Lesnar vs Fedor ?


Getting Noticed By Management
Jerry Millen, M-1 Global’s American Vice President, issued a statement following the interview that welcomed an Emelianenko vs. Lesnar fight, however grim the chances of its fruition are at the moment.

“We would welcome a Fedor vs. Lesnar matchup, but to act in a preemptive fashion to address the possibility that UFC officials will try and position Lesnar as the No. 1 heavyweight in the world, much like they have tried to use a marketing ploy to brand Anderson Silva as the number one pound-for-pound fighter in the world,” the statement read. “In a match between Fedor and Lesnar, we do not feel that at this stage Lesnar would be able to make it out of the first round.”

No..........No........No. There's NO way that this fight should happen right now. Brock Lesnar doesnt have enough fight experience to fight Emelianenko. If they fought Fedor would murder Lesnar in the first round. Fedor has proved himself to be one of the greatest fighters in the world. Lesnar hasnt even had 5 fights yet. I would welcome a Brock vs Fedor fight a few year from now , But right now it would just be a bad decision for both the UFC and AFFLICTION. I realy dont think that UFC would co-promote with Affliction anyway , Seeing that Dana White seemingly hates all things that has to do with the Afflction brand.
Fedor’s management are among the lowest in the business. They remind me of a bunch of schoolyard bitches sitting alone on the sidelines and whining, instead of negotiating and actually making things happen. It’s no wonder Dana is anti-Fedor, because if Fedor wishes to be managed by tools like that, then he clearly has no business fighting in the UFC. Why the fuck should Dana co-promote the fight with Affliction and M-1 and thus give them the time of day? No one gives a remote shit about M-1, and Affliction is a T-Shirt company who will be out of business soon anyway.

Fedor needs the UFC a lot more than the UFC needs Fedor. Fedor isn’t going anywhere being a free agent, but the UFC will continue to grow and promote great fights/fighters/cards with or without Fedor.

And don't get me wrong here; I like Fedor a lot, but he's managed by a bunch of idiots. I think if his career continues down the path it’s been going since Pride went out of business, ten years from now he's going to be living with A LOT of regrets.
Jerry Millen is just like Dana White. Only he doesn't resort to using expletives in place of having an actual vocabulary and he doesn't play for the home team, so some people hate his guts. As it stands, Lesnar was shoehorned into having his "title shot" based solely on his ability to pull in the pro-wrestling market for UFC viewership (which is why the rest of the card had next to no one of drawing power because the clueless WWE transplants wouldn't have know the difference between UFC 91 and an TUF Finale).

However, fighting against Couture proved fruitful and he IS the champ now, of course. If the UFC wishes to strap a belt on a guy with less than ten fights after he dethrones an inactive 45-year-old and then call him champ then they can prepare for what happens when people realize that the UFC has ZERO clue when it comes to rankings or credibility and that the belt means shit.

If Lesnar is the champ, I say put up or shut up. You don't wear a title belt and get tune-up fights, so anyone who suggests that Lesnar should stray away from top competition is delusional. Millen and Finkelstein know this. They also know they have the BEST MMA fighter on Earth as well as the best heavyweight (it takes nothing more than a quick trip to FightFinder to understand this). Even if Lesnar beats Nog or Mir, everyone with a clue knows he's a substitute teacher at best because Fedor squashed Nog twice and Mir's slow ass couldn't hold Fedor's jock if he used both hands.

M-1's press release is correct about the smoke-and-mirrors shit. Want proof? Watch Fedor's demolition of former 2-TIME UFC champ Sylvia inside of 36 seconds. How's that for exposure of sleight-of-hand?

Dana White made this mess and helped to crush the credibility of his HW belt in the process. There were, by my count, THREE other heavyweights who've been more consistent in the UFC and that were more deserving than Lesnar for getting the shot. It also would've been more intelligent to use Couture and Nogueira in the simplest of solutions: a fucking unification bout, maybe? Carwin, Velasquez, and especially Werdum were MUCH more deserving of getting a crack at Randy. Why? Consistency and especially in Werdum's case victories over more quality opposition.

M-1 is right in calling bullshit on this whole scenario.

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