Legend of Zelda: Classic Link VS Toon Link

Which Link is the better version?

  • Classic Link

  • Toon Link

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Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Link, the hero of the Legend of Zelda series, has mainly been seen in one of two different graphical forms, classic Link and Toon Link. Most of the games feature classic Link while a few of the more recent games in the series feature Toon Link. Both are playable in Smash Brothers Brawl. Let’s take a look at the series and which version of Link appeared in each entry. I’ll color code them with Classic Link appearances in Red and Toon Link appearances in Blue.

1. Legend of Zelda – Classic Link
2. Adventure of Link – Classic Link
3. Link to the Past – Classic Link
4. Link’s Awakening – Classic Link
5. Ocarina of Time – Classic Link (Also featured Young Link)
6. Majora’s Mask – Classic Link (as Young Link)
7. Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons – Classic Link

8. Wind Waker – Toon Link
9. Four Swords Adventures – Toon Link
10. Minish Cap – Toon Link

11. Twilight Princess – Classic Link
12. Phantom Hourglass – Toon Link
13. Spirit Tracks – Toon Link

14. ???? (New 2010 Zelda game) – Classic Link????

So, we have basically the older half (going by release dates) of the series featuring Classic Link, and the more recent half of the series primarily featuring Toon Link with the exceptions being Twilight Princess and the upcoming new entry on the Wii. That’s interesting when you think about it because Toon Link’s first appearance was in 2002 on the Four Swords game included with the GBA remake of Link to the Past. He has been in a total of 6 Zelda games counting that one. Classic Link has been in 8 games (assuming you count Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages as two halves of one game) and Classic Link will be making his 9th appearance soon in the new game coming out late this year.

Alright, now we come to the discussion questions.

1. Which version of Link do you prefer? Classic Link or Toon Link, and why?

2. Are there any games featuring CLASSIC Link that you would have liked to play a version that featured Toon Link’s graphical style? Why?

3. Are there any games featuring TOON Link that you would have liked to play a version of that featured Classic Link’s graphical style? Why?

4. How different do you think the Legend of Zelda series would be if there had never been a Toon Link, basically if Wind Waker had been done featuring the Link who was in Smash Bros Melee? What impact would that have had on the Zelda series?

I personally prefer Classic Link. At first I hated Toon Link with a passion, but I ended up giving him a chance by playing Wind Waker a year or so after its release. Now, I'm open to playing as either version but I prefer Classic Link because he is the version of Link that I grew up always playing as.

It would be cool to see either Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess in the type of graphics that Toon Link's games have. They wouldn't be anywhere near as great as the original versions in my opinion, but it would be interesting to see what those games would be like in that style. I would also liked to have played a version of Wind Waker featuring the graphic styles that Classic Link is featured with. That is what many fans were saying back in 2003 and I still would like to see that someday, just so we will know what that would have been like.

Without there ever having been a Toon Link, the series would be different. All the games featuring Toon Link would have been done in the classical style. Wind Waker might have done better in sales than it did, but I don't think that others such as Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks would have. In the long run it has benefitted the series to have both versions of Link because some fans prefer Classic Link while others prefer Toon Link. That, and Young Link would have returned in Smash Bros Brawl in Toon Link's place.

Alright, now let's see what the rest of you have to say.
1. Which version of Link do you prefer? Classic Link or Toon Link, and why?
Both honestly. Toon Link tough me not to judge by appearances. I've learned not to care how he looks. As long as he's doing his thing, thats all I need.
2. Are there any games featuring CLASSIC Link that you would have liked to play a version that featured Toon Link’s graphical style? Why?
My idea here. Play the child parts of OOT with Toon Link style graphics and the Adult parts with the Twilight Princess graphics. Now that would be an awesome remake.
3. Are there any games featuring TOON Link that you would have liked to play a version of that featured Classic Link’s graphical style? Why?
Not really. Most Toon Link-esque games are more light-hearted than the Regular ones.
4. How different do you think the Legend of Zelda series would be if there had never been a Toon Link, basically if Wind Waker had been done featuring the Link who was in Smash Bros Melee? What impact would that have had on the Zelda series?
People would probably see the series as something a bit more centric to older kids. The next installment would be Twilight Princess and before that would be OOT and Link To The Past. The vibe would be similar to that of the Metroid series.
My idea here. Play the child parts of OOT with Toon Link style graphics and the Adult parts with the Twilight Princess graphics. Now that would be an awesome remake.

Not really. Most Toon Link-esque games are more light-hearted than the Regular ones.

I would say that Twilight Princess already touched on this approach as the Twilight beings and graphics in general were quite cartoonish compared to the more realistic Hyrule.

Personally, I will always be more of a fan of the original Link rather than the cell coloured Link. Although I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed Wind Waker and its successors, the main Link games should remain darker in their style. Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess benefited from it greatly.
Барбоса;2019033 said:
I would say that Twilight Princess already touched on this approach as the Twilight beings and graphics in general were quite cartoonish compared to the more realistic Hyrule.

Personally, I will always be more of a fan of the original Link rather than the cell coloured Link. Although I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed Wind Waker and its successors, the main Link games should remain darker in their style. Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess benefited from it greatly.

The general idea behind Toon Link was to add some versatility. He has basically expanded into another separate series of Zelda games. Quicker is succession, but not as big as the one the classic Link is featured in. Each character has a different purpose catering to different aspects of the videogame industry. Its a very unique feature for a simple videogame character to have.
My idea here. Play the child parts of OOT with Toon Link style graphics and the Adult parts with the Twilight Princess graphics. Now that would be an awesome remake.

Interesting idea, but I don't really think it would work. The fans who dislike Toon Link would be instantly turned off from the beginning and the fans who prefer Toon Link might not like a massive graphical change occurring once the adult events start.

I think that a complete remake of Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess with Toon Link style graphics would be a great way to compare the styles. Obviously this would need to be followed up with a remake of Windwaker featuring Classic Link (Twilight Princess graphics), to once again compare the styles. It would be great in my opinion because fans could further compare the styles AND see how the games would be like in the style that they originally were not. Plus, remakes are usually a fun way to re-live a game you already liked anyway.
I actually think you have your categories completely wrong on this.

1. Legend of Zelda – Classic Link
2. Adventure of Link – Classic Link
3. Link to the Past – Classic Link
4. Link’s Awakening – Classic Link
7. Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons – Classic Link

5. Ocarina of Time –3D Link (Also featured Young Link)
6. Majora’s Mask – 3D Link (as Young Link)
11. Twilight Princess 3D LInk
14. ???? (New 2010 Zelda game) – 3D Link

8. Wind Waker – Toon Link
12. Phantom Hourglass – Toon Link
13. Spirit Tracks – Toon Link

Then there's Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures and of course Minish Cap. This Link is more akin to the classic Link than it is to the "Toon Link" as I personally hold that Tool Link is the cell shaded style one we have in WW/PH/ST and not the Link we have in Minish Cap or Four Swords. I would actually call this the Capcom style Link.

So that being said which Link do I prefer? Well that would be classic Link, The original game, ALTTP and Awakening are games that are absoultely phenomenal. They have that air about them that yeah this is something special. Whilst the 3D games seem to take it to a darker tone, with Toon Link the opposite end of happy fun and light. Classic Link has that good balance of being in the middle.

Any I would rather have with Toon Link? No not at all, any with 3D Link? YES I would like to see Adventure of Link in 3D, this is wildly regarded as the worst of the series, so if it were updated graphically and given that 3D look then it could change the game completely.
I love Ocarina of Time and 3d Link is awesome especially as he grew up. The Smash Bros version is the pinnacle of this.

The Toon version is OK. I think it helps that the games are very good and helped the Zelda on the DS platform. Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass are two of the very highest rated on the DS and no doubt, Ninty's ability to change the design of the series, its' main character and still able to keep the Zelda style is pretty amazing.

Toon Link got a harsh reception after Wind Waker which was very unfair, but the series needed the fresh air that the direction brought.

Ocarina will always be the true Zelda game to me with Twilight Princess not far off but the DS games are great in their own right.

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