LeBron forms a 3-headed monster only seen in comic books (or joins Miami)


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Bron in Miami with Bosh and Wade. Cool.. those 3 are great and guarantee to compete..


Who will Miami get with the leftover money that the 3 are sacrificing to bring in guys on the mid-level exception.

Lets do this guys..

How many championships can these guys win if they stay healthy?

Is this even a good fit for LeBron? (take into considertion short term and long term; as far as legacy goes)

Who can they get to compliment these three and turn them into THE team to beat?

Any other questions you're thinking ask um and answer um.
1. They can win 3 titles if they stay healthy. All depends on who surrounds them. Maybe they can convince some decent players to take minimum to play with these 3. It remains to be seen.

2. No this is not the best fit. The best fit was Chicago. Great point guard in Rose, Boozer, Noah and on. LeBron would have fit best there. He could be the man and wouldn't have to share the light or take 2nd fiddle.

I wasn't surprised to hear this. But I feel for the fans in Cleveland. It sucks I'm sure. Back to 7,000 fans a night. Watching LeBron's Cavs jersey burning in Cleveland says it all. But this makes a new team that everyone is going to hate. Kobe just became everyone's favorite again. :)
lol. I wouldn't say everyone's going to hate them. It's certainly going to create an interesting dynamic that people will love to watch.. and yeah.. love to hate lol. People will love to see them win and love to see someone "stick it" to them and beat them.
Everyone outside of Miami will for sure. Just like they hate the Yankees and on and on. This is a superteam that everyone would love to see fail. I didn't like him having this one hour special to announce his decision. And the fact that he told Cleveland on national tv that he's going to "take his talents" to Miami was a big FU to the city and fans. If this was all about winning championships, I agree with everyone that Chicago was the place to go. But at least its over and now we can look forward.
Everyone outside of Miami will for sure. Just like they hate the Yankees and on and on. This is a superteam that everyone would love to see fail. I didn't like him having this one hour special to announce his decision. And the fact that he told Cleveland on national tv that he's going to "take his talents" to Miami was a big FU to the city and fans. If this was all about winning championships, I agree with everyone that Chicago was the place to go. But at least its over and now we can look forward.

Very true, BUT this is a mega-millionaire superstar backed by ESPN. Both parties will earn substantially from this 1 hour special just based on the ratings stacked on them last night.

I could be wrong, but based on how they're picking positions, I see NO WAY where they'll even make it to the Conference Finals, much less the Finals. Keep in mind that Chicago and Orlando makes it their last supper to get to the finals, and Boston's Celtics are quickly rebounding from their 4 point deficit loss at Staples Center.

Just look at Miami right now. They got 3 of the best offensive players in the game, but who is going to get them points when a match do take place? All three players are used to being point grabbers, but now they're on the same team, at least one has to step down and support the other two in order to make this work.

Nevertheless, although it's too early to predict next year's final candidates, I just HAVE to place the West once again on the Lakers, and the East to either Orlando or Boston. If the Lakers do indeed have Kobe's finger and Bynum's knees fixed out, good support from the bench to starting, andstrong defense plays by all around players esp. Artest, I'm again seeing another three-peat.

BUT, predictions are never true and I can be sure I'm wrong in one of the things I have said.
I fail to see why everyone says there are shit players surrounding Miami. Mario Chalmers in my eyes is a solid point guard. In his first year he was better than Beasley and last year he just got lost. This year he will step up like Rondo did. However unlike Rondo, Chalmers can actually hit the outside shot. Dorrel Wright is a very good defender and I am not sure if he has left yet or not but if he stays with Miami then thats another alright piece. Joel Anthony is always going to give it his all and he is a tough player. With getting more looks this season coming up then he will devolop into a solid Centre, especially with Bron and Bosh also helping him. They are 3 average players, Not shit but are a fair enough supporting cast and I would be very happy with that if I was the Miami Heat.

Bosh in my opinion will have to step down as the offensive dude. He will be the 'decoy'lets say and this will open up for Bron and Wade to do there things. The thing that puzzels me is, Wade has been the man in Miami, literally. He has carried his team the last 2 years, will he adjust instantly to not becoming that man anymore or will he take some time?

However still call me Biased if you want I still believe Lakers still have a better team, and Orlando on there day. Lakers having Kobe a very good underrated defender can guard Wade along with Artest guarding Bron and Gasol guarding Bosh. All very good players and defenders in there own right. But when the second unit is on aka Brown, Farmar (if he stays) and Odom how will Miami counterattack? Miami just do not have a bench like LA's. Plus if Bynum stays Healthy he is capable of averaging 20-10 easy.
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I fail to see why everyone says there are shit players surrounding Miami. Mario Chalmers in my eyes is a solid point guard. In his first year he was better than Beasley and last year he just got lost. This year he will step up like Rondo did. However unlike Rondo, Chalmers can actually hit the outside shot. Dorrel Wright is a very good defender and I am not sure if he has left yet or not but if he stays with Miami then thats another alright piece. Joel Anthony is always going to give it his all and he is a tough player. With getting more looks this season coming up then he will devolop into a solid Centre, especially with Bron and Bosh also helping him. They are 3 average players, Not shit but are a fair enough supporting cast and I would be very happy with that if I was the Miami Heat.

I agree that the Heat will be able to piece together a solid team surrounding the big three but it won't be with some of the guys you mentioned. Dorell Wright and Joel Anthony are both free agents. It is possible they could return and sign minimum contracts but they are most likely gone. As far as Mario Chalmers goes, there is no way he is going to end up like Rondo. Chalmers isn't half as talented and he really struggled last year after a solid rookie campaign.
I never said he is as talented but I said he will step up like Rondo did. Rondo when Celtics won there championship was no where as good as he is now, and all he did was set up a offence and dish off. He may as well run around in circles after he passed it off because he was not going to get the shot. Where as Mario Chalmers can make the long distance connection, with very high IQ talented basketball players like Wade and Bron and Bosh they can help him grow into a solid PG, and I gurantee Chalmers will be getting alot of open looks this year.
I never said he is as talented but I said he will step up like Rondo did. Rondo when Celtics won there championship was no where as good as he is now, and all he did was set up a offence and dish off. He may as well run around in circles after he passed it off because he was not going to get the shot. Where as Mario Chalmers can make the long distance connection, with very high IQ talented basketball players like Wade and Bron and Bosh they can help him grow into a solid PG, and I gurantee Chalmers will be getting alot of open looks this year.

Chalmers for his career has shot 41% from the field and just under 35% from three point range. He doesn't exactly light it up. He is a decent passer and good defender but he isn't the most efficient guy offensively. Having the big three will help immensely but he won't have a Rondo like impact. I doubt he even starts once Miami is able to sign a veteran point guard.
Yeah they aren't that flashy for shooting but that was with the Heat. The team that if you doubled Wade you didn't have to worry about the post and you had to barely worry about the perimeter. Chalmers was taking more contested 3's last year, this year they cant afford to leave Wade, Bron or Bosh open so Chalmers will be sitting out there waiting for it. As compared to last year, once Wade passed it off There would always be a defender ready to jump on Chalmers and Cook (when he was on) at the 3pt line. He might not exactly have a Rondo like impact but he will grow into a very solid point.
I was in Ohio yesterday when this news became official and all I have to say is wow. I think all of the air in Cleveland was officially let out. I personally do not have a problem with Lebron leaving but I also can see the point of view of all the people who are against Lebron now. He was supposed to be Cleveland's savior but he couldn't get it done. I really feel for that city right now.

It will be very interesting to see Lebron return to Cleveland now and I have to say I await that day eagerly. Miami has a lot of gun power now, but I don't necessarily believe they will win the title next year. Bosh, James, and Wade will make for a very tough team but the Heat also lack depth now. I am curious to see how they do. Also, I am very curious to see how Cleveland will rebound from this. If they will make the playoffs or not and who they try to bring in now, if anybody. I do find it interesting that Lebron is now the number two guy on his team, because from my point of view Miami is Wade's team, he is the captain and face of that organization, and now it feels like Lebron is the second man, however I do want to say this is just my outlook on things and probably not anybody else.
The 3 king of Miami as they called them at the Heat celebration today look so pumped up, and they will become an automatic threat to win the title every year for the next 5 years.

They have agreed to 5 years/30 million for Mike Miller and will be the Beasley replacement, and this weekend the Heat are meeting with Derek Fisher to be the starting point guard.

They are trying to resign Udonis for as cheap as possible, and also get a defensive center so Pittman and Varnado can come off the bench. This team will be super stacked and hopefully we can get a Miami/LA Finals this year, as that will put ratings through the roof.
They have agreed to 5 years/30 million for Mike Miller and will be the Beasley replacement, and this weekend the Heat are meeting with Derek Fisher to be the starting point guard.

Yeah I heard about this. If he does indeed sign with Miami, then I'll go ahead and say that he's probably going to leave a shock to the Lakers' team, especially from what I heard, that everyone on Lakers likes this guy.

I personally like fisher too. Although he's not as phenomenal or consistent, one can not deny that he was key in many significant moments.
This was probably the last thing I wanted to see happen, I'm not even a Cavaliers fan but I feel so bad for the whole city of Cleveland. That is a very depressed sports city right now. I think the whole way he handled things was a big "Fuck you" to Cleveland, and it's really self centered that he got himself a special on ESPN that's named as if it were a court show. I don't like the move one bit. Shit, even the kids groaned when he announced that he "was taking his talents to South Beach". I would have rather had him go to the Knicks than the Heat, and I'm a Sixers fan. I wish he had gone to a team that actually needed him, like the Cavs, or the Nets, or the Sixers, or the Clippers. The Heat don't need him at all, they got greedy, and now they're broke. Also, did anyone else catch Lebron saying that "it's not about sharing" last night? Seriously, what the fuck? But I really don't like this move, but hopefully someone other than the Lakers win, and if it's the Heat, then oh well, I don't really give a shit about basketball anyways.
A few thoughts on what is certainly one of the biggest sports stories in recent history.

1. First off, it is certaily going to make the NBA quite interesting next year. Regardless of if you love them or hate them, you have to be looking forward to watching these 3 play together? How will it work? Who defers to who? Will Wade and LeBron continue to average near 30 a game? Personally, I can't wait to constantly be able to watch 2 of the best 3 players in the league play on the same team night in and night out.

2. Before we get to the actual decision, the way LeBron went about it was all wrong. Just an extremely akward hour of televsion that made LeBron come off as an egotistical asshole, regardless of whether he really is or not. Constantly referring to himself in the 3rd person, showing little remorse for leaving, etc. Not helping that image out in the slightest.

Plus, it's just a giant Eff You to Clevland with him announcing on national TV that he's abandoning them. Thousands upon thousands of Clevalanders were invested in the Cavs and LeBron for 7 years, living and dying with the team. Spending time and money to support the team. All of a sudden, he leaves and makes a big deal of it on national TV, not giving his hometown city a second thought. Who does that?

3. Basketball wise, this isn't the best choice. Chicago is in far better shape to win a title with LeBron. They were set up perfectly with LeBron as the missing piece. If he goes to the Bulls, they're in position to win 6 or 7 titles, no question.

Going to Miami is a much riskier choice, as far as winning goes. You have the big 3, Mike Miller, Chalmers, someone for about 3 million, and a bunch of minimum salary guys and 2nd round picks. Not exactly what I'd call a guaranteed title.

4. In the end, I don't know if I can blame LeBron for his choice. If you had the option to play basketball with 2 of your best friends in South Beach and have a bunch of the pressure taken off you personally each and every night, wouldn't you take it. LeBron just wants to enjoy himself and be in what he feels is the most satisfying position for him.

Sure, this means he will no longer go down as one of the greatest ever like MJ, Russell, Magic, Bird, or Kobe, but maybe he doesn't want that. He's still going to be a Hall of Famer, win some titles, and have a ton of fun doing it. That's not the worst thing ever, is it?

You can't blame Clevland for beign upset though. If I was a Cavs fan, I'd be upset as well. In fact, I'll likely be rooting for the Cavs and against the Heat this year anyway. That doesn't mean I can't see where LeBron is coming from here though.

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