Least favourite main eventer ever


Turn Bayley heel
Main eventers, by default, tend to be liked by the majority, hence why they get their postitions. However, everyone's tastes are different, and there are some wrestlers that people just can't stand. The point of this thread is to say who your least favourite main eventer is and why. The rules are as follows:

1) Normal house rules apply
2) That includes spamming
3) A main eventer is someone who has had a sustained period of holding and/or fighting for world titles on a regular basis. By this definition somebody like British Bulldog probably doesn't count.
4) You can disect other people's choices if you want, but notice I'm asking for an opinion not who was objectively the worst wrestler.

For me, it has got to be Brock Lesnar. I found his characteristics dull to a ridiculous level, and furthermore his in ring style was totally unappealing. It was built around a strength that wasn't that impressive for his size - Cena's feats of strength are far more awe inspiring, nor was it as grossly powerful as guys like Henry. He wasn't that fast, and he didn't conduct himself very meticulously either, giving way to stupid mistakes a lot of the time.

I'm not as much of a Heyman ********er as everyone else seems to be, so that aspect offered zero saving grace, and all I saw was a boring failed athlete. As it happened, he hadn't failed at being an athlete and he moved on, but Lesnar's absolute lack of likability is what made me witch off wrestling in 2002, and not return until 2008.
Hmm.. for me, it's going to have to be Rey Mysterio.

His first World Heavyweight Championship reign was just bounced straight off of Eddie Guerrero's death, which I found very disrespectful and unprofessional. It was a complete farse having Rey as the main guy anyway. The Championship was bigger than his head for fuck sake. If you're going to have 2-foot-Tony as your main guy, then at least give him some decent credibility instead of devolving him into a bigger charity case than he already is.

His second World Heavyweight Championship reign was probably even worse than his first, and that was bounced off of somebody's death. Jesus.. So, if anything, I was more pissed off that Undertaker had just returned to Smackdown, Rey has a qualifying match against him and breaks his nose AND breaks his orbital bone. Fucking hell, Rey. This isn't CZW or ECW, keep your feet on the down-low, asshole. So, after all that malarky, Rey replaces Undertaker in the Fatal Four Way PPV only to regain his World Heavyweight Championship that he hadn't held since 2006. His World Heavyweight Championship reigns were terrible, and I pray to God we don't have to bare witness to a third. He's a charity-case.
This is so easy... John Cena. I've watched wrestling faithfully since the early 90s. I was a die-hard fan during the Monday Night Wars and for several years after Vince bought WCW. But once Cena rose to Main Event status in the WWE, I quit watching until TNA came along. He's awful. I know there have been a million Cena-bashing threads so I won't bore with all of the well-known ways I think he sucks. I'm sure my answer comes as no surprise.

Runner-up... Lex Luger.
Wow Brock Lesnar Really? Interesting Brock Lesnar was a beast I don't know how someone could question his strength? I was watching some old wrestling videos of Lesnar on youtube a few months back and Lesnar completely man-handles Rikishi like he was nothing. So I'd definitely have to disagree about Lesnar. Well I guess Rey Mysterio wouldn't count because he doesn't compete for world titles on a complete basis so I have to go with King Booker. I loved Booker T but after he won King Of The Ring and he got a Kings theme music I literately found myself not being able to stand Booker anymore.
I gotta go with JBL. His rise to the top came out of nowhere, and it wasn't overly great once he was there. Not to mention his run as champ on Smackdown was VERY predictable, as was his loss, and the fact that he was in almost every Smackdown main event for about 2 years made him even more stale then John Cena could ever come close to.
I might get some heat but o well but my least favorite main eventer has to be...Chris Benoit.I found that Benoit was very bland he mic work was shit now his in wrestlling work was good.But to be a good main eventer to me you have to be able to have a good gimmick,talk,and wrestle.Chris Benoit to me was some what overrated as a main eventer.
I might get some heat but o well but my least favorite main eventer has to be...Chris Benoit.I found that Benoit was very bland he mic work was shit now his in wrestlling work was good.But to be a good main eventer to me you have to be able to have a good gimmick,talk,and wrestle.Chris Benoit to me was some what overrated as a main eventer.

Respect your opinion but the reason why Benoit was such a great wrestler is because he didnt need a gimmick. He didnt need to rely on his mic work, he relied on his in ring work which was top notch.

Anyway, my least favorite, unfortunately is an obvious choice, that being John Cena. I dont find him entertaining at all. With Cena its the same thing week in and week out. Decent mic work but no where near the best in WWE and the same 7-8 moves every single match. Was fond of his heel work because each week he was different on the mic, it seems completely generic now. And his ring work has always been subpar
well im not gonna say cena. now im tired of him having the gold all the time. but the guy does have some mic skill and in ring skill too. my least favorite will have to stone cold steve austin!!!!! na im just fucking with u its rey mysterio. he has had 2 horrible reigns and i really hope he dont get another one. i mean he went to the main event due to e.g passing that spot should have gon to chavo he deserved it more than rey.
Well, I'm going to have to go with Randy Orton. This guy is just so boring to watch in the ring and his mic work makes my ears bleed. And on top of that, recently, this guy has been coming out super dominant each and every week which is getting annoying. If I want to have someone coming out dominate every week, I'd rather have Cena do that (who can actually give a decent or better match).

That whole period last year where he was in the main event is a period in wrestling that I want to forget forever. :banghead:
There are a lot of needless reigns from people in the past, some guys have had too many shots at the gold... but my least favourite ever?

I think its probably Batista... I never liked him as a worker or a personality... he was the first of the real "identikit" pushes where WWE just put someone new in the the machine each year... The only remotely interesting angle he ever had was the one where Melina called him out for Sexual Harrasment, and that was dropped after a week... He was constantly injuring himself/and or others and his leaving sealed the deal for me...

A close 2nd would be JBL... purely based on the way he handled his push, I also really hated the Nazi salutes he was doing in Germany just weeks before winning the title... The best I can say about him was he did his job in getting Eddie over...

3rd... Rey Mysterio... it was a stretch too far seeing him World Champion... He just never looks right fighting much bigger guys...
In response to the John Cena hater's, please cut the shit. If you don't like his gimmick its one thing. But to say he is the worse main eventer is ******ed. His mic work does not rate with the best but is solid. His in ring work is above average, he may repeat a lot of the same moves each match but how many stars dont? Orton who I love does it, Undertaker has been for years. But Cena does not make a lot of mistakes, and his moves come off with explosivness and power. He always gets the crowd pumped for him or against him. So please jump of this bandwagon of hating on Cena. Im not saying he is one of the all time greats, but the man is a great worker and deserves to be a star.
My least favorite main eventer has to be Yokozuna. I mean he was a dominant force but lacked the mic skills of a true main-eventer. I mean he was samoan not jaapnese,and couldnt survive without a terrible manager. He kept the title off of bret's shoulders too long and actually beat hulk hogan for the title. He even beat the undertaker in a casket match. So not deserving of those feats. He was a mid carder after wrestlemania 10. You talk about skill set, the guy had two moves. The bonzai drop and the leg drop. he was dull and boring his whole career.
people rip Cena so much but lack the history of wrestiling to realize that cena may lack the moves of the rock, austin, bret hart, and so on. But come on the worst main eventer. If your honestly saying he's the worst then youve only been watching for two years.
I have to say that John Cena is probably my least favorite main-eventer and not just because he's recent. I literally find myself bored by what he does 95% of the time, and I just don't see it in the promos and the ring skill why he is in the position he is in. Now, I understand that he does a lot of charity work for WWE, a merchandising juggernaut for WWE, and he's a favorite boy of Vince McMahon. But as a wrestling fan, I'm not a big fan of Cena's role on WWE TV. I end up flipping to Family Guy on TBS for the most part when he's cutting his half serious, half comedic promos which kill whatever momentum a storyline had going for it. As a wrestler, he's decent, but he's nowhere near as great as his supporters claim. The only thing I like about Cena is that he obviously loves the business and hasn't used the WWE as a platform for another outlet and credits WWE for anything he does outside of it. It doesn't help the eye-rolling I usually do whenever he appears onscreen, but it is a positive.

Other than Cena, another main-event talent I have little regard for was Lex Luger. Luger was very bland to me as a kid watching WWF Monday Night Raw and didn't stand out in anything that he did. He was just another body that was there for the aesthetics and not for performance. When he went to WCW for his second run, Luger again seemed bland and boring only to a greater degree. Nothing about him made me want to press buy on my cable box and watch his matches. For a man that was called "The Total Package," he did not live up to the hype.
The Great Khali, is it for his brief time in the main event. The guy can not wrestle, he moves slower than a snail, can not talk or even speak english he is just useless. His only virtues are his size and good physique for a big guy but other than that just boring.

John Cena also would get this honor. Cena is not a bad wrestler at all, at least he wasn't when he was upper mid card. He was actually very entertaining before he moved to Raw. Then his promos and ring work turned to shit and he got old fast, and his loss to Kurt Angle did not sit well with me at all. That is about the point that I started to dislike him.

I gotta disagree with your choice of Brock Lesnar though, he actually deserved the immediate push he got IMO. And ask anyone who stepped in the octagon or wrestling ring with him he is as strong and athletic as they come.
My least favorite main eventer of all time is probably one that no one else would ever say: Hulk Hogan. There's no disputing his accomplishments or his impact on the business, but I as a wrestling fan have always, always absolutely hated Hulk Hogan. Even when I was a kid and Hulkamania was running wild I couldn't stand him. I hated him as a wrestler, I hated him on the mic, I just hated Hogan in general and that has never changed, not even when he was in the nWo as Hollywood.

I also have to completely disagree with the one who said Brock Lesnar. The reasons given just didn't make any sense in terms of Brock Lesnar of all people. I have to wonder what Brock Lesnar you were actually watching because it seems like you were watching someone entirely different then the actual Lesnar that was on WWE television. Lesnar was a freak of nature and he's even stronger then Cena. Lesnar gave Big Show an F5! He's also explosive fast, and he had lots of great matches during his time in wrestling, especially ones with Angle where they actually "wrestled". You crazy!
So does this mean Khali doesn't count?

If he doesn't then I'll have to go with everyone's favorite wrestler John Cena.:)

Just Kidding about the everyone's favorite wrestler part, but he is my choice for least favorite main eventer. Why? because this guy always has to get beat up and then all of a sudden revive and beat his opponent with only 5 moves. He especially annoys me whenever he is getting "counted out" and doesn't move until the very last second. John Cena is the guy that if you watch for the first time and thought before that wrestling was real, then he will make you end up saying that wrestling is fake, which it isn't. Wrestling is scripted.

So Cena is my choice for least favorite main eventer.

Rey isn't that bad because his reigns are at least short.:)
I dislike anyone who questions the greatness of JBL. Moving on.

Has to be Randy Orton. I liked him as a midcarder because he was cocky and arrogant and had great matches. He's bored me to death as a main eventer. His matches are average and his mic skills aren't that good to be honest. If he had the same gimmick he did five years then I would still like him. But he didn't so I don't.
Respect your opinion but the reason why Benoit was such a great wrestler is because he didnt need a gimmick. He didnt need to rely on his mic work, he relied on his in ring work which was top notch.
Yeah bro i know what you mean i even said it myself he had good in ring work.But to me you also have to be able to talk on the mic if not to me your not a good main eventer.Like take the rock for example do you think he would be a legend if it werent for great mic skills.Because in the ring he was average at best.

In response to the John Cena hater's, please cut the shit. If you don't like his gimmick its one thing. But to say he is the worse main eventer is ******ed. His mic work does not rate with the best but is solid. His in ring work is above average, he may repeat a lot of the same moves each match but how many stars dont? Orton who I love does it, Undertaker has been for years. But Cena does not make a lot of mistakes, and his moves come off with explosivness and power. He always gets the crowd pumped for him or against him. So please jump of this bandwagon of hating on Cena. Im not saying he is one of the all time greats, but the man is a great worker and deserves to be a star.
Dude you are the one that is a ****** if you read the thread right it says least favorite main eventer not worst you ******.Also you have to include the person the wrestler that is your least favorite.

Another one that i have seen on here that i forgot to mention is Khali he is such a waste you really cant do nothing with him because he is so big.
In response to the John Cena hater's, please cut the shit. If you don't like his gimmick its one thing. But to say he is the worse main eventer is ******ed. His mic work does not rate with the best but is solid. His in ring work is above average, he may repeat a lot of the same moves each match but how many stars dont? Orton who I love does it, Undertaker has been for years. But Cena does not make a lot of mistakes, and his moves come off with explosivness and power. He always gets the crowd pumped for him or against him. So please jump of this bandwagon of hating on Cena. Im not saying he is one of the all time greats, but the man is a great worker and deserves to be a star.

Are you on crack? I'll not bring up the fact this is the LEAST FAVOURITE thread and just attack your claim with more banter that also can't be defended. Cena's in-ring work is above average? WHAT??? Face it, his matches are like a less-polished version of Hulk's 1980's matches. The only reason why you might even think his wrestling is "above average" is because the WWE signs fuckers like Orton or Khali who can't wrestle. Maybe I'm just not hip to his persona, but his promo skills are to wrestling what Dimitri Martin is to comedy (not funny). He should take lessons from The Miz and Wade Barrett on how to deliver a promo.

That being said, the Main Eventers I couldn't stand the most were... The Patriot (can somebody tell me why they booked him in main events against bret hart in the 90's?), Kevin Sullivan (and the whole dungeon of doom for that matter), Umaga, Khali, Rey Mysterio, Yokolardass and the one I couldn't stand the most was...... Lex Luger.
Zeus, he was bad, in the ring, on the stick, the Z shaved in his head. He MEd 2 ppv's and for what, he was an actor, and the movie was awful. He was shoved up our collective butts and all wrestling fans were glad he was gone. I do give the guy pros for being Deboe in Friday
First of all, I am definately NOT a fan of the little guy Rey Mysterio doing what he's done. In a business like this, size DOES matter. Aside from him, every other little guy is high mid-card at best. And that's where they keep there place in a show. His "ultimate underdog" shit just sucks. It's too un-realistic. Granted, his mic skills and in ring ability are not bad, the gimmick is just not believable. He makes much less a believable World Heavyweight Champion than a big guy like Big Show or Undertaker.

Second of all, John Cena. This choice is made based on my age and ability to appreciate more older-oriented performers. He is #1 to all the little kiddies, and deservingly so. He has a "superman" like gimmick. He humorously taunts the 'bad guys'. He is a kid idol and deserves his spot from their point of view. But from an older view, he's stale. He does the same thing over and over. It gets old to a person who appreciates wrestling. He is good on the mic, but not like some. He's just not older fan friendly.

Thirdly, Sheamus. While he may be a well built guy WITH talent, which causes his deserving main event early in his career. He has good mic skills, and deserves his spot, despite one thing...Ever since people made remarks on his pale skinned-ness, he can't be taken seriously. It loses credibility and he just looks too different since it's been pointed out. Honestly, before Cena made jokes, it wasn't all too noticable, but now, he's a joke, and always will be to me.
I have a few I can't stand, but I have to say Batista would be on the top of my list. He wasn't the worst wrestler in the world, but he was far from great. Cena always takes so much shit for supposedly only knowing five moves. In my opinion I think Cena has a larger move set than Batista ever did. If he wasn't best friends with Triple H he probably wouldn't have been a main event contender as long as he was. Plus the guy has a reputation for being a asshole backstage as well to fans.

Hogan is another one there's no doubt wrestling probably wouldn't be where it is without him. I personally never cared much for him even as a kid. He's another one who's actually never been a great wrestler.
So please jump of this bandwagon of hating on Cena.

Funny thing about bandwagons... they tend to form when the majority of people agree on an issue. Doesn't it say something that so many different types of wrestling fans, with different ages, likes, dislikes, styles, etc, are anti-Cena?

Bottom line; I've sat through a lot of crap in my time as a wrestling fan. I put up with the Lex Express. I put up with David Arquette. I put up with Linda McMahon. I now fight to stay invested in TNA despite countless reasons not to. Nevertheless, the ONLY person to ever make me say "ENOUGH!" and change the channel was John Cena.

So yeah... he's at top of my shit list.
JBL most definitely.

What the hell has JBL ever done to warrant such a push and such a long title reign from pretty much out of nowhere?

Here's a guy in a tag team that pretty much just had backstage segments and hardly any matches.

Smackdown was desperate for heel Main Event talent at the time because Brock Lesnar had left and Kurt Angle was injured. If it wasn't for Eddie Guerrero saying he would only drop the title to him, he probably would've never gotten close to the belt.

Then, Vince took a shining to him, and started flying him on the WWE Corporate Jet. Maybe Bradshaw gave him a hot stock tip, I don't know.

I can see why guys like Cena and Mysterio get title reigns because they're over and good for business.
My least favorite main eventer has to be Yokozuna. I mean he was a dominant force but lacked the mic skills of a true main-eventer. I mean he was samoan not jaapnese,and couldnt survive without a terrible manager. He kept the title off of bret's shoulders too long and actually beat hulk hogan for the title. He even beat the undertaker in a casket match. So not deserving of those feats. He was a mid carder after wrestlemania 10. You talk about skill set, the guy had two moves. The bonzai drop and the leg drop. he was dull and boring his whole career.

I have to disagree with you big time. Yokozuna did exactly what he was supposed to do; create intrigue. You know how Lex Luger, one of the worst wrestlers ever, was able to get over during his WWE run? Because he became the guy who was going to stop Yokozuna. That's a credit to the heel who, despite the limitations that you mentioned, was interesting enough to hype several PPV main events.

I know this is about personal preference so I'm not saying you're wrong for feeling the way you do. I just know that I can think of plenty of guys who I'd name before Yokozuna; Cena, Batista, Big Show, RVD, Jeff Hardy, and even Roddy Piper all come to mind.

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