Legends' House

Wally Dangerously

Living Room Champion
For me, the series is a turd hot dog. Yet, being the shameless fan that I am, I can't help but watch the train wreck.

I found some positive feedback for the series recently.

Justin Labar said:
• If you're not already, you should be watching WWE Legends' House. It's an entertaining 45 minutes a week. Having met or worked with a majority of the cast, it does display their different personalities quite accurately while having them take part in typical reality show ballyhoo (not a Vince Russo plug).

Some observations:

• Roddy Piper is a man on his own island always in character of being “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. I'm still not sure what bothered him so much that first night where he couldn't sleep and wandered to the desert.

• Jimmy Hart is exactly who I want to be and look like when I'm 70. Who am I kidding, I just want his hair at 70. Well, actually I want it now.

• Hillbilly Jim is getting well-deserved exposure to a younger generation of fans who might be watching. He's proving that having less fame and stress in his wrestling days out of all the other guys is paying off for him now with his sanity, appearance and daily life skills.

• Good to see Howard Finkel, but wow. Looks like The Fink ate Dink. Here's to hoping he accomplishes whatever weight and health goals he has. For the record, he's one of the nicest guys in wrestling you'll ever meet.

What do you guys think of the series so far?
It's a show which I only find interesting because it is about professional wrestlers. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just not really anything. But because it's about pro wrestlers, I watch.

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