Legacy Tension?


Pre-Show Stalwart
When Ted Dibiase Sr was Guest Host he put his son in a match against Randy Orton which was one of the first times we saw Ted hold his own against a main eventer. It was the beginning of the tension between Legacy. Then flash forward to Brett Dibiase saving Randy from submitting at Summerslam which led to Randy berating him the next night on Raw and eventually throwing him out of Legacy's dressing room. Last night was no different Dusty Rhodes said he had to help his son and setup John Cena for a beat down. Which led DX out to get beat down as well before Randy Orton RKO'd Dusty Rhodes.

While I was waiting in anticipation for Cody to hit Orton with the Crossrhodes I had my eyes glued to Ted who was standing in the corner emotionless. Looking as if he could care less as to the tension between Rhodes & Orton. While I think that Cody & Ted weren't ready to go on their own before I tihnk now that it's not HHH and Cena holding Priceless down it's Orton.

They have always saved Orton in the past and not once has he helped them in their matches. DX has raised Cody and Ted's stock tremendously in their Summerslam match and made Priceless seem credible.

I think its too early to end Legacy it could be built up to be a good stable but I think they pulled the trigger early on creating the tension between the members. If Cody and Ted continue to put up with Randy's antics it will only further the statement that they are nothing but lackeys.

The only solution I see is for Ted and Cody to distance their DX feud from Cena & Orton and to cut all ties with Orton for the time being. Orton could solidify himself not needing their help and they could get out of his shadow showing they can hang with DX without Randy's leadership.

Once they finally end the DX feud and hopefully win the tag titles they could rejoin Orton as all being equals and not jobbers that jump in to take a beatdown meant for Randy

What do you think?
Should they shrug off Randy disrespecting them and their families or finally take a stand?
No because this goes deeper than their families
This is THEIR legacy and whether their father's agree or disagree, as both Ted & Dusty had different approaches to the whole thing as Hosts, it just shows that the group is above that. There is no place for family in that group or even to stand by that group for Ted & Cody to lose focus on their future and the present time of the group.

Randy Orton is molding them the right way. This group's style of growing is similar to Orton being a legend Killer the way he RKOed each legend and left HHH & spit in Foley's face. I believe he RKOed his father or maybe I was just wanting him too.

Either way we all know Ted's leaving cause of the movie and I heard he, Brett and Mike may be having their own stable anyhow

And Legacy wont be here much longer. I say it breaks up this winter or early 2010

But basically Legacy needs to focus on them and Ted & Cody arent ready to hold World titles (i personally hope they never do i just cant take that seriously) but their main focus should be Legacy and Orton is more important when it comes to Legacy and he's gonna take care of them in the long run but they have to pay their dues to Orton. And they cant let anything or any emotions get in the way of the group's goal

Look at the body language in the ring at the end of RAW cause it spoke for itself and I think Cody ultimately will or has realized that he has to get over it and move on

The legends are the past and this Legacy, their Legacy is the future, unguided by their families but by Orton who has been the future and still is the future of the company. Cena may be the biggest face but dont count Orton out.

I just hope they make Cena quit though we all know better than that. but Cena seriously needs to say it at Breaking Point, he doesnt need to never submit his whole career Taker has that for good reason

you talk about making Legacy look good imagine if Cena said "I Quit" and it was because of unbearable pain from LEGACY's interference
that would give Ted & Cody more credibility imo for helping Orton and doing the major work even as a team to make Cena quit for the first time

and luckily for us it'd be the second time all the kids got let down by their heros (i like Cena but he needs to go back to the gimmick that made him)
I loved it!
it showed exactly what Y2James is saying....

Rhodes wanted to act, wanted to fight back and say something....Orton just looked at him and Rhodes backed away and then wouldn't even look at him.

I don't think Orton is holding them back by any means.....for months I did but the new Cody & Ted over the last month or so is awesome, they are actually building them...showing emotion and letting them wrestle...

I don't think its setting up a break up soon.....but more showing Orton and how he is trying to keep them focused on themselves and creating their own "legacy". I'm sure next week we will hear/see Orton explaining this in the back to Cody.
No because this goes deeper than their families
This is THEIR legacy and whether their father's agree or disagree, as both Ted & Dusty had different approaches to the whole thing as Hosts, it just shows that the group is above that. There is no place for family in that group or even to stand by that group for Ted & Cody to lose focus on their future and the present time of the group.

Randy Orton is molding them the right way. This group's style of growing is similar to Orton being a legend Killer the way he RKOed each legend and left HHH & spit in Foley's face. I believe he RKOed his father or maybe I was just wanting him too.

Either way we all know Ted's leaving cause of the movie and I heard he, Brett and Mike may be having their own stable anyhow

And Legacy wont be here much longer. I say it breaks up this winter or early 2010

But basically Legacy needs to focus on them and Ted & Cody arent ready to hold World titles (i personally hope they never do i just cant take that seriously) but their main focus should be Legacy and Orton is more important when it comes to Legacy and he's gonna take care of them in the long run but they have to pay their dues to Orton. And they cant let anything or any emotions get in the way of the group's goal

Look at the body language in the ring at the end of RAW cause it spoke for itself and I think Cody ultimately will or has realized that he has to get over it and move on

The legends are the past and this Legacy, their Legacy is the future, unguided by their families but by Orton who has been the future and still is the future of the company. Cena may be the biggest face but dont count Orton out.

I just hope they make Cena quit though we all know better than that. but Cena seriously needs to say it at Breaking Point, he doesnt need to never submit his whole career Taker has that for good reason

you talk about making Legacy look good imagine if Cena said "I Quit" and it was because of unbearable pain from LEGACY's interference
that would give Ted & Cody more credibility imo for helping Orton and doing the major work even as a team to make Cena quit for the first time

and luckily for us it'd be the second time all the kids got let down by their heros (i like Cena but he needs to go back to the gimmick that made him)

Isn't one of the stipulations of the match that if Legacy interferes Orton loses the title? It would be interesting though if Legacy "forgot" and ended up costing Orton the match.
yes, i absolutely agree. If anything this is making Cody and Ted stronger mentally, emotionally and focusing them to give themselves the push they need. He's planting the seed and it's their job to make it grow and blossom with titles along the way
Isn't one of the stipulations of the match that if Legacy interferes Orton loses the title? It would be interesting though if Legacy "forgot" and ended up costing Orton the match.

no i think that was just for Summer Slam. besides that stipulation though could be made wouldnt make sense because its no DQ in an I Quit match. i think that stip was just for Summer Slam.

i would love to see Ted & Cody just tie or hold Cena down and bloody him and literally beat him to where he cant even hold hi,self up or barely can say I Quit and Randy just brutally attacks him until he does

but you know what i think would make Cena say I Quit more than anything. if Legacy had his wife held somewhere while Cena was restrained and just before Randy kicks her in the skull he Quits, now THAT would be awesome

i think that would have more impact on him than threatening his father plus Edge already slapped him

so use his wife, get him to quit (i believe he did marry the girl he's with now)
if u think for one second that vince is gonna have his top superstar say i quit ur nuts at breaking point the rules r if ANYONE interferes in the match at all then orton loses the wwe title period at breaking point u are gonna see the begininng of the end for legacy they all ready have plans of turning ted face within the next couple of months and i see it starting at breaking point orton loses and blmaes legacy for the loss thats my take but i dont see any chance in hell that cena says i quit no way
no i think that was just for Summer Slam. besides that stipulation though could be made wouldnt make sense because its no DQ in an I Quit match. i think that stip was just for Summer Slam.

i would love to see Ted & Cody just tie or hold Cena down and bloody him and literally beat him to where he cant even hold hi,self up or barely can say I Quit and Randy just brutally attacks him until he does

but you know what i think would make Cena say I Quit more than anything. if Legacy had his wife held somewhere while Cena was restrained and just before Randy kicks her in the skull he Quits, now THAT would be awesome

i think that would have more impact on him than threatening his father plus Edge already slapped him

so use his wife, get him to quit (i believe he did marry the girl he's with now)

From the WWE website.
"So, whether Orton knew the younger DiBiase was at ringside or not doesn’t matter now, as at Breaking Point, it will be an “I Quit” Match between The Viper and the 12 Rounds star. The added stipulation is if anyone attempts to interfere in the match on The Legend Killer's side, Orton will be stripped of his title. The WWE Champion will have no underhanded tactics that will be able to get him out of this one."

Cody and Ted are being built up properly. They are now credible in their feud with DX and by Cody showing emotion last night after Randy RKO'd his father, Dusty, you can tell there will be a break up in the future. Not yet, but soon it will happen. Randy is keeping them focused on building their "Legacy" and not stepping up to him when he does something for the good of the group.

Yes there's tension, but they will NOT split up yet. I'm looking forward to Randy's explanation next Monday night.
well i know i'll probably get attacked maybe for this but there is a way over that stipulation

remember the times where a superstars we all knew was with another ran in an attacked that guy
ex: lets just say Mike DiBiase debuted by attacking Orton at Breaking Point to help him but attacking him makes him look to be on Cena's side and since he's debutting its up in the air

(but 2nd, there is still a way and Legacy doesnt have to go to the ring, as I said its a far off shot and likely wont happen, but if they appeared on the titantron with Cena's wife in harm's way, Cena would be forced to say I Quit

and that's the only way I see him losing is if it means harm to someone else, preferably that he cares about)
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Orton giving Dusty Rhodes an RKo only makes it more likely that Cena will win at Breaking Point. Cena's never lost an "I quit" match. And now, DiBiase and Rhodes are going to turn on Randy at Breaking Point because of Orton disrespecting their family members. They'll come out as if they were "bailing out" Randy after the match and attack Randy for his actions towards both of their families. I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena as the WWE Champs after Breaking Point.
they're just teasing us with a breakup we had dibiase chants a while ago and cody chants last night it gets the crowd excited for something new they are developing into a stable finally rather than orton and the lackys its just build up and its gonna get better!
they're just teasing us with a breakup we had dibiase chants a while ago and cody chants last night it gets the crowd excited for something new they are developing into a stable finally rather than orton and the lackys its just build up and its gonna get better!

I wouldn't count on that considering how Cody Rhodes started to break down in tears after Randy Orton RKO'ed his father, Dusty Rhodes. Plus, Ted has a new movie coming out on DVD called "The Marine 2" so they're going to have to turn him face and break Legacy up anyways. Again, Randy and his disrespect towards Ted and Cody's family members along with Cena's unblemished record in "i quit" matches, and everything else that I've mentioned are going to lead to a John Cena victory at Breaking Point and the fall of Legacy altogether.
Tension? My friends Legacy has been booked as probably the worst Main Event level heel stable of the decade if not of all time. They are not a unit, and they are not on the same page. Remember a group called the 4 Horsemen? Bad ass. Remember Evolution? Bad ass. Early nWo days? Bad ass. A main event heel stable is supposed to be a band of brothers thinking collectively towards total domination. Legacy? A weasel leader, and two lackies...that's the Mid Card to Upper Mid Card Stable formula, not for a Wrestlemania headliner.

Is there tension in Legacy? Hell yeah there is. The group is gauranteed to break up soon and has accomplished nothing during their run. No titles, no dominance, just cheap shots and running. They strike fear in the hearts of no one. They are easily duped, and easily foiled. They have booked them wrong, and have created kayfabe tension that shouldn't be there. Poor Randy, he deserves so much better, but they booked the Legacy angle very poorly. They will go down in history as one of the worst main event heel stables of all time.
I think what's important to note is that WWE have now provided both Rhodes and Dibiase with reasons to get themselves out of Legacy. Cody's had his dad recently attacked (you could also use the punt Orton gave Dusty a few years back) and Ted was the victim of an Orton punt himself and upon returning he just let it go. However, in reality when the time comes for Legacy to disband Rhodes and Dibaise have a reason to do so...eventually they will realize that Orton has done nothing (kayfabe) for them and that he has given them nothing but grief, while they have been busting their asses to keep the title on Orton. I think Ted will actually be the first to leave the group, Orton will manipulate Rhodes to stick around before he too finally realizes he is being used and leaves. Either way, there is now tension in the group and when the time comes Dibiase and Rhodes have a way to get out...
Chill has a point. Although I realize now that Legacy might not break up after Breaking Point, Orton's actions towards Ted and Cody provide them fodder for disbanding from Legacy altogether. They'll realize that Orton been hindering them and not helping them.
Legacy Tension? No way, I never imagined it!

Seriously, this group has always had tension within the whole group even before they created Legacy. Remember when Orton punt kicked DiBiase a while back? Remember when Orton attack the Rhodes family? They both joined the group with Orton despite what happened to them. This has always been one factor to the group that made the whole audience drawn into the faction. It was always a question as to when Randy Orton would completely snap, when Rhodes/DiBiase would finally realise that they made the wrong decision joining Randy as all he wanted was lackies to help him keep the one thing he treasures the most... the WWE title. Anyone find this familiar back in the days of Evolution? This factor can be justified as how the crowd on RAW was massively cheering for Cody after Randy RKO'd Dusty... & when DiBiase faced Orton on RAW a while back.

I don't know about any of you, but Cody Rhodes should be the man to go solo & become the face instead of Ted DiBiase. Cody has the more face look going for him, has respect for the legends of the business such as his dad unlike Ted showed his father by slapping him, & Orton has attacked his father on more than one occassion. Cody also has the moveset, the skills & the charisma to venture into the wilderness by himself despite what the IWC thinks of DiBiase being GOD.
I don't know about any of you, but Cody Rhodes should be the man to go solo & become the face instead of Ted DiBiase. Cody has the more face look going for him, has respect for the legends of the business such as his dad unlike Ted showed his father by slapping him, & Orton has attacked his father on more than one occassion. Cody also has the moveset, the skills & the charisma to venture into the wilderness by himself despite what the IWC thinks of DiBiase being GOD.

I think both Rhodes and Dibiase has come along way since debuting (mic skills and in the ring) The only problem with Cody is his size will hold him back. He will probably end up a career uppermidcarder with 1 or 2 title runs. I also dont think he will have the versatility to change between face and heel like dibiase would. He had a horrible run debuting as a face and when teaming with Holly. Maybe it was because he was just debuting but I think his career will be sort of like Randy Orton's (Randy didn't have a good face run after Evolution) Some wrestlers are just more comfortable as heels. I think Cody will be one of them.

Dibiase on the other hand gets all the credit because he has the look of a future champ and rode off his fathers success right from his debut. After that first promo on Raw the wrestlezone boards blew up with ideas on what to do with him (bring back the million dollar belt, who is going to be his tag team partner? etc.)

Cody's debut made him look like another skinny jobber that was soon to be future endeavored and partnering him with one of the WWE's biggest jobbers of the past decade (Bob Holly) didn't help that either

I don't want Legacy to break up for awhile but when they do I would like to see Cody go to Smackdown where they don't focus on roided out looking champions where he could put on some good feuds with Morrison, Jericho, CM Punk, Matt Hardy and Edge. He could easily find a way into the mainevent over there in the next 2 to 3 years

Ted would be better suited on Raw in the long run as a face or a heel with future feuds with HHH, Orton, Cena, Michaels, MVP, Miz pending these superstars don't switch brands
Originally posted by dvayne:I think both Rhodes and Dibiase has come along way since debuting (mic skills and in the ring).

Agree there.

The only problem with Cody is his size will hold him back.

Ah, the age old size argument. All I'll say is that there have been many so called 'smaller' wrestlers who have done very well in the WWE and some of them have been World/WWE champion no less...e.g. Benoit, Guerrero, Shawn Michaels, Mysterio. Yes, the WWE has traditionally pushed the muscle men as the champion but that is not a concrete fact and I think in the last few years in particular that size hasn't been as much of an issue with deciding who receives a push or who is the champion (e.g. Punk, Hardy and Christian).

He will probably end up a career uppermidcarder with 1 or 2 title runs.

It could happen yeh but that's not to say he can't visit the main event. That he is a member of Legacy suggests that WWE have high hopes for Rhodes and because of that it is possible he could go further than career uppermidcarder.

I also dont think he will have the versatility to change between face and heel like dibiase would.

All I can say is that so far Rhodes has been face and heel, Dibiase has not. Thus Rhodes has proved he can do both (whether you think he has been successful in the roles is all about personal preference)...Dibiase has yet to prove he can be a face.

He had a horrible run debuting as a face and when teaming with Holly. Maybe it was because he was just debuting but I think his career will be sort of like Randy Orton's (Randy didn't have a good face run after Evolution) Some wrestlers are just more comfortable as heels. I think Cody will be one of them.
I liked his debut as a face, when he debuted with Dusty and then had a mini feud with Orton. I would agree that his run as a face as part of a team with Holly was inconsequential but I blame that on Holly who I think is a bore. Holly dragged Rhodes down and didn't help further him in my opinion. I would agree with Falkon in that Rhodes has the 'look' of a face and he could probably pull it off better second time round based on what Falkon had to say.

Dibiase on the other hand gets all the credit because he has the look of a future champ and rode off his fathers success right from his debut. After that first promo on Raw the wrestlezone boards blew up with ideas on what to do with him (bring back the million dollar belt, who is going to be his tag team partner? etc.)

Don't get me wrong, I like Dibiase and think he has potential but I don't buy that he will automatically be a champion just because he has the look of a champion. He needs to prove himself and do something first before making these big claims, sure he could be a champion but I think we need to see more from him. Though, as with Rhodes he is starting to build momentum now and he had a good match with Orton when his dad was Guest GM...but then again Rhodes had a good match with Orton in one of his initial RAW matches.

Cody's debut made him look like another skinny jobber that was soon to be future endeavored and partnering him with one of the WWE's biggest jobbers of the past decade (Bob Holly) didn't help that either

I agree that partnering any one with Holly is going to struggle and Cody did. Getting away from Holly was the best thing for him and he has come on leaps and bounds since.

I don't want Legacy to break up for awhile but when they do I would like to see Cody go to Smackdown where they don't focus on roided out looking champions where he could put on some good feuds with Morrison, Jericho, CM Punk, Matt Hardy and Edge. He could easily find a way into the mainevent over there in the next 2 to 3 years.

That's a possibility but for now I think he's fine on RAW and besides as you say he has the Legacy thing going at the moment...

Ted would be better suited on Raw in the long run as a face or a heel with future feuds with HHH, Orton, Cena, Michaels, MVP, Miz pending these superstars don't switch brands.

Maybe if Ted does more to prove himself then I'll agree. As of right now, he hasn't done anything on his own except for those few matches with Orton and Batista...yeh they were good but that doesn't automatically buy him a pass to the RAW main event. Again, I'm not saying that can't or wont happen but based on what I've seen so far, I hope for Ted's sake they don't just rush him into the main event. He's more to do before future feuds with HHH, Orton, Michaels and the like in my opinion.
Every faction will have tension, this is a way to build stars within the group. Ted is not going to leave the group before January, because he isn't ready yet to be on his own. Think about it, every faction that has ever exsisted has at least one dominant personality(Randy Orton in this case) to build the character of the underlings of the alpha. Ted and Cody are rising stars and eventually Ted will turn on Randy, thus his magical face turn or depending on the circumstances Randy will be considered the face. It happens throughout the history of wrestling and it is the best way the nurture future stars of the business.
Tension in Legacy..... Ever since Orton won the title period he had these two do his dirty work not once has he helped them in their matches so the way i see it is that the ref somehow gets knocked out at Breaking Point and after Rhodes and Dibiase lose to DX i say Ted comes out with a chair and hits Cena right when the ref comes to which means Orton loses the belt which Orton blames Orton and the DREAMSTREET on Randy and Cena & Ted celebrate to end Breaking Point now that would be cool

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