Legacy Triple Threat

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Ok so i bought the new smackdown vs raw 2010 video game, and in Randy Orton's road to Wrestlemania the Mania main event is a triple threat featuring Orton vs Rhodes vs Dibiase for the wwe title. And it got me thinking............. Is that a possible mania main event? If so would it be a good match? Do you think the buildup would be good? Who would you want to see come out with the win? I'd go with Orton because i dont think either ted or cody are ready just yet. I think the buildup to this match could potentially be great if wwe didn't screw it up by not giving it enough time to develop. And i think this could be a great match once again if wwe gave it enough time and didnt rush it like they rushed the shithole main event of HHH-Orton from Mania 25.....

A main event? Possible. At Wrestlemania? At this point, especially for the WWE title, it's doubtful. Maybe something like RR, No Way Out/War Games/whatever the hell they do, or even a simple Raw main event, but leave the title out. Cody Rhodes doesn't seem ready to even contend for the WWE title and neither does Ted. They need to prove they can be good singles champions by getting hold of a midcard singles title before going for the top prize.

The buildup would be good, and Ted may end up as a face against two heels, resulting in a bit of a handicap match unless Orton pisses off Cody enough to make Cody a tweener, AND it would solidify the end of Legacy...for now.
Personally i'd like to see Cody continue to get over looked for a little while longer whilst Randy and Ted build up tension between each other, until Cody gets pissed at being overlooked and seeks some help from his ECW-dwelling brother to take out both Randy and Ted...but anyway, as for a triple threat between the three? I can see it happening somewhere down the line, but no, i don't feel it would be big enough for wrestlemania just yet...but i guess only time will tell, but it's unlikely they'd go with a storyline that has already happened in the game, i mean they aren't TNA...thank god!
Rhodes is nowhere near being a solid singles wrestler. I can see DiBiase getting to that stage, but not as soon as WM26.
I agree wholeheartedly with everyone. Cody is nowhere near the point of main eventing (even if it's a lesser pay-per-view or even an episode of RAW). However, Ted is on the cusp (did you hear the crowd reaction he got on Raw last week? I think however, this is going to be a HUGE swere. Stay tuned...
Possibly. I don't think that either need to be singles champions before going into the feud either. I think the importance of midcard titles are blown out of porportion. If you're over, you're over; titles or not. I think they are both coming along nicely and to be honest with you a Legacy triple threat would probably be better than whatever WM main event their are going to toss together. I think the DX feud did wonders for both Ted and Cody. I know someone on here will start throwing spears at that moment by saying that DX carried them but I will disagree. The talent of DX helped but Cody and Ted had to hold up their end of the deal to come across as legitimate. Are they ready? We'll see in the coming weeks. I think Legacy will run in at the end of the main event tomorrow and Ted will "accidentally" cost Randy the title...
I'm sure this would be a great storyline, once it gets a chance to further devlop, but there's no way in hell it would be a mania main event anytime soon. Look at HHH and Orton, they started feuding back in 2004/2005, and they just main evented Wrestlemania this year! Ted did great job of convincing everyone that it was time to stand up to Orton, and he was tired of taking his crap this past monday on Raw. He even had the crowd chanting his name. Cody is coming along, but not there yet just like Ted. Their feud with DX helped Rhodes and Dibase a lot, but we won't be seeing this as a mania event.
The title shouldn't be up fro grabs, but it would be a very interesting match to see and then to see who would actually win the thing. Randy is obviously the leader and puts fear into Ted and Cody, but you can see the tension now and the question isn't who will turn on Randy, it's when Ted and Cody will turn. I honestly think they will both turn on Orton at some point down the road.

As far as a winner goes, I could see Ted getting the nod here and surprising Orton. Cody has talent and has really come into his own as of late, but he isn't ready, and Orton can't fight them both off forever.
Randy Orton is the only one whos is even near ready to Main Event Wrestlemania. Ted while a rising star isn't ready for that stage Orton is making him into a main eventer right now so a possible Wrestlemania Main Event between them is something I could see by say WM 27 ?

Cody Rhodes needs to improve while he is leaps and bounds better than Dibiase on the mic his in ring work and psychology needs to be much better.

The biggest issue here for me is that Dibiase can't talk when he and Cody joined Cole and King. It was awful he stuttered and talked over his words while making up new ones, and looking very nervous it was worse than Batista which is saying something.

If Ted can figure out how to deliver a promo on the mic than this could happen until then maybe it will occur at a PPV like Judgment Day.
Wrestlemania is supposed to be the culmination of all the major feuds and storylines throughout the year. Both Rhodes and Dibiase have shown signs of possibly turning on Orton and what better time to have the payoff than Wrestlemania. It wouldn't be the Main Event but it would be for Raw's side. I'd have Ted win the Royal Rumble and challenge Orton at Mania. Cody would feel left out and would somehow insert himself into the match ala HBK from 2004. It's hard to say who would go over at this point but I'd go with Dibiase and have the feud continue on post Wrestlemania.
This is not a reasonable WrestleMania main event any time in the near future. DiBiase and Rhodes still have to fully prove themselves as a tag team, and then hopefully will have a slow rise through the midcard before main eventing anything.

Cody and Ted can both me legit title contenders if they're given the right seasoning. They've gotten better as a team, but are still under Randy's wing. Let them win the tag gold, defend it for a while, and then go back to delusions of grandeur with this as a Mania main event...
I can see this being a main event---just not at Wrestlemania or anytime soon. In my eyes Ted and Cody have to prove themselves as singles competitors before they can have this feud. I mean sure they can still tag together but why not have them booked strongly and take on guys on their own.

They both came out looking amazing after feuding with DX but they need to come out looking strong as individuals not just as a team. I honestly believe that Ted and/or Cody should go after the US Championship. Hell you could even have it be a three way feud. Then when Ted or Cody wins the championship the other can get mad and cause further discension between Legacy. As for now though I don't see it happening and I can't see them doing anything on their own.
Cody should run in career in the tag team division. I see him as a tag team wrestler and thats it. DiBiase is someone who will be a main eventer sooner than later. He and Orton will be great when it finally boils over. I stated this before, I'd like to see Legacy continue once DiBiase is gone. I can see Legacy as the new Horsemen. Have Joe Henning come up, or the Rotunda's come up and continue Legacy while fueding with DiBiase. He could always have his brother as back up or he could end up have Cena or DX back him up for a bit while going up against the new version of Legacy.

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