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Let's Appreciate The Improvement In Quality For Impact


Getting Noticed By Management
People constantly harp on the negative about TNA and I think it's only right to acknowlege the leap in quality over the past few months.

Props to TNA for taking it up a level. The building and establishment of homegrown talent, world champions Bobby Roode and James Storm. The injection of more logic and structure into the storytelling. Big praise for Sting in his authority role, it suits him great and let's him wrestle part time. Bully Ray has quietly becoming the best heel in the industry. Angle/Storm = some of the best matches on TV.

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AJ Styles, talking about home grown talent his name comes to mind in a big way. He truly is Phenomenal. One of the best athletic performers I've seen come out of that company. Abyss and Samoa Joe as well are both also great home grown talent but they need some work to get at the level they were at in recent years. What they're doing with The Pope is awesome too because in my opinion. WWE never used him right. Rude/Storm :)

The company's coming along great and I've got tickets to my first ever TNA event later this week in a house show though, but I'm excited to see them live for the first time.
The fine transition of Bobby Roode and James Storm from tag team guys to full blown singles stars. It's difficult to get it done and TNA's done it successfully with Storm, Roode and Bully Ray.

The focus on the women's division. Not a huge fan but I appreciate what they're putting out.

Jesse Sorrensen. I just like the guy a lot. Very athletic and he seems to improve with every passing week, literally.
Hey they got me watching now. Its great. Its different enough from wwe to seem like a totally different show. It's got that Mockumentary feeling which I like. The new guys are great and so are the familiar old faces....I still really don't know who's heel and who's face but I only started watching like literally 2 or 3 weeks ago...
The fine transition of Bobby Roode and James Storm from tag team guys to full blown singles stars. It's difficult to get it done and TNA's done it successfully with Storm, Roode and Bully Ray.

The focus on the women's division. Not a huge fan but I appreciate what they're putting out.

Jesse Sorrensen. I just like the guy a lot. Very athletic and he seems to improve with every passing week, literally.

Yeah, once again I agree with you Zeven Zion. Bobby Roode losing at BFG followed by Storm picking it up right after was good stuff. Now with Roode having the title and Storm/Angle, I almost don't even miss Beer Money anymore.

I like Sting running the show a hell of a lot better than Hogan-Bischoff. I gotta tell you honestly, though, I don't give a shit about Garrett. The only thing I like about that was hearing Flair go off on one of his crazy rants at Little Garrett. That shit always makes me laugh.

Bully Ray has really been taking off lately, too, though he has been doing those same types of promos since Spike Dudley first fell for sweet Molly Holly. It just seems to be Bully Ray's time finally...

And I don't miss the Jarretts...
i agree impact has been great recently besides what the original poster said abyss and samoa joe is homegrown talent and it seems finally they have something for joe and imo its good because hes teaming up with another home grown talent in magnus and neither is good in singles wrestling so them teaming works out good plus the fact they have AJ Styles who i honestly think is the BEST all around wrestler in the business today
When WWE took over the WCW, I knew it would be WWE always over WCW talent allowing WWE to gloat over the fact they had the 'better' superstars which I could somewhat disagree with.. However, it seems like TNA ha decided to do it backwards... Bringing in all these established stars from WWE like Hardy and Angle and throwing the belt on them because they had the belt in WWE, now it seems like the fire is taken away from them and slowly given back to TNA originals... There has been opportunities since Roode's title reign for Angle or Hardy to grab the title but TNA hasn't allowed it..

I don't know if this was a vision to begin with when Hogan and Bischoff entered the company or with Russo out, creative finally can do something right for a change..

That being said, I would like to see Russo, considering he is with the company be placed in an on-air talent again... Amazing enough, I actually like him as an on-air talent and he plays a better roll at it, it's not new but could be fun to see again if the storyline is right
Over the last year or so I (like quite a few others) have been less than positive about TNA, for me it was through frustration, I could see that there was a gap in the market for a company to go against WWE and TNA seemed to have all the right elements, good roster, a studio to produce shows and names arriving to draw in the more casual fan, however it just wasnt happeneing. In the last few months however things have improved massively. IMO its because of a few key reasons. First, keeping it simple, they seem to have got rid of the overly complicated storylines and concentrated on telling stories clearly and simply resulting in fans knowing what was going on and who is face/heel. Secondly, they have mixed the originals in with the ex-wwe guys really well meaning from top to bottom on the card its a much better balance of TNA originals with more 'experienced' performers. Thirdly we have way less Hogan and Bischoff and none of the Jarretts (always good!) and finally I think it has to be mentioned that the changes in the writing team seems to have made a massive difference. So well done TNA on huge improvements and moving in the right direction. The next step is to keep this up for a decent length of time and try and bring the PPV's up to scratch (I dont think they are as good as the regular programming) and we will have a true alternative to the WWE.
While I'm not the biggest fan of TNA, or WWE for that matter. I can and will give credit where credit is due. TNA has been much better as of late. Bobby Roode pulling the old Ric Flair tricks to hang onto the championship (which some people insist makes him a weak champion) is a great step up in the heel department. James Storm is a surprise to me. Not saying he isn't talented. but there are alot of guys that you look at and categorize and say "he'll do this" or "he'll do that" and "he'll never do that." TNA has better quality right now then WWE. Why? Because their overall WRESTLING is much better.
While I'm not the biggest fan of TNA, or WWE for that matter. I can and will give credit where credit is due. TNA has been much better as of late. Bobby Roode pulling the old Ric Flair tricks to hang onto the championship (which some people insist makes him a weak champion) is a great step up in the heel department. James Storm is a surprise to me. Not saying he isn't talented. but there are alot of guys that you look at and categorize and say "he'll do this" or "he'll do that" and "he'll never do that." TNA has better quality right now then WWE. Why? Because their overall WRESTLING is much better.

I totally agree with you, but I think their overall in-ring product has actually been better than WWE for quite a while but now they are improving as an overall product. Roode deserves a lot of credit, same for Storm but so do the likes of Bully Ray, Kurt Angle and AJ to name three who have really stepped up in recent months. I really think the PPV's are their issue at the moment, they need to find a way to make them feel a little bit more 'special', if they can do that and continue to develop strong T.V. then that can only be a good thing.
I'm excited! They're coming to my hometown in two weeks, and I am ECSTATIC! Jeff is back, and getting clean. Hogan is on his way out of the picture. Almost everyone on the roster has compelling storyline and something to do. They have good stables, tag teams, managers, a solid women's division, proper usage of hardcore matches and blood. It's all good in TNA's hood! I just wish they would improve on interviews a little more. Also the quality of the music could be better. But, I WILL NOT complain! Hat's off to TNA, er Impact Wrestling!
Really loving TNA/Impact Wrestling right now - I have nothing but good things to say :)
• Roode is the best heel and World Champ going today,
• Storm is becoming a huge fan favourite.
• They are using Hardy and Angle perfectly and helping put over talent.
• Bully Ray is really becoming a great heel and is so relevant right now. A TV Title reign would do him and the title some good.
• The roster is awesome, the knockouts and X-Division is getting better and interesting to watch. Aries is freaking awesome.
• The tag division is slowly rebuilding and love the dynamic of Crimson/Morgan destroying all competition.
• Great role Sting has as the commissioner as he needed a well-deserved break from in-ring action.
• ODB is finally back as a face! I love this chick haha
• I’m enjoying the duo of the Robbies, quite like Robbie E as the TV champ
• AJ, Frankie and Daniels feud will only produce great matches
TNA/Impact Wrestling really have it perfect right now and is so enjoyable to follow and watch.
I have turned off WWE for 2 months now and don’t think I’m going back 
I say they have come along well over the last year. Roode is great as champ right now, and I enjoy seeing James Storm as a singles competitor as well. Samoa Joe has been a favorite of mine since I first checked out TNA years ago and I'm glad to see him more utilized as of late. Ray has been a true standout throughout 2011 and he could have a title run in the not too distant future. Devon seems to be holding his own to a lesser degree. I like what they're trying to do with Gunner and he could become a great mid card champ once he develops a little more. Bringing back Gail Kim to the KO division has made it even more entertaining since the arrival of Mickie. TNA is on a good path if they stay the course.
After how quickly they threw together the Roode/Storm thing, I really thought they would fumble the ball. A little tipped wobble at first, but they got it under control and are working both angles very well right now. There was concern with 2012 being another year like 2011 was for TNA, but I am impressed with what they are pulling down thus far and it's only just started. Since Bound For Glory, it has built up and continued a steady climb. Last weeks show was just another move up for the company. I hope that this continues because TNA is better now than it has been in quite some time. Been watching since the Asylum days too, paid for the weekly PPV's and follwed the company to Fox Sports, than to Spike and things seem to finally be falling in right. I think they just need that one big thing to happen that might actually put the company over and if they keep going where they are now, the seasonings will mix and go where they need to go.;)
Two really good shows in a row from Impact wrestling. The main event scene looks strong, the tag belts have got a really good feud running, between two superheavyweight teams which is rare these days. and of course then there is Austin Aries.. he very well could be the greatest man that ever lived. How awesome was his backstage promo sighting the fact that he entertaining talking abnout what he about to be talking about...

The guy is a brilliant talent and his feud with Shelley on the mic and in the ring will be big things for IW.

Roode as Champion is going well and Storm having had Angle put him over now is a top star. A few things were off with timings, such as Bully Ray looking over his shoulder for someone to stop him in the beatdown, and the refs and Sting taking too long to shut him down. Two dusty fiihses in the Main Events is ok, but apart from that. Good stuff from IW...
People constantly harp on the negative about TNA and I think it's only right to acknowlege the leap in quality over the past few months.

Props to TNA for taking it up a level. The building and establishment of homegrown talent, world champions Bobby Roode and James Storm. The injection of more logic and structure into the storytelling. Big praise for Sting in his authority role, it suits him great and let's him wrestle part time. Bully Ray has quietly becoming the best heel in the industry. Angle/Storm = some of the best matches on TV.

Add on.

I totally agree with everything you said. It's funny how so many pro wrestling outlets don't even talk about TNA. I'll go on record saying that TNA Impact some weeks is the best pro wrestling show on TV. And people are missing out on something special if they don't catch it. Bully Ray is doing really really well, that's a guy who is still hungry after all his years in the business.
If the transition to the homegrown singles stars can draw ratings and hence money, I'm all for it.

Other than that, I'll credit TNA/IW's improvement when more people start watching it. If you're judging it for the sake of art, more power to you, but I'm a money guy. Show me that more people want to see Bobby Roode vs. James Storm (artistically a much better feud then they've had in a while) than they want to see Jeff Hardy flip off a ladder.

I promise you all, and many of you know I'm a harsh TNA critic, I'll be the first person to give TNA/IW their props when they do something that works. God knows I want to, but I'm waiting for something tangible at this point. There have been enough "improved production values".
I've actually enjoyed the last month or so of Impact more than I usually have watching the show over these last few years. Every once in awhile they churn out some good stuff but the whole company is such a mess that they inevitably sink bank into mediocrity time and time again. There's been some good stuff on Impact this last month though, Gail Kim and Mickie James main evented one of the shows awhile back and had a heck of a good match, and guys like Storm, Angle, Hardy, and Roode have been putting on some solid matches as well as of late. I'd love to see the streak of solid wrestling continue, but I won't hold my breath or anything, because, well, you know, it's fucking TNA.
I have definitely been enjoying TNA more since Hogan and Bisch have been off TV. They were getting very stale towards the end of their run, so Sting being the authority figure is new and fresh. I think he has been doing a great job.

I knew that Bobby Roode would do a good job as Champion when he was eventually given the chance and he hasnt let me down, I am definitely enjoying his heel tactics in order to hold on to the belt. Jeff Hardy looks re-energised and focused, James Storm is impressing me more and more as a singles wrestler and Kurt Angle and AJ Styles are still producing the good as we know they can.

Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, Tara and Mickie are as good as ever in the Knockout's division, which is far better, to me anyway, than the WWE's Womens division. Plus, the KO's are much hotter.

It just feels to me that pretty much everyone on the roster has stepped it up a level, which is great to see. The only things that I am not enjoying atm is the ODB/Eric Young tag-team- that is stupid, and RVD's lack of effort in his matches at the moment.

Overall, it just feels
I thought they'd dropped the ball with the hot potato post BFG but in the end the ship has steadied.

Sting in the GM role has been a huge success, he doesn't eat up too much time and with his charisma and status he adds to the segments he's in rather than just being the guy making the matches.

The world title scene is very interesting with Roode, Storm, Hardy and Ray currently all in the mix, the X division title is just starting what should be a fantastic title program between Aries and Shelley, and the tag title feud is developing well. Then you have the Knockout's with several face challengers in contention for Gail, and if you like comedy there's always the ODB/EY stuff.

The only things I'm not keen on right now are the Garrett angle and the Gunner push.
It is indeed much better.

The only issues I have is that Sting being commish with his charisma and power, he becomes the top face in the company and as such the top heel cannot fight him for the belt so it only gets in the way.

Seconly while at first I thought they should not have spoiled Roode vs Storm right away, I realised this may have been a mystake because the fans are Hell over heel on Hardy and Storm has dropped as the second bananna. I don't even think people remember or care that Storm and Roode are supposed to hate one another.

Thirdly, while I like the new setup of the storylines and the characters' roles, I hope the show would be more "tight" and consistant. One week you have serious Roode, the other week you have goofy Roode. Same with Bully Ray. One wrestler like Winter is booked like a jobber, the next week she becomes a threat again.

It keeps getting better and better but there's more than a few things that needs fixing.

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