Legal age


Master of the Aussie kiss
Honestly the legal age is ridicoulas. il use my birthday for example. On the 3rd of June 2006 at 11:55 pm i wasn't allowed to do anything legally. Couldnt drink smoke Vote gamble go to Decent concert's etc. Then on the 4th of june 12:00Am all of a sudden i was allowed to do everything. I remember standing at the local servo waiting for it to click over to buy a packet of smokes. How can that five minute's Make you responsble enough to do all of it. It should change to something like gradually changing your right's over your 17th year. Does anybody else think it is wierd how the law can think you have grown up enough in five lousy minute's but not for 18year's. The legal age only prevent's them some what people still drink smoke and gamble before the age of 18. I think the legal age should be knocked down to 16. It's when you finish highschool and start getting treated like an adult. What is everybodies opinion on what the legal age should be and what do people think about that five minutes, well really one minute that change's your life.
The first thing I'm going to ask, is are the rules of "Legal Age" different in Australia? You said you couldn't drink, smoke, vote or gamble.

In America, you can smoke when you're 18 years old. Everything else has to wait until you're 21 years old. I have agreements and disagreements with the legal age laws. First, my Disagreements.

Disagreements: I find it honestly stupid that you can't gamble (buy a lottery ticket, or a scratch off) at the age of 18.. yet you can smoke. I don't understand why the lottery industry is so strict, you MUST be 21 in order to play. Is winning or losing a ton of money so important, that you can not be a teenager still?

Smoking at the age of 18, is somewhat insane as it is. Children will drink and smoke under the legal age because if for no other reason, thats how it always begins. Breaking the law is "cool" so thats where it starts. Smoking is so much harder to control than drinking, merely because you can't get impaired (minus pot) off of smoking. So short of smelling it on their breath and searching them for cigarettes.. you'll never know.

I think the legal age for smoking should be dropped to 15, if not taken away all together. Now before I get killed by a mob.. I DO NOT smoke.. furthermore, I find smoking utterly pointless and downright stupid. All it does is ruin your lungs, and the lungs of others around you. If I had my way about it, I'd have smokers arrested merely for conspiracy to commit murder. (yes, seriously)

But the fact is, there isn't anything illegal about smoking from 18 on.. so why make it illegal at all? Its going to hurt you at 18 the same it would at 15. Its going to possibly give you cancer at 21 the same it could at 16. So why bother with age restrictions? Other than the fact that once you turn 18.. you have to start following more laws, and taxes. And that would likely be the whole point behind it. Taxes.

Agreements: Now, while smoking (to me) shouldn't have an age restriction (short of 15, anyways) drinking should. In England, or some other countries, apparently you can drink at the age of 16. This to me is absurd and downright ******ed. Why? Because you're still growing at that age, and alcohol can effect you.

Alcohol impairs your system and ability to function. That tied in with the fact that teenagers already make stupid decisions makes you a prime target for rape, murder, and other crimes. Furthermore, I wouldn't hold it against anyone to do any of those things to you if you allowed yourself to stupidly get drunk at such a young age.

Drinking, in America, is only seen as "cool" when its illegal. Those of us who continue to drink beyond the age of 21 do it because its no longer cool, so much as just "allowed" and "normal" to us. However a lot of us actually stop drinking at the age of 21, because its no longer seen as "edgy" its just turned into a waste of money.

Final Thoughts: I don't drink, because I've never seen it as worth my time. I don't smoke, because if I'm going to attempt killing myself, I'm going to do it in a way that won't cause me a lot of pain. And I've never touched drugs in my life, short of them being given to me, by a doctor.

My one issue has and will always be, gambling. Why? Because its the thrill of winning a ton of money, off spending very little. And before you know it, you've spent over hundreds of dollars, and won $10.00.

All in all.. the age restrictions should be placed at 21, world wide for Alcohol, and either lowered to 15, or removed in general for cigarettes. Lottery tickets should be allowed to be purchased at 18. Unless someone can explain why 21 is more magical.
It seems that in Australia, the legal age for pretty much everything is 18, which is fairly similar to the situation in Britain. Drinking, voting and since about a year ago, smoking now all become legal at 18. The Lottery is the exception, where you have to be 16.

Smoking used to have an age limit of 16, but they changed it because there isn't really an ID system in Britain for people younger than 17 or anyone who doesn't have a driving licence, and people under 16 could easily lie to people in shops to get cigarettes.

I think the reason there is a legal age limit for smoking is that you are more likely to be able to see past the "if I smoke, people will like me" mentality and then make a more informed decision.

I understand the frustration people feel when they are 17, but in all honesty, as much as I agree with your system, it'd never work. I was born in 1987, I have to be 18 to buy alcohol, a quick glance at my ID will tell you I'm old enough, but it still takes the shop assistant a week to check and accept that I am old enough, and if I go anywhere outside of Wales with my Welsh Licence, it's even longer. So I think any gradual system would be far too complicated to work in practice.

The law here became much stronger as I was turning 18 (the 1st time I got IDed was my 18th birthday), and it is now harder for under 18s to but alcohol. That being said it still happens, and it always will, but I was wondering if this happened elsewhere? Do people in the USA and Australia drink regularly before they are legally allowed to, and at what age do they do it?
It seems that in Australia, the legal age for pretty much everything is 18, which is fairly similar to the situation in Britain. Drinking, voting and since about a year ago, smoking now all become legal at 18. The Lottery is the exception, where you have to be 16.
That was what i was trying to get out lol, You can really buy lotto ticket's at the age of 16?

Smoking used to have an age limit of 16, but they changed it because there isn't really an ID system in Britain for people younger than 17 or anyone who doesn't have a driving licence, and people under 16 could easily lie to people in shops to get cigarettes.
Yeah apparently the legal age is 16 for smoking here as well but if you cant buy them and its a federal offense to sell them to a minor how are they going to get it?. It's just like legalised dope, they might be able to smoke it for Medicanal purposes but your still not aloud to grow or sell it so how on earth do you get hold of it.
I think the reason there is a legal age limit for smoking is that you are more likely to be able to see past the "if I smoke, people will like me" mentality and then make a more informed decision
. Not everyone smoke's becouse of that reason, I have only ever brought smoke's for a "minor" once but his mum had just died and needed one so i did the BRO thing and broght him some. I smoke but i would never smoke in front of anyone when i was in highschool, Becouse i didnt want people saying i was doing it to be cool.

I understand the frustration people feel when they are 17, but in all honesty, as much as I agree with your system, it'd never work. I was born in 1987, I have to be 18 to buy alcohol, a quick glance at my ID will tell you I'm old enough, but it still takes the shop assistant a week to check and accept that I am old enough, and if I go anywhere outside of Wales with my Welsh Licence, it's even longer. So I think any gradual system would be far too complicated to work in practice.
I'm just saying it's wierd how in 60 second's you can get a whole lot of responsability. i am 19 now not 17 and i still think it's wierd. I am not one of those 17 year old's complianing it aint fair.

Do people in the USA and Australia drink regularly before they are legally allowed to, and at what age do they do it?
It's funny you ask that. Just two month's ago i snuck an underaged mate into the local strip club. It is hard to go out clubbing and that underage in Australia but there is alot of underaged party's going on every weekend.(my mate got let in becouse he had a tattoo and can't just buy tattoo's from a tattoo shop if you are under 18, but becouse it looked like a "store" Brought one he got let in.
In Canada, you can buy lottery and scratch tickets at the age of 18, but you can't go into a casino until your 19, kinda stupid I think. Also it's 19 to buy alcohol, but I'm not sure about cigarettes, I get confused with buying and using them. I agree with the legal age here because at 18 u can buy the lottery and what not, but it gets you ready for the casino at 19, just so you can be prepared with the consequences. That's how I see it.
Here, you can buy the lottery at 16. I think that's a good age. I mean, it's not exactly like you're gambling away huge amounts of your money, and so what if you could win millions? Who says 16 year olds aren't entitled to winning that? It's a good age, it´s one I think doesn´t need an age properly as there's not really a downside to it.

To buy cigarettes the legal age recently rose to 18. I think this is good as well. I hate people smoking, and even though it probably won´t stop them all, it should help in people being more mature in deciding whether to take up the habit. Also hopefully it'll make IDing for cigarettes tougher, so less underage children can get hold of them.
Disagreements: I find it honestly stupid that you can't gamble (buy a lottery ticket, or a scratch off) at the age of 18.. yet you can smoke. I don't understand why the lottery industry is so strict, you MUST be 21 in order to play. Is winning or losing a ton of money so important, that you can not be a teenager still?

Maybe the laws are different where you live, but I know in Illinois and most other states the age to buy lottery tickets is only 18. Most Casinos won't let you in until you're 21, but to buy lotto tickets or scratch offs you only have to be 18.
The first thing I'm going to ask, is are the rules of "Legal Age" different in Australia? You said you couldn't drink, smoke, vote or gamble.

In America, you can smoke when you're 18 years old. Everything else has to wait until you're 21 years old. I have agreements and disagreements with the legal age laws. First, my Disagreements.

Don’t forget at 18 you can vote, join the military, and the fact that you are a legal adult.

Disagreements: I find it honestly stupid that you can't gamble (buy a lottery ticket, or a scratch off) at the age of 18.. yet you can smoke. I don't understand why the lottery industry is so strict, you MUST be 21 in order to play. Is winning or losing a ton of money so important, that you can not be a teenager still?

In most states the age for lottery tickets, race tracks, pull tabs and other non-casino gambling. The age restriction of 21 comes into play when you are dealing with casinos. The more booze a casino can get into you the better. With that in mind it is easier for them to restrict any gambling to only people over the age of 21.

Smoking at the age of 18, is somewhat insane as it is. Children will drink and smoke under the legal age because if for no other reason, thats how it always begins. Breaking the law is "cool" so thats where it starts. Smoking is so much harder to control than drinking, merely because you can't get impaired (minus pot) off of smoking. So short of smelling it on their breath and searching them for cigarettes.. you'll never know.

I think the legal age for smoking should be dropped to 15, if not taken away all together. Now before I get killed by a mob.. I DO NOT smoke.. furthermore, I find smoking utterly pointless and downright stupid. All it does is ruin your lungs, and the lungs of others around you. If I had my way about it, I'd have smokers arrested merely for conspiracy to commit murder. (yes, seriously)

Now while you do have to be 18 to purchase tobacco products or paraphernalia, in most states it is not against the law for someone under the age of 18 to smoke. The reason tobacco products cannot be purchased until the age of 18 is because they are legal, yet the government realizes that they do contribute/cause major health issues. So you must be a legal adult to make that decision. Putting that decision into the hands of a child would set a very dangerous precedent for our legal system. Would a 15 year old then be allowed to serve their country? Would a 15 year old be sent of to an actual adult prison, instead of just being tried as an adult?
Conspiracy to commit murder? How about all car owners being arrested for Eco-terrorism? Make just as much sense.

But the fact is, there isn't anything illegal about smoking from 18 on.. so why make it illegal at all? Its going to hurt you at 18 the same it would at 15. Its going to possibly give you cancer at 21 the same it could at 16. So why bother with age restrictions? Other than the fact that once you turn 18.. you have to start following more laws, and taxes. And that would likely be the whole point behind it. Taxes.

The taxes on tobacco products are collected at the point of sale from the consumer. So if you were underage and purchased a tobacco product the government still get their taxes.

Agreements: Now, while smoking (to me) shouldn't have an age restriction (short of 15, anyways) drinking should. In England, or some other countries, apparently you can drink at the age of 16. This to me is absurd and downright ******ed. Why? Because you're still growing at that age, and alcohol can effect you.

And tobacco cannot? Coffee can effect you also at a younger age. Should we restrict that?

Alcohol impairs your system and ability to function. That tied in with the fact that teenagers already make stupid decisions makes you a prime target for rape, murder, and other crimes. Furthermore, I wouldn't hold it against anyone to do any of those things to you if you allowed yourself to stupidly get drunk at such a young age.

That statement is just absurd in my opinion. You would actually blame it on the victim because they were drinking? I honestly do not know what to say to that .

Drinking, in America, is only seen as "cool" when its illegal. Those of us who continue to drink beyond the age of 21 do it because its no longer cool, so much as just "allowed" and "normal" to us. However a lot of us actually stop drinking at the age of 21, because its no longer seen as "edgy" its just turned into a waste of money.

I will agree with your on peer pressure. But I am kind of curious about your “a lot of us actually stop drinking”. Did you know that over 80% of Americans enjoy a tasty adult beverage every now and again?
Legal age to me is just a bad idea. As someone else already said, if it's a minute to your birthday, you can't do anything. 60 seconds pass. Now you're allowed to buy alcohol, tobacco, gamble, pornography, whatever you like. How much did you really chance in that length of time? It could take you the amount of time that it took to walk to a freezer, grab a 6 pack and stand in line to go from illegal to legal. I'm 20 years old, and I used to make most of my money playing cards. It wasn't legal, but I was capable of knowing when to stop or be responsible with it, yet there are people in their 40s and 50s that couldn't control themselves with thigns like that if their lives depended on it. Age doesn't matter, the person does. For example, take here on the forums. There are people that are 15 years old on here that can do nothing but spam and then get kicked. Then you have someone like Eternal Dragon who is 15 years old and one of the best around here. It's not how old you are, it's about how mature you are for that age.
Age doesn't matter, the person does. For example, take here on the forums. There are people that are 15 years old on here that can do nothing but spam and then get kicked. Then you have someone like Eternal Dragon who is 15 years old and one of the best around here. It's not how old you are, it's about how mature you are for that age.

I agree with you about maturity. I wish there were many things in life that you had to pass a maturity test for, gun ownership and sex just to name a few. But unfortunately there is not a test out there, that I know of, that could meet today's standards of anti discrimination that could be used in this case. So until a test is created that can accurately and easily test the maturity level of a person with out any form of discrimination we have to use age and hope for the best
I live in British Columbia, Canada and here are the legal ages we have to follow.
Drinking- We have to be 19 years of age to drink here. I used to live on the BC/Alberta border. I was a BC citizen, but the closest liquor store was closer on the Alberta side, than on the BC side. So I guess I was mature enough when I was 18 to get alcohol there, and not in BC.
Smoking- We also have to be 19 years of age to purchase anything
Buying matches or lighters- Yep, we have to be 19 to purchase them. Because all they can be used for is smoking cigarettes. Not for starting a BBQ, or lighting a camp fire, or in my girlfriends case, she was IDed for trying to buy a lighter to light fragrances candles.
Gambling- We only have to be 18 here to gamble
Joining the Army- 18 as well, so we can die for our country, but can't toast our fallen soldiers.
Getting our full Drivers License- 19 years old!. In Alberta, they are legally allowed to drive at 14, we don't get to start driving until we are 16. We had an Albertan in my BC High school, who was driving in grade 9 (he was held back on year). Most of us had to wait until we were in grade 12 to drive.

I myself think that most of us are mature enough to get to do all of these by at least 18, maybe 17. Of course, I am only after this year legal to gamble in Vegas now, turning 21. I think I was mature enough for the last 4 years now.
In England you can at:

16- Have sex, drive a moped, get married with parental consent
17- Drive
18- Drink, smoke, vote, gamble, join the army

Personally I feel that there should be a young or no drinking age; all countries should adopt the Mediterranean model. In countries such as France and Greece you can technically drink from a young age. They have the lowest rates of teen drinking in Europe. Why? Simple. It isn't a buzz. It isn't cool to drink, because its not a big deal. Underage drinking rates in countries with age limits are higher because its taboo and thus they feel grown-up etc to do it.

The American way I find ludicrous. You can be potentially lethal on the roads at 16, yet you can't touch a drop till you're 21.
The legal age this is very tricky. I can see what their are restrictions on somethings since kids are "irresponisble" or "immature". One problem with having an age limit is some people are just as immature when their 19, as they were at 16. A few years really is going to make you a grown-up. In New Brunswick, Canada, where I live you have to be 16 to drive but 19 to buy liquor. I find that to be in a way stupid since alchol is really only hurting yourself yet a car can kill alot of people. If your supposed to be "mature" enough to drive a ton of metal that puts hundreds of people in harms way, why arent you "mature" enough to drink? Obviously restrictions need to be in place, but in all honesty how many kids really follow them? Everyone under the age of 19, I know are drinking, the law doesnt prevent that. In all, I can see why their needs to be law but these age restrictions don't really have much affect(or at least in NB).
Lowering the age limit would solve nothing.

We still see on the news reports about underage teen binge drinking, young girls who are 13 or 14 still getting pregnant etc.

If you were to lower the age limit from 18 to 16 Sparky, we are going to see people who are 15 making the same arguement you present here that they can't do anything until midnight on their birthday.

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