Lethal Lottery Outtakes

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
The Lottery was one of the biggest PPV's we have produced this cycle and to be quite honest, a lot of what originally was supposed to be shown on the show didn't end up in the final cut. Some of it was disposed of... however, we have decided for the first time to open up the archives and give you special bonus outtakes of this prestigious event every day until the next boards come out.

For today's adventure:

WZCW EurAsian Championship
Triple Threat
Black Dragon (c) vs. Chris K.O. vs. Celeste Crimson

What originally happened... written by Blade.



Harrys: The following contest is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall and it is for the EurAsian Championship!


The crowd boo loudly as Chris K.O. walks out onto the ramp looking stone-faced and focused. None of the other Apostles are with him as he heads down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 212 pounds, representing the Apostles of Chaos, Chris K.O!

Copeland: Ty Burna has sent K.O. a very strong message recently, he expects his Apostle to win tonight.

Cohen: The champion is on a roll, but I think K.O. is the man to stop it.

K.O. looks at the nearest crowd members with contempt before getting up onto the apron and into the ring. He cracks his knuckles and turns his attention to the ramp.

The crowd give a big cheer as Celeste Crimson walks out. She allows herself a small smile before heading towards the ring.

Harrys: And his opponents, first, weighing in at 165 pounds, Celeste Crimson!

Crimson looks K.O. in the eyes with a stare that could kill but K.O. stares right back at her. She tentatively gets into the ring, not taking her eyes off the Apostle.

Connor: Crimson knows how dangerous K.O. can be and there’s no way she’ll let him get one over on her!

There’s a big pop as the lights go down and Soul of the Shadow hits. Black Dragon is standing on top of the ramp, EurAsian title proudly around his waist.

Harrys: And their opponents, he is the EurAsian champion, Black Dragon!

Dragon flicks his cigarette butt to one side and walks down to the ring, sizing up both opponents. He gets into the ring and holds his title up for a brief moment before handing over to the referee who gives it to the time keeper and calls for the bell. The match gets underway with neither wrestler wanting to make the first move until finally Celeste goes for K.O., blindsiding him with a stiff forearm followed by another, causing K.O. to stumble back into the corner. As Dragon wisely stays back, Celeste attempts an Irish Whip on K.O, which is reversed and Celeste crashes into the turnbuckles. K.O. hits a European Uppercut before using a short-arm clothesline to lift Celeste up for a Scoop Slam, which he hits perfectly. Dragon takes this opportunity to inject himself into the match, turning K.O. around and hitting his own Forearm shots before hitting a Snapmare followed by a kick to K.O’s head. Dragon goes for the first pin of the match, 1… Kick out by K.O. Despite the strong kick out, K.O. looks dazed from the shots to the head as Dragon slaps on a Sleeperhold. K.O. quickly starts to fade, until Celeste hits a Shuffle Sidekick on Dragon. Dragon goes down and Celeste catches K.O. to reapply a Sleeper of her own, but K.O. manages to get out of it this time, rolling Celeste through. They both get up and K.O. hits a quick dropkick! K.O. is up again quickly and leans against the ropes as he shakes his head to make the grogginess disappear.

Cohen: K.O. is in complete control here. I’m sure Mr. Burna is pleased.

Copeland: Thank you for your ass-kissing contribution, Jack. Now back to the action.

With Celeste getting up at the ropes, K.O. clotheslines her over the top rope, but doesn’t realise that she manages to hang on and land on the apron. K.O. goes to Black Dragon and picks him up, wanting to hit a Suplex, but Black Dragon blocks it and pushes him towards Celeste, who has leapt off the top rope Flying Thrust Kick. Thanks to Dragon’s push, the Kick catches with more impact than usual and K.O. goes down, apparently unconscious. The two conscious competitors circle each other and tie up in the centre of the ring. Celeste gets the advantage, performing a headlock takedown and grabbing Dragon’s arm for an Armbar, but Dragon rolls backwards to his feet to get out of it. He swings a kick, but Celeste lies back to avoid it before rolling up Dragon, 1… 2… Dragon shifts his weigh to his side, getting out of the pin and trapping Celeste’s arm between his legs. He locks in a modified Crossface and Celeste screams in pain, finding herself in the kind of submission she’s used to applying. But she also knows how to get out of them, and rolls herself and Dragon over to the ropes, where she gratefully grabs it. Dragon quickly gets up while Celeste takes her time rubbing her neck. Dragon runs forward but Celeste stops his momentum by grabbing him with both arms and throwing him across the ring with a Belly to Belly! She hooks Dragon’s leg, 1… 2… Kick out.

Connor: Despite Black Dragon’s hot streak, Celeste still has years of knowledge and experience that neither of the other two competitors do!

Copeland: Black Dragon did manage to outwrestle Celeste, if only for a minute…

Celeste picks up Dragon and grabs him in a Waistlock, going for a German Suplex. But K.O, who has regained consciousness, runs off the ropes and grabs her head for a Bulldog which takes Dragon and Celeste down, with the latter landing on the former. He quickly picks up Celeste by her waist and hits a German Suplex of his own, bridging the pin, 1… 2… Kick out by Celeste! K.O. drags her over to the corner and places her on the top rope before he climbs up on the second rope. But Celeste starts to fight back, hitting rights hands to K.O. before sliding off the top rope onto the apron. K.O. turns himself around on the second rope but Celeste leaps from the apron to deliver a kick to K.O’s chest! He gets knocked back, sitting on the top rope clutching his chest. Celeste gets into the ring and runs at the corner, leaping up to the top rope but K.O. pushes her off. As she falls to the mat, Dragon Dropkicks her out of the air! Dragon goes for the pin on her, 1… 2… Broken up by an Elbow Drop from the second rope by K.O! He picks up Black Dragon and hits a Clinching Slam and hooks both legs, 1… 2… Dragon kicks out! The frustration on K.O’s face is evident.

Copeland: K.O. is letting the pressure get to him, he’s bound to make a mistake!

Suddenly K.O. has a moment of realisation and he rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair from ringside. He slides back in and watches both opponents for whoever will get up first. Dragon is up and K.O. hits him in the gut, causing the champion to double over. K.O. follows up with a shot to Dragon’s spine and Dragon crumbles to the mat before K.O. goes for a pin, 1… 2… Celeste breaks it up! Celeste and K.O. get up quickly and K.O. reaches for the chair but Celeste kicks it across the ring. As K.O. watches the chair slide away from him, Celeste grabs him by the head and hits the Evenflow DDT! She turns him over for the pin, 1… 2… Kick out by K.O. She keeps up the pressure, picking up K.O. and sending him into the corner with an Irish Whip. She builds up a head of steam before jumping to the second rope and hitting a kick to K.O.’s head! K.O. first falls to his knees then falls forward to the mat. Celeste takes a few steps back and waits, getting ready for the Spirit Crusher. K.O. gets to one knee and Celeste goes for the kick, but K.O. picks up the steel chair and swings it at Celeste’s leg! There’s a sickening crunch and Celeste goes down, screaming in pain and clutching her leg.

Connor: Oh my god, what did K.O. just do!?

Cohen: He did what anyone in his position would do, including Celeste if the rolls were reversed!

Celeste’s leg seems to be seriously damaged. K.O. seems to be enjoying Celeste rolling around in pain and he pushes away the referee, who is trying to help her. K.O. raises the chair over his head to deafening boos before slamming down on Celeste’s hurt leg. He raises the chair and drops again on Celeste’s leg and she seems to pass out from the pain. The crowd’s boos turn to a stunned silence and the sight of Celeste actually passing out from pain. K.O. smirks and the referee gets in the way while he tends to Celeste. K.O. turns around into an Enziguri from Black Dragon, which causes the chair to hit K.O’s head! He stumbles backwards into the ropes, which bounce him forward into a kick from Dragon. K.O. is lifted into the air and hit with the Darkness Falls. Dragon hooks and leg and the referee leaves Celeste’s side to count the pin, 1… 2… 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner and still EurAsian champion, Black Dragon!

Copeland: In the end, K.O’s sadisticness was his downfall!

Connor: Suddenly, you’re not saying much, Jack…

Black Dragon holds his title in the air as EMT’s rush down to the ring to get Celeste onto a stretcher. She has regained consciousness but the pain is evident her face is bright read, with veins throbbing in her forehead. Dragon checks on her for a moment as she’s wheeled away on the gurney.

Copeland: We will try to update you on Celeste’s condition later in the show, ladies and gentlemen.


I hope you enjoyed today's post of what actually happened. Stay tuned tomorrow as we reveal what match occurred before the actual Lethal Lottery began: the Lethal Lottery dark match!
Day 2: The scene is set before the Lottery PPV is about to commence where Johnny Klamor & Rebecca Serra are finishing up running down the entire card and when they decide to cross-over back to the arena, Vance Bateman has a surprise waiting in the ring with multiple wrestlers already in the ring.

Lethal Lottery Dark Match

What happened during the Half Hour Lottery Preview show... written by FalKon


Most of the crowd has made it to their seats with many are still trying to get in to their spots. However, those that are already comfortable are in store for a treat as Vance Bateman is standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone with quite a number or wrestlers standing in the ring:

  • Ace Stevens
  • Alexander Stark
  • Darren Bull
  • Hiro Kota Koji
  • James Howard
  • Joe West
  • Johnny Scumm
  • Mikey Stormrage
  • Stevenson Marquel

They appear to be all in wrestling attire as Bateman begins to speak:

Bateman: Good evening everyone!

The crowd cheers back at Bateman.

Bateman: Before we kick off the Lethal Lottery PPV, there is a problem that we need to solve. All nine of these men have approached myself or Justin Cooper to respond to the Cooper's Open Challenge for the Mayhem title later in the evening. Since Cooper doesn't care who he faces for the title yet has requested that it must be a singles match....

Bateman points at Justin Cooper who is sitting at the announcer's booth with a headset on and Mayhem title across the table, sitting next to Truman Harrys who also has a headset at the commentating table.

Bateman: ... I have a solution: these nine men will be competing in an Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royale where the winner will face Justin Cooper during the show.

The crowd cheers for the match. At this point, Bateman leaves the ring and heads up the ramp. All nine men are confused until the referee rings the bell.

Bateman: Begin!

Immediately, Johnny Scumm & Alexander Stark, the only two experienced WZCW wrestlers in this match, pick up and drop Joe West and Hiro Kota Koji by surprise, tossing him over the top rope, eliminating them instantly.

Harrys: Joe West & Hiro Kota Koji have been eliminated!

Stark knocks down Scumm before Marquel goes after Stark. Ace & Howard go at it, leaving Stormrage & Bull to duke it off. Marquel gets the better of Stark and whips him across the ring. Stark comes back and tries hitting Marquel with a clothesline but due to how big Marquel is, the clothesline does little damage. Stark waves his hands at Marquel, indicating that he isn't going to bother fighting such a big man and walks off, grabbing Hiro off Scumm and starts to attack him. Marquel shakes his head and goes grabs Stark, and hits the Jail Time on Stark to a cheer from the crowd. Marquel picks up Stark and tosses him over the rope.

Harrys: Alexander Stark has been eliminated!

Stark slams the ground as he is on the outside as Marquel looks down at him. Stark stands there with his hands on his hips, shaking his head as Marquel turns around and Darren Bull has left Stormrage comes to blindside Marquel, catching him off guard as he tries lifting the big man out of the ring. He is considerably weaker than Stark and has no effect on Marquel. Bull steps back to deliver a few knife-edge chops, doing small damage but not enough to daze Marquel. Stevenson smiles as Bull steps back and tries hitting a spinning heel kick but Marquel catches the foot. He lifts up Bull into the air with both arms, doing some presses that the crowd cheers for and the other wrestlers stop to look at before Marquel throws out Bull over the top.

Harrys: Darren Bull has been eliminated!

Cooper: You do realise we are commentating, no announcing right?

Bull lands in front of Stark who is still pondering about something with the referee pleading for him to go to the back. Bull slowly gets up and Stark immediately hits the IQ drop on Bull before proceeding to walk to the back. Some people are in confusion about the attack as Marquel turns around to see that the other wrestlers have continued to fight each other: Ace has Howard in the corner, trying to eliminate him; Scumm pretends to be hurt still on the ground. Stormrage is getting up and sees Marquel without anyone else. The crowd gets excited as the two heavyweights of the match lock-up together with Marquel getting the advantage to push him towards the ropes. Marquel tries whipping Stormrage but he hangs onto the ropes and Marquel cannot move him. Stormrage forces Marquel into him and hits a kitchen sink, wowing the crowd as the physical abilities of Marquel were out-shined by Stormrage. Marquel goes to the corner as Stormrage follows after him, hitting him with a barrage of knees, chops and kicks. We cross over to Howard who has gotten out of Ace's attempt at elimination, hitting him with Muai-Thai knee strikes before hitting a dropkick on him. Ace stays on the ground and Howard goes over to Scumm, picking him up off the ground and hits an armbar. Ace slowly begins to get up, shaking off the cobwebs from his knee. Back in the corner, Stormrage is still in control and walks backwards from Marquel. He charges at him, going for a corner avalanche. Marquel catches him and with all his strength tries eliminating him but the big man is too much for Marquel. Stormrage manages to hang onto the turnbuckles and pushes Marquel back. Stormrage holds his hand up and tries adjusting in the corner but Marquel has recovered and runs at him, hitting the Brooklyn Big Boot to knock Stormrage out of the ring and down to the floor.

Harrys: Mikey Stormrage has been eliminated!

Cooper: Do you know how to say anything else, Truman? Although that Stevenson guy is becoming a problem... three straight eliminations.

Marquel smiles and lifts his hand in the air to which the crowd cheers. He turns around and sees Howard waiting for him, smacking his face with boxing punches before Howard knocks the big man down to his knees with a strong kick to the back of the knees before kicking him hard in the head. Howard leaves Marquel down to recover as he goes back to work on Scumm, who has gotten up and surprises Howard with a quick spear. Scumm jumps up and tells Howard who is boss before kicking Marquel in the stomach. He celebrates happily and poses for the crowd who mainly boo him before they begin cheering as Howard is behind Scumm, ready to attack. Scumm turns around and Howard unleashes a plethora of attacks before nailing a DDT. He picks up Scumm and tries to eliminate him but Scumm hangs on the ropes for dear life. Howard does his best to make the elimination but Ace comes from out of nowhere and tips Howard over the ropes.

Harrys: James Howard has...

Cooper: I swear to God if you say it again I will hurt you.

Ace smirks at Howard who has hit the ground, a little frustrated by the elimination but heads to the back anyway. He high-fives Scumm and discusses plans with Johnny to help him eliminate Marquel and fight between themselves. Scumm nods in approval and goes over to Marquel only for Ace to eliminate Scumm over the top.

Coopers: Johnny Scummz haz bin aliminated! See how annoying that gets?

Ace gets booed by the crowd as Scumm hits the mat, yelling at Ace that they aren't friends anymore and pouts. Ace sees that the only man left is Marquel who has gotten up and doesn't look too happy. Ace smirks as Marquel goes over to him. As Marquel gets near Ace, Stevens ducks and hits a chop on Marquel. Ace's smile goes to a serious face as Marquel is not happy with the hit. Ace begins unloading multiple strikes in quick succession until Marquel grabs the head of Ace and gives him a headbutt. Ace is knocked back and tries to plead with Marquel who is on the prowl but he doesn't listen. Ace goes for the eye poke to Marquel, blinding him so he can get momentum to run off the ropes and hits a facebreaker knee smash. Marquel stumbles over to the ropes and Ace moves back. He tries knocking Marquel over with a clothesline but Marquel reverses it and back drops Ace over the ropes but he hangs on. Marquel measures his man as Ace is on the ropes with protection and goes for another BBB shot but Ace drops the ropes on him, causing Marquel to fall to the outside.

The bell rings as Ace gets back into the ring and smirks at the crowd, signalling that it took him little effort to win. He raises his hand into the air and then points towards Justin Cooper.

Harrys: Here is your winner...

Cooper cuts off Harrys by pulling off his headset. He then pulls his own headset off and grabs a microphone.

Cooper: Well done: you won... but if you think that you have what it takes to face me, the greatest Mayhem competitor in the history of WZCW for my championship, you are sadly mistaken. It's going to take more than a simple battle royale to prove that you are worthy of facing me.

Cooper drops his microphone and heads out to the back with the title around his shoulder as Ace just smiles at him in the ring, knowing that he has a few tricks up his sleeve for Cooper later.


Hope you enjoyed this match being re-written for you guys. I have no idea what I'd get up for you tomorrow though as I've reviewed what else I've saved and all I have are funny but stupid segments. I may do something else... like a backstage meeting between Myles, Ty & Bateman on how they approach constructing cards on a weekly basis?
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