Lethal Lottery III: Mayhem Championship - Ferbian vs. Chris Jones

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

The relative newcomer Ferbian has been on a roll as of late, capturing the Mayhem Title from Wilhelm Wunderbar a few weeks and putting the dangerous German on the shelf. After successfully defending his title against Sam Smith, he was introduced to his next challenger the hard way as the former Mayhem Champion Chris Jones took it upon himself to be named number one contender. Will Ferbian continue his reign or will The Savior become a two time Mayhem Champion?

Deadline is Tuesday, January 11th at 11:59 PM EST.

The camera fades from black as we find Ferbian laying on one of the medics standing next to the table, his hands on Ferbian's back, as if he's trying to fix him up.

Oh stop crying, you wanna be ready for Lethal Lottery don't you?

Well yes? But do you have to be so rough, is this the way you treat everybody who gets struck down from behind with a chair? It's like freaking torture.

No, but Chris Jones hit you pretty hard there. He could've broken your back with a little extra power. Consider yourself lucky Ferbian, now lay still.

The medic continues to work on Ferbian's back as Ferbian wrenches in pain.

You're kidding right? Broken my back? I never guessed it could've been this serious. I mean I could've understood if he had put me through a table from the top of a damn ladder, but a chair shot? I mean, sure it's Chris Jones, but he's hardly someone I couldn't take in a fair fight?

The medic doesn't answer his question, as Ferbian continues.

At Lethal Lottery, payback is due. Chris Jones is a tough opponent, but I've been able to keep my title against 2 opponents already in Mr. Baller and Sam Smith, both competitive opponents whom I decisively put down for the three count. I mean, did you see the crashing and burning those two had to deal with against me? Chris Jones is in for a fight. No, Chris Jones is in for a war come Lethal Lottery, simply pinning the guy won't be able to do the job for me. I have to get some retribution, some redemption, some... Revenge. The fans will understand that there's not gonna be any nice Ferbian going into Lethal Lottery, this won't become another feud like the one with Baller, which I came out victorious of mind you. But this will be a match that will not only keep me champion, but it will make Chris Jones realize that he messed with the wrong guy, the wrong champion.. The Mayhem Champion, Ferbian.

The medic chuckles momentarily.

Now now, how about we actually clear you to even enter the ring first? Your back is still pretty messed up, perhaps you should simply forfeit the match? I mean, if you're so good, you can simply regain the championship at Kingdom Come or whenever you get a rematch?

Ferbian looks over his shoulder.

You're full of jokes aren't you? Forfeit? Forfeit the chance of becoming not only the longest reigning Mayhem Champion in the history of this promotion, but to enter, and exit Kingdom Come as champion. How could I not want to experience this? The thrilling experience of standing tall at the biggest Pay Per View of this business?

The medic shrugs.

I guess you got a point. But how do you plan on even beating Chris Jones in the first place? Not only does he have more experience than you, but he's also a former Mayhem Champion as well?

So? You sound like I'm underestimating my opponent? I'm not the one that had to use backhanded tactics to slither my way into a title match, just because he has a bit of pull in the back, or a few friends? No, I get to Lethal Lottery because I've fought hard to get there, and I've defeated some of the best that the Mayhem Division had to offer. Chris Jones might be entering Lethal Lottery on his own two feet, but when I'm done, he'll need to be carried out. I'm done taking bullshit from people like him, who thinks that just because he's been here longer, he has earned the right to think he can just push me around cause he wants to be champion. He's most certainly gonna be thinking other things when I'm done.

You sure sound cocky, and confident in your abilities to defeat Chris Jones.

Not cocky, I simply know what I'm capable of. And Chris Jones needs to know this. I hope he's ready. Cause I know I will be, now let's see what we can do about this mess, alright?

The medic shrugs once more, as he begins to work on Ferbian's back again, as the camera fades to black, only to catch one final sound.

*camera cuts to the outside of a busy highway. Across the street from said highway, a tall skyscraper can be seen, the parking lot in front of it packed with various brand new cars. The camera moves away from the building to this side of the street, showing Chris Jones sitting on a bench, staring at the building. He notices the camera, then points across the street at the building*

Jones: Corporation. Don't let the fancy name fool you. It may as well be a gathering of the greatest thieves the world has ever known.

*Jones sighs, leaning back against the bench, face pointed skyward*

Jones: I doubt I'll ever understand just how such a blatant example of evil in this world can continue to exist. You gather a group of people out to get more money than they need or deserve, and you put them in one place. They manage to take more money from buyers than what their product is worth, and hide behind their big names to get away with it. And despite breaking any law they possibly can, more and more of them continue to crop up.

*Jones leans forward, staring at the skyscraper*

Jones: What really baffles me is that not just anyone can get in. You usually have to take certain courses in school to do this. Stealing is now considered a skill. A skill you have to learn and perfect. How does that make any sense? The authority of these companies has become so great that they could steal every penny a person had in broad daylight while they're still in their house, and get away with it scot free. A "businessman's" child could get away with it. In fact, they do. Often.

*Jones grumbles, getting to his feet*

Jones: But what I simply cannot understand is how they can live with themselves, knowing just what they're doing. Surely they must know that they're simply gaining more unnecessary wealth rather than ensuring their survival. They have to realize that by doing this, they're making it that much harder for others to live their lives.

*Jones turns, facing the camera*

Jones: Can you answer these questions, Ferbian? You claim to be a respectable businessman, after all. Even though that's about as contradictory as "Army Intelligence". I mean, what gave you the idea that you were a decent person? You steal money just like any other corporate puppeteer, only you do it with a fake smile on your face. You do it while pretending to be a nice, kind person. You fool people into believing that you'll somehow be different, when nothing could be further from the truth. You even lie to your employees, making them believe that you respect them when you steal from them just as much as your customers.

*Jones glares into the camera*

Jones: Then again, stealing seems to be a nack of yours, as you somehow got your hands on the Mayhem Title. Don't get the wrong idea, that is the issue here. I've gotten tired of waiting for a chance at a title shot, so I decided to take a page out of your book and just take it. And yes, that involved me smacking you in the head a bit, but considering you're a backstabbing thief, I highly doubt any sane jury would convict me. And when our match at Lethal Lottery is over, and you're staring up at the arena lights, wondering how you lost, just remember this. Every action-

*Jones points back at the skyscraper*

Jones: -has consequences.

*Jones then jerks a thumb behind him, showing a street full of run-down old buildings, many of its inhabitants sitting on the sidewalk, asking for change*

Jones: I hope you're prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions. I am your Savior, and I know what's best for you.

*camera moves back to the skyscraper before fading to black*
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