Lethal Lottery VI

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Lord And Master
Staff member



As summer rolls, the heat takes it's toll.
But that does not stop the warriors of WZCW.
Tonight, they battle for it all.
Every Championship is on the line.
Who will enter Kingdom Come as greatness?
Who will win the 30 man Lethal Lottery match?
Who out of them all will walk out World Heavyweight Champion?

Summer rolls on. And tonight, will the be
The Biggest And Hottest Battle Ever Fought

And Now WZCW is proud to present:




Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentlemen! 15,000 strong fill up the Colliseum of Puerto Rico, also known as "El Choliseo", for what has been dubbed the Biggest and Hottest Battle Ever Fought!

Connor: And with the World Heavyweight Championship being the prize this year, it's hard to argue. Hello, everyone. Cat Connors alongside Sebastian Copeland and Jack Cohen calling the action from ringside.

Cohen: Four matches. All for a championship. Who will win and head to Kingdom Come with a title tonight?

Tale Of The Tape:

* Cerberus & Young Justice have been feuding for months.

* To get the upper hand, Cerberus brought in their third head: Eve Taylor

* To make things even, Young Justice brought in rookie Lexi Hayes

* Despite the two on two rules, the match will be Street Fight Rules with Lexi and Eve acting as seconds at ringside
Harrys: The following tag team contest is a Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight, scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW Tag Team Championships!



Harrys: Introducing first, the challengers, the team of Flex Mussel and Ramparte, Cerberus!

Both Ramparte and Mussél appear on stage. Mussél sporting a grin and carrying a duffel bag while Ramparte breathes in the air with a devious smile. As the team saunters down the ramp Mussél hands out fruits and vegetables from his bag to members of the audience and hands some to Ramparte to do the same but while he’s not looking Ramparte just carelessly chucks them into the audience with glee and enters the ring. Mussél chugs one of his protein shake before joining his partner in the ring to prepare for the match.


Harrys: And their opponents, they are the reigning WZCW World Tag Team Champions, the team of Jonathan Hyada and Ramparte, Young Justice!

Jon comes out from the gorilla position while throwing a few punch & kick combinations. As he approaches where the stage meets the ramp, he slams his fist on the ground. Fireworks pop out from behind him, and we see Haven, from out of nowhere, leaping over him with a kick.

Copeland: Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, and it is time to begin this tag team title contest!

Cohen: This is Cerberus's night to reign supreme! With all three heads assembled, they are finally complete!

Referee Jorou Akiyama has the authority in this one as he signals for the bell. He visibily slumps in disappoint as the brawl immediately begins, there being no need to tag in and out of this one, as Ramparte goes after Haven and Mussel goes after Hyada. They brawl in opposite corners, blows flying furiously. Mussel and Hyada roll out of the ring and start heading up the ramp while their partners remain inside. Hyada gets the better of it on the entrance ramp and drops Mussel with a belly to belly suplex on the ramp! Ramparte has Haven disabled and he sees the situation o n the ramp, running toward Hyada and taking him out from behind. Ramparte pulls Hyada to his knees and then drops him with a sharp blow to the shoulder, followed by a series of punches to his head. Ramparte has dug out a belt from somewhere and he starts whipping Hyada with it! Hyada takes a few blows but he rallies and takes down Ramparte, going after him with closed fist shots to the head. They struggle against each other while meanwhile, inside the ring, Haven has control over Mussel and drops him with a Tornado DDT! Hyada has Ramparte's belt and he whip Ramparte across the chest before taking him down with a clothesline! He whips Ramparte across the chest multiple times. Back in the ring, Mussel has regained control and he tosses Haven out of the ring with great force. But Haven has found a tag team championship belt, and as Mussel goes after him, Haven smashes him in the face with it!

Copeland: The early going here and it has already been marked by plenty of foreign objects and a rapidly deteriorating match!

Cohen: It's no holds barred, falls count anywhere! What did you expect?

The shot returns to the entrance ramp, where Hyada is down and Ramparte has a steel chair. He cracks it across Hyada's leg and Hyada clutches it with a scream of pain. Haven still has control of Mussel and he smashes the Frenchman's face into the ringside turnbuckle! Haven follows up with shots to Mussel's face, but he has had enough and he counters with a huge side suplex onto Haven that sends the superhero crashing into the ringside area! Ramparte has abandoned Hyada and comes over to take over Haven, while Mussel takes a breath and goes over to the young champion, still down clutching his leg. Ramparte pulls Haven to his feet and punches him, and claims the abandoned tag team title belt for his own use. He smashes it into Haven's back, doubling over the champion. Mussel has brought Hyada into the ring, and he begins the devestating Spin and Win! He achieves one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, EIGHT, NINE, TEN FULL ROTATIONS BEFORE TOSSING HYADA ASIDE LIKE A RAGDOLL! Mussel flexes his bicep to show off and leaves Hyada in the corner. After gloating he tries to follow up with a knee drop, but Hyada is able to roll out of the way! Ramparte is entering the ring behind Mussel, title belt in hand, and just as Hyada gets to his feet he knocks down the champion with his own belt.

Connor: It's just not right to use their own title belts against them.

Cohen: Hey, no one said they had to bring them out here. You want to bring a potential weapon to the party, you have to be prepared for it to be used on you, too.

With things looking dire for the champions, a cheer goes up as Lexi Hayes runs out to the ringside area! While Mussel and Ramparte stare death at her, she doesn't appear to want to be more than a ringside cheerleader for the champions, and they ignore her as they return focus to Hyada. They notice Haven getting to his feet and Ramparte goes out after him, picking up a steel chair, and CRACKING HAVEN'S SKULL WITH A MERCILESS SHOT TO THE HEAD! In the ring Mussel is whipping Hyada around the ring with the championship belt, it leaving welts across Hyada's back. Ramparte tosses the chair into the ring and Mussel takes it, then smashes it across Hyada's back before tossing it aside. Mussel pulls Hyada to his feet, but the champion, in desperation, punches Mussel and creates some space. With a breath and the space, he launches into the furious Dragon Raid combination, taking Mussel off his feet! Hyada practically falls on top of him for a cover, getting one, two, but only two as Hyada kicks out. A murmur goes through the crowd as Eve Taylor makes an appearance, coming from backstage to the opposite side of the ring from where Lexi Hayes stands, apparently there as a manager as well. Akiyama lets it stand - he has no choice, of course. Mussel is quicker to his feet than Hyada, despite taking the combination - but Haven launches himself into the ring with a springboard leap! He beats on Mussel as Ramparte emerges on the ring apron, climbing into the ring only to meet Hyada, who takes him down with a Northern Lights suplex!

Copeland: Just as the champions looked nearly out of it, they have taken control once more!

Connor: But the presence at ringside of Eve Taylor and Lexi Hayes is adding a complication to this match that I'm not sure will do the champions a good service.

Mussel staggers to his feet, Haven having relented to roll out of the ring and look for weaponry, and sees Hyada climbing to the top rope. He charges over and SHAMELESSLY LOW BLOWS HIM ON THE TOP! Hyada is stunned and in obvious pain as Mussel goes to the top with him, ELEVATES HIM AND DROPS HIM WITH A SUPERPLEX! HE GOES FOR THE COVER, AND GETS ONE, TWO - BUT LEXI HAYES BREAKS IT UP! Lexi Hayes is in the ring to break it up - and she gets nailed by a charging Eve Taylor, knocking her out with a double axe handle! Hayes is out cold and Taylor kicks her out of the ring and follows her to the floor to keep the punishment going. The champions stand over Hyada plotting evil - but Haven is on the top rope and he missile dropkicks Ramparte into Mussel, knocking them both down! Mussel recovers quickly but Ramparte stumbles and rolls out of the ring. Mussel tosses Hyada out of the ring before meeting Haven. He quickly nails a backbreaker on Haven, but has no time to do anything as Hyada is coming back into the ring - with a steel chair! He straightens up but Ramparte is back as well, knocking down the champion and taking him out. Ramparte takes the chair and gets to his feet, backs up to go for a big swing - but Hyada leaps up and kicks the chair into Ramparte's face! Hyada rapidly goes for a cover but Mussel breaks it up before anything can be done with it.

Copeland: Wow, the outside interference from Lexi Hayes paid dividens, but she is really paying it for it as Eve Taylor goes after her.

Cohen: Well, I guess we know who WZCW's dominant female is now.

Back in the ring, Haven is in the ring and he nails Mussel with a springboard crossbody! The champions get to their feet together as their opponents stagger to their knees. Ramparte pulls himself to his feet and Haven goes to clothesline him, but the challenger ducks down and lifts Haven over the ropes and onto the floor outside! Mussel is up and he tosses Hyada high into the air, Ramparte readying a kick - but Haven slides back in, kicks Ramparte out of the way! Hyada, falling, instead catches Mussel with the FALLING STAR! But he is too dazed to go for the cover immediately - he has to catch his breath. Haven turns to make the cover himself, and Ramparte rolls him up! Hyada covers Mussel at the same time! Akiyama counts one, two - EVE TAYLOR KNOCKS HYADA OFF OF MUSSEL - THREE!!!

Copeland: What just happened?!

Akiyama confers with Harrys briefly, and the announcer steps back to make his announcement.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners...................AND THE NEW WZCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, CERBERUS!

Mussel is still down but Eve Taylor is all smiles as she helps him to his feet as Ramparte stumbles to a knee, hand raised in the air. The title belts are located by ringside staff and placed into the hands of the new champions. All three members of Cerberus stand tall over their vanquished foes, Ramparte and Mussel as the new tag team champions.

Connor: I can't believe that finish. By a razor thin margin, Eve Taylor has given Cerberus the tag team titles.

Cohen: Given nothing! Young Justice had their support out here too, and what good did she do? She's laid out on the floor out here, sleeping, while Eve Taylor saved the pinfall for her team!

Copeland: One way or another, the result is official - Cerberus are the new tag team champions!



Ricky Runn and Becky Serra make their way to the ring, hand in hand, though Ricky has very wandering eyes. They grab mics and roll into the ring.

Serra: My boyfriend, Ricky Runn has officially refused to compete in tonight's Lethal Lottery as protest. When he lost his WZCW World Championship, he was never given an official rematch, and we are here to fix this travesty.


Stormrage doesn't appear on stage, instead he is on the tron from his dressing room. Taco Bell wrappers litter the floor.

Stormrage: The only travesty is that the two of you are still employed.

Serra: Excuse me, but my boyfriend is a former world champion, something that you can't say. Now if you will excuse us we have a mistake to correct.

Stormrage: That will change after tonight, but I'm here to talk about other things. Mostly how Ricky Runn no longer has a job. See Ricky and I used to be great friends, so sometimes he will still drunk text me. I got a very interesting drunk text from Ricky a few nights ago, and after showing it to Mr. Banks, he agrees that El Ricardo Runno isn't what this company needs representing it.

Runn: Bull shit fatty Mcfat fat. Where is your proof?

Stormrage: Bob, help me out with this.

Backstage Bob, who is wearing athletic shorts and a sleeveless shirt instead of his normal attire, hooks up a monitor and displays it on the tron next to Stormrage.

Stormrage: Ricky you said in regard to Becky, who did just state that the two of you are official in clear violation of company policy, that you would have sex with her during her special time saying this.

Stormrage begins to copy what is on his phone to the screen.

"I don't mind ketchup on my hotdog, so long as the bun is tight."

Gross. You went on to say.

"Women are only good for three things: Cooking, cleaning and vaginas."

"I’ve got a present for you right here.
Actually, it’s not a present …
It’s my penis and I like to call it The Spear
Cause spears are long and hard, just like my penis."

"What’s the difference between a girl’s mouth and a girl’s vagina?
There is none … I want my penis to be inside both of those things."

"Oh yeah, women are actually good for four things
Cooking, cleaning, vaginas... and their sisters' vaginas"

Becky do you have a sister? The one that really got me was this.

"I just want to cover that bitch is Cinnamon Toast Crunch dust and suck her...

There are kids in the audience, so I'm gonna cut that one off actually. So yeah. Mr. Banks agrees that is just totally inappropriate. So allow Mr. Banks to inform you.


Banks: He's right. Becky, I will see you in my office, and Ricky. YOU'RE FIRED!

Ricky drops to the ground and begins to throw a fit. He kicks and screams until security has to carry him up the ramp and out of the arena as the fans chant.


Tale Of The Tape:

* Constantine won the Elite X Championship at All Or Nothing

* Theron won his shot months ago but could not use it due already losing to former champion Fallout

* Constantine is at 3 successful defenses.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and if for the WZCW Elite X Championship!



Introducing first, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing in at 190lbs, "The Warblade" Theron Daggershield!

Theron walks out with his trench coat and sunglasses still on. Red, yellow, blue, green, and purple lights flash as his song plays. He has his prop sword in hand and does poses with it on the ramp and does some slashing poses while pyro goes off. He then walks to the ring and rolls his d20 before entering, jumps into the ring, takes off his trench coat and sunglasses before striking another pose as the crowd cheers.

Copeland: The young Theron with a big chance here tonight, with the Elite X title on the line.

Cohen: He is going up against a true ring master tonight. Constantine will be no pushover.

Connor: Theron is enthusiastic and will have a marked speed advantage, I think this will be closer than you think Jack.


And his opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 265lbs, he is the reigning WZCW Elite X Champion, Constantine!

A single spotlight shines down onto the ramp, revealing a solitary Constantine with his chin dipped to his chest as the crowd boos. He slowly raises his head and throws his arms out to the side. With that, fireworks light up the arena to the side of him as the lights resume. Constantine moves down the ramp, a look of smarmy hatred on his face. He does not dare make contact with the fans at ringside and, once at the ring, looks around the arena once again. Climbing the steps and into the ring, he hoists his Elite X Title above his head to more boos.

Cohen: Seabass, Cat, you are looking at a true champion right there. Chalk up another victory for him tonight.

Connor: A bit full of Constantine aren't you Jack? The fight hasn't even started yet.

Copeland: It is true, Constantine is an established veteran who will be no pushover. This should be a close match.

Referee Dillon Morse goes over the last minute instructions and calls for the bell. The two combatants each take a few steps toward the center of the ring, Constantine with a sly smirk on his face. He invites Theron to attack, and the greener competitor obliges. He throws a couple of left hands that are blocked, and Constantine hits a big kick to the midsection. He throws the doubled over Theron through the ropes and laughs as he hits the ground. The ref gets to a count of three before Theron slides back inside, and Constantine is all over him with stomps. The challenger uses the ropes to get to his feet forcing a temporary break. The break doesn't last long before the champ ties up his foe and works to a side headlock. He wrenches and drags Theron across the ring to the corner. Once there he uses his strength and throws him to the buckle. He starts to throw some hard right hands, prompting the ref to step in. Constantine backs away long enough to appease the ref, before he charges in with a big elbow. The ref forcibly pulls Constantine away from the corner. In the meantime Theron takes a minute to recover and hop to the second turnbuckle and connects with a dropkick, putting the champ down. He rolls over into a cover...1!...2!...and Constantine kicks out with ease. The challenger takes advantage of the downed champ and connects with a couple of short punches before he rolls away and gets to his feet. As the champ gets up Theron connects with a standing dropkick. Constantine pops up but the challenger connects with another dropkick. Constantine, a little slower, still gets to his feet in a hurry, and rushes in, only to be met with an inverted atomic drop. With the former King for a Day holding his royal jewels, Theron connects with a fourth dropkick and again makes a cover. 1!...2!...and Constantine kicks out.

Copeland: After a bit of a slow start, the challenger is in full control right now.

Cohen: I have a question Seabass. If low blows are illegal, how is that atomic drop legal?

Theron begins to pick up the champ, but Constantine shoves his opponent away. From his knees he starts to throw punches to the midsection, getting to his feet. He then connects with a quick snap suplex and puts Theron down. He takes a moment to catch his breath before getting back to his feet. He waits for Theron to get to his feet before he connects with a skull rattling lariat, Theron flipping through the air before he hits the ground. Constantine with the lateral press. 1!...2!...and Theron gets a shoulder up.

Connor: The champ showing his veteran know how, gaining control once again.

Constantine grabs a head of hair, prompting a warning from the ref. Dragging Theron to the ropes, he connects with a couple of big chops to the chest before Irish whipping him across the ring. Theron leapfrogs a back body drop attempt, but the veteran Constantine connects with a big backbreaker off the second rebound. He hooks the leg. 1!...2!...and Theron manages to get the shoulder up again. Constantine shakes his head, looking frustrated. He drags the challenger to his feet, and starts to headbutt Theron. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Ten big headbutts from the champ and Theron is busted open.

Cohen: Haha yes!

The bloodied Theron falls to the mat and Constantine pulls him away from the ropes and attempts a cover. 1!...2!...and again Theron kicks out. Constantine, who appears to be bleeding himself, slams his fist into the mat frustrated. As the champ tires to drag the challenger to his feet, Theron rolls him him. Small package! 1!...2!...3!...NO! The crowd and Theron himself thought he had just won gold. The ref signals two and only two and Theron looks distraught.

Connor: So close for the challenger there.

Constantine looks furious as both men are on their feet and the champ starts to hammer away with huge right hands. The bombs keep flying from the former politician. Theron manages to duck and start to connect with kicks to the leg, staggering his opponent. He tries to Irish whip the champ across the ring, but it turns to be a poor decision as the champ out muscles Theron and reverses throws him into the ref, knocking both men to the mat, and Constantine looks delighted.

Copeland: Oh no, the ref is down!

Constantine rolls out of the ring and grabs his Elite X Title, tossing it into the ring. Theron, who is on his feet again, tries to kick it out, but Constantine catches it and slides into the ring. The two men fight over the title, and in an impressive show of strength shoves Theron away with one hand. He then takes a few steps back and prepares to use the belt as a weapon. Just as Constantine swings, Theron connects with a dropkick to the leg. Constantine drops the belt, and as he gets to his feet, Theron connects with the Critical Hit onto the belt! He makes the cover...but the ref is still out!

Connor: We would have a new champion if the ref would be on his feet.

Copeland: Come on ref, get to your feet.

Cohen: Yes, get to your feet, and DQ Theron for using a weapon.

Theron rolls over to the referee and does his best to wake him up. Finally he starts to stir. Theron goes to make the cover again, but the ref is still not on his feet. The crowd counts out loud as Dagger kicks his feet as he has the champ covered. Finally he gets up and again tries to bring the ref too. Groggily, Mr. Morse uses the ropes to get to his feet. Just as he is coherent enough to do his job, Theron turns around, and turns right into the Axis of Evil! A huge spine buster, and Constantine falls onto his foe. 1!........2!.......3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and still WZCW Elite X champion, Constantine!

Copeland: Damn! He was so close.

Cohen: He had to cheat to get there Seabass. This is karma.

Connor: Karma or not, Constantine now sits on three defenses.

The champ grabs his belt and lifts it above his head, shoving the ref aside as he tries to raise his hand. He spits in the direction of Theron and wipes some of the blood from his head before rolling out of the ring and walking up the ramp to a chorus of boos.

We cut backstage where Dr. Zeus and Fallout are standing with each other conversing. Or rather Zeus talking and Fallout listening intently.

And though she was weak.
We shall take over the mee....

Suddenly Zeus drops down to his knees as he's hit in the back by something. As Zeus falls, Ty Burna and El Califa can be seen, El Califa carrying a chair, and Ty Burna a steel pipe. Zeus slowly turns as Ty slams the pipe into his face, the beating starts. Fallout looks to jump into the fray, but Califa holds the chair threateningly.

El Califa: El Califa suggests you run Fallout, or face the consequences as Zeus.

Ty: Your leader is going to face the consequences of crossing me. Run Fallout. Live another day for you do not want to experience what the Good Doctor here is about to endure.

Fallout looks between the two before turning and walking away as Zeus calls out for him to help. Ty grabs Zeus by the hair and pulls him back, Ty's eyes glowing red as blood has already begun to fall down Zeus's face.

Ty: I am not the King of Darkness tonight Zeus. I am your reaper, the one that puts an end to you and the Pale Riders.

Ty throws Zeus across into the wall behind them, Zeus's head cracking against it. Ty reaches behind his back and tosses Califa a set of handcuffs. Ty produces his own and they proceed to handcuff Zeus to two pipes next to him. Zeus struggles in the cuffs, when Ty nods to Califa. Califa produces a bag and hands it over to Ty, and he pulls out a crown of barbed wire, the very same that was slammed into Ty's head.

Ty: No one can hear your words anymore Zeus. You will be a martyr without followers. A worthless sacrifice.

Ty slams the barbed wire crown onto Zeus, who cries out in immense pain as the blood begins to pour down more. Zeus struggles to look up as Ty steps back and Califa lifts the chair up.

El Califa: For Los Magnificos Dragones!

El Califa slams the chair down right onto the crown, digging the barbs deeper into the skull.

El Califa: For Ty Burna!

Again, another shot to the skull, by this point Zeus's eyes are closed and he hangs limply against the handcuffs.

El Califa: But mostly, for Amber Warren!

One final sickening shot to the head and Califa drops the chair in front of Zeus. Ty stands with his arms crossed as El Califa lifts Zeus's head up slowly.

El Califa: Burn in hell you sick son of a bitch.

Ty walks forward and places a hand on Califa's shoulder. Califa looks back and Ty nods his head.

Ty: It is done Califa. The Riders are dead.

Ty and Califa walks off as the camera focuses on the bloodied face of Zeus, his head leaned to the side and his arm spread out, a martyr finally getting his wish, but with no one to take up his cause.
We cut backstage to a scene of Showtime Cougar and The Elite Steven Holmes heading towards the ring. Both men look smug as they anticipate the match ahead of them.

Banks: Gentlemen!

Both men turn suddenly as the booming voice of Mr Banks comes from down the hallway. This could only mean bad news for The Elite as they exchange a glance of fear.

Banks: Here it is, huh? The EurAsian Championship match at Lethal Lottery. Not many matches are bigger than this, gentlemen. Wouldn't you agree.

Holmes and Showtime are not initially willing to chime in but Mr Banks seems willing to wait all night for an answer as he looks on at them positively. After a moment, Showtime and Holmes realise that their only hope of escaping any time soon is to give a begrudging nod.

Banks: Excellent! I'm so glad we are all agreed them. It would be a shame, nonetheless, if something untoward were to happen during such an important match for the foundation of WZCW. I'm sure, as shrewd men, you'll agree that I must do whatever I can to ensure that the WZCW faithful out there go home happy.

Again, Holmes and Showtime give a silent and frustrated nod towards Banks.

Banks: Excellent! For that reason, Mr Holmes, I'm afraid you are banned from the match. If you are involved in any facet of the EurAsian Championship match, I assure both of you that there will be serious ramifications for both of you.

Holmes and Showtime both go to remonstrate with Banks but before anything can be said, Mr Banks is halfway up the corridor.

Banks: Good luck, gentlemen!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We cut to a scene of the three commentators sitting behind their WZCW announcers table, a serious look etched upon the 3 faces.

Copeland: And now for a match that is seeped in history, bad blood and sheer hatred. Matt Tastic, the EurAsian Champion has found himself dealing with a persistent threat over the last few months and this past Wednesday on Meltdown, it all came to a head. Let's take you back...

Meltdown 107​

Theron keeps brawling with Constantine with neither man getting the upper hand and even head towards the crowd. Steven and Ricky keep beating on Matt and Mikey, but the duo little by little gain their composure to match their foes blow for blow. As Showtime looks on though, something catches his eye. He suddenly turns to the crowd and yanks someone over the barricade.

Copeland: What's Showtime doing?!? That's a fan and he hasn't even done anything!

Everyone keeps brawling as Showtime pulls the fan up to the top of the entrance ramp. He screams out to Matt Tastic and suddenly the action stops as everyone turns to the stage. A look of horror appears in Mikey but especially in Matt's face as they get a look at the victim Showtime has.


Copeland: That's too far, dammit! Stop it! Someone stop him!

Showtime hooks Granpa up and hits the Ratings Crash on him on the stage. Matt and Mikey snap out of their shock, but before they can go to his aid, Steven and Ricky grab them. Showtime is laughing on the entrance ramp right above Granpa as EMT's charge out to the scene. The last thing we see is Mikey's concerned look and Matt Tastic broken down to tears as blood runs down his face and they're both held back.

Cohen: Oh my God! What the hell did Cougar just do?!

Copeland: We need help out here! Dammit, what's wrong with you, David?!

The scene fades to black.
Connors: An absolutely sickening display of barbarism from Showtime David cougar at Meltdown 107. We understand that Grampa Tastic has made a full recovery since Meltdown 107 and is not out of hospital. On behalf of WZCW, I would like to send my heartfelt condolences for Showtime's actions at Meltdown 107.

Cohen: Don't apologise for Showtime. Cat. Do you really think that Showtime gives two pesos about Tastic's grandfather? Get a grip, woman. This is WZCW and that means you're playing with fire when you step into that ring. Tastic had it coming.

Copeland: Either way, what we have before us should be a very emotional match. Put the kids to bed early for this one, folks, it's going to get messy.


  • Both men have, at one time, been EurAsian Champion
  • Showtime is amongst the most decorated of WZCW Superstars
  • Matt Tastic recently turned down an offer to join the fearsome Elite
  • This match is Matt Tastic's first defence as EurAsian Champion
  • Both men are guaranteed a place in the Lethal Lottery later on in the night

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Eurasian Championship!!

After a few seconds, Showtime appears on the stage, a wide grin on his face as he looks out onto the audience. A few fireworks go off around the former World Champion and future Hall Of Fame candidate. Showtime waits for the camera to approach him through a cloud of smoke before smugly pointing down to his shirt where the words “Grampa Tastic – Lights Out” is printed. There is a flurry of boos as the image is shown on the titantron but, if anything, Showtime is revelling in it.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 222 pounds, from Hollywood California. The challenger... Representing The Elite... Showtime David Cougar!

The flurry of boos soon becomes a tidal wave as the name of the former Lethal Lottery winner is announced to the masses. Showtime raises his arms out to the side before stopping to take the fans response in fully. He eventually opens his eyes and rolls under the bottom rope and into the ring. Taking off his shirt, he raises it to the crowd so that the slogan can be clearly read.

Cohen: I did tell you, Connors! Showtime David Cougar has made a reputation for himself on being one selfish and remorseless bastard. Giving Papa Tastic the business is just in a day's work for this guy. He doesn't do apologies.

Connors: Sick! That's the only word that comes to my mind when I see something like this. Showtime is a real heartless piece of work.

Copeland: But you heard Banks just before the match though, folks. If The Elite get involved in this match on the behalf of Showtime then there will be serious repercussions for Showtime. That should be enough to wipe the smile off of his face.

Showtime tosses the shirt into the crowd as the anticipation begins to rise for a clear crowd favourite. Suddenly...

There is an explosion of noise as the upbeat tone of Matt Tastic's entrance theme rings out around the arena. For a moment, there is no one to greet it. Until, that is, Matt Tastic finally appears on the stage. Another wave of excited cheering echoes around the sold-out arena as the home town boy makes his presence known.

Connors: What a reception for Matt Tastic, Seabass.

Copeland: He may be billed from Orange County but Matt Tastic is as home here as anywhere and this crowd know it. An amazing reception for the EurAsian Champion!

Harrys: Now introducing his opponent. Weighing in at 237 pounds, Puerto Rico's own... The EurAsian Champion... Matt Tastic!

Tastic, whilst enjoying the reception from the crowd, seems focussed on the smarmy wrestler already inside the WZCW ring. His eyes are fixed on Showtime as he slowly and menacingly makes his way down the ramp towards him.


The crowd continue to cheer frantically as the match draws nearer. Tastic stops outside the ring, his eyes still locked onto the cocky legend that waits for him. He stares for a moment before climbing the steps and into the ring. Giving the referee his Championship, he never takes his eyes away from Showtime. The referee hoists the Championship into the air and signals for the bell and this match is on!

Copeland: There are so many different ways this match could play out and so many different chess pieces moving around the board. Settle in, folks, this is going to be tense but, undoubtedly, an utter bloodbath.

Connors: These two have seen it all in WZCW but this is a true match for the ages. Two veterans wrestling for their everything that is dear to them. I'm ready for this.

Both men begin circling the ring, staring intently at the other man across the ring. The crowd begin yelling for Tastic as Showtime lets a smile stretch across his face. He stops circling the ring and raises his arms out once again, taking in the crowd's hate for him. He turns back towards Tastic and begins mouthing at him before letting a venomous expression cross his face and signalling a snapping motion with his hands. It seems Tastic has had enough of talk as he finally launches into the first tie-up of the match. Showtime is expecting it though and immediately dodges the attempt before landing a swift punch to the side of the Champion. Tastic turns around, throwing a desperate arm at the former World Champion but it misses by some way as Showtime presses home his early advantage. Following up on his punch, Showtime lands a toe kick to the gut of Tastic and then drives him back with a few knife edge chops to the chest of the Champion. The crowd, who are right behind the Champion, begin booing immediately as Showtime drives Tastic back into the corner, the echoing of every chop reverberating around the packed arena. As Tastic reaches the corner, Showtime grabs his arm and whips him across the ring. Tastic slams into the corner chest first and then bounces out but is soon met with a running clothesline from the challenger to his title. Showtime quickly covers the Champion but it is to no avail as Tastic kicks out at 1.

Cohen: A great start from the challenger. Showtime is a legend for one reason, he wrestles smart. No wasted energy and immediately puts the pressure on his opponent. It might be a lame pin attempt but it is energy from the reserves of the Champion he is looking to scupper.

Copeland: You're right, Jack. Showtime is a master strategist inside a WZCW ring. Tastic might find himself on the end of a beating if he can't reverse the early flow of this match any time soon.

Both men spring to their feet after the fall but it is Showtime who is the quicker of the two to begin the offensive again, Tastic is struggling to deal with an eccentric and energetic Cougar as Cougar lands a few punches to the head and chin of Tastic. Tastic recoils but as he turns back around towards Show, the former Lethal Lottery winner catches him with DDT that takes both men back to the canvas. Showtime, the veteran, doesn't bother with a pin this time. He merely looks down at his opponent before letting another brief smile appear. Showtime, however, is in no mood to waste time and begins stomping away at Tastic. The crowd cringe in horror as Showtime brings the pain on Tastic, stomping all over the torso and limbs of Champion. He continues this for a while before retiring to the corner of the ring. Tastic writhes in pain as Showtime crouches down and lies and wait for the recovering Champion. Tastic slowly gets to his feet as Showtime begins his run at him. At Showtime looks to land a devastating spear, Tastic evades the move whilst thrusting Showtime shoulder first through the ropes and into the ring post. The crowd lets out a massive howl of excitement as Tastic finally gets some momentum going. Showtime pulls himself away from the corner, only to be met with a quick roll up attempt from Tastic. 1... 2... Kick out!

Cohen: Damn, that was close! Get your damn act together, Show!

Copeland: Matt Tastic isn't here just to make up the numbers, Jack. Don't forget he's the EurAsian Champion and he's got all the skills in the business.

Both men get to their feet after the very frank and energetic opening exchanges, this time it is Matt Tastic who has the upper hand, scooping Showtime up and planting him immediately after with a scoop slam. The crowd erupt as Matt wastes very little time in landing a pumphandle slam. With Showtime on the canvas, Matt takes a second to catch his breath. But any reprieve that Showtime may have been wishing for is short-lived as Matt pull Tastic back to his feet. As Showtime gets to his feet, Matt whips him into the ropes, catching him with a clubbing wheel kick on his return. The crowd are still right behind Matt as he quickly pounces on top of Showtime looking for the cover. 1... 2... Kick out! Matt gets to his feet once again as the crowd begin to settle into the match. Showtime, realising that he may be in a bit of trouble crawls towards the bottom rope but Matt is in no mood to allow Showtime any advantage or rest. As Show finally reaches the bottom rope, Matt grabs his hair, bending over to yell something at his opponent. But the wily veteran in Showtime soon takes full advantage of Tastic's emotional state, nailing him with an eye rake that stuns the Champion and swiftly follows it up by pulling Matt towards him causing him to tumble out of the ring and crash to the mats below.

Connors: This is such an interesting match already, gentlemen. Matt Tastic seems to be all heart tonight, whereas Showtime is more cerebral in his strategy. Is this something that you can see being a trend in this match?

Copeland: No one is denying that Matt Tastic has the talent to beat Showtime Cougar, he's been riding a wave of momentum recently. But you have to wonder what mental state Tastic is in after everything Showtime and The Elite have put him through lately. Sometimes, being over-awed emotionally can be just as damaging as being overwhelmed physically.

Showtime slowly rolls out of the ring and reclaims his vertical basis as he spins his shoulder around, trying to loosen the muscle from his earlier encounter with the ring post. Tastic lies motionless on the mats as Showtime studies him for a second. Without hesitation, Showtime begins to pull away the plastic covering from the announce table. First the covers, then the monitors and then everything else. The crowd urge Tastic to hi feet and it seems to be working. Showtime turns back around as Tastic gets to one knee. Show grabs his head and then quickly slams it into the ring apron. Matt recoils in pain as Showtime begins to press home his advantage once again. From behind, Showtime grabs the arm of the Champion and whips him into the fan barrier as Tastic lets out a dull yell of pain. With his back to the barrier, Tastic is a sitting duck for any attack as Showtime runs at him, eventually nailing him with a well-executed spear. Another yell of pain meets the action as Tastic finally crumbles to the mats once again. Showtime lets his signature sneer cross his features once again as the crowd boo heavily towards him. Undeterred by a hostile reaction though, Showtime continues his actions of reaping destruction on the outside of the ring. With the referee's count at 8 however, Showtime quickly rolls back inside the ring and then back out as he begins searching under the ring for something.

Cohen: Smart move.

Copeland: Indeed, Showtime David Cougar cannot win the EurAsian Championship by any other means than a pinfall or a submission. Tastic being counted out might hand Showtime a win but it wouldn't give him the Championship and he is all too aware of that fact.

Cohen: Plus, I don't think he has any idea of letting Tastic go down to a count out. He's out here to punish Tastic for so many reasons, not least his refusal to join The Elite.

Connors: That might explain why our commentary table has been completely ravaged.

Showtime continues to rake around under the ring before pulling out some trash can lids, chairs and a stop sign before throwing all of the weapons into the middle of the ring. Finally, however, he finds what he is looking for – an 8-foot ladder. Tastic is slowly getting to his feet as Showtime pulls the ladder out from under the ring. Not willing to allow his advantage to slip through his fingers, Showtime runs at Tastic nailing his back with the ladder. Tastic once again crumples to the deck as Showtime continues his ruthless preparations. He quickly sets up the ladder about 2 metres away from the commentary before checking it is sturdy enough. Show heads back over towards Tastic, who is struggling to get to his feet. But Showtime is more than happy to assist, grabbing the hair of his opponent and nailing with with a few punches and shots to the back of the neck as he pulls him over towards the now vacant commentary table. The referee, by this point has given up counting and is now remonstrating with both men to enter the ring. Showtime pushes him away before landing a nice lariat that lands Tastic on the table finally. There is a sudden gloom that crosses the atmosphere as Showtime's plan finally becomes clear.

Connors: Oh God! This could be a very bad position for the Champion.

Copeland: Showtime will stop at nothing to take that Championship away from Tastic. But it's so much more than that, ladies and gentlemen. This is about revenge, this is about respect. Neither of which Showtime feels as though he has gotten from Matt Tastic.

However, Tastic has not been worn down enough in the match already and slowly climbs off of the table as Showtime is halfway up the ladder. In a rush of energy that the crowd have not seen from Tastic in a while, he rushes around the nearby ladder and begins to land some heavy punches to the back and torso of the elevated Showtime. Not one to waste an opportunity, Tastic begins to climb the ladder as he steadily loads up on punches on Showtime. Both men continue to climb the ladder as they now trade blows. The excitement in the arena builds as both men reach the second top rung of the ladder, the danger rising with every step. All of a sudden, Tastic lands a startling blow to Showtime that stuns him as he recoils backwards, his arms flailing. Tastic, from the pit of his stomach, finds enough energy to hook the arm of Showtime and both men fly off of the top of the ladder and through the commentary table. The eruption of noise from the crowd is unmatched as both men lie unconscious in a heap of wreckage.

Copeland: Oh my God! These men could be broken in half. In all my years as a WZCW commentator, I have never seen such turn of events. This is anyone's game now.

Cohen: That's if either of these men can even walk after something like that...

The referee immediately checks on both men to see that they are okay to continue. The crowd are completely hushed as no movement comes from the wreckage. That is until a hand shoots up the crowd barrier... It is the hand of Matt Tastic! Euphoria from the crowd as Tastic begins to get to his feet as Showtime also, slowly, gets to one knee. Tastic moves away for a moment in an attempt to catch his breath before heading back to where his opponent is just about back to his vertical basis. Tastic lands a heavy punch to Showtime before he grabs his hair and leads him back to the ring. Tastic hasn't forgotten the beating that Showtime just dished out to him moments ago, however, and takes a turn of slamming Showtime's head off of the ring apron. Showtime recoils once again but is quickly rolled into the ring by an aggravated EurAsian Champion. Tastic soon joins Showtime as Showtime gets to his feet rather wearily. Tastic moves into the centre of the ring to meet Showtime before nailing him with THE HEADACHE DRIVER! The crowd once again explodes as Tastic lands his finishing move. This could see the end of Showtime's challenge as Tastic slowly climbs on top of Showtime. The referee begins his count! 1... 2... 3! NO! Showtime's foot is on the ropes! Tastic rolls off of his opponent, not realising that the referee has disqualified his count.

Connors: I can't believe it! A few inches in the other direction and Matt Tastic would have this match wound up by now. What an amazing move!

Cohen: That, ladies and gents, is just sheer guts, determination and experience from the former World Heavyweight Champion. You just can't teach that! That's why Showtime is a legend in this business. He's got it all.

Tastic slowly rolls across the ring towards the ring, confident that the match is won. As he slowly pulls himself to a vertical basis, the crowd are yelling at him to let him know that the match isn't over. The referee wades through the weapons that are still stashed inside the ring towards Tastic. Tastic turns around but is immediately met by the referee who is trying his best to tell him that the match is not won just yet. It takes a couple of moment, the noise from the crowd is deafening. A look of shock begins to creep in as Tastic comes to terms with the continuation of his Championship match. He puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head. Still, he heads towards Showtime, who is still lying motionless on the canvas. As Tastic goes to grab the hair of Showtime, Show reaches up and pulls Tastic to the mat, moving around his opponent and locking in the COMMERCIAL BREAK right in the middle of the ring.

Copeland: It's locked in! A new Champion surely!

Tastic struggles against the hold, his features the very picture of agony. But there is no escape for Tastic, he is in the middle of the ring and he has nowhere to go. Tastic begins to fade and his eyes begin to glaze as Showtime levers his back to apply yet more pressure onto the hold. As Show arches his back further, a sudden rush of energy and fight begins to course through the veins of Matt Tastic. The EurAsian Champion is feeding off of every ounce of support from the sell out crowd as he begins to slowly pull himself towards the ropes. With every inch that Tastic gets closer to the ropes, the crowd grows in excitement and support. With only a few inches to go, it seems as though Tastic is just about to escape the hold. But Showtime is not willing to let it go. He pulls his back further, levering yet more pain onto his opponent as Tastic lets out a sharp yell of agony once more. Tastic's lights are going out and all hope is fading as he faintly reaches in vein towards the ropes. That is until the ropes are suddenly thrust towards him as he grabs them!

Cohen: What on Earth!?

Copeland: It's Grampa Tastic! By God, I don't believe it! He's saved Matt Tastic and his EurAsian Championship!

The referee turns around as Papa Tastic stands outside the ropes, smiling as he exacts a small amount of revenge on the man who assaulted him only a week before. The referee calls for the rope break as Showtime finally breaks the hold. He simply cannot believe that Tastic has reached the rope as he turns around to look at the old man who has just cost him the EurAsian Championship. A look of pure evil and venom crawls across the features of Showtime as he quickly rolls outside of the ring and corners Papa Tastic. Tastic has nowhere to go but around the ring. Showtime quickly heads. around the other side and cuts him off. Again, Tastic runs away but is cut off by the former World Champion once again. Showtime grabs the shirt of the old man, looking deep into his frail eyes as the crowd suddenly explode with cheers. From nowhere, Tastic flies over the top rope and crashes into Showtime. Both men are down as Papa Tastic begins to slowly head up the ramp. He reaches a safe distance and stares down at the opportunity he has opened up for his grandson. Both men slowly climb to their feet as Tastic finally gains control of the match once again. He rolls Showtime into the ring and swiftly joins him. Matt wastes no time, he's setting up for another HEADACHE DRIVER!! This could be it!

Holmes: I wouldn't do that if I were you, Matt!

Copeland: What the hell?!

Tastic nails Showtime with a few headbutts and a spinning heel kick as the voice continues.

Holmes: That really wouldn't be a good move for you to make.

Tastic turns around to find the root of the voice. On the ramp stands Steven Holmes, Grampa Tastic held in front of him as though he were being held with a knife to his back. With Holmes' arm around the throat of the old man, Tastic looks on in terror.

Holmes: It's time you put an end to this nonsense, you cretin. Be careful of your next actions, Tastic. They could be poor Papa Tastic's last.

Tastic yells towards Holmes as his eyes begin to fill up and his face become beet red. From nowhere, Showtime takes him down and locks in the COMMERCIAL BREAK once more! He arches his back as Tastic yells in agony, nowhere near the ropes. Showtime gives the move everything he has as Tastic looks on at his poor kin, held hostage by one third of The Elite. He reaches out with everything he has as Holmes continues to berate him verbally.

Holmes: Let go, Matt! It's over! Tap out now and this whole ordeal can be behind you! It doesn't have to be like this. He doesn't have to get hurt.

Tastic continues to reach towards the ropes, stretching with everything he has in an attempt to even just touch them. But hope is fading fast. Showtime is the picture of determination and swiftly pulls him back into the middle of the ring as Matt begins to fade. The referee checks on Tastic as his eyes finally shit and all life seems to have escaped from the body of the EurAsian Champion. The referee takes a few moments as Showtime continues to level back on the hold until finally the referee gets to his feet and pushes Showtime away. He calls for the bell.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner by way of knock-out and NEW WZCW EurAsian Champion... Showtime David Cougar!

Cohen: He did it! I knew he would do it.

Copeland: What a completely underhanded move by Steven Holmes. The Elite were banned from this match and here he is! This wont bode well for The Elite.

Cohen: Did he get involved in the match, Seabass? Yes or no.

Copeland: You have to believe that Matt Tastic was on his way to victory here, Showtime was out on his feet. If Steven Holmes did not present himself at the end, we'd still have the same EurAsian Champion right now.

Cohen: I don't see how that is getting himself involved.

Holmes releases Papa Tastic as the old man finally escapes from the arena through the curtain, glancing back lovingly at his poor grandson inside the ring. Holmes quickly joins Showtime in the ring as Tastic is helped from the ring by the referee. Showtime's music is doing a good job of drowning out the disapproving detractors in the audience.

There is an intrigue once again as Mr Banks makes his presence known to the crowd. There is a serious look upon his face as he stares down at the celebrating Steven Holmes and Showtime David Cougar, the EurAsian Championship already draped over his shoulder.

Banks: I told you before you started this match... I told you! If The Elite were any way involved with either of the Championship matches in a non-wrestling capacity, then you would find yourself facing very serious repercussions.

Show and Holmes snap to attention as the thought of repercussions send a shiver down both of their spines simultaneously.

Banks: You simply cannot... Will not... Cross me, gentlemen. At Meltdown 108, I fully expect you both to be there for your punishment. And Showtime, don't get too friendly with that belt. I can't strip you of the Championship that you won.

Showtime moves towards the ropes closest to Mr Banks.

Banks: But Meltdown 108, I can damn sure make you vacate it.

Mr Banks drops the microphone as his music begins playing once again. Showtime and Holmes are outraged as he heads off the stage.

Connors: Huge news from Mr Banks. Showtime and The Elite may have gotten the best of Matt Tastic here tonight but this is long from over. Tastic and Showtime will both be a part of the Lethal Lottery tonight-

Cohen: If Matt Tastic can even stand going into the match that is.

Copeland: With the damage that has been done to such a true champion like Matt Tastic, no one would blame him for calling it a night right here and now. What a match we've just witnessed. This is long from it's conclusion.




Backstage we see a familiar muscle man, manlier than any man ever manned. Leon chases after him.

Leon: Saxton? Action Saxton? Is that you?

Saxton: What it is Sucka? I'm busy!

Leon: What are you doing here? Are you going to participate in the Lethal Lottery?

Saxton: What? Sucka, ain't anybody got time for that. Action Saxton is looking for someone. Someone dangerous.

Leon: Who?

Saxton: Ricky Martin. I don't know who brought him in, but Saxton will flush that sucka out and end what he started several years ago. Here I was thinking I took him out at that plane.

Leon: Um... Saxton, he's not here. He just sings one of the theme songs.

Saxton: Oh...... Well..... Guess it's popcorn and a cheap seat then.


Connor: The time is here, ladies and gentlemen. It's time for Lethal Lottery. Take it away, Harrys.

Tale of the Tape:

* At Meltdown Madness, Ty Burna lost the World title to The Beard via his King For A Day Contract.

* Beard bailed on WZCW the very next day.

* The title was vacated as such and with the need for a new champion in a fair contest, it was put up as the prize of the 2014 Lethal Lottery.

* Ty Burna accepted El Califa's dare to enter first.
30 Participants | 1 Winner

The Prize?

A special treat for this year's set of competitors. Not only becoming one of six to win the difficult Lethal Lottery event, but also capturing the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship in the process.

The method to the madness? Let’s look at the numbers.


The amount of winners the Lethal Lottery match has produced. An impressive set of WZCW superstars:

We see a clip of Big Will eliminating Steamboat Ricky to win Lethal Lottery I
We see a clip of Titus eliminating Carmen Bratchny to win Lethal Lottery II
We see a clip of Showtime eliminating Big Dave to win Lethal Loterry III
We see a clip of Ty Burna eliminating Big Dave to win Lethal Lottery IV
Finally, we see a clip of Drake Callahan eliminating Rush to win Lethal Lottery V.
What makes this match so special?


The number of competitors that have competed in previous Lethal Lottery matches. 125 participants failed with only 5 standing tall.


The amount of WZCW World Heavyweight Champions that have competed in the Lethal Lottery. Among those are several other decorated superstars. Including WZCW’s only Hall of Famer, Everest.


Out of the all the Lethal Lotteries, only 2 participant have been female. Celeste Crimson was alone in her trials for four years. That was until last year when Sandy Deserts entered herself into the competition to make herself the second female to ever compete in a Lethal Lottery match. However, with the influx of women talent this year, the number of female competitors will at least double itself before it is all said and done!


The record number of eliminations that the 6’6, 585 lb, Japan native, Manzo eliminated in Lethal Lottery I.

We see a clip of Manzo eliminating Aaron Craig.
We see a clip of Manzo eliminating Rajheem.
We see a clip of Manzo eliminating Davinda Jeatter.
We see a clip of Manzo eliminating Tom McBrady.
We see a clip of Manzo eliminating Glacier.
We see a clip of Manzo eliminating Murfish.
We see a clip of Manzo eliminating Chris Cobain.
Astonishingly enough, it took the same amount of people Manzo eliminated, to eliminate him from the same Lottery.

We see a clip of Big Will, Gus, Reaper, Kenny, Steamboat Ricky, Joe, and Disasterpiece eliminating Manzo.
Manzo’s record 7 eliminations not only hold the record for a single Lethal Lottery showing, but also held the record for the most eliminations collectively in all of the Lethal Lotteries; that was until Lethal Lottery IV.


The number of eliminations that Big Dave has accrued over the three Lethal Lotteries he has competed in. However, with Big Dave hanging up his boots this past year, and Blade at 7.5 eliminations, and Ty Burna at 7; it is very likely that we will crown a new elimination champion after Lethal Lottery VI.


The record number of seconds that Glacier lasted in the Lethal Lottery.

Just as Glacier enters the ring, Manzo furiously rushes him, only to deliver a massive clothesline, sending him right back out of the ring, eliminating him from the match.

The amount of minutes that Steven Holmes spent in Lethal Lottery IV. He entered the competition at #2 and was the 28th man to be eliminated in the 30 man competition. His record lasted only one year before being contested.


The number Drake Callahan entered in at Lethal Lottery V before he went on to win the entire event. As there is no actual time calculated at this event, no definitive winner can be named, but both Drake and Holmes are definitely in contention for the top spot.

The crowd begins booing loudly as Drake continues to hold onto the top rope, staring down at Rush before sitting down on the apron, holding his head in his hands as he realizes he's done it.
1 to 4

The ratio of eliminations that “Showtime” David Cougar gained on his path to victory at Lethal Lottery III versus other Lethal Lottery winners. Showtime eliminated only 1 person compared to Big Will, Titus, and Ty Burna who all scored 4 eliminations on their path to victory. Drake Callahan scored 4.5 with the help of some combined eliminations. Yet, Showtime proved that it is not about the amount of work you do, but rather capitalizing on other’s misfortune.

Showtime suddenly jumps forward and hits a huge Enziguri, sending both men off the turnbuckle to the outside! Showtime frantically reaches out and gets one hand on the middle rope, sending his body crashing hard into the side of the ring, his feet mere inches from the ground as Dave lands back first onto the outside mat.
#3, #7, #13, #8

These are the numbers that previous winners have entered at. Despite the luck of having the final spot, it seems that the lower half is where someone wants to enter the event at.


Perhaps the most convincing stat of them all. 40% of Lottery winners have went on to win the big one at Kingdom Come. However, with this year's event being for the World Heavyweight Championship, the winner will have a chance to make himself the only Lethal Lottery winner to win the title at the LL event and then go on to successfully defend it at the grandest stage of them all.

We get clips from past Lotteries. We see people teaming up, eliminating one another, performing amazing acrobatics, and then finally end on a clip of last year’s Lottery winner, Drake Callahan, staring up at the Kingdom Come sign after his victory.​
Welcome onto the Road to Kingdom Come

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is the 6th annual Lethal Lottery Match! And it is for the vacant WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!



*Si! Si! Si! Si! Si! Si! Si! Si! Si! Si!*

Harrys: 30 superstars will compete. The Superstars that drew numbers 1 and 2 will enter the ring and start the match. Every 90 seconds, another competitor will enter the ring. The last man standing after the other 29 are eliminated will be declared the winner and neeeeeew WZCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!


Harrys: Introducing entrant #1, from Cleveland, Ohio, this is Ty Buuurna!!

Ty walks the aisle as the lights turn red and the ring is illuminated with the symbol of Chaos.

Cohen: Guys, how frightening of a guy do you have to be to enter this match at #1 and STILL be seen as the favorite?

Copeland: He is the longest reigning World Champion in history and in a twist of fate one of the shortest too and that doesn't suit the former WZCW owner well since the title was virtually stolen.

Connor: It's the whole reason this match is for the title instead of challenging the Champion at Kingdom Come and Beard, the cause of all this has not been seen since.


Harrys: Introducing #2, Derek Jacobs!

Jacobs runs down the aisle and enters the ring. But as soon as he does, Ty meets him and the battle is suddenly underway.

* Ding Ding Ding *

Connor: Derek didn't even get a chance to get in the ring and soak up the return reaction.

Copeland: We know how livid Ty has been the past few weeks. This is a powder keg going off.

Ty tee's off punches on Derek and whips him away. He catches him with the X-Plex on the way back. He quickly tries to get Jacobs up and toss him over the ropes but Derek fights out of it. He manages to throw Ty over, but he lands on the apron. Jacobs spots him and tries a Clothesline but Ty ducks it. He hits an Enzuigiri to create some separation and runs to the turnbuckle. Climbing it and jumping off to knock down Jacobs with a huge Leg Lariat off the top. Jacobs is face down and Ty uses the spot to hook a Suplex and slam down Jacobs. He mounts him and punches away at the big man. But Jacobs manages to get some leverage and shove the former World Champion away. Jacobs gets up as Ty charges and catches Ty with a hard Poweslam. Jacobs gets up and taunts his foe as the countdown begins. 5-4-3-2-1—BRRRR!!


Harrys: Entrant #3, Mikey Stormrage!!

Mikey charges down to the ring to a very loud pop. He slides in and is quick to lay haymakers on his former teammate.

Copeland:It seems there's no love lost from Mikey to Jacobs.

Cohen: Shocker. Maybe Jacobs should give him a burrito.

After several shots, Mikey whips Jacobs to the corner and charges with a powerful Avalanche Splash. As Jacobs bounces off, Mikey grabs him and hits the Game Over!! Mikey gets up to soak up the reaction but turns around to find Ty Burna waiting for him. The two stare each other for a bit before coming to blows. They trade right hands back and forth with neither budging an inch. Ty ducks a shot and tries to hit a Spin Kick. But Mikey dodges that and tries an Uppercut. Only for Ty to shove him off. Ty tries a Clothesline but Mikey manages to bend backwards leaving Ty befuddled. Mikey sneaks behind Ty and hits a Bellclap to get some offense. Ty covers his ears annoyed and turns to Mikey, but before anything can happen, Derek Jacobs interjects. He knocks both men down with Clotheslines and looks for what to do next as the countdown kicks up.

Cohen: Who's next?


Harrys: Entrant #4, Haven!

Copeland: Haven had bad luck earlier tonight against Cerberus. Can he make up for it here?

Haven takes off into the ring and enters, staring at Derek Jacobs. He shoots off with heavy fists but Jacobs catches him and throws him aside. But as he turns, he's met by Mikey and Ty. Jacobs charges but Mikey raises him and hits the Falcon Punch! Jacobs staggers and Ty hits the Consecrated Banishment to toss Jacobs out!

Derek Jacobs Has Been Eliminated

Connor:And looks like Derek is the first man out of the Lottery.

Copeland: Looks like the comeback came short.

Ty and Mikey survey the damage they cause and return to brawling with each other. Haven see's what goes on and stays by the corner as Ty knocks Mikey down with a series of Clotheslines. Ty keeps the offense going on Mikey with several knee shots to the gut. He underhooks Mikey. Raising him before dropping him back first on the knee for a Backbreaker. As soon as he does that, Haven swoops in and tries tossing Ty over the ropes, but Ty counters and raises Haven legs up. Haven uses the ropes for leverage and backflips behind Ty. He once again tries to eliminate Ty with a Cactus Clothesline but Ty catapults him. Haven lands on the apron preventing elimination as the countdown clock appears on screen. 5! 4! Ty tries to Clothesline Haven off the apron, but the former tag champion ducks and then goes back between the ropes. 3! 2! 1!


Harrys: Entrant #5, representing The Elite, “The Elite” Steven Holmes!

Holmes walks down to the ring with all the calmness in the world as the crowd boo's him loudly. He enters the ring and immediately attacks Haven.

Connor:Holmes has been World Champion before. Tonight is actually his first attempt to reclaim it since Kingdom Come last year.

Cohen: An injustice that can be fixed when the title belongs to The Elite.

Copeland: The wrestler or the faction?

Holmes hooks the Superiority Complex, suplexing Haven practically on his neck. He then goes after Ty Burna with a series of chops and follows up with an Irish Whip. Ty ducks a Clothesline, but gets caught in the face with a Running High Knee on the comeback. He turns around, but runs right into Mikey Stormrage who tosses him in the air for a Falcon Punch. Haven gets up and Mikey repeats the dosage. This time it's Ty and Mikey is right on him for a third straight Falcon Punch leaving him the last man standing. He fires up the crowd and they cheer him on.

*Live Mas! Live Mas! Live Mas! Live Mas!*

Haven slowly gets back up but is quite groggy. Mikey spots him and grabs him, slamming him back down with the Game Over. He quickly grabs Haven back up and tosses him out of the ring.

Haven has been eliminated

Holmes sees it and backs off into a corner as Mikey targets none other than Ty Burna himself.

Copeland: Mikey wants to prove real bad he's a top caliber star. Eliminating Ty Burna would be quite the accolade to prove that point.

Cohen: Don't you think actually winning the match would be better?

Mikey stalks Ty who slowly gets back up. Mikey picks him up, but Ty gets away. He tries to lock an X-Plex, but Mikey is a bit too hard to get in the hold and Armdrags Ty away. The two stand still in defense while Holmes stays out of dodge at the corner. The countdown appears on scree and Mikey suddenly drops his guard and smiles.

5! 4! 3!

Cohen: What's up with that?

Connor: I think I know. He must know who's coming out next.


Harrys: Entrant #6, Matt Tastic

A deafening roar fills the arena as the music plays. Matt appears on stage with the Puerto Rican flag drapped over him. He slowly walks down to the ring, but shows exhaustion from the earlier match and clutches himself in pain.

Cohen: It's a collusion! They're working together!

Connor:How in the world is Matt Tastic even conscience right now? The Elite left him for dead about 10 minutes ago!

Holmes quickly stands up and gets out of the ring. He intercepts Matt with left hands that catch him off guard.

Connor: Has Holmes always been a southpaw?

Copeland: I... Have no idea. But it seems revenge is on the mind of the apparent former Eurasian Champion.

Mikey and Ty turn to look at Holmes and Tastic but after a bit they turn to each other. Their stares become serious and the two go back throwing haymakers once again. Mikey swings and misses wildly. Ty quickly picks the big guy up and Scoop Slams him down. As that goes on, the brawl outside continues as Holmes shoves Tastic to the barricade. Holmes tries to attack, but Matt drapes the flag over Holmes and tosses him to the barricade to create some separation. He backs off clearly exhausted before turning to see Mikey in trouble from the Scoop Slam. Ty goes to run the ropes for a Knee Drop, but Matt runs in and cuts him off with a Spinning Back Fist. He stands up Mikey and checks on him as Holmes gets in the ring. Both Mikey and Tastic stand in the middle staring down Holmes and Ty on opposite ends. Holmes charges first at Mikey who's facing him, but Matt leapfrogs over his partner and then leaps for a Huricanrana to take down Holmes. Mikey charges at Ty as the two keep going at it as the countdown clock ticks down again. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!


Harrys: Entrant #7, Lexi Hayes!

Lexi runs down the ramp as Ty and Mikey keep going. Matt seems down from exhaustion and Holmes is down with him.

Copeland: The rookie gets to show her stuff here tonight. How long can she last?

Cohen:My money is on 8 minutes.

Lexi enters to find Ty and Mikey still hitting each other, but she has none of it, and Dropkicks Mikey out. Ty seems surprised by the interruption and turns to Lexi who goes into a bit of a panic and backtracks. She's cornered as Ty approaches but before he can do anything, Tastic is suddenly tossed onto Ty by an Irish Whip from Holmes. Lexi leapfrogs over the two and Holmes quickly tries to toss Matt out only for Matt to hang on. Without wasting time, he does the same to Ty but to the same result. Holmes gets frustrated and turns only to be met by a Spear from Lexi that takes him down. She turns to Mikey realizing she has the advantage and hits a series of chops on him as the San Fran resident tries to get back up. Lexi headbutts Mikey which sends both of them staggering. However Lexi bounces off the ropes and hits the Thunder Stomp on Mikey! As she celebrates the crowd cheers her on.

*Lexi! Lexi! Lexi! Lexi!*

But the chant seems to change. She turns to see Matt Tastic up. Holding his rib but to a loud pop. Lexi approaches him and the two look on and at the crowd. She puts her finger in a suggestive manner on his chest and Matt clearly blushes. The clock appears just as Lexi surprises Matt and tosses him over the ropes. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!


Harrys: Entrant #8, Frank Mortlock!

Mortlock runs down to the ring as Matt dangles on. Lexi surveys as Ty and Holmes seem to be coming about. Mortlock looks at Matt dangling before entering the ring and starts to pull on the former Eurasian Champion to try and eliminate him.

Connor: Geez, injured, loses his title, his grandfather is attacked, tricked by a woman, all at home and now a detective is pulling him.

Cohen:He's getting deported!

Copeland:Jack, this is his home and both guys are American citizens. Make sense, will you?

Mortlock keeps pulling as Lexi and Ty team up on Holmes, pushing to the ropes before following with an Irish Whip. At the same time, Matt pulls Mortlock in before shoving him. Knocking him to the barricade and pulling himself back into the ring. He stays down from exhaustion as Lexi and Ty catapult Holmes up into the air. As soon as Holmes lands, Ty kicks Lexi in the gut and drops her face first to the mat with the Mo' Murda DDT. Mikey gets back up to his feet using the turnbuckle for support as once again he makes contact with Ty. But before the two can once again battle it out, Frank Mortlock enters the fray and elbows Mikey in the face. He then starts to stomp on him on the botton turnbuckle as Ty eventually joins in. The two double team Mikey with a Double Suplex but before Mikey can hit the floor, Matt Tastic holds him in the air. He flips Mikey back over who lands on his feet and then HE Suplexes but Ty and Mortlock at once! The crowd pops loud for it as the Awesome Twosome shake hands and play to the crowd. Lexi gets back up and the duo turns to her. She charges at them head on with little choice and Matt propels her up into the air where Mikey follows with the Falcon Punch to knock her down. Holmes is next as the two get him up. Mikey whips Holmes across the ropes and the duo perform a double Flapjack. Matt fires up the crowd before running the ropes and Springboarding, turning in mid-air for a Senton. The Screw Attack connects on Holmes as the countdown clock reappears for entrant number 9. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!


Harrys: Entrant #9, the Elite X Champion, Constantine!

Rather than running, Constantine simply takes his time walking down the ramp as both Mikey and Matt wait on him. He doesn't get in, instead pulling Holmes out through the bottom rope.

Cohen: There you go. Teamwork. If that's how Mikey and Matt wanna play, the Elite can play that way too.

Copeland:This is not good. The Elite are starting to get together in this thing. Matt's too exhausted.

Matt drops down to one knee and Mikey quickly check up on him as Constantine tries to resuscitate his stablemate. As that happens, Ty Burna, Lexi and Mortlock all get back up. The three coordinate themselves and attack the duo at once. Mikey tries to fight back, but it's just too much while Matt is just down and out. Lexi keeps attacking as both Ty and Mortlock separate. They seem to coordinate some sort of attack but as Mortlock approaches Mikey for something, Ty kicks him in the face with the Consecrated Banishment! Before Mortlock can even fall down, Ty grabs him by the head and chucks him out of the ring with little effort.

Harrys: Frank Mortlock has been eliminated!

Mortlock falls right by The Elite. Who finally regroup and enter the ring. They attack Ty both at once with Constantine taking him out with the Axis Of Evil. Holmes quickly spots Lexi Hayes and takes her down with the Imperial Impaler. That's followed by both of them Double Suplexing Stormrage. They survey the ring to find Matt Tastic.

Cohen: Where's that goofball?

Connor:Oh man!

Matt appears behind The Elite with a steel chair and swings away at the two knocking both out as the countdown clock ticks. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!


Harrys: Entrant # 10, representing Cerberus, Eve Taylor!

Matt keeps beating on Holmes and Constantine with the chair as Eve carefully walks to the ring. Matt drops the chair out of the ring and opens the ropes for Eve welcoming her in.

Cohen: Matt's revenge tirade has gone far enough. He just beat on them with a chair. That's not legal!

Copeland: Are you joking me? These guys brought out Matt's family and screwed him over by endangering his grandfather! I'm surprised he's not trying to break their legs.

Connor: He doesn't seem to want to use it on Eve Taylor.

Even enters the ring and as soon as she does though as she does, Matt drops down exhausted. Eve to none other than Lexi Hayes. She pulls her up by the hair and whips Hayes to the ropes. Taylor knocks her down with the Fashion Statement. She quickly grabs Hayes and tosses her over the ropes, but Hayes holds on. Matt staggers up with Mikey by him but Eve intercepts and knocks Matt down with a Hook Kick. She tries one on Mikey but he grabs her and knocks her down. Eve gets right back up but gets knocked down by a running Clothesline. Mikey keeps going with them several times. He changes it up with a Sidewalk Slam. He runs again for more damage but as he comes back, none other than Ty Burna comes in and hits the Consecrated Banishment on Mikey! Ty roars in rage as he seems dead set on keeping the attack on Mikey. He stands him up and tries to toss him over the ropes but to no avail.

Copeland:These two just keep going at it and at it.

Ty turns and finds Constantine and Holmes standing. The two surround Ty and he stands his ground. As that happens, Eve and Hayes get up too. Mikey gets back in the ring as well and a six way brawl kicks off as the countdown clock ticks down. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!


Harrys: Entrant #11, Mick Overlast!

Overlast runs to join the brawl as all 6 participants keep going at it. Matt on the otherhand is down and out by the side of the ring. Overlast goes up the top rope and leaps onto the pile and knocks everyone down to an ovation.

Connor: Great entrance for Overlast! He just took down 6 people in one shot!

Ty gets back up but Overlast catches him with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Lexi charges, but she gets a Half Nelson Legsweep. Holmes and Mikey come in but Overlast sweeps behind and Reverse DDT's both down. Constantine clubs Overlast from behind but Overlast counters and hits the Overlasting Impression. Eve Taylor gets up and hits a series of elbows to Overlast to stop his momentum. She whips Overlast and chases to Clothesline him, but as that happens, Matt Tastic pulls the ropes and both Eve and Overlast tumble over to the outside. Matt stumbles back down as everyone staggers to get back to their feet.

Harrys: Eve Taylor and Mick Overlast have been eliminated!

Copeland: Everyone's down. Who'll get back up to take advantage?

Cohen: The Elite are standing tall. Only Showtime is left and the trio will take it all.

Constantine and Holmes take a moment to catch their breath and talk strategy. Stormrage and Tastic begin to stir, and Ty uses the ropes to drag himself to his feet. The first on their feet is Hayes, who looks like a fish out of water as the veteran Elite advance upon her.

Cohen: I bet Showtime is about to hit the ring and take The Elite over the top.

Just as Holmes and Constantine are within arms reach of Hayes, the timer hits ONE!


#12: ???

Connor: I'm not sure who we have at number twelve.

Suddenly, Backstage Bob comes running from the back, ready to enter the Lottery.

Copeland: Are you serious? I know the entire payroll is eligible, but Backstage Bob?

Cohen: Haha I love it. You never know what to expect during the Lethal Lottery.

Both Holmes and Constantine laugh as Bob hits the ring. The distraction is enough for Lexi to hit a dropkick that sends The Elite X Champion tumbling into the ropes. Hayes ducks an attempted clothesline from Ty Burna, and rushes to try to finish putting Constantine over. Stormrage pats Tastic on the back as they get to their feet and the two of them point to Bob and begin a chase around the ring. In comical fashion, Bob slides under the bottom rope and Stormrage slides under after him while Tastic climbs through the middle and continue to give chase around the ring. Ty and Holmes begin to fight it out in one corner while Lexi does her best to get the much larger Constantine over the top. Despite the size difference, Constantine is struggling. Meanwhile on the outside, Bob grabs the cotton candy vendor and offers a peace offering to his pursuers. The two men accept and take a moment to enjoy their sugary treat while Bob rolls back into the ring.

Copeland: That was, unusual, to say the least.

As Bob gets back into the ring he jumps onto the back of Ty Burna, giving Holmes the opening he needs to break away and help his friend. He clubs Lexi hard across the back and then the two stable mates toss Lexi over the top rope.

Lexi Hayes has been eliminated!

Connor: Darn!

Just as Stormrage and Tastic slide back into the ring, the countdown nears the end.



#13 Ramparte

Copeland: Lucky number thirteen, Ramparte.

Cohen: The second member of Cerberus about to hit the ring, and you have to wonder if the ecstasy of his earlier victory will distract him.

As soon as Ramparte hits the ring, he goes after the Stormrage and Tastic. The two members of The Elite in the match then enter on the side of evil and begin to hammer away at the delinquents.

Connor: You have to wonder how long...

Just as Cat Connor begins to speak, Ty is able to toss Bob over the top rope.

Backstage Bob has been eliminated!

Cohen: Not long. I could beat that.

Ty wastes no time and enters into the brawl taking place. Instead of siding with Stormrage and Tastic to even the odds, he throws lefts and rights at random, mixing in kicks that manage to break up brawl. Holmes and Constantine pair off again and tangle with M and M, while Ramparte bravely decides to square off with Ty Burna. He manages to duck an initial punch and ties Ty up. He slips behind him connects with a spinning kick to the back of the head. He then leaps to the second turnbuckle and hits a big double fisted blow to the back of the stumbling Ty. With the former World Champ reeling, Ramparte grabs a leg and begins to lift him over the top rope as the countdown ticks away.


Copeland: I think Ramparte may need some help getting Ty over.


#14 Flex Mussel

Connor: Looks like he may get that help.

Flex hits the ring and immediately goes to help his partner. The two of them do their best to get Ty Burna over the top rope, but it proves worthless as Ty has hooked his arms into the top rope. They continue to try until Matt Tastic whips Steven Holmes into the pair, knocking all four men to the ground. Tastic then goes to help Stormrage, who has locked Constantine in a full nelson. Instead of trying to eliminate The Elite X Champion, Tastic gives him a titty twister. The pair of friends laugh as Constantine screams in pain before a tandem dropkick and tiger suplex puts the champ down. Ty does his best to fight off Cerberus, who managed to get to their feet first and are stomping away at Ty. With the former World Champ down, the two turn their attention to Constantine. The two lift him to his feet and put him back down with a tandem suplex.

Copeland: Impressive double team move by Cerberus there, but you have to wonder why they didn't try to get a dangerous Ty Burna up and out.

Not to be outdone, Stormrage and Tastic each grab an arm of Constantine and Irish whip him hard across the ring, right at Holmes. The two collide as Matt and Mikey share a high five and the clock ticks down.



#15: Aubrey Sloan

Copeland: Young Aubrey Sloan making her way to the ring.

Cohen: Put the women back in the kitchen please.

Connor: Oh shut it Jack.

Sloan climbs to the top rope and connects with a very impressive split leg kick takes down both Tastic and Stormrage. Once they are down she gets back to her feet and runs at Constantine and Holmes, she starts to fire right hands back and forth at both men before she knocks their heads together and puts them back down. Once she is assured they are down, she springboards and connects with a cross body that takes down Cerberus. With Ty already down Aubrey stands alone in the ring. She looks around as the crowd cheers her, unaware of what her next move should be. Just as she starts to raise her arms in acknowledgement of the fans, Constantine sneaks up behind and tosses her over the top rope. The youngster however manages to grab onto the top rope and use it to hang on, her feet dangling just above the ground. In an impressive display, she flips back over the ropes, kicking the Elite X champ in the face as she manages to get back into the ring.

Connor: You go girl.

Sloan stands back up to cheers, but this time she stays on her guard and goes to attack the first person on their feet, who happens to be Matt Tastic. The two trade some punches before the fresher Sloan gets the advantage. In the meantime, Steven Holmes has managed to lock Mikey Stormrage in a chinlock while Ramparte and Mussel double team Constantine. Ty Burna is still down, holding his back, but taking a much needed breath, hoping to last a while longer from the number one spot.

Copeland: Jack as we watch the countdown on these final ten seconds, what do you think is the key to a long stay in these matches?

Cohen: Well look at Ty. He is down, keeping a low profile. That will allow him to catch a few moments to recover before he looks to pick his spot Seabass.



#16: elegANT

The newcomer elegANT makes his way onto the ramp and surveys the scene inside the ring.

Cohen: Can someone please give me some info on this clown?

Connor: It says here that elegANT is 179 pounds and is from The Lap of Luxery, and his hometown is an anthill, because he is an ant. I've got nothing else.

Cohen: Well I hope ants can fly, cause he looks like he is about to take a trip.

Indeed just as Jack Cohen finishes his sentence, Mikey Stormrage greats the newcomer with a huge backbody drop, sending him over the top rope and crashing to the floor.

elegANT has been eliminated!

Copeland: Talk about an elegant landing

Cohen: Really Seabass?

Connor: Yeah, that was terrible Sebastian.

Copeland: The clock is ticking down, lets just get back to the next entrant.

Indeed the clock is on its final ten seconds as Sloan and Ty Burna take it to Cerberus and The Elite again tie up with Matt and Stormrage.



#17: Daddy Mack

Daddy Mack: Daddy Mack BABY!

The eccentric Mack makes his way to the ring. He takes his time to greet fans at ringside as he goes. Before he gets to the ring the duo of Ty Burna and Aubrey Sloan take Flex Mussel over the top rope with a double clothesline.

Flex Mussel has been eliminated!

Just as Daddy Mack slides into the ring he is immediately stomped hard by The Elite, a double back body drop from Tastic and Stormrage eliminate Ramparte.

Ramparte has been eliminated!

Daddy Mack shows old man resilience as he holds out long enough to be saved by Ty Burna, who drags Steven Holmes away and begins to kick away at his midsection. Sloan takes a minute to catch a breath before she tangles with Matt Tastic. This leaves The Elite X champion Constantine to tangle with the former Tag and EurAsian champion Mikey Stormrage. Despite having about sixty pounds on Constantine, Stormrage is planted by an Axis of Evil! The spinning spinebuster rattles the ring as the three hundred plus pounder is driven hard into the mat.

Cohen: Holy hell! I felt that one!

Constantine lets out a primal roar when he pops back up, a few audience members applaud the show of strength. The majority of fans begin to count down to the next member of the roster to enter the match.



#18: Showtime

Cohen: Here we go! The Elite is about to take over.

Connor: The numbers are certainly in their favor at this point.

Daddy Mack is the only man free, so he greats the former Lethal Lottery winner with a few right hands. Showtime comes back with left hands, and the two begin to trade blows in impressive fashion. In the meantime, Constantine is having a rough time eliminating Stormrage. The big man has wrapped himself around the top rope like a spider monkey, showing some impressive athleticism. Steven Holmes tries to help out, but it met by Matt Tastic who cuts him off and sets him up with a few knife edge chops. Once he has a solid red canvas, the hometown hero connects with a massive kick to the chest, flooring Holmes.

Connor: Do you think having a friend helps in this match guys?

Copeland: We have certainly seen The Elite work well, as well as Stormrage and Tastic. If you have someone you can trust I think it should bode well.

Cohen: Or you form short lived alliances. Look at Ty. He has picked his spots and he is still in this as we draw closer to number nineteen.

Showtime has gained the upper hand on Daddy Mack and connects with a sweet neckbreaker, putting the elder statesman down. Stormrage has managed to reenter the ring, but he is still feeling the effects of the giant spinebuster from Constantine. Steven Holmes and Matt Tastic are still trading blows, while Ty connects with a side slam onto Sloan. She rolls to the corner to catch her breath while staring up at the clock as it nears its end.



#19: Blade

The veteran Blade makes his way to the ring as slow as possible, taking his time to gauge the situation.

Cohen: Many people have Blade tapped for a good showing here tonight, and I agree.

Before Blade is able to make his way into the ring he has to sidestep Daddy Mack. The three members of The Elite toss the old man over the ropes, but he lands on his feet on the steel steps. Just as he is about to reenter the ring, Blade unceremoniously throws him to the floor.

Daddy Mack has been eliminated!

Cohen: Thanks for coming!

Copeland: Almost a nice save, but Blade finished the job.

Blade finally enters the ring and decides he wants Aubrey Sloan. He hammers away with clubbing blows, before he slams her down with a scoop slam. She tries to spring back to her feet, but some fatigue sets in and Blade connects with a reverse DDT. Sloan is reeling when Showtime and Holmes make their way to Ty. Showtime ties his longtime foe up and Holmes goes to work with some unblocked punches. The two men get ready to eliminate Ty, holding him at the ropes for Constantine. The big Elite X champ charges but Ty slips out at the last second. Constantine slams into Steven Holmes and sends him tumbling over the top rope and to the floor.

Steven Holmes has been eliminated!

Cohen: No!

Copeland: And just like that, The Elite are down to two.



#20: Jon Hyada

Connor: Jonathan Hyada, looking to find some success here tonight after dropping his tag team titles earlier in the day.

Cohen: Just a giant loser.

Hyada climbs to the top rope and a crossbody puts down Constantine and Showtime, who were busy trying to figure out the miscommunication between The Elites. Blade and Ty have squared off, with Ty working on a headlock with the occasional punch to keep things honest. Meanwhile Stormrage and Tastic have grabbed the drink cooler from below the ring using some unique teamwork and are re-hydrating with some Gatorade. This leaves Aubrey Sloan to go after the veteran Showtime after Hyada had decided to square off with Constantine.

Copeland: Only ten men left to enter and we still have the men that entered at number one and number three, Ty Burna and Mikey Stormrage respectively.

Blade manages to reverse the headlock into an impressive back suplex, planting Ty. Stormrage and Tastic seem invisible in their corner until Blade decides to go after them. Tastic and Stormrage both spit their beverage into the eyes of Blade, then Stormrage hits a running crossbody, followed by a big elbow drop by Tastic. With Blade down the two play a quick game of rock, paper, scissor to decide who gets to attempt to eliminate him. Stormrage wins out with rock, so he scoops up Blade and works to dump Blade over the top while Tastic kneels next to Ty and starts to hammer away with some hard fists. As the clock hits the ten second mark, Hyada hits an impressive karate kick to the head of Constantine.



#21: Kagura Ohzora

Connor: More girl power. I can dig it.

Copeland: Twenty one is a good number, we could see the first female winner here tonight.

With a methodical, almost meditative pace, Ohzora makes her way to the ring. On the outside she removes her ceremonial garments before she climbs in and enters the fray. Her target is Blade, who took Stormrage down with a poke to the eye and a chop block. She strikes with karate like strikes, many of them lightening quick. As Constantine has Hyada on the ropes, he meets eyes with Showtime, and the two Irish whip their foes into the ropes. Both Hyada and Aubrey Sloan are victims of clotheslines.

Copeland: Jack do you still think The Elite can function after their earlier miscue?

Cohen: Even the best can't be perfect. Germany drew with Ghana. The San Antonio Spurs lost a few games. You can drop a pass or two and still be a winner, and The Elites are just that.



#22: El Califa Dragon

Connor: The masked Califa making his way to the ring now.

Copeland: Last year he was involved in one of the the most memorable moments in Lethal Lottery history.

Cohen: Indeed. He came face to face with himself, himself being a masked Ty Burna making his return to WZCW.

Copeland: Speaking of Ty Burna, check it out guys.

On the outside, Ty Burna has one foot on the floor, doing his best to hold himself in place as Showtime does his best to pry his hands loose. Tastic, who has just planted Blade with a backbreaker is the recipient of a missile dropkick from Califa as he enters the ring. Mikey Stormrage repays an earlier favor to Constantine and connects with a big Game Over! Once he rises to his feet, Ozhora hits him with a crane kick. The two martial artists then proceed to connects with double dropkicks to Showtime, allowing Ty Burna to roll back inside. The Japanese import then takes down Aubrey Sloan with a big knee to the side of the head off a springboard, while Califa eats a punch from Hyada. He dodges the second before catching a kick and connecting with a dragon screw, leaving Califa and Ozhora standing alone in the center of the ring.


Cohen: You have got to be kidding me....

Doug Crashin walks out to the top of the entrance ramp, holding his arms up triumphantly, to complete silence from the crowd, not even a boo.

Connor: Who's that Jack?

Cohen: Ah Cat, you have been fortunate to not see this calamity up until now.

Harrys: Entrant #23. Doug Crashin.

Crashin makes his way to the ring where Kagura and El Califa are standing, El Califa with his head tilted to the side. Crashin tries to shoo them away from the ropes as he walks onto the apron, but Kagura shows a sudden streak of anger as she grabs Crashin and tosses him into the ring forcefully. Califa immediately starts delivering stiff kicks to the chest before finishing with a kick to the head. He pulls Crashin up and whips him across the ropes, and Kagura connects with the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami. Crashin hits the mat, but Blade is to his feet and connects with The Halo, dropping him down hard. Crashin drags himself over to the ropes, trying to drag himself up. As he turns around he stumbles right into Mikey and Game Over! Crashin is flattened on the mat, but isn't done as El Califa comes off the top rope with Dragon del Vuelo! Mikey and El Califa pull Crashin up and whip him towards a rising Ty who spins Crashin into the ropes before delivering Consecrated Banishment! Crashin flies over the top rope and lands on the outside, completely out as the crowd roars loudly.

Harrys: Doug Crashin has been eliminated!

Connor: Poor Crashin.....

Cohen: Poor Crashin? Poor us! That was a poor use of a prime Lottery spot!

While Kagura seems to recollect herself, suddenly Showtime comes up from behind and pushes her up over the top rope and to the outside. The crowd immediately begins booing as Showtime begins talking trash. Ty positions himself right behind Showtime, priming for another Consecrated Banishment, but Constantine spins Ty around and begins delivering stiff right hands. Ty counters and the fight resumes all around the ring. Blade has Mikey down in the corner, stomping away at him while Tastic and Hyada square off. Sloan timidly motions for Califa, and the Dragon doesn't back down. He goes for a dropkick but Sloan suddenly catches him mid air! She lifts him over the top rope but Califa hangs on tightly, trying to position his legs for a head scissors as the struggle reigns on. Hyada stuns Tastic with a kicking combination, before springboarding off the ropes for the Falling Star but Tastic dropkicks him back into the ropes. Ty whips Constantine across the ring, and Constantine hits a clothesline, knocking Haven out!

Harrys: Kagura Ohzora and Jonathan Hyada have been eliminated!

Copeland: The Elite have been showing their muscle, even after losing Steven Holmes earlier in the match.

Cohen: Showtime and Constantine are showing that experience trumps youth in the Lottery. Doesn't matter how high you jump if you land on the outside.

Ty grabs hold of Showtime and the crowd begins cheering loudly as the two legendary rivals stare each other down as they begin throwing lefts and rights. Constantine goes to help his fellow Elite member, but Tastic cuts him off and tries to connect with the Headache Driver. Constantine shoves him off but Tastic connects with a dropkick. On the other side, Sloan and Blade are now both working on eliminating Califa, who's still struggling to hang on. Suddenly the Tron begins counting down.



Harrys: The 24th entrant, Diabolos!

Diabolos comes running down as the crowd is split down the middle. He quickly goes for Mikey and begins punching away on the big man. He tries to lift him up but struggles to do so. Califa has kicked Blade off of him, and shoves a shoulder into Sloan's midsection. Califa springboards off and connects with a spinning head scissors, sending Sloan across the ring. Ty has Showtime in the corner, dropping down blows before whipping him across. Showtime drops to a knee and slides down before turning and running towards Ty and connecting with a clothesline. Showtime is caught by surprise by Blade who locks in a Tiger Suplex! Blade stands back up looking to gloat over Showtime but Diabolos comes from behind and tries to toss Blade over. Tastic moves over to Ty and lifts him up trying for the Headache Driver but Ty connects with a few elbows. Ty backs up into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Tastic catches him and delivers a rolling spinebuster. He springs out of it to the ropes and comes off with the Screw Attack! It connects and Ty rolls to the corner in pain, holding onto the bottom rope.

Connor: Tastic connects with the Screw Attack but Ty wisely rolls to the corner.

Cohen: Ty has taken some major punishment in the Lottery so far. It won't be long before he's out!

Tastic tries to lift Ty up, and leans him against the corner. Ty pushes on Tastic's face to give himself some leverage. Meanwhile Showtime and Diabolos work on Blade, the leader of the MIB in trouble as he's almost over the ropes. Suddenly numerous Men in Black come running to the ring from within the crowd. Just as they get there Showtime, Constantine, and Diabolos have Blade sent over, but the MIB catch him before his feet hits the ground!

Cohen: Blade's army has paid off in a big way here!

They carry Blade back over to the ring and slide him into the ring. Showtime and Constantine have turned their focus on Diabolos now, taking turns delivering shots to the head. Blade gets to his feet and salutes to the Men In Black as Constantine suddenly tosses Diabolos over the top rope and to the outside!

Harrys: Diabolos has been eliminated!



Harrys: The 25th entrant, Mister Alhazred!

The crowd pops loudly as Alhazred's tron hits the screen. No one comes from the back but Diabolos suddenly stands up and rips off his mask, revealing it to be Alhazred himself! He slides into the ring quickly and as Blade gives orders to the Men in Black as they begin to surround the ring, Alhazred tosses Blade over as the Men In Black can't catch him a second time!

Harrys: Blade has been eliminated!

Cohen: WHAT?!! That's against the rules! He can't be in there twice!

Copeland: In a stunning turn of events, Diabolos has revealed himself to be Alhazred, and he's eliminated Blade!

Blade is helped to his feet as the rage and anger forms on his face. He shoves one of his men back as he stares down Alhazred, who's begun thrusting his hips towards Blade in celebration. Blade and the MIB retreat to the back as Alhazred turns towards Sloan, his eyes growing wide as he begins thrusting his way towards her. Sloan's eyes grow wide as well, and as Alhazred makes his way towards her, Sloan quickly steps back from him, but he gains ground, his hips moving faster as he gets closer. Suddenly Sloan steps forward and delivers a stiff belly to belly suplex! However this seems to only make Alhazred spasm harder, and Sloan looks repulsed at him. She turns and tries to go after someone else, and runs right into the chest of a freshly risen Ty Burna. Alhazred removes the Diabolos body suit, revealing the Power Glove! He presses a few buttons as Ty smirks, pointing behind Sloan. She turns slowly and gets smashed by the Level 5! She spins back around from the attack. Ty nods to Alhazred and the two grab her and toss her over the top rope to the outside.

Harrys: Aubrey Sloan has been eliminated!

Cohen: It appears Aubrey couldn't handle a real man like Alhazred.

Copeland: But it seems as if Ty and Alhazred are on the same page?

As soon as Copeland says this, Ty grabs Alhazred and tries to toss him over. He holds on and on the other side of the ring Mikey and Tastic have paired up against Constantine and Showtime. El Califa takes advantage of the distraction and comes off the top rope with a cross body on Constantine. Constantine rolls through though, and tries to dump Califa over the ropes. Califa holds on however, wrapping his legs around the ropes as Ty gets kicked off by Alhazred. Tastic and Mikey meanwhile try to strike Showtime but he ducks under both of them. He dropkicks Tastic but sneaks through Mikey's legs before kicking his leg out from under him. He grabs Mikey's head and delivers a Reverse DDT. Showtime tries to lift Mikey up and he yells for Constantine, who abandons trying to eliminate Califa to help his Elite teammate. They both lift Mikey up and get him up against the ropes. Alhazred and Ty continue to brawl before Ty hits a Mo Murda DDT. Before he can capitalize, El Califa comes up from behind on Ty and tries tossing him over the top rope. Ty holds on, and with a few placed elbows he knocks Califa back. Ty goes for Consecrated Banishment, but Califa ducks under and suddenly grabs Ty and drops him down with the Dragon Clutch!



Harrys: Entrant #26: Theron Daggershield!

Theron makes his way out and holds his sword up as he runs down the ramp to the ring.

Connor: Theron was unable to capture the Elite X Title, but perhaps the World Title is in his future?

Cohen: Not likely Cat. Theron faced bitter defeat earlier tonight, and it will remain the same here!

Theron hops up onto the apron with his sword and swings it right at Constantine and Showtime. It forces Elite to back off and gives Mikey a chance to roll back into the ring. Theron drops his sword and goes right at Constantine. Showtime goes to help but Tastic tackles him down and begins swinging wildly.

Copeland: A rematch of the Elite X and Eurasian Title matches are going at the same time!

Constantine tries to lift up Theron with the Axis of Evil but Theron floats over before connecting with the Critical Hit! Constantine is out as Theron pops back up with the crowd roaring for him. Mikey gets to his feet slowly as Alhazred rushes over and begins delivering stiff rights with the Power Glove. Mikey tries to fight back as brawls continue throughout the ring. Tastic lifts up Showtime for the Headache Driver, but Showtime counters and sends Tastic into the corner. He delivers a clothesline before lifting Tastic to the turnbuckle. He climbs up and sets him up for The Final Act! Ty finally breaks free of of El Califa, but the Dragon sees Showtime and Tastic standing dangerously on the turnbuckle. He rushes towards them, but Showtime kicks Califa away. Tastic hits a few elbows to the side of Showtime's head. Showtime loses grip but hits a few shots to the midsection before taking Tastic into the air and connects with The Final Act! Both men are down hard as the crowd boos Showtime loudly. Califa gets to his feet but Theron catches him and tries to deliver a huracanrana to the outside. Califa holds on however and wraps his feet around Theron's throat, using the ropes for leverage for the choke!



Harrys: Entrant #27: M!

M makes his way out to boos from the crowd as he takes a dramatic pose at the top of the entrance stage. He stands up and laughs maniacally before sauntering his way down to the ring. He climbs in and runs towards the corner where Ty is sitting in, and connects with the Mega M Kick! He flips himself to the top rope and comes off with the Mega M Flip to the downed Theron! Califa grabs M but M counters with a step up enziguri. Califa drops to the mat as M focuses on Alhazred next. He grabs a choke on Alhazred before dropping him down with an STO. M takes a dramatic pose in the center of the ring as everyone around him is down.

Cohen: M has become the magnificent master of the Lottery now!

Connor: But he has yet to eliminate anyone yet.

Cohen: What? And not enjoy the marvelous machinations of his mental superiority?

M walks over to Ty and tries to throw him over, but Ty holds on to the top rope. He falls over to the apron as the crowd starts buzzing as Ty tries to remain on the apron. M tries to kick him off before he wraps his leg over the top rope, while his other foot remains on Ty's throat. Ty's eyes begin glowing red as he grabs hold of M's foot, pushing it up as M suddenly realizes his predicament. Ty roars as he pushes the foot up and rolls under the ropes and into the ring. M keeps his balance and turns towards Ty, but Ty runs up and grabs M, delivering a front facing X Plex! M hits the mat as Ty drops to one knee, fatigue kicking in badly. Constantine slowly gets to his feet and Ty flips his head up, staring directly at Constantine, as he breathes heavily. He pushes up and forward, going for Consecrated Banishment, and it connects! Constantine is knocked down as Ty stands in the corner, but suddenly Mikey and Tastic come from behind and try to push him out. Ty spins around and wraps his arms around the ropes, trying to kick the two off of them.



The crowd roars immediately as they see the tront.

Harrys: Entrant #28: S.H.I.T.!

S.H.I.T. walks out from the back, the robotic man looking better than ever as he makes his way down the ramp. The crowd begins chanting his name as he climbs onto the apron and enters the ring. Alhazred is up and looks towards his former fellow Apostle. Alhazred walks up to him and holds his arms out for a hug. S.H.I.T. calculates what to do and opens his arms wide too. Alhazred goes to hug him, and S.H.I.T. returns the favor, but something is wrong as Alhazred struggles suddenly, and S.H.I.T. lifts him up in a bear hug. Alhazred's face goes red as he tries to break free, and soon he goes limp. S.H.I.T. carries Alhazred over to the ropes and drops him over the top rope. Alhazred hits the apron and rolls off to the outside!

Harrys: Alhazred has been eliminated!

Connor: I don't think S.H.I.T. is here to visit friends.

Cohen: He almost popped Alhazred like the pimple he is!

The crowd continues cheering for S.H.I.T. as he sees Mikey and Tastic. He turns Tastic around and delivers an overhand chop! Mikey tries to run to Tastic's aid but gets a chop for himself. Showtime rolls over to a corner to avoid any damage as Constantine is still laid out along with Theron and El Califa. Ty stands up and comes face to face with S.H.I.T. The crowd roars as the two stare off, Ty looking towards the crowd and then back to S.H.I.T. He holds his hand out and the robot looks down at it. He reaches out and shakes his hand but Ty suddenly tries to whip him over the ropes! S.H.I.T. holds on though, and S.H.I.T. stares down Ty. Ty shrugs his shoulders at his failed attempt and begins swinging wildly at the robot, who shrugs off the blows before pulling Ty forward and connecting with a chop to the head! Ty falls to the mat holding his head as blood begins pouring down his face.


Cohen: Excuse me you two!

Copeland: Where are you going?

Harrys: Entrant #29: Jack Cohen!

Cohen walks out from the announce table as the crowd begins cheering for him now as he walks up the steps and onto the apron. He enters the ring and delivers an atomic drop to the attacking M. Theron is up now and gets an atomic drop for his troubles. He picks Theron up and sets him for a piledriver, but Califa flies over the top of Theron and dropkicks Jack over the top rope to the outside! Jack gets to his feet and looks up at Califa, who tilts his head and shakes it slowly. Jack returns to his seat at the announce table.

Cohen: What a great performance by our number 29 entrant!

Copeland and Connor shake their heads as M and Califa begin going at it.

Harrys: Jack Cohen has been eliminated!

Showtime gets to his feet and scrambles towards Ty, delivering repeated blows to his downed rival before lifting him up. S.H.I.T. ambles over to El Califa and grabs a nerve hold on the luchador, dropping him to his knees in pain. M slowly gets up and walks into Mikey who lifts him up and delivers Game Over! M is flattened on the mat as Tastic climbs up and delivers a Screw Attack from the top rope! The maniacal M is dragged up off the ground as Tastic and Mikey go to throw him out. However they throw him right into Showtime, and he goes over the top rope and to the outside!

Harrys: Showtime Cougar has been eliminated!

The crowd is stunned as is Showtime as he looks up at the ring, his eyes wide at what just happened. Tastic waves goodbye to Showtime as M stumbles around dazed.

Cohen: This is unbelievable Seabass! Showtime got knocked out by that bumbling idiot M!

Copeland: Showtime got caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Showtime walks around the ring, slamming his fists on the apron as he walks to the entrance ramp. Suddenly he rushes to the ring and grabs a chair from underneath the ring and slides back in. With Tastic and Mikey's backs turned, he slams the chair into both of them before following up with a stiff shot to the head of M. El Califa turns and gets blasted in the face as well. Metal hits metal as S.H.I.T. is dropped from a chair shot as well. Theron tries to grab the chair but Showtime slams it into his gut before delivering a shot to the back. Showtime stands in the center of the ring with everyone down, as Constantine slowly rises to his feet. Showtime sees him and walks over to him, handing him the chair and telling him it's on him to win the Lottery now.

Connor: Showtime has just decimated the entire remaining participants!

Cohen: I love it! It's easy pickings for Constantine now!

Constantine gets an evil smile on his face as Showtime exits the ring to walk to the back as Constantine surveys the field. S.H.I.T. gets to his feet and Constantine immediately slams the chair into his head again, knocking the robot back into the ropes. Constantine rushes forward and shoves the edge of the chair into the throat of the robot, sending him up and over!

Harrys: S.H.I.T. has been eliminated!

He turns around and sees M still stumbling dizzily in the ring. Constantine tosses the chair out and grabs M, delivering the Axis of Evil! He gets up and roars as picks M back up and tosses him over the top rope right onto S.H.I.T. The robot gets up and looks at M who pleads for merciful mercy. S.H.I.T. delivers an overhand chop to the delight of the crowd.

Harrys: M has been eliminated!

Connor: Constantine is cleaning out the ring at a quick pace, but we have one last entrant! Who could it be?



Cohen: Who is that?

A man emerges from the back, carrying a volleyball. The man has a long straggly beard with his head down. Soon he raises his head and the crowd erupts, revealing himself to be none other than....

Harrys: Entrant #30: Chris KO!

Copeland: Chris KO has returned to WZCW!

Cohen: But what is he doing with a volleyball of all things?

Chris smiles as he walks down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans as he makes his way down to the ring. He places the volleyball down in the corner before walking up the steps. Meanwhile in the ring, Theron has gotten back up and tries to hit another Critical Hit on Constantine. Constantine counters however and sends Theron into the ropes where Chris was leaning on, sending Theron up and over!

Harrys: Theron Daggershield has been eliminated!

Ty slowly pulls himself up in the corner, his eyes staring straight forward at Chris, a look of almost disbelief on his face. Chris slowly enters the ring as Califa goes after Constantine with Mikey and Tastic still down. Chris stands over Ty, who slowly pulls himself up, unsure of what to do. El Califa tries to take Constantine down with a huracanrana but Constantine throws him off. El Califa bounces off the mat inbetween Chris and Ty. Chris lifts El Califa and dusts him off with a smile on his face still before shoving him into Ty. Califa collides with Ty and Chris goes for a flying knee strike! Ty moves out of the way, but Califa eats the knee, sending him over the top rope onto the apron. Ty looks between Chris and Califa, before springing forward and hitting Consecrated Banishment on Califa, knocking him to the floor!

Harrys: El Califa has been eliminated!

Connor: History has repeated itself, with Ty eliminating El Califa tonight!

Cohen: But what of Chris? He looks like he wants to kill Ty or be best friends with him at the same time!

Mikey and Tastic slowly gather themselves and Constantine stands between all four men, getting ever closer to their prized goal. Constantine picks up the chair from earlier, eyeing each man closely. Ty looks towards Tastic and Mikey, and then back to Chris. All four nod their heads as they turn towards Constantine. Constantine swings wildly at Tastic, but he ducks under. Constantine gets run over by Mikey. Chris lifts Constantine up and tries to toss him over, but Constantine holds on. Mikey and Tastic try to help, but Ty comes up from behind and turns Tastic around, throwing lefts and rights before clotheslining Tastic to the apron. Chris and Mikey make progress on Constantine, but he pokes Mikey in the eyes, allowing him to kick Chris away from him. Constantine tries to clothesline Chris down, but Chris ducks under and goes for his flying knee strike just as Ty turns and goes for Consecrated Banishment! Constantine is hit from both sides and is knocked into the ropes. Chris and Ty both hit stiff clotheslines, sending Constantine out to the floor!

Harrys: Constantine has been eliminated!

Cohen: No! This was supposed to be the Elite's time!

Copeland: We're down to the final four here now! Mikey Stormrage, Chris KO, Matt Tastic, and Ty Burna are three eliminations from achieving their dream!

Chris and Ty looks to each other and motion towards Mikey and they grab him, using their combined strength to send him over the top rope to the apron. Tastic tries to pull himself up alongside Mikey but Ty comes flying at him with a Consecrated Banishment! Tastic begins falling backwards, but Mikey grabs Tastic's arm and pulls him back onto the apron!

Cohen: What is that idiot doing!

Mikey holds onto Tastic while dealing with Chris, finally headbutting Chris with all his might and sending him backwards before he rolls Tastic safely back into the ring. Ty rushes forward once more, going for Consecrated Banishment when Mikey suddenly pulls the rope down and Ty goes flying over the top rope and hitting the floor! The crowd is stunned as Ty looks up at Mikey, his eyes wide as he now realizes what has just happened.

Harrys: Ty Burna has been eliminated!

Copeland: Mikey just eliminated Ty Burna!

Connor: The last remaining former World Champion is gone! We're guaranteed a new World Heavyweight Champion tonight!

Cohen: I don't believe it! The fat man got something right!

Ty looks up stunned as he slowly gathers himself as all three men remaining just stare back at him. Ty swallows his pride and applauds Mikey who looks back to Ty smiling wide. Ty begins walking around when suddenly Chris comes flying across with a knee strike again, knocking Mikey who falls awkwardly and hits the floor. Ty stops and looks back to Chris then to Mikey, a smirk forming on his face as he shakes his head.

Harrys: Mikey Stormrage has been eliminated!

Cohen: Or he just waited to screw it up a few moments later.

Copeland: Mikey didn't remain focused on the match, instead accepting the applause from Ty.

Connor: Either way we're down to just Matt Tastic and Chris KO!

Chris turns and meets Matt Tastic heads on. The two staring each other down before Tastic points to the World Heavyweight Championship sitting at ringside. Chris nods his head and the two begin slugging it out. Chris backs Tastic into the ropes and sends him across. Chris goes for a clothesline but Tastic ducks under and returns with a running lariat neckbreaker! Chris holds the back of his head as Tastic gets up, waiting for Chris to get to his feet. He rushes forward and tries to throw Chris over, but Chris holds on before kicking Tastic backwards. Tastic runs forward again but Chris throws him into the corner. He lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle, setting him up for a superplex. He lifts him up but he turns and angles Tastic towards the floor. Tastic hits a knee to the head and gets back onto the ropes. He balances on it before running forward and jumping onto Chris's shoulders with a huracanrana! He spins around and sends Chris and himself towards the floor but Tastic hooks his legs on the bottom rope, his hands on the floor as Mikey Stormrage rushes over and clutches him, helping him onto the apron as Chris hits the floor feet first!

Harrys: Chris KO has been eliminated! Therefore your winner of the Lethal Lottery, and NEEEEEEEEEEEEEW WZCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, MAAAAAAAT TAAAASTIC!

Copeland: Tastic did it! He held on at the last second with an ingenious move!

Tastic slowly pushes himself up onto the apron as Chris slowly gathers himself on the outside. Tastic rolls into the ring as Referee Akiyama enters the ring and presents him with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. The hometown hero grabs hold of the title and drops to his knees as his countrymen cheer loudly as the pyro goes off on the stage before confetti begins falling all around them.

Connor: The hometown hero returned to Puerto Rico, and he walks out, the new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Tastic slowly rises to his feet as he walks over to the turnbuckle, climbing up to the second turnbuckle and lifting the title up high into the air as he yells out in victory. The celebration continues as the confetti finally ends, the party just beginning in Puerto Rico for their hometown son. Mikey Stormrage gets in the ring and raises his buddy up on his shoulders as fans jump in to celebrate as well. Leon Kensworth enters the festivities as well with a mic at hand to interview Matt Tastic.

Leon: Oh my God! Matt Tastic! Nearly 5 years in the making and you finally did it! Congratulations!! What do you have to say?! A lot I'm guessing after winning at home.

Matt gets off Mikey, but Mikey is the one to respond.

Mikey: First, I wanna say how happy I am for Matt but..... Wait a minute....

Mikey turns to Matt who has a comically confused grin on his face.

Home? Matt..... I thought you were Mexican?!!

Matt and the fans are quickly all over Mikey and Matt with the fans by him pour drinks over Mikey before he takes the mic.

Matt: LIVE! MAS!!

Copeland: Congratulations to our new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Matt Tastic! We're out of time here at Lethal Lottery, for Jack Cohen, and Cat Connor, I'm Sebastian Copeland, goodnight!

The camera pans around as Tastic continues celebrating in the ring as he slaps the title, pride clearly showing on his face as Lethal Lottery fades off the air.

LL part 1 - KJ

Consty vs Dagger, LL part 2 - Yaz

LL part 3 - Ty

YJ vs Cerbs - Harth

Matty vs Showy - Dave

Segments - Everyone

Also Yaz(writing this line) wrote the Elite X title match.


From the bottom of my heart, this has been my hobby for over 4 years. And I wanted this show to be special. It ended up far more special than I expected but that's all thanks to your support, peeps. Thank you. Now lets roll on to the granddaddy of them all: KINGDOM COME VI


Yaz again. I can honestly say that there were no bad RPs this year. Even the guys who went out early or went out quickly, they were still solid reads.

I'm so proud of Killjoy. We annoy you guys with our WZCW DX lite act with our characters, but I'm so fucking happy for him over this. The dude deserves it and wrote one of the best RPs ever.
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