Lee for Administrator


Excellence of Execution
Much like KB, I really don't need to run down the list of your accomplishments, as I think everyone is aware of them, including the revival and restoration of the e-fed. In fact, going into this process, if pressed for my opinion, I probably would have named you favorite for the spot (which I'm not so certain about anymore). So, like KB, I'll just dive into my concerns.

1) Discretion - One of the major positives I see in you is your ability to handle constructive criticism, and not be a stubborn ass if you make a mistake. This is a very good character trait to have, one most people could do better at, including myself. However, this trait has been seen many times due to the fact you do not always make what I would consider the wisest decisions. Sometimes your decision may lack insight, sometimes it may lack objectivity, other times it may lack an understanding of the bigger picture, and some times it is just downright nonsensical. I say this not to demean you, but rather to say that, as an Administrator, decisions cannot be made with a narrow focus, unaware or unconcerned with other factors. As an Administrator you need to be able to see all angles of a situation, and base your decision upon ALL the effects of your decision, not just a single focus. I worry about your ability to see all sides of a situation, and decide based upon all the angles.

2) The E-Fed - While your greatest claim to your run on WZ was your leadership of the E-Fed, you've also alienated the E-Fed since your departure as head of the E-Fed. You and I have had a couple of different talks about the E-Fed before, and I fear if you become the Administrator, the problems will get worse, as you will basically how unchecked power over most things, including the E-Fed and I worry that just as you built the E-Fed, you would also lead to it returning to the same state it was before you took over; in disarray, dissension and drama. I don't want that. I've never been a member of the E-Fed, but I do like to see it succeed, as it adds a very good element to our forums that many forums don't have, at least not the quality of ours. Many many wrestling nerds love e-feds, and to have a good one like we have is a big bonus for our forums. However, I worry that with you as Administrator, it will be impossible for you to leave the E-Fed guys alone to simply do the job you turned over to them.

3) Discussion - The primary thing I'm looking for from the next Administrator is someone to lead discussion, to head up and organize the tournaments, and to be the "discussion Admin". This is not your best area, nor do I think it's your favorite area. I do not doubt you are capable of doing it, since you ran the E-Fed, but it's not something you've ever really expressed great interest in, nor a great ability to do. Where I think you would be strongest as Admin is the governing aspect and working around the AdminCP...however, that's what I do, and it's not what I'm looking for. My question for you would be how well can you lead discussion on the forums? How strong can you make the tournaments on WZ? This is something I truly don't know and worry about.

4) Support of Staff - The last thing I fear from you is whether or not you would support our Staff in most instances. One of the thing I try to do, and all the Administrators before me tried to do, is support our Staff, even if I don't personally agree always with what they have done. In times where it's something that I wouldn't personally have done, but still can see the justification for, I let the Staff member know how I would have done it, but I don't usually go over the top of them and change something, unless I feel it is absolutely necessary. I think if you were Admin, there would be many times where you'd go into an Infraction thread, and just reverse an Infraction because you disagree with it. The trick to being a good Administrator is not always about doing it your way and your way only, but also trying to see why something was done, and weigh that against what should have been done, and whether or not the action seriously violates what should have been done. I don't trust that you'll always be able to show that support to the Staff, and give them the chance to explain themselves and why they did what they did. And then, I don't always trust you'll find justification in their reasoning, even if it's not what you would have done.

Those are the major concerns I have, or at least the ones I can think of right now. If I think of any others, I'll post them here as well. You may respond to this if you wish, and say whatever it is you wish to say. This is like an interview, so treat it as such.

Also, Klunderbunker and D-Man, feel free to add anything you think I may have forgotten, or anything you think is important to note, whether it is in support of Lee or against. I will post my comments on D-Man as well, eventually.
1) Discretion I understand this point and also aware that all of my major fuck up decisions have been at silly o clock in the morning over here. With me now starting work this week, the times I will be on here I will be alert and focused.

2) E-fed I've had a good chat with Dave/Phoenix and Ty and things seem to be sorted. If however you feel I wouldn't mix the two well (fed and admin) then I would actually quite my role as rper for the fed, even if it's just for a few months. If I'm not rping it won't be a concern for me.

3) Discussion
I'm the sort of person who if you tell me to do something I will do it. You saw how I ran the tournament last year with video games, it was a tight ship. If discussion is what you want me to do, then discussion I will do.

4) Support of staff
I feel this is where the importance of having two admins work, I understand this will be the hardest area for me to work on, especially with the likes of Ferbian going infraction mad for the sake of it. This will be an area to work on, and believe I can sort it out.

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