Lesnar vs Rusev


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I cant help but feel if Rusev had of won the Rumble this would have made a really good Main Event.

The fans love Brock, so don't give me any of the heel vs heel nonsense not working. Brock is the 'anti hero'. A legit bad ass that does what he wants and when he want.

Rusev is a monster. He would be a credible threat to Lesnar having never been pinned or submitted. Rusev beating Lesnar would propel this guy into an absolute monstrous heel.

Add in the superb Lana and the amazing Heyman and you would have a great story going into WM32.

We don't always have to build 'faces'.
I completely agree

Rusev vs. Cena doesnt appeal to me at all for the simple reason I truly feel like WWE will have Cena destroy Rusev which will then crush all of Rusev's momentum...

Rusev could easily lose a feud with Lesner and maintain the momentum he has built... The also you could keep both guys heels or this would also be a feud where either guy could go face...

Lesner could remain heal by just continue being a bully and beating down everyone and pushing people around... Rusev could then come out after Lesner destroys Daniel Bryan for example but not to save Bryan but to get in Lesner's face about being a real dominate force... Causing Brock to back down just to build interest, but then out of charater he actually helps Bryan up after Lesner leaves...

or keep Rusev heel and have Lesner play the Jack Swagger role only a more dangerous all american hero
I agree, I think it would have made for a lil better draw. 2 guys that have been indestructible and unbeatable. It could almost be called the Irresistible Force vs the Immovable Object II. And it would have been a lot less predictable, people love Brock even tho he's a heel...he just a flat out bad ass like you say. Probably a match we'll never see tho.
I thought Rusev should've been Lesnar's first opponent after SummerSlam. A fresh feud, one that would expose a new talent, would create physical matches and there would've been no shame in Rusev losing.

For a brief second I thought Rusev might win the Rumble. But Reigns quickly humbled him. Much like The Rock did a few months ago.
Yeah, I think this could of worked. I think fans would get behind Lesnar and love cheer him as a bad ass babyface. Rusev beats him at WM and becomes the new beast as Brock leaves..
I agree. I LOVE Lesnar for being who he is. Even 12 years ago on Smackdown when he was destroying the faces like Zach Gowan....I was LAUGHING right along with Brock. Pushing him down the stairs after breaking his one leg was funny. Brock whipping Matt Hardy through a locker room wall....FUNNY.

I just love how dominate Brock is. I can get behind a guy like that. I love when he no sells moves because I believe he actually didn't even feel the pain.

Anyone except for Daniel Bryan and maybe Ziggler is going to be boo'ed against Lesnar at WrestleMania. And because of this, Rusev would have been a great choice.
I agree. I LOVE Lesnar for being who he is. Even 12 years ago on Smackdown when he was destroying the faces like Zach Gowan....I was LAUGHING right along with Brock. Pushing him down the stairs after breaking his one leg was funny. Brock whipping Matt Hardy through a locker room wall....FUNNY.

I just love how dominate Brock is. I can get behind a guy like that. I love when he no sells moves because I believe he actually didn't even feel the pain.

Anyone except for Daniel Bryan and maybe Ziggler is going to be boo'ed against Lesnar at WrestleMania. And because of this, Rusev would have been a great choice.

Yes. I thoroughly enjoy the school yard bully he portrays. Beating people up in the vicious fashion he does is unintentionally hilarious. While 90% of his beatings are given to 'babyfaces' - he is no different from Stone Cold back in the late 90s apart from Austin 'tended' to hand his ass whoopings to the heels.

I think you have hit the nail on the head Sir. You can add Ambrose to that list you made. However, I don't have any issue with Lesnar vs Reigns because I think WWE will turn the negative into a positive - Reigns will embrace the hate and probably align with Heyman and build himself as a monster heel rather than a babyface.

Lesnar vs Rusev would have intrigued me more though.
Lesnar vs Rusev would be a great feud if it's actually planned out to where Lesnar and Heyman DON'T turn face and become "Amerian Patriots" just because Lesnar's feuding with Rusev..Lana AND Heyman should both state that the feud isn't about Russia vs America, it's simply about who's the most vicious, elite athlete out of the both of them..

To build up to a match between them, for example, there could be weekly vignettes of both Lesnar and Rusev training for their big match and taking the feud extremely seriously with Lana and Heyman doing the mic work..Think about it-Brock's a freak athlete which is obvious..Great wrestler, improved his striking, agile as all hell..Rusev is legit trained in Sambo, Muay Thai, Sumo wrestling and possibly other disciplines which I've missed.

Given that Rusev knows multiple ways to kick someone's ass, whatever matches Lesnar and Rusev would've had together easily could've been the most physical matches of the year..I'm saying that because Rusev should throw everything he has at Lesnar(with Lesnar throwing everything he's got at Rusev in return)-Rusev should put Lesnar in some Sambo submission holds, he should use Sumo wrestling to throw Lesnar off balance and he should also use Muay Thai to kick/knee/punch/elbow Lesnar into the ground..That'd be the most effective way in my opinion to get Rusev over as a legit contender in the WWE IF they ever put him against Lesnar..

Also, while we're on the subject of Rusev, as much as I like the Camel Clutch, Rusev could also use a Sambo submission move as a new submission finisher and use the Camel Clutch sparingly.
With Rusev set to face Cena at Fast Lane rather than WM I'm still not ruling out the possibility of this happening. I think the reason why they didn't do this yet is because in their eyes, having Rusev lose would completely destroy his momentum and they don't see him being on the same level as Lesnar to have him win.
I cant help but feel if Rusev had of won the Rumble this would have made a really good Main Event.

The fans love Brock, so don't give me any of the heel vs heel nonsense not working. Brock is the 'anti hero'. A legit bad ass that does what he wants and when he want.

Rusev is a monster. He would be a credible threat to Lesnar having never been pinned or submitted. Rusev beating Lesnar would propel this guy into an absolute monstrous heel.

Add in the superb Lana and the amazing Heyman and you would have a great story going into WM32.

We don't always have to build 'faces'.

I could see Rusev winning the RR match next year. It would be an interesting match.

I just wonder how Rusev's character will evolve since it's inevitable that he'll lose to Cena.

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