost anyone finds entertaining like a Richard Pryor or Jerry Seinfeld. It's not Cena's fault he can't please everyone, but it's also not my fault for not being pleased. It's just the way it is.

Would you hate him even more if he were a heel?

I've wished he'd turn heel for a long time, so probably not.

Why does a top draw in the company get disrespected as much as he does?

Cena is in a very tough spot. He's the focal point for the biggest company in wrestling at a time when Vince is bleeding out so much of what gave wrestling it's biggest success. A lot of the Cena hate is born out people who mourn the loss of the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars and need somewhere to direct their negative energy. Anyone in Cena's position would be getting the "you're not as good as [Austin, Rock, Sting, HBK, HHH, Angle, Jericho, etc]" heat because that's what we do when something we love loses its quality. Imagine the next guy who plays "The Joker" in a Batman movie; Heath Ledger fans are going to rip him apart.

Also hurting Cena is that people hate being told what to do. His push did not come naturally (as opposed to Austin's face turn coming due to unexpected crowd response) and has always felt forced on the fans. I don't think the WWE ever gave fans a chance to form their own opinion on Cena and it backfired with the group (myself included) who don't find him that entertaining. Do I think he's garbage, or "sux," or anything like that? Absolutely note! But do I think he's been deserving of a bigger spotlight than Orton, Edge, Jericho, JBL, Angle, and others through the years? No way.
I'm not a fan or Cena nor do I follow his matches religiously, for that, when was the last time he was beat 1v1 with no interference? I think that could be a big qualm among fans that he rarely loses when it's a legit match. Thoughts? I know they're going to have the Rock beat him in that manner, maybe, but how about pushing some younger guys by beating him a few times?
"legitimate face"? Why? Why be a boring one sided character that we've always had?

I'll tell you why he's not a 100% cheer getting guy, him and vince DON'T WANT HIM TO BE. It's sooooo much more entertaining this way. He gets booed because he's corny and an all american good guy. He's like if you lived next to a fireman who donated to charity, saved kittens from fires, was on the school board, whos kids were all super athletes and scholars, who's wife is beautiful, and who he himself is chiseled. You hate him because he's too perfect and "good."

Cena is amazing the way he is and the "lets go cena/cena sucks" are fun. The "cena sucks" chants are basically no different than the chants Angle used to get. Anyone who legitimately thinks Cena sucks is dellusional. Pretty much anyone who is a pro wrestler or anyone who gets paid to write about pro wrestling will tell you the same thing.

Oh, and for FUCKS SAKE DON'T TURN HIM HEEL. That'll make him generic as a character. Why turn him heel? So the 30% that boos him because they secretly want to cheer him but he's not cool to cheer can be happy? What a crock of shit that is.
Nobody and I mean NOBODY... has a legitimate reason to actually hate John Cena.

I completely disagree. I can’t stand SuperCena...not even one bit. This isn’t about the man outside of the ring; this is about the character he plays on TV. That’s right...first and foremost this is a TV show like any other where there are some characters you like and some you don’t and I simply DO NOT like the SuperCena character.

I think it’s stale and boring. I can’t stand a grown man in jean shorts with oversized gold chains and a spinner for a World Title that used to be the Gold Standard of Professional Wrestling turned into something you would see on a car. The whole hustle, loyalty, respect thing is a joke. This is the reason he appeals to kids. You rarely see a grown man in bright colored shirts wearing oversized chains and rapping in real life outside of maybe MTV. It just looks ridiculous.

And if it came down to it, although I might boo him, I'd argue that he's one of the greatest to anyone.

When you say he is one of the greatest who exactly are you comparing him to?

In ring ability...nope...he doesn’t begin to compare to a Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Bret Hart, Randy Savage or a Ricky Steamboat just to name a few.

Muscle/Size...nope...he doesn’t compare to a Kevin Nash, Brock Lesnar, Scott Steiner or a Batista, again just to name a few

So who exactly are these greats that you are comparing him to? If the WWE wasn’t such a watered down version of what it used to be Cena would be a jobber or mid carder at best.

Come on, there isn't another person in WWE that deserves that success more than Cena. Not saying other guys aren't working hard, just saying that Cena has spent years working his butt off for the company. And he's still doing it. Even when he doesn't have to work as hard I'd say he's doing just as much if not more, and then he's spending so much time and money in charity and just giving back in general. Seriously, he seems like one of the coolest, down to earth guys there is. What is there to hate?

Here is what I will agree with you on. He is a good worker and he is dedicated to his job, that I will give him respect for and again at least IMHO this isn’t about John Cena the man, this is about the character he portrays on a weekly basis that I don’t like. I have heard that he commits himself to various charities and looks for many ways to benefit the community and for that I respect him as a man. It’s his onscreen portrayal that I can’t get behind.

As far as the criticism's...man, the people that use those are either A) New wrestling fans, or B) People who claim to have loved wrestling a long time but apparently have short-term memory. What’s happening to John Cena right now is NOT new. It's all a cycle. This same thing happens to every single top babyface character that wrestles. Most people I talk to that hate Cena for those reasons you mentioned, were sooo excited when The Rock came back to save them from how lame Cena is. Listen, I love Rock too, but you've really gotta check out the history on this. The Rock comes from a time when PG wasn't the answer, and YES, he possibly is the greatest talker in the business. I was happy when he came back, but not because I thought he could wipe the floor with Cena. Check out Cena promo's on the tail-end of the attitude era. He was just as raunchy, and drew AMAZING heat. Cena can talk. And I'll be honest here too, when he talked with The Rock, I booed him, but I almost had to stop. Because Cena won those arguments they had. The Rock was on fire his first couple of tries, but if you actually LISTENED to what they were saying... Cena made way more sense and the Rock just kept repeating catch-phrases.

This one is my favorite.... What bothered me about Cena's promos against The Rock was that they were contradictory in every way. It seemed like every time he talked about how proud he was to rep the kiddie demographic, he would then turn around and slam the Rock for doing kid friendly movies. Seems just a little inconsistent doesn't it? I mean if your sooooo all about the PG Kid Friendly Demo, then why would you slam a man that caters to the exact same audience as you?

I thought The Rock won not only on style points but also in the fact that every promo he cut on Cena contained the same central theme. He flat out told him what he disliked about him and how he felt he was basically a pitiful clown.

Cena's promos were either inconsistent or in the case of the one leading up to Mania seemed like he was kissing ass the first half of it. The other part of it was that it seemed IMHO that while The Rock was attacking John Cena the wrestler, that Cena was attacking Dwayne Johnson the man and not The Rock. It was too much breaking down of the 4th wall for me to really engage myself in the promo itself...

Regardless of kayfabe or not, it didn't seem like Cena had much ammo to toss out against the Rock...he came off as petty and jealous of the success of Dwayne Johnson while the Rock just came out and completely tore down every aspect of John Cena the wrestler...he based his promos in more of a kayfabe manner then Cena as well.

When you say he won all his arguments what were you basing that comment on? The Rock was routinely getting monstrous pops from the crowds throughout every promo while Cena was getting booed like crazy...to show how bad it got if you go back and watch the Wrestlemania Press Conference, Cena paused a few times because the boos got so bad he was unable to hear himself speak. That’s not what should happen to the Top Face of your company just because a Legend comes back to host a show...not even wrestle...all he had to do was be in the building and all of Cena’s fan base turned in seconds...

If you wanna say that all Rock did was repeat catchphrases then fine, but in reality those catchphrases killed Cena...

As far as an argument about 5 moves goes? Has anyone with that argument seen a Rock match? How about Stone Cold? Hogan? I used to troll them with the same thing. It's like when a guy gets big enough, Vince makes a call for them to stop being fancy and just use the basic stuff for pops. Unless it's a situation where they can use their in-ring skill as an advantage. But "Stunning" Steve Austin "wrestled" circles around his counter-part. Wanna see Cena wrestle? Check out his feud with Kurt Angle. The man can go.

Say what you want about 5 moves of doom...it doesn’t matter if Hogan, Rock, Austin or anyone else did that...we’re not talking about them so it’s irrelevant. Just because one wrestler gets away with something doesn’t mean every wrestler can. If it got to a point where every wrestler only used 5 moves then the business would be out of business.

I'm gonna stop now cause I sound like a Cena fanboy, but I'm not.

Could’ve fooled me with your post defending everything about him....

There is no bigger fan of the business than him.

I don’t deny his work ethic or who he is as a person. My gripe as a fan is that he is over-promoted and I don’t like his gimmick. I see a lot of people on the boards that just say oh yeah he sucks and blah blah blah without any sort of logical reason. This is the reason for my long winded reply. We all as fans have personal preferences and like certain guys while disliking others. The current product that the WWE puts out week after week is watered down in my opinion with a lot of guys that I think would’ve been jobbers on Superstars of Wrestling back in the day. Either there is nothing really special about them or they are currently being booked improperly...either way there is no one on the current roster that I look at and say wow....

He still sells WAY too many t-shirts, and this mixed reaction thing is kinda fun and unique.

Why would being a heel mean less T-shirt sales...Is that to say that the now, The Rock, Randy Orton, Macho Man and a list of others suffered from poor merchandising sales because they were heels....cuz unless you have sales figures I would be highly inclined to disagree.

To sum up this painfully long diatribe...for me to get behind a guy like John Cena he needs to change himself up...plenty of guys have completely repackaged themselves and become phenomenal successes...Stone Cold was the ringmaster...The Rock was Rocky Maivia...Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels were tag team guys and HHH was once a French aristocrat...its not like he can’t become someone I’m interested in...just gotta lose this rap crap look and jean shorts as well as the Superman tag and maybe I could see myself supporting him...but the current portrayal onscreen is just not something I’m into at all...
What would it take for Cena to become a legitmate face again?

He still is a face , but I dont think the older fans will ever get truly behind Cena ever. Even if he changed his gimmick and became a heel , it just gives the fans even more reason to boo the hell out of him.

The easiest way to make people not so hard on him would be to TAKE HIM OUT OF THE MAIN EVENT AND TITLE PICTURE. For 7 years this guy has been in a wm main event and every match was the same. Get him out of the main event and stop putting the title near him, and people wont hate him as much. Please move him to smackdown also.

Would you hate him even more if he were a heel?

Id hate him the same. Gimmick changes dont change the fact that your not a good wrestler.

Why does a top draw in the company get disrespected as much as he does?

This one is easy. Hes thrown down our throats and does the same shit every time he steps out of there. Even when he gets booed , he screams really loud to attempt to make the fans cheer him. He just takes it. He does his super cena stuff. He COMPLETELY over sells everything one min then all of a sudden comes back with his annoying shoulder moves. He appeals to children and his pg jokes just arent funny.
"legitimate face"? Why? Why be a boring one sided character that we've always had?

I'll tell you why he's not a 100% cheer getting guy, him and vince DON'T WANT HIM TO BE. It's sooooo much more entertaining this way. He gets booed because he's corny and an all american good guy. He's like if you lived next to a fireman who donated to charity, saved kittens from fires, was on the school board, whos kids were all super athletes and scholars, who's wife is beautiful, and who he himself is chiseled. You hate him because he's too perfect and "good."

Cena is amazing the way he is and the "lets go cena/cena sucks" are fun. The "cena sucks" chants are basically no different than the chants Angle used to get. Anyone who legitimately thinks Cena sucks is dellusional. Pretty much anyone who is a pro wrestler or anyone who gets paid to write about pro wrestling will tell you the same thing.

Oh, and for FUCKS SAKE DON'T TURN HIM HEEL. That'll make him generic as a character. Why turn him heel? So the 30% that boos him because they secretly want to cheer him but he's not cool to cheer can be happy? What a crock of shit that is.

The difference is, Angle was a heel when he got the "You Suck" chant. Cena is a babyface.

I agree with not turning him heel, but it wouldn't really matter to me anyway. The only thing about now is that he's so "safe" and his moves are "safe" that the WWE and Vinny Mac don't want to deter from that. What I always consider hilarious is when people say he can't wrestle.
What would it take for Cena to become a legitmate face again?

Why so much hate for a guy who doesn't change his approach?

Is it wrong to for him to "never give up" or have "hustle, loyalty, and respect"?

Would you hate him even more if he were a heel?

Why does a top draw in the company get disrespected as much as he does?


1. He still is a face, THE face, even as he is shedding that Superman addendum, little by little.

2. Well, it's more WWE's fault on this one: he's been on the main event for so long it sickens people, especially those reared by the Attitude era.

3. Was it wrong for Hulk Hogan to remind kids to eat their vitamins and say their prayers?

4. Provided it were done as baldly as it was done via the joining-Nexus angle.

5. He's been there for too long, given too many spots even when he didn't deserve them.

That's it.
My Dad and I were talking about this recently about John Cena getting 50% cheered and 50% booed in most Cities. We kinda compared it to Tim Tebow or the Yankees for example. You either like them or you don't so its really a mixed bag with anyone or a certain Team. I for one like Cena because he is a pro,he works hard,is always there when WWE needs him,and does the best he can. So I don't understand why he still gets some of the reactions he does sometimes. I guess we will never know.
I don't think it's 50/50 at all. It sounds like it, but adult males are the loudest group. Go to a live show, shit just sit and watch people in an area that lots of people walk by. The majority of wrestling shirts you see are Cena shirts. At shows, it's probably 70/30 Cena fans. It's probably not even 50/50 in really smarky cities.

I do like the Tebow analogy. He's just so good and corny that some people can't stand him.
The difference is, Angle was a heel when he got the "You Suck" chant. Cena is a babyface.
Actually Cena works as a heel on the audience that boos him, that's why he baits them into doing it. People on here talk about wanting new shit all the time but Cena IS new, you just have to take your head out of your ass to see it.

The reason he garners so much hate is actually pretty simple- the people that boo him and ignorantly bash don't aspire to be him. They follow what is "cool." Everyone wants to cheer for the badass, the Stone Colds and the Rocks who go out every night and give the whole world a big middle finger. We want our entertainers to channel how we feel to the screen. We want them to scream "FUCK YOU WORLD!" These people want to do that too, they work shitty jobs, have shitty bills and feel like THE MAN is cause of all their problems (which he fucking is, but thats another post for another time) so when they see someone on TV in front of thousands acting out their fantasies they throw their support behind him. Take Orton about a year ago- who wouldn't love to be an ice cold badass destroying who and what he wants when he wants? Have the looks, the cunning ability to do whats needed? So the older fans saw something they aspired to be, and they cheered. Cena doesn't play the part of the guy with the FTW attitude, he's just a guy trying to play by the rules, and people don't like rules. The excuses of his moves, "corny" jokes, "superCena" are bullshit- the people who hate him do so because they don't like someone who is something they can't or don't want to be. Grown men don't love Superman, they love the Joker.

this guy pretty much sums it up.
Actually Cena works as a heel on the audience that boos him, that's why he baits them into doing it. People on here talk about wanting new shit all the time but Cena IS new, you just have to take your head out of your ass to see it.

I disagree. He more caters to the people that cheer him than work as a heel for the audience that boos him, but that's probably 6 in one hand and half a dozen in the other. The only time I can ever remember him acting as a heel was the One Night Stand match with RVD in NYwhere he clotheslined the ref. 100% of the crowd Boo'd his ass clearly out of the arena. The "IF CENA WINS, WE RIOT" sign was a classic. When Edge speared him through the table everyone yelled "Thank you Edge". They had to escort him out of the building and he had to dive in the car that was running because people were lined up outside waiting on him.

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