Let's get one thing straight about TNA and WWE

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Pre-Show Stalwart
TNA is not going to put WWE out of business and WWE is not going to buy TNA anytime soon.

Can everyone please stop arguing and pulling out ridiculous rants and figures about the companies? How many of you said there is NO way EVER that Angle will go to TNA? Anything can happen. People used to move back and forth between promotions all the time and TNA does need some of the "WWE rejects" as people call them for the name recognition.

WWE is the superior product and the market leader. They have had a 20+ year jump on it. TNA has better wrestling and an aid to it is that WWE bans wrestlers from certain moves or styles. WWE has better storyling but often gets stale. One would imagine with 2 hour TNA will get better.

Stop comparing companies. Panda Energy is a part fo the Panda Group, I don't know all the financials but I'm sure as a multinational utilities corporation they have money -- whether they throw it at TNA remains to be seen. TNA is an investment and the only other major competitor in the Wrestling business currently. WWE has deep pockets and will most likely continue to outperform TNA even if/when they get to a head to head competition level.

Why is everyone acting so personal about the 2? Understand that competition is good for both and will benefit us all. Ric Flair, LOD, Luger and others jumped back and forth back in the day and the same started happening in the late 90s.

Now let's all stop arguing and making up crazy statements with no facts to back them up and have intelligent conversations here.

Thank you.
^^^Real talk ^^^competion is good for the business once wcw was bought wwe sucked to me
Well said noone. I think most people think WWE just opened up by selling out 20000 seat arenas on the first day.
^^^^^^^you make a damn good point thx for postin this im glad the WWE "superstars" are relizing that they can actually wrestle wiythout an stupid scripts
noone911 said:
TNA is not going to put WWE out of business and WWE is not going to buy TNA anytime soon.

Can everyone please stop arguing and pulling out ridiculous rants and figures about the companies? How many of you said there is NO way EVER that Angle will go to TNA? Anything can happen. People used to move back and forth between promotions all the time and TNA does need some of the "WWE rejects" as people call them for the name recognition.

WWE is the superior product and the market leader. They have had a 20+ year jump on it. TNA has better wrestling and an aid to it is that WWE bans wrestlers from certain moves or styles. WWE has better storyling but often gets stale. One would imagine with 2 hour TNA will get better.

Stop comparing companies. Panda Energy is a part fo the Panda Group, I don't know all the financials but I'm sure as a multinational utilities corporation they have money -- whether they throw it at TNA remains to be seen. TNA is an investment and the only other major competitor in the Wrestling business currently. WWE has deep pockets and will most likely continue to outperform TNA even if/when they get to a head to head competition level.

Why is everyone acting so personal about the 2? Understand that competition is good for both and will benefit us all. Ric Flair, LOD, Luger and others jumped back and forth back in the day and the same started happening in the late 90s.

Now let's all stop arguing and making up crazy statements with no facts to back them up and have intelligent conversations here.

Thank you.

I agree completly. And what moves/stlyes does WWE not allow their wrestlers to use any why?
Actually the banning of certain moves and styles in the WWE is a safe investment for Mr. Mcmahon.
Look what happened to Stone Cold, Droz, Owen Hart the list goes on and on of unmetionable serious injuries, paralisis, and death wrestlers have sustained.
WWE has 20+ years of dealing with all of these scenerios and would rather have their wrestlers alive and healthy than rehabing somewhere all the time.

I respect TNA and thier quest for better wrestling out there, but things will start happening to TNA stars eventually and they will begin banning moves and styles as well.
undertaker69 said:
yea also maybe this will make wwe lighten there work schedule 2 keep wrestlers

If they do that the WWE will lose millions.

BTW, Engima, Its all scripted. Wrestling is fake, I know its heartbreaking but you'll live.
Yeh, you'll think the violence in wrestling is fake until you get your neck snapped by a piledriver and can never walk again.
These guys are the purest form of the entertainer, putting their livelyhood on the line every night just to entertain us fans!
So you shouldnt be talking shit, dumbass!
Nobody said this was a sport!
I started a thread like this, I hate how personal everyone treats this WWE TNA. At this point it isn't even WWE vs. TNA its just WWE AND TNA. No matter how you look at it, competition is a win-win for us fans. Even if you only watch one brand, you are going to get to see your company working harder than ever, and thus being better than ever.
Yes. Thank you. As one of the biggest TNA "marks" (haha...I said it) on the board, I have fought back and forth many a time with many of the WWE guys. Most of the fighting on here was started by WWE fans coming on here and just bashing us.

However, I look at it like this. I am a huge WRESTLING fan. I like watching the matches. The storylines take a second place for me, because it isn't what interests me. This is the only reason I have turned against the WWE. They have a crapload of talent, and I hope that TNA gives them a run for their money. I would LOVE to see WWE get back up to where they once were. I don't want WWE to buy out TNA, or TNA to put WWE out of business. They are two different products, one caters to pure wrestling fans, and the other to an amalgamation of wrestling/entertainment fans.

I don't HATE the WWE. Occasionally they put on a great match, and I still watch it from time to time. Mostly, I don't watch until soemthing exciting is happening, its just sorta on and I am surfing the net. But anyway, I am so excited about the leap that TNA took last night, and I think the WWE finally does have some minor competition. It might make them step their game up, or Vince might not see anything and continue running it the way it has been. If so, I'll keep watching my TNA with a smile on my face.

You guys can watch whatever you want, and stop the fighting.
If people want the whole TNA vs. WWE debate to stop, how about stop making Threads about it? There is no point to making these Threads at all, and making Threads to say to stop it is even more pointless.


A Thread about this very issue in the Feedback Forum, why not post this sort of stuff there, rather than spamming up the TNA Forum with it.
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