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Lethal Lottery: 30 Man Lethal Lottery Match:


[This Space for Rent]
30 Man Lethal Lottery Match:

The first annual 30 Man Lethal Lottery match to determine the Number One Contender to face the World Heavyweight Champion at Kingdom Come! Find out who'll win the first edition to this soon-to-be W.Z.C.W. classic.

Several rivalries are already set in place within this match, but none bigger than the head on collision that'll be made if Sincade and Hatchiyama Manzo can lock horns with one another. If both men end up in the ring together, can the 28 others survive the aftermath? Find out at Lethal Lottery.

Order of entry is random, which means anything can happen. Alliances can be formed, friendships can be broken, Partners may be forced to fight, and rivals could be paired off. Its luck of the draw in the Lethal Lottery, who'll come out the winner with the biggest prize of them all? Find out on Pay Per View!

Please keep ALL RPs for this match in this Thread. You're only allowed ONE RP Each! RPs are due by April 24th, 2008:

Names Involved: Sincade, Manzo, D.C., Mohammad Hasheem, Steamboat Ricky, Gus, Big Will, Reaper, Disasterpiece, Kenny, Joe, Rajeem, Jaettar, Maxx, Grand Mystique, Jesse, Milenko, Jeremy Lapalme, Alex Bowen, Ben Legend, Tom McBrady, Jeff Adams, Pablo' Colon, Nate Thorpe, Murfish, Bobby Brown, E2, Glacier, Chris Cobain & a special mystery entrant.
The scene starts with a dark room. It is softly lit with candles hung on the wall, and is packed full of artefacts and models on shelves. On a desk to the left side, there are incenses sticks dotted around, wafting wisps of gentle pink, green and blue smoke in the air.

In the far right corner of the room, there is a bed. There appears to be someone in it but among the mass of brown quilt, it is not clear who. Whoever it is is clearly uncomfortable as they are toss and turn, with forlorn groaning and murmuring.

On the table next to the bed are a mannequins’ head and a crystal ball. The doll is remarkable in that it is undistinguishable in who it is supposes to be below the cheeks. But the eyes are rolled back; to give a concussed and glazed look. There is also a large, bloodied gash on the forehead. The mannequin wears the proverbial crimson mask as a result.

In the background, there are quiet, humming sounds, almost like music. There is an immediate burst of what sounds like radio interference, which cuts that out. Then except for some snoring, there is silence.

A small cough is heard and breaks the silence.

Voice: “You have been called out. It is time to answer back.”

It is not clear where the voice is coming from. It is female.

Female Voice: “The WZCW Lethal Lottery is coming soon. It is an opportunity to earn your way to the World Heavyweight championship.”

Male Voice: “I have vowed to walk through the entire roster for shot at this title. At the Lethal Lottery pay-per-view, I intend on living up to that promise.”

That voice is unmistakably that of the Grand Mystique. A slight lisp and anglicised American accent is a giveaway.

Female Voice: “You have been disrespected…”

Voice of GM: “Jesse….if he wants a third taste of the Big Bang, then he is either stupid or….No, he must just be stupid. Although I will happily oblige.”

Female Voice: “Ignored…”

Voice of GM: “Dynasty? They are all on my list. DevilSpawns, Big Will and Rios, your four man power trip will be disconnected soon enough.”

At this point the camera is almost completely focussed on the cold, blank and bloody face of the mannequin. Yet there are still two voices.

Female Voice: “Disregarded…”

Voice of GM: “We are in a dark time of greed and corruption, headed by our incomparable leader, Chuck Myles. But sooner rather than later, WZCW will have to take notice of the Grand Mystique.”

Female Voice: “And the rest will…”

Voice of GM: “DC, the Nation of Islam, Everest, the WVC and everyone else will have the opportunity to meet me at the Lottery.”

Female Voice: “They do not understand. Their time will come. They need to be patient. Their ignorance…”

Voice of GM: “…will not be bliss.”

Female Voice: “They will not forget the name of Grand Mystique.”

Voice of GM: “A future WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.”

The camera begins to pull out. The focus of the camera is now of the mannequin and the bed to the left. The camera moves back to the mannequin. The blue eyes of the mannequin sparkle in the shadows.

The camera pulls out again. The crystal ball on the right of the mannequin comes back into view as does the bed on the left. The bed is now empty.

The mannequin head begins rotating anti-clockwise. The camera zooms out slowly, away from the mannequin. It stops a few feet away. The head has turned 180 degrees and only its matted black hair is visible to the camera.

Suddenly a loud smash is heard. The crystal ball has fallen off the table. The camera springs forward to have a look at the glass remains, scattered on the floor.

From the floor, it moves back up towards the mannequin. It is now the only object on the table. It faces forward again and is now wearing the sparkling blue GM mask.

The lighting of the room fades to pitch black darkness.

Then, GM appears. Only his masked face is visible on the black background but it is definitely him.

GM: “WCZW….I speak to you all. The voices, your nagging doubts, insecurity, anxiety at the back of your minds. Be afraid…. They are there for a reason. The Grand Mystique returns to Pay-Per-View to reign over those who still don’t believe. Oh what a night it will be.”

The picture fades. The female voice whispers; “Beware of the Big Bang.”
The scene starts with Maxamillion Mustafa, Davinder Jaeter and Rahjeem walking through a war torn country, there location is unconfirmed all you see is a remnants of a once proud society

DJ: Where in the blazes are we Maxx?

Maxx chooses to ignore the questions of his comrades, he just walks on through the rubble coming across a stone house, this house is crumbling, falling to pieces from the savages that raped and pillaged it

DJ: Seriously Maxx, I don’t think that we should be here!, this place is dank, disgusting

Enraged Maxx slaps DJ across his face, DJ falls to the ground as Maxx looks on ready to fight his fallen comrade

DJ: Maxx im sorry just…

Maxx stares at the frightened Davinder, looking on at him like a father looks on at a lost child who is awaiting his fathers beat down, Maxx unclenches his fist and opens his hand as so to offer an apology to his mentor

Maxx: We are here to seek his forgiveness, to find out what my place is not just within our unit, but within life in general

The three members of the nation move into the house, moving away a door that was once on its hinges now barley moving as Maxx walks through looking on at the bloody walls, the dank floor which reeks of urine and sex, American star spangled banners painted on the walls

Rahjeem: كان هذا المكان مرة واحدة في المنزل ، والمنزل لعائلة

(This place was once a home, home to a family)

Maxx: And now look at what the allied forces did to this home, a family was once here, a mother, a son and a father, they knew nothing of the pain that they would suffer, nothing of the hatred they would meet

DJ suddenly trips and falls over a dead body, he looks on and screams as Maxx moves over to check, it’s a small boy, a child left dead from the war that killed his village, slits on his rists as though he had committed suicide and had nothing left to look for

Maxx: Lets bury this them, give them peace

DJ: do you think the Americans did this? The allied forces that where supposed to help this country?

Maxx: Check the rest of the rooms

DJ and Rahjeem wonder off to search the rest of the broken building remnants as Maxx stares at the small child, suddenly the room starts to spin, and everything becomes hazy as Maxx falls to the floor, the voices of DJ and Rahjeem are heard trying to revive there falling comrade, there images fade and a light is seen, the light becomes brighter and brighter until it is as clear as day Maxx has woken from his sleep but is in a different location, a bright room with no colours, no images nothing it looks untouched as gates are seen in the background, a man is seen before him holding a book in his left arm walking towards Maxx

Maxx: Where, where am i?

The man smiles and looks at the fallen leader of the nation

Man: You seem a little startled my son, don’t worry you are very much alive, you’re here because you wanted answers

Maxx: Who are you?

The man laughs as he reveals himself to the conscious Maxx

Gabriel: I am Gabriel your guide here in limbo

Maxx seems startled as he looks on, he looks around for an exit, a way out of the place that confines him

Maxx: Why am I here Gabriel?, did I do something to anger him?

Gabriel: You fell off course, you did not follow his will to win the world heavyweight championship!

Maxx: But I will be champion, I will defeat Ricky and move on to capture one of the most coveted titles in WZCW

Gabriel: But what about the traitor, he who says he knows our will, but knows nothing, the one who is the false profit, he set you on this course, he was the one who told you to attack ricky!

Maxx looks confused, angry at the comments made by this man, this person who has no baring, no weight on his destiny

Gabriel: You need to eliminate him, you need to fulfil your destiny and take lead of the nation of islam, you will be his profit, you will spread our message to the entire World!

Maxx smiles hearing the words of Gabriel, he moves across the white room considering his offer

Maxx: But how do I know your real?, how do I know that what you are telling me is real?, I felt for so long that I was going mad, that my quest was unfulfilled, that the nation is not whole

Gabriel: It shall be once you become world heavyweight champion, unify the titles and eliminate your enemies!
Maxx looks on at Gabriel finally finding the answers to his questions he kneels

Gabriel: You shall be his profit, eliminate the false one that bares his name, eliminate him from WZCW and take what is rightfully yours the WZCW world heavyweight championship!

Maxx falls to his knees as the room becomes a blur, he awakes back in the crumbled desolate building, lying on the cold hard floor

DJ: Are you ok Maxamillion?

Maxx: Fine, ive found what im looking for, now we can move on with our quest

Rahjeem: التشويه للبطولة؟
(For the Mayhem championship?)

Maxx: Not just the mayhem championship, but the WZCW World Heavyweight championship, we shall eliminate the Americans and take whats rightfully ours!


We hear the steady, rhythmic beep as the scene fades in to the of a support monitor. The familiar green blip zaps from side to side of the screen, spiking in the middle as it goes. Panning out we see a grey metallic desk, bare but for the monitor and a small red box, its lid open and its interior filled with small chocolate spheres. A hand bedecked in jewellery and rings reaches in a plucks a single ball from the box, and as it moves away the camera pans backwards to show the hands well-dressed owner, Magnus Maximillian, sitting on a blue plastic chair, legs crossed and staring out of shot to the left. After popping the chocolate into his mouth, he crunches it and swallows quickly before he begins to speak.

“So, our boy has taken it upon himself to go after young Mr. Sincade after his actions two weeks ago. Yes, yes I know before you say anything that revenge isn’t the answer, and you can spare the ancient Japanese proverb that a wise man once said this time. The fact is you’re in no condition to go stop him and if I’m being honest with you I don’t want you to.”

Magnus leans back on the chair, his silky smooth voice chuckling under his breath as he pops another chocolate into his mouth. The camera pans out further and we see Wanafuji Tanaka lying in a hospital bed, bandages wrapped around his shoulders and a brace around his neck. His eyes are closed and it soon becomes obvious that he’s unconscious. Magnus breathes deeply and begins to speak again.

“You see, Manzo has come here and said from day one Tanaka, day one, that he wants to impress America. That he wants to show America that he’s a great champion, a real reason to respect Japan.”

Magnus gets up out of his chair and walks around the bottom of the bed. The camera follows him past the open window that looks out over the city. Magnus stares out for a moment before turning back to the unconscious old man, his eyes full of passion and what could be excitement.

“But the people here, they don’t know what they want. People are idiots Tanaka, they’re like sheep. They do what they’re told and like what they’re told, and you know what they’re told to like? Rudeness, brashness, arrogance. They grow up with heroes like 50 cent and Eminem. And the wrestling fans, they’re even worst.”

Magnus is up close to the bed now, learning over Tanaka. His face is a snarl, but its evident there isn’t anger in his tone, just a self righteous sense of knowledge and passion for what he’s speaking about.

“They have lived and cheered their pathetic little lives through the ‘Attitude Era’ and the ‘Extreme Era’ of wrestling, with heroes like Stone Cold, or the Sandman. Men like Manzo who show respect and fight for the right reasons aren’t cheered, they’re ridiculed. And let me tell you right now old man, I didn’t spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring over Manzo to be ridiculed. I brought him here to win titles and show the world that I, Magnus Maximillian, could still find the GREATEST competitors in the world.”

Magnus is inches from Tanaka’s face now, and gently leans himself forward so his lips are next to Tanaka’s ear. His voice is down to a low whisper now.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret old man. You know what they really like, those puppets out there? You know what each and every one of them wants and dreams about having each and every day? Riches. Wealth. Power. They all want it, they need it. Hell some of them dream about it so much they can almost … taste it.”

Magnus gets up and walks around the bed again, the arrogant smile back on his lips and the evil looking snarl from earlier gone.

“And I have it. I have more power than anyone you’ll ever know. I could stop Manzo from getting his hands on Sincade, hell I could make the whole situation disappear but you know I wont. Because from day one, this is what he needed to show WZCW and the whole world just how unstoppable he truly is. Last week on Meltdown he not only went out there and destroyed E2, he wiped out two other men over the course of the show just for being in his way. He is finally…”

The door of the room swings open as Chuck Myles makes his way in slowly. He looks straight as Magnus, staring at him for a moment before looking at the bed and Wanafuji Tanaka.

“Any change?”

“None at all Myles. He’s still awake in fits and spurts, barely twenty minutes a day. Even then the nurses can’t make any sense of him. He took a lot of brunt trauma to the head, he might not ever fully recover.”

Chuck Myles shakes his head before turning and kicking another blue chair across the room, his hands up on his head.

“God damn. I can’t afford a lawsuit on my hands because of that two-bit Sincade. It’s coming up to contract renewal as it is. What the hell am I going to do if he doesn’t recover? Hell, what am I going to do if he does recover! God damn it all.”

Magnus walks over behind Myles and guides him down into the remaining upright plastic chair. Still behind him, his hands on his shoulders, Magnus leans down behind the owner of WZCW.

“I’m sure you don’t have to worry about Tanaka suing anyone Myles. When Tanaka came out over here to America, he needed a legal sponsor and representative. See, what usually happens is the company hiring him would do all of that Myles, but you were new to the business, WZCW was your little baby and you barely had a dozen people on your roster. So I took the liberty of paying all of the costs myself and, obviously, am therefore the legal representative of this man lying here. So believe me when I say, I don’t need to sue your company into the ground.”

Myles looks relieved and breathes heavily, wiping his brow.

“Well that’s a weight off of my mind. I can get back to booking my show. If you’ll excuse me Magnus.”

Chuck gets up out of the seat and walks across to the door. As his hand reaches out for the small metal handle, that same silky smooth voice speaks again.

"Of course, you know what this means?”

Myles stops in his tracks and turns to face Magnus, his eyebrow raised in curiosity.

“I owe you one?”

“No Chuck, I don’t need someone as … insignificant as yourself ‘owing’ me anything. What this means is that Tanaka wasn’t the only man who needed sponsoring to bring over here to your WZCW.”

The smile on Myles’ face drops as what Magnus is getting at dawns on him. In contrast, the smile on Magnus’ face only gets larger and more confident.

“I also sponsored your local behemoth, Hatchiyama Manzo. I am his legal representative and therefore, until Tanaka here awakens, I am in complete control of his contract. So, you best get used to me being around, as I’ll be looking after Manzo’s interests for the foreseeable future. And I think it will be a glorious future Myles, starting a the Lethal Lottery.”

Myles looks drained, the colour on his face paling by the second.

“I mean, who is going to stop him? Who in their right mind would even try? Your precious Dynasty maybe? I doubt all four of them could even move him. Maybe the number one contender Everest? Oh wait, Everest was taken apart piecemeal at the last pay per view. Ben Legend, Maxx, Steamboat Ricky, it does not matter. Jesse, Lapalme, the Grand Mystique, all nothing. NOTHING. Compared to Manzo. He’ll throw them out, one by one, until only our dearly beloved Joseph Rios stands in the way between him and my … his, first World Championship.”

“Don’t say it,” Myles states, the conviction in his voice already wavering.

“Myles don’t be so worried. It’s not like I haven’t done this before. In fact, if you recall I once ran a very successful group of young men who went on to become champions across the entire brand. I’m sure if you tried real hard you could remember the name.”

“Don’t,” says Myles, although it is now almost more of a plea than a statement

Magnus laughs and walks over to the door, past the pale-faced Myles, whose eyes are closed and head leaning back against the glass of the window, and turns the handle. As it opens, he looks back at the owner of WZCW once more, a smirk on his face that conjures images of the devil, convincing an innocent to sell him his immortal soul.

“One can never have to much power Myles. Some call it desire, some call me greed. I’ve always had one word for it ... But it can wait. I’ll see you soon Myles.”

The scene fades out as Myles eyes open, staring at the stealing and as the camera pans back across to the still form of Wanafuji Tanaka, we can only hear two noises; the fading sound of Maximillian’s laugh echoing through the hospital halls, and the slow steady beat from the heart monitor, still as ever present and constant as the moment we began.
The Following Disasterpiece RP is a DevilSpawn's production.

We fade in to a clip of Disasterpiece and Diablo, the original DevilSpawns, winning the WZWF Tag Team Championships. Immidiately following that clip is a clip of Disasterpiece and Reaper winning the WZCW Tag Team Championships. Then the screen goes black and all we hear is Disasterpiece's voice.

Many people only know me as a tag team competitor. They see me as the veteran half of the former WZCW Tag Team Champion DevilSpawns. However, I have done much as a singles competitor as well.

We fade into a set of clips of Disasterpiece. In the first two he is winning the WZCW Xtreme Championship. The next three are of the times when he won the WZWF Television Title. Then, once again the screen goes black and all we hear is Disasterpieces voice.

I have worn gold as a single's wrestler before and I always knew that it was only time until I got the shot to wear some more. As the WZCW Xtreme Champion, I was considered to be the most ruthless and sadistic champion to ever wear the title. I made sure that every match for that title was made into a blood sport. Everytime someone stepped into a ring with me I could see the fear in their eyes. I could see that they wanted nothing more then to be as far as they could be away from that ring. They wanted no part of me and I knew it. As far as the WZWF TV Title is concerned, I made that belt popular. I made people want to have that belt just because I was in possesion of it. The amount of prestige that the TV belt had when it left my waist was easily twice that it was before I had it.

We fade in to Disasterpiece sitting in a dimly-lit room. The table, or the part of the table we can see, seems dusty and unused. In front of Disiasterpiece is a black duffel bag with the letters DS on the side facing the camera. Disasterpiece's face is that of stone cold determination. He is not smiling nor does he look angry. His hair hangs a bit across his eyes stare a hole through the table.

People have been coming up to me ever since Reaper and I lost the tag team titles to those two little bitches from the Washoe Valley Crew. They say things like "What are you going to do now that you are no longer the tag champs? Or, Are you and Reaper still going to be a team after all of this?" My answer to them is this: We Will SURVIVE!

The camera pans backa bit and looks up the now standing Disasterpiece. The once stone solid face of the former tag team champion is now one of rage and anger.

Reaper and I will survive. We will do what we have to do to get those titles back. We will continue to be the DevilSpawns. All the WVC did was delay the inevitable. All they did was postpone the truly epic ASS KICKING that they are due. They pissed off a peacefully sleeping giant and now they have to pay the severe consequences. Joe and Kenny better take Hulk Hogan's advice. They better start saying their prayers and taking their vitamins. They better be training harder then they ever have. If they don't their title reign will be the shortest in WZCW history. Those belts are the property of the DevilSpawns. It doesn't matter if you are currently keeping them warm for us or not. It doesn't matter because in short time we will be coming to reclaim what is rightfully ours.

With all that said. Disasterpiece calms down a bit. His face goes back to the stoic "poker face" look that it had earlier. He sits back down, but instead of looking down at the table as he did earlier. Now he is staring a hole through the stationary camera.

This upcoming Pay-Per-View is Lethal Lottery. I will be going up against both friends and foes. Not to mention my own tag team partner. I am going into this match knowing that I have what it takes to be a single's champion. I have been there, I have done it before as you saw earlier. This is my shot, my chance to prove to the new blood of the WZCW that I am the man that can and will carry this company into the future. I am the one that can shoulder the responsibility of being a fighting champion. That I will back down from no man, that I will fight until I can fight no longer, and that I will win or I will die trying. Unfortunately I may have to do some things that I really don't want to. However, if it comes down to me and a member of Dynasty for a WZCW Heavyweight Title shot then I will not hold back. I will not let a friend deny me just as I would not let a foe.

Earlier today I received a call from a friend of mine. He asked, "Hey DP, if you could pick a number to enter the lottery what number would it be, and be serious." My answer to him shocked him and it may shock you as well. I told him that the only number that I would choose to enter is number one. I want to be there at the beginning so that when I win, not if, but when I win. I want the whole world to know that I took no shortcuts. I didn't just come in last and push a few guys over the top rope. That I was there from beginning to end and no one could stop me. That 29 other men came and gone, but I still remained. That I survived when no one thought I could. I will show the world that I am still the same evil, sadistic, hardcore bastard that I was when I was a single's champion before. I will show the world that blood, fire, and death is all that awaits my opponents at the Lethal Lottery, but most importantly. I will show the entire WZCW roster and staff that I will be a Heavyweight Champion and that there isn't a damn thing they can do about it!

The scene fades to black as Disasterpiece gets out of the chair and walks out of the camera chot.


(Announcer)- "Ladies and Gentlemen, we'd like to move on from asking questions for a moment because we have a special surprise guest specifically here to see Big Will. Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Stephen Harper, the Canadian Prime Minister!" (Everyone stands) Stephen Harper walks out onto the stage, as Big Will turns to greet him. Mr. Harper firmly shakes Big Will's hand, as Will steps aside from the podium to allow the Prime Minister to speak.

(Stephen Harper)- "Thank You, Ladies and Gentlemen please be seated. I'm here to day because the great Country of Canada, and Toronto, the provincial capital of Ontario, have decided to make today, the official 'Big Will' day in Canada. I am here to offer you, Big Will, the official key to the city. We thank you, for all that you've done and we welcome you home." The audience applauds as Big Will tears up. Big Will shakes the Prime Minister's hand one more time, as he accepts the key and resteps to the podium.

(Big Will)- (remotely crying)"I.. I.. heh, I'm sorry, I had no.. no.." (Will coughs) "Excuse me. I had no idea this was in store for me. Uhm, I really don't know what to say, or how to react and reply to something so joyful, so wonderful. Mr. Prime Minister, thank you, beyond thanks, thank you. To everyone in this great country, thank you for everything you've given me, especially the amazingly warm welcome."

"This is a world famous honor, to accept the key to the city, to be, to have a day given to you. Earlier I mentioned this event, Lethal Lottery, being the beginning path to the greatest show, the biggest moment in our business, Kingdom Come. But I was wrong. Kingdom Come isn't the biggest event of the year, its this right here, its all of you, all of this. All for me. Thank you so very much."

(Announcer)- "Ladies and Gentlemen, Big Will will now once again be taking questions regarding his Lethal Lottery match." Several hands once again go up, as the announcer randomly picks one.

(Reporter #4)- "First I just wanna say congratulations on being given the key to the city, you deserve it from all of us here. Now then, my question to you, do you have any idea what number you've drawn? If you know, can you tell us and if you don't, can you give us your opinion and thoughts on the randomness of where you could end up?"

(Big Will)- "First, thank you, again this honor means the world to me and I shall cherish it forever. Now, to answer your first question, no, I do not know what number I'll enter at. I've yet to draw my number in fact. Mr. Myles had a slight issue with the Lethal Lottery numbers on Meltdown, something about all of them being eight's. So hes reordered everyone to draw randomly the day of the event. Now for your second part to that question, as to where I might end up. All I can say is your guess is as good as mine. I could end up with the worst number and start the thing at one or two. I could end up with the best luck, and finish with drawing number thirty. I could end up in the middle, or anywhere in between all of those numbers."

(Reporter#5)- "Will, within this match not only may you have to remeet Gus again, but you'll also be dealing with names you've never encountered before such as Manzo, Sincade, D.C., Steamboat Ricky, even the Nation of Islam. Could you give your thoughts on how stacked this line-up is, and how you feel you might fair against those odds, or those other wrestlers?"

(Big Will)- "Well, first things first and thats this is an elimination process. So short of drawing 1-3, I doubt I'll have to toss out all 29 other guys. Of course if I do, I won't have a problem in handling it, as I'm Canadian and will make my country and Family proud. Secondly, you made one slight error in judgment, you see.. when I face Gus earlier in the night, after I retain my Elite X Championship and end his career, I'll be doing what noone else has yet, I'll be getting the jump start on the eliminations, by taking him out of the equation."

"As far as the others go. Well, Sincade and Manzo seem to have their own issues so all I have to do is catch them when they aren't expecting it. By no means am I stating that I'm not man enough to face them head on, both Superstars should know by now if I had to, I'd take each one out in a split second. But this match isn't about head on power, the likes of what someone such as Manzo holds. Its about strategy, its about picking your spots and knowing when to attack, when to lay back, and when to strike. Manzo isn't the brightest of guys, hes all power, but not a lot going on up top. To add to it, hes gonna be gunning for Sincade, who in turn will most likely be looking for him. All I have to do is pick my spot just right, and I might get lucky enough to take both out at the same time."

"Moving on to a group such as the Nation of Islam. Well, 30 guys might be in this thing, and within those 30 you obviously have sets of teams, and factions. Disasterpiece and Reaper will also be involved. But the thing that you need to understand, the point you need to grip, is there can be only one winner. So when it comes down to it, there are no teams. And who better to be that 'one' then 'The One'."

"Finally, you mentioned guys like Ricky and D.C. You know, D.C. is been projected as a heavy odds on favorite to win this whole thing, as hes a big name involved without a match prehand to wear him down. But let me tell you something right now. He doesn't have Canadian Stamina. He doesn't have Canadian heart, intensity, drive. I have all of those things. And just like the adrenaline that'll be pumping through my vains when I go up against Gus, when I hear the roar of those thousands and thousands of Canadian fans cheering and chanting my name.. thats all I need to remain a step above the rest."

(Announcer)- "Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to take this final moment of time to wrap things up and allow Big Will to make a closing statement regarding the Lethal Lottery Pay Per View. Thank You."

(Big Will)- "The first thing I'd like to do is applaud each and every one of you. Mr. Stephen Harper, thank you for the key to the city. To my Family, I love you and thank you for all of your support. To my Friends, thank you for believing in me, and knowing I can make it. And especially to all of my fans, I want you to know this much.. I don't care if I enter Number One overall, or Number Thirty to end it. I vow, I promise and I guarantee I will not let you down. I am Canadian born. I am Canadian breed." (Will tears up) "And I am damn proud, to be your Canadian Hero! I will win the Lethal Lottery match and go on to become W.Z.C.W. World Heavyweight Champion. I dedicate that, to all of my Canadian fans, friends & Family!"

(Stephen Harper)- "Will, one last thing. You've given us so much, that we have just one more special treat for you. A lasting token, of our appreciation for your undying support and Canadian heritage. A tribute to your career thus far."


This RP is completely fictional and the use of the name 'Stephen Harper' is completely fictional as well.
*The scene opens up with D.C. sitting inside of his Nissan Skyline in the drivers seat. From the looks of it someone is sitting inside of the passenger side of the car with him. D.C. is wearing a black hoodie with a blood splatter design. He has his hand over his mouth as he chuckles a little bit. The car isn't in motion as D.C. looks over towards the camera.*

D.C.: You know something this past week or so, I've realized something about my little run here in WZCW. For a while I was trying to gain attention from the wrestlers. Trying to make myself the biggest deal amongst the locker room. And for the most part, people just saw me as an idiot. Now that I think about it they were right...

*D.C. chuckles a little more to himself and looks out the window for a second before looking back at the camera.*

D.C.: You see the reason why I was trying to get their attention was because I was looking past one thing. See there is no need for me to lie. Before I came back to WZCW full time. I was somewhere else.... I was in another fed... I was getting praised... I was border line the biggest top line draw inside of that federation. I was the one people no one wanted to go against. But I was never world heavyweight champion. I didn't need to be.

*D.C. sighs for a moment reflecting back on his time in the other fed.*

D.C.: I didn't need to be the champion, because in such a short time, I became better then the belt. Beating D.C. sometimes meant more to people then winning that damn title. I don't know how many times I headlined Pay Per Views there. I don't know how many times I raised all kinds of hell. I mean, s***, I basically single handedly started a federation war. I was arrested, I was foul, I insulted more people then anything, I was part of the biggest faction... and most importantly... I was cheered the entire time.

*D.C. cracks an evil looking smile on his face and points at the camera.*

D.C.: And that my friends... that is whats been missing. See while I've been trying like hell to get the wrestlers in WZCW to notice me. I've been forgetting about the fans. I've been forgetting about the people that made D.C. a house hold name. I've been looking past what made me bigger then the Heavyweight Championship back "there". But, sadly, while I have figured out what was wrong... we're in Canada. And if there is one place I don't need to be right now... it's f***ing Canada.

*D.C. opens the door and gets out of the car, as the cameraman does the same thing. D.C. walks around the car as the camera walks a little in front of him. The camera turns to show a gas station parking lot where D.C. is walking towards the gas station.*

D.C.: I never liked Canada. Mainly for the reason that no matter who you are... as long as your Canadian, they'll cheer for you. I mean come on. Did someone spike the maple syrup? Everything "aboot" this country is offensive. A bunch of overweight drunk, obnoxious hockey crazed inbreds, hell bent on making wrestling the number two sport in the country.

*D.C. pauses for a moment.*

D.C.: And by the way... Hockey is NOT the number one sport here... Moose f***ing is the latest craze... Canada is still trying to push for the Olympic event... call me crazy, but I don't see it happening...

*D.C. walks into the gas station and grabs a Snickers bar from the rack and tosses it on the counter. The gas station attendant starts talking French and D.C. stares blankly at him.*

D.C.: What? Whatever... here... just take the money...

*D.C. tosses a couple of American dollar bills on the counter, grabs his snickers bar and walks out the door, camera catches up in front of him.*

D.C.: Lets focus back on the one thing everyone wants to talk about this week in WZCW. The upcoming Pay Per View, The Lethal Lottery match is here. And, I think it was Will who said it... that D.C. might be the odds on favorite to win? You damn right I am. Because who else is there? Really...

*D.C. stares blankly into the camera.*

D.C.: Does Will really think he is going to win? Come on, I've taken s***s that have more talent then Will. Will? Of all people these Canadian people can cheer for, they're gonna cheer for Will. You heard it here first. These people don't care how much sacrifice, how much blood, how many tears, or how many broken bones one person has fought through to bring these people some damn entertainment, BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW CELINE DION IS THE BETTER THEN ELVIS IN CANADA. So, when Steamboat Ricky makes his way to the ring, and he gets boo'ed for being American, don't blame the fed Ricky, blame Canada.

*D.C. climbs back into his car. Starts it up and leaves the gas station.*

D.C.: See I have an ace up my sleeve though. I found a way to piss off Canadian fans. I found a way, to provoke a riot if I want to. Call it, "an investment", you'll see what I mean shortly, but lets get back to the question who is going to win the Lethal Lottery?

*D.C. takes a bite of his Snickers bar.*

D.C.: Will is the Canadian favorite to win, big f***ing deal. I can toss his a** out of the ring before he can even blink those Canadian eyes of his. Who else is there? The W.V.C.?

*D.C. lets out a loud laugh*

D.C.: The Wash Your Shoes Valley Crew? I may as well crawl into the ring with a bunch of f***ing window lickers and toss coloring books over the top rope and watch em dive. Gus, haha, Gus of all people, whose claim to fame just so happens to be a flashy spin move. Really, if thats what it takes to a get a couple people to mark out for you, consider Big Will the Miles Davis of Canada. Ain't nobody gonna cheer you Gus.

*D.C. continues to laugh.*

D.C.: Whose in the W.V.C. anyway? Kenny? Spenny? Lenny? Denny? Darrel and Darrel?

*D.C. laughs again.*

D.C.: Is there anyone in that damn thing even worth remembering?

*D.C. looks out his window to a SUV thats driving beside him, he rolls his window down and signals for the passenger to roll theirs down. D.C. hangs out the window and looks back and forth from the road to the SUV. A MILF (for lack of a better description) rolls down the window.*

D.C.: (to passenger) HEY, do you watch WZCW?... Do you know who the f*** is in W.V.C.?... Neither do I...... you want a Snickers?.... Tell you what... follow me...

*D.C. climbs back into his car laughing.*

D.C.: Who else is there? The Habu Dabbies? Whose those guys... the dudes... you know... towels on the head... Maxx and someone, or something along those lines. Eh, who cares... they're gone... who else? OH OH OH, I KNOW! The Grand Mystic, or whatever the hell his name is, HAHA, that dude reminds of the Green Power Ranger.

*D.C. starts laughing so hard he starts shaking.*

D.C.: He's gonna come to the ring, and like, try to morph or something, you watch! Mystical, ain't no thirty foot robot gonna come and save your a** from the beating I'm gonna give ya, before I toss your spandex wearing a** out of the ring.

*D.C. laughs again and then points sharply at the camera.*

D.C.: The She-Devils. They're in it. Damn, I feel so bad for all these people...

*D.C. checks his mirrors quickly and looks behind him and turns on his turn signal on. He pulls into a parking lot as the camera looks in front of the car to see a hotel with three tour buses parked in front. Lindsey is standing beside someone with a clip board pointing at a swarm of people all standing around the buses. D.C. quickly whips the car into a parking spot and turns it off and gets out of the car, the camera follows. He quickly runs up to Lindsey and picks her up from behind as the people start to cheer and a couple girls in the crowd scream. D.C. sets Lindsey down and runs into the middle of the crowd. He slaps fives with a couple of the people there and hugs some of the girls there and turns back to the camera. He walks back over the SUV that was driving along side of him and talks to them for a little bit. The family then gets out of the SUV and joins the crowd.*

D.C.: This, is the investment I was talking about. You see in the other federation, I had loyal die hard fans. But not only that, I have a lot of contacts from there. Including Lindsey's cousin, who was the last owner of it. Lindsey's cousin, hooked up a little trip for my fan club. Some online tournament or something like that, to see who... out of the millions would get to come to Canada to watch D.C. in WZCW... These are the winners.

*D.C. opens his arms wide as Lindsey runs up beside him. D.C. grabs and holds her from behind as they both face the camera with the crowd behind them screaming.*

D.C.: I don't give a f*** if I win or lose... Canada is never going to be the same. D.C. is never going to be the same, and WZCW, is never going to be the same. Because D.C., the one these people know and love, is back. I found what I was missing. And now, its on. Come hell or high water, I'm gonna be the firestarter. I don't need WZCW's attention. All of you, can take your belts, your stables, and everything else, and shove them up your f***ing a**es. I have all the approval ratings I need. I went through the list, of all the people in WZCW that aren't gonna be cheered, I wasn't worried. Because I have something they don't have.

*D.C. holds his arms out again as the camera is lifted to show a hundred or more D.C. fans with signs and shirts screaming.*

D.C.: The tickets were bought in advance, right there beside the ramp way. Front row to almost half way back or more on the left side as your walking down. It's going to be all D.C.'s fans. My fans! AMERICAN FANS! Win or lose... who cares, I brought a walking riot with me... what did anyone else bring?

*D.C. laughs some more as the fans start cheering and chanting.*

D.C.: My fans are different, spit on em, punch em, and see if they don't fight back, haha. You think I'M BAD??? Please, I'm just the biggest name amongst an entire army. If you can't take on D.C. try taking on a hundred of these crazy mother f***ers. So Lethal Lottery, WZCW... we're coming... and if you don't like it...

D.C., Lindsey, and the entire crowd: F*** YOU!

*The scene fades out to D.C. and Lindsey and the entire fan club in attendance for the PPV flipping off the camera. The fans scream the entire time while they start to chant D.C.'s name. The scene turns black.*

[[OOC: If you can't guess, the fan club people are staying at that hotel.... I just wanted to clear that up. Its an all expenses paid trip for them, so feel free to use them as you guys see fit, but I'd like for them to at least have a part in my entrance for the Lethal Lottery. Or if you guys want, they can mess with everyone's entrance since they are supposed to be the rowdiest group at the show.]]
*Steamboat Ricky is shown walking out of a gas station in Toronto, holding a newly purchased lottery ticket.*

I never really thought that playing the lottery was a good decision. I mean, the odds of winning are less than the likelihood of me getting kicked in the face by a bright fuscia anteater with Alzheimer's and no legs.

*Immediately, Steamboat Ricky is kicked in the face by a bright fuscia anteater with Alzheimer's and no legs.*

What the deuce?! What are the odds of that?

I believe you said that the odds were less than the likelihood of you being kicked by me.


*Steamboat Ricky piledrives the bright fuscia anteater with Alzheimer's and no legs through a flaming Spanish Announce Table.*

I mean, if people just saved the money that they spent on the lottery, a lot of good things could be done. People would not go hungry, greed would subside, and kids wouldn't be forced to live on the streets.


*Steamboat Ricky looks over and sees a kid living on the street.*

Aw, crap kid. I'm sorry. Here, you can come hang out with me during this promo, hopefully pushing me over with both the female and loving father demographics.

*Kid walks with Ricky.*

And where do they get all of the numbered balls to do the lottery with? For that matter, where do they get the "ball sucking" machines? Is there a lottery store...or...hey kid...earmuffs...

*Kid puts hands over ears*

Or do they just go over to the local brothel where ball sucking is commonplace? Ear muffs over, kid.

*Ear muffs off.*

The terrible thing about the lottery is that it preys on gambling addicts everywhere. It makes every corner gas station into a casino, just without Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci.

Eh! You talking to us chump?

*Steamboat Ricky and the kid walk by a gas station on the corner that sells lottery tickets AND has Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci.*

Screw you Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro!

*Steamboat Ricky piledrives both Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro through flaming Spanish Announce Tables*

So kid, like I was saying, just like a casino without Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro.

*As Ricky walks along, more kids begin to follow him.*

Hey kid, do you feel like going for a run?

Do I?! SHUCKS RICKY!!!!!!!!!


Whew. I think I&#8217;m ready for Lethal Lottery now. I better scratch the ticket to see what I win.

*Ricky scratches the ticket, and it reveals that he has won a fuscia anteater with Alzheimer&#8217;s and no legs.*

Ah crap. Here you go kid. Make your dreams come true. Good &#8216;ole Polly will take care of you until you get settled in&#8230;aint that right Polly?

Brrrrack! You know it!

I have to get to the Skydome.

*Ricky gives the kid a high five as he runs off into the horizon.*

shitty rp i new i wasnet going to win but i gave it a try.

* the screan fades in as we see alex bowen setting in his large red loveseat in his house*

Alex-What a fucking feast for the eyes, All of wzcw in one fucking ring. All of the big names. Will, ricky ,wvc, devilspawns. All of them, But believe me o fucking believe it. I'm comming for one thing no one name will be walking out of lethal lottery with that title shot... THATS ME. I'm done fucking around im just bloody sick of it, I came to wzcw for action and since comming all's ive met was a fucking ****** and made out with a table. But In my opinion this dominion is mine just ripe for the fucking taking.

*alex stands up*

Alex- i'm sick of being on the low im sick of facing midcard chumps, People that couldent even fucking whipe my boots in jcw, Now are getting title shot after title shot and now im stuck with a fuckin moron who's trying to get a following? This match is my chance, MY time , And im going to give 100% into it.

*still up alex starts feverously walking around mumbiling*

Alex- I'M FUCKING SICK OF THIS. DO YOU HEAR ME? I WANT A SHOT AND NO ONE WILL FUCKING TAKE IT FROM ME. Not you joe, Kenny, Or gus, Melinko, will, or manzo will stand in my fucking way NEVER AGAIN. I'm done standing around done fucking with reject done with all of this bullshit. YOU stand in my fucking way you better prepare yourself for a full on frontal assault, BECAUSE I"M PULLING NO PUNCHES FOR ANYONE.

* alex sets down and picks up the local newspaper*

Alex pointing to the paper- You see this? When the ppv is all over this title wont say gas prices raising at a burning pace . It'll say Alex bowen burning up the ranks of wzcw. That what it will say. Because No lyes , no truth but the wounds tell the story, Of what will be done for honor and glory. I'm done standing back in the shadows, comming up at lethal lottery the ref will be holding up my hands and the announcer will say my name. *SCREAMS* YOU CAN BET ON THAT SHIT!

*alex sets down and thorws the paper in the middle of the room as the camera stops rolling.
We fade into a dark room that has one seat and a film projector. We hear the door of the room open and close, and noises of a film reel being placed in the projector. The projector is turned on, and the light of the film shows that Ben Legend is the one watching the movie. The film is old, as the image of a two story suburban home crackles on to the screen. Shinedown's "Simple Man begins to play in the background.

Well mama told me,
When I was young
Said sit beside me,
My only son

The movie now transfers into footage of a young blonde boy, obviously Ben Legend as a boy. We see him running around in only a diaper yelling, "Hogan won! Hogan won!" to his parents. His mother than picks him up and reassures her son that she heard. We hear the father chuckling behind the camera. In real life, Ben smiles at the footage, one of his favored memories.

And listen closely
To what I say
And if you do this,
It'll help you some sunny day

We now see footage of Ben as a teenager, wrestling with his friends on a trampoline. His mother watches on from a lawn chair, sipping on a drink and smoking a cigarette. In the "ring", Legend hits a big leg drop on one of his friends, and another counts the pin. Legend then parades around the "ring", doing Hogan-esque taunts, being pronounced as champion. He then jumps off the trampoline and celebrates the victory with his mother. A single tear drips down Legend's cheek as he watches this.

Or take your time
Don't live to fast
Troubles will come
And they will pass

The film switches to a graduation as Ben's name is called to come and receive his diploma. On the stage, Ben points to the camera, which turns to see Ben's mom, crying her eyes out in joy. The camera turns back to Legend, who gives it a thumbs up. We then see Legend talking to his parents after the ceremony, saying, "I'm gonna do it. I'm actually gonna train to be a wrestler." His mother just nods her head in approval as her son hugs her. You can see concern in her eyes. When he sees this, Legend wipes another tear off his face.

You'll find a woman
And you'll find love
And don't forget that
There's a someone up above

The footage is now of Ben's first wrestling match, his mom cheering him on as he enters the ring. During the match, Ben completely dominates his opponent, winning with a top rope leg drop. After the pinfall, he invites his mother, who is at ringside, to come celebrate. She complies, and she climbs into the ring and hugs her sweating son. You can see that she is getting older and older. It seems that Ben is about to turn off the reel, but decides against it.

Be a simple kind of man
Be a something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can

The reel is nearing its end, and the setting dramatically changes. The camera is on a tripod, and we see Ben's father sobbing, with tears pouring down Ben's face as well. They are at a cemetary, and we see a casket lowered into a grave. The tombstone reads: ANN LEGEND: 1951-2000. Ben is now crying completely, feeling the loneliness he did that same day. He shuts off the projector and faces the camera, controlling the tears. "Simple Man" continues to play in the background.

LEGEND: I lost my mother to lung cancer. She put up a hell of a fight, but fate can be cruel. She was the person who got me into wrestling, and more importantly, was the one who always pushed me to be the greatest I could be. When I decided against college and went to start my training, she helped me find the right wrestling school. Without her, I would be off doing some boring job instead of having the best one in the world.

Legend takes the reel out of the projector and turns the lights on in the room.

LEGEND: I've done some memorable things in my career so far, but nothing that will stand the test of time. This Lethal Lottery Match could be my breakthrough. It will be tough, it will be the most grueling match I've been in so far to date, but it will be worth it. Because when I stand in that ring victorious, I'll know that I've reached that other level. And I'll know that mother would be so proud. You know, I wish she could be there at Kingdom Come when I win the World Championship. But I know that she'll be watching, she'll always be watching...

We see Ben wipe his eyes one last time, then he walks out of the room, turns off the lights, and shuts the door.
Murf!sh is standing behind a podium in a press room. The room is filled with a loud group of bustling reporters. They are speaking over each other and trying to get the first question in. Murfish is growing visibly annoyed by the reporters' increasing level of volume. This situation is growing increasingly out of hand.

Murf!sh: Quiet please...

The reporters ignore his soft plea and continue with their childish behavior. This further fuels a slight twitch that Murf!sh has begun to develop.

Murf!sh: SILENCE!

The room is now completely silent and in a state of fear at this menacing man in front of them.

Murf!sh: Now if you can stop behaving like children, maybe I can answer your questions.

Still unsure, none of the reporters raised their hands. After a deal of time Jane Smith, a journalist from a local paper, tentatively raised her hand.

Murf!sh: Yes?

Jane: Well first of all, how do you feel about debuting in WZCW?

Murf!sh cracks and unsettling smile.

Murf!sh: I'll tell you this much. The company itself is not what I am excited about. It is the roster that has become available to me. Now I have an entirely new group of people that I will be able to decimate. I sense that this will be a great opportunity for me to further cement my status as a legend-in-the-making. Any other questions?

Jane: I have heard many people talking about how your inexperience will end up costing you this amazing match. How do you respond to that?

Murf!sh: Have you ever heard the saying "You can't teach power or size?" Well you will find that this saying is very true. I don't care if you are a veteran with the best ring awareness ever, it won't matter when I am holding my opponent over my head and drop him the floor outside the ring. This will be a massacre and I will be left standing in the ring.

Jane: Besides the winning the match, is there anything you plan on doing to make an impact on your debut.

Murf!sh: This question is actually quite easy to answer because I have pondered it myself for weeks. When I make my way down to the ring, I'll be looking for the toughest and most challenging competitor. I will walk up to him and while I could just throw him out instead I will take my time and hurt him ... bad, so bad that he will be considering whether or not he should ever get back in the ring. After that I will repeat this process until I become the sole survivor.

By this time the reporters have become more comfortable. One raises his hand.

Reporter: So ... I would like to ask you a question about your previous work in T...

Murf!sh: Enough, you sir exemplify incompetence. I have been left no choice and now I will have to conduct this press release by myself.

Murf!sh now stares at the screen. His voiced had changed almost imperceptibly.

Murf!sh: If you are watching this, and I know you are, then you had better prepare for what is coming to you. I have waited a long time to come here and I will not waste my chance now that I am here. In all honesty I sincerely hope that I am entry number one because I don't want a single person to avoid what I have in store. At Lethal Lottery there will be hellfire and brimstone because I am bringing the apocalypse with me.

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