Learn About Luchadors


Turn Bayley heel
Hello, my name is Tastycles, and I'm here to tell you all about wrestlers that are from a genre that few of you watch. In this year's WZ tournament, we have seen the quarter finals be contested by 4 canadians and 4 americans. Ther ewere some Japanese who made it to the last two, but all of the Mexican interest, which was limited to begin with, was out by round 3, round 2 if you don't include Rey Mysterio.

That, frankly, is a bit out of order, especially when you consider that Mexican wrestling has been around for a very long time, and has even seen a luchador crownd World Heavyweight Champion in the WWE. Perhaps the most telling thing is that in this year's WZ tournament, three of the remaining 8 wrestlers: Jericho, RVD and Benoit wrestle quite a luchador style, and even part of Bret Hart's game comes under this style. So it's not that people don't like the style, clearly, and I'm going to try and convert one or two people to be followers of this tradition.

Right, so without further ado, we begin.


Week 1: El Santo


Santo is without a doubt the biggest star in the history of professional wrestling in Mexico. Seen as a national treasure and hero, he wrestled for over 40 years, and scarcely lost a feud in that period. People often say that he was the Hulk Hogan of lucha libre, but he was more than that. We may call Hogan the most popular wrestler of all time, and we acknowledge his mainstream success, but he will not close a city's streets down when he dies, and he will not ever have statues put up in his honour. Put it this way: Mexicans votd him 8th greatest Mexican of all time, to put that into perspective the American and British equivalent polls had Elvis Presley and John Lennon in the same positions.

Vital Statistics

Trained by: Black Guzman
Allegiance: Rudo 1936-62 Tecnico 62-82
Other names: Rudy Guzmán, Hombre Rojo, Murciélago Enmascarado II, El Demonio Negro
Legacy: 12 sons, the youngest of whom, El Hijo del Santo, wrestles. 25 grandsons, Axxel el Nieto del Santo
Finishers: La de a Caballo (camel clutch), Tope de cristo (flying somersault headbutt)
Weight: 210lb
Height: 5' 9"
Born: 23 September 1917
Died: 5 February 1984

Career History

A star is born

Santo was born the 5th child of 7 on 23 September 1917. His actual name was Rodolfo Guzman Huerta. Santo's family moved to Mexico City when he was still a child, and 4 of the Guzman brothers became wrestlers. Jimmy Guzman had limited success, as did Pantera Negro (black panther) whose only claim to fame was a brief feud with Canek, before he died in the ring later. The most successful, outside of Santo himself was Black Guzman, who won the NWA Middleweight title, amongst others.

Inspired by his brothers and uninspired by his job in a stockings factory, Santo learned jiu-jitsu and greco-roman wrestling with a view to becoming a wrestler like them. Eventually, he debuted in EMLL as a rudo, or heel. It should be noted that due to the fact that rudos are brawlers and tecnicos, the faces, are high flyers turn are not very common in Mexico.

He debuted as Rudy Guzman, and then quickly became Hombre Rojo ("red man"), and wrestled unmasked throughout this period. Frustrated at his lack of a push, he left EMLL and went to work for another recent EMLL departure, Jesus Lomeli.

Originally, Lomelli pushed him as El Murciélago Enmascarado II (the 2nd masked bat), but the original El Murciélago Enmascarado got the box y lucha comission to force him to stop. His heat was lost overnight as he was given a makeshift gimmick of El Demonio Negro, as seen below, but it never really took off.


Finally, in 1942 he and Lobelli settled on the name "El Santo", as they felt calling a heel "The Saint" would be a fabulously ironic thing. Santo debuted at Arena Mexico on 28 July 1942 in a battle royal where the last two participants had a two out of three falls match. Santo and Ciclon Veloz faced off in the final two. Santo took one fall, lost the next and was disqualified for the third fall when he hit the referee following the referee's insistance that he stopped as he beat up Veloz to a pulp.

The next week, as the crowd expected Veloz to get his revenge, Santo destroyed him, and thus he become one of the most oer rudos immediately. Santo continued to be built as a rudo over the rest of the year, and made headlines in December following a brutal superlibre match (no rules) with Lobo Negro and by giving Dientes Hernandez 8 low blows in a row.

Firmly established, he won the Mexican National Welterweight Championship in February and then the Middleweight title the following month, ironically against Murciélago Velázquez, the original El Murciélago Enmascarado. Later that month he had his first lucha de apuesta, a hair vs mask match, with Murciélago Velázquez, in a winning effort.

Growing popularity and Blue Demon

Santo lost his middleweight title, and then his welterweight title in the next year, but managed to win another 2 huge hair vs mask matches against Bobby Bonales, and then another against Jack O'Brien before creating one of the most famous tag teams in lucha history with Gory Guerrero, La Pareja Atomica, The atomic pair. They were unstoppable, think mega powers, and dominated for the best part of six years. During this time, Santo won his first NWA title, the Welterweight one, beating Bulgarian Pete Pancov in the final. He went on to defend the title for a year, before losing it to Jack O'Brien.

O'Brien defended the title in a tournament, and Guerrero and Santo faced off for the first time. Guerrero won, but Santo continued to support him as he won the title.

Santo briefly went to wrestle unmasked in Texas, but left soon afterwards and returned to find that his and Guerrero's thunder had been stolen by Black Shadow and Blue Demon, two "brothers". Guerrero and Santo beat them, and Black Shadow attempted to avenge the defeat by feuding with Santo, resulting in his first mask vs mas match, which Santo won, revealing Black Shadow's identity.

Blue Demon was hugely upset by this and turned face, leading to the biggest feud in the history of Lucha Libre. Demon eventually won the feud, but the feud is what solidified the position of lucha lbre in Mexico. TV cameras were filming it for the first time, and Santo found himself as a superhero with comics written about him, as did Blue Demon. And as can be seen here.


I don't have the means to upload any of the Santo vs Blue Demon matches, so you'll have to make do with this, which is taken from one of the legendarily shit films that both men starred in.


Fantastic Stuff.

Turning Face

Following his feud with Demon, Santo moved on to bigger and better things. He was now drawing audiences of millions and his films were making him into a star. He won the NWA Middleweight Championship and held it for almost three full years. He was taking masks on a regular basis, and the crowd began to cheer for him as he was potrayed as a superhero, and more importantly, because he was regularly beating the foreign wrestlers that came to Mexico.

Perhaps unsuprisingly, 10 years of becoming increasingly popular led to him becoming a tecnico in 1962. Despite having wrestled as a brawler his entire career, his first match as a tecnico was so good ro an aerial point of view that he received a standing ovation from the crowd. He even began to team with Blue Demon, both in the ring, and in shit films.

He continued as a face for the next few years and this is a selection of his matches from that period. Some are taken from movies, so they contain face shots of women in an artificial audience.





Winding Down

After these few years in the sun, Santo started to wind down his career. He only wrestled tag matches and won the tag titles with a young Rayo de Jalisco and formed the most popular trio of all time with Mil Mascaras and El Solitario. That is basically the same as Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan and Lou Thesz forming a tag team, to put that into some perspective.

Throughout the 1970s he had a few singles matches also, including taking his final mask: that of El Remolino. He continued to wind down and in 1982, at the ripe old age of 65, he had a three match retirement tour, culminating in a DQ win in an 8 man tag match, which wasn't to befitting of his career, although Gory came out of his own retirement to participate.

El Santo lived for two more years, and finally revealed his face on national telelvision two weeks before he died, in quite a controversial move as seen here.


Upon his death, he chose to keep his mask on to be buried. His funeral attracted 10,000 to the streets of Mexico City and closed the streets for several hours. Upon his death, several statues were erected in his honour around the country, such as this one.


Lucha de Apuestas

Hairs taken

Murciélago Velázquez
Bobby Bonales x 2
Jack O'Brien
Enrique Llanes
Cavernario Galindo
El Gladiador
Raúl Torres
Gorilita Flores
Judas Colombiano
Gory Casanova
Arturo Chávez
Chico Casaola
Ruben Juarez
Espanto II
Benny Galant
René Guajardo
Jorge Allende
Perro Aguayo
Bobby Lee

Masks Won

Black Shadow
Monje Loco
Halcón Negro
El Gladiador
Golden Terror
Le Cebra
La Arana
La Momia
Cara Cortada
Dragon Rojo
Dr. X
Espanto I
Dick Angelo
Bobby Lee
El Remolino

Also, he and Dr X took the masks of Los Infernales I & II


NWA World Middleweight Champion
2 Time NWA World Welterweight Champion
Mexican National Light Heavyweight Champion
4 Time Mexican National Middleweight Champion
2 Time Mexican National Tag Team Champion with Rayo de Jalisco
2 Time Mexican National Welterweight Championship

El Santo is my favorite wrestler in history. Watching him wrestle was like watching a movie. His son Hijo Del Santo(who just main evented Triplemania 17 btw) had moments during his career that reminded me of El Santo. They are the best father and son connection in wrestling history.

People really need to check for Lucha Libre. Old school(late 80's,early 90's) and new school(current AAA,04-05 CMLL). Lucha Libre and WCW Cruiserweight division is two completely different styles btw.
Week 2: Mil Mascaras


Where last weeks edition, we saw that Santo was far and away the most popular luchador in Mexico. This week, we look at Mil Mascaras, the man who has broken more international territories than any before him or after him. Mascaras has been huge in Japan and even the US, as well as his notable successes in his home country.

Mil was far bigger than the majority of luchadors, being 5'11" and weighing in at 240lbs, and in addition to being the only one that truly cracked America, he was the first luchador to wrestle as a face accross the world.

Generally regarded as being a no seller and difficult to work with, Mascaras' ego may have prevented him from becoming even bigger of a star.

Vital Statistics

Trained by: Diablo Velasco, "El Turco" Jose Hermes
Allegiance: Tecnico
Other names:
Legacy: Older brother (Sicodelico), Younger brother Dos Caras, nephews Dos Caras jr., Sicodelico jr, El Hijo del Sicodelico.
Finishers: Plancha (cross body), Plancha suicida (springboard crossbody to outside), Flying double chop, bearhug
Weight: 240lb
Height: 5' 11"
Born: 15 July 1942
Died: Still Active

Career History

In Mexico

Mil Mascaras goes to enormous lengths to protect his true identity beneath the mask, and very little is known of him. He was born in 1942, 2 years after his genuine brother Sicodelico and 9 before his younger brother Dos Caras. His real name, though never publically revealed, is Aaron Rodriguez, and he was born in San Luis Petosi.

Before he began wrestling in 1965, the idea to have a multimasked character had been conceived by Valente Perez, often called the King Midas of Lucha Libre. Mascaras often wore two masks to the ring and threw one to the crowd, something that luchadors continued to do: one only needs to see a Rey Mysterio match to see him do something similar in his entrance most weeks.

Mascaras first wrestled in April 1965, and then at Arena Mexico for the first time three months later. Because he was bigger than most luchadors, he was welcomed by the crowd who also loved his gimmick. After a year of working his way up through the ranks, Mascaras entered his first feuds, beating Benny Galant in a mask vs. hair match. His success was such that he starred in a luch film only a year after his debut.

In 1967, he won the national Light Heavyweight title, before losing it to the delightfully named El Nazi. Seriously, here he is...


Early US and Japan

In 1968, Mascaras took his first bookings in America, in Los Angeles, and was a huge success. He fought in some of the first lucha de apuestas matches ever held on US soil, beating Black Gordman and Bull Ramos for their hair in 1969.

Following these initial successes he moved on to Japan, where he joined All Japan in 1971. He feuded with a few Japanese wrestlers before having a near legendary with the masked American wrestler the destroyer. Mascaras wrestled 7 matches with Destroyer, some are shown shown below.

This was an early count out win for Destroyer


This 1974 match was another win for the Destroyer, who is in the short trunks. Mascaras did win some, but they aren't on the youtube.


Following this match, Mascaras continued to be quite a big name in Japan and went back to America sporiadically. He was the first and only International Wrestling Association world champion, and defended the title against his mentor, El Turco, amongst others as can be seen here.


The Big Time

Mascaras became the first masked wrestler to wrestle at Madison square Garden, getting special dispensation to wrestle masked, as it was banned at the venue. He beat the Spoiler without any difficulty whatsoever and set about to feud with the then WWWF Champion Superstar Billy Graham. Mascaras beat Graham when the referee stopped the fight because Graham had a cut over his eye, but didn't win because titles don't change hands on a stoppage.


Mil had still been fighting in Mexico at this time, and had won the masks of both Baron Escalarta and Frankenstein. He was also winning titles sporiadically throughout the world, most notably in southern promotions where he was a multiple time tag champion with Jose Lothario.

After facing Graha, he formed a bit of a bizarre duo with Dusty Rhodes, and teamed with Andre the Giant amongst others. At this time, he took his most notable mask to date, beating El Halcon for his mask, first in Mexico, then again in Japan.

He continued Americans, and faced Abdullah the Buthcher, amongst others towards the back end of the 1970s. During this time, he began to team up with his younger brother, Dos Caras, as can be seen here.


Towards the end of this period, he moved up to the main event on an American show once again as he faced off with Harley Race for the NWA title, he did win one of the matches he had against him, on American soil too, but I can only find this one that ends questionably in Japan.


Tag teaming it all the way back to America

That pretty much ended Mascaras' solo run as a big name player, internationally anyway. He turned to teaming with his brother very often throughout the 1980s, and largely fought in Japan.


See if you can spot a future star in this one. His name is in the title of the video, so it shouldn't be too hard.


Following this success he returned to singles competition, facing such luminaries as Tiger Mask, and he continued to nothc up wins against his career long adversary El Canek, against whom he never suffered a defeat.


He then returned to america and won what would later become the USWA Tag Team Championship with a young Jeff Jarrett. His success in Jerry Jarrett's territory got him a deal in WCW. His most notable encounter was a victory against Cactus Jack at Clash of the Champions X.


He then proceeded to pretty much only fight in Mexico in tag matches sporiadically basically assuming semi retirement, although he did have a brief run in the WWF where he fought in the 1997 Royal Rumble, eliminating two men before eliminating himself as can be seen here.


Mascaras remains in this state of semi retirement,despite being well into his 60s, and has faced off with lifelong adversary Canek as recently as this year. Mascaras remains one of the only people to have defeated both the NWA and WWWF champions on American soil, and also is the only Mexican man to have made a success of himself in both America and Japan. What he sacrificed in terms of winning masks, he made up for in terms of carrying the name of Mexican wrestling all around the world. Until 2007, Mascaras had only taken three masks in his entire career, although he managed to add two to his tally that year.

Lucha de Apuestas

Hairs taken

Benny Galant
Black Gordman
Bull Ramos
Alfonso Dantes
Principe Battu

Masks Won

El Halcon x 2
Gran Markus Jr
El Yuma


2 Time National Light Heavyweight Champion
IWA World Heavyweight Champion
4 Time NWA Americas Heavyweight Champion
2 Time NWA Americas Tag Team Champion (with Alfonso Dantes and with Ray Mendoza)
World Class American Tag Team Champion (with Jose Lothario)
World Class Texas Tag Team Champion (with Jose Lothario)
WCWA World Tag Team Champion (with Jeff Jarrett)
ALLL World Heavyweight Champion
PWF United States Heavyweight Champion
WWA World Heavyweight Champion
Week 3: El Solitario


Solitario is one of the biggest names in the history of lucha libre. If Santo is the Hogan of Mexico, then Solitario is undoubtedly the Bret Hart. A master technical wrestler,he is generally regarded as the best in ring luchador of all time.

Sadly, as you will see here, there aren't many videos of him about, largely because he wasn't around long enough. Solitario died at 39 years old, but he still managed to have quite the impact on Mexican wrestling. Known mostly for his in ring work, he was famous and popular, but he wasn't as much of a pop culture icon as Mascaras, Santo or Blue Demon, but he was in one comic.


Vital Statistics

Trained by:
Allegiance: Rudo 1960-69 Tecnico 69-86
Other names El Hijo del Santo, Othon Banzica II, El Zica II, El Zica
Legacy: El Hijo del Solitario (son)
Finishers: La filomena (reverse kick)
Born: 22 May 1946
Died: 6 April 1986

Career History

The early failures to launch

Born the seventh child in a slow moving small town in Mexico, Roberto Gonzalez Cruz left home young as he hated his life in the small town and walked out. He was still only a teenager, and having had little education, he decided to follow his brother, El Zica into professional wrestling. However, his brother was tragically killed in the ring before the 13 year old Solitario made his debut.

At 14 years old, he was ready to make his debut, but as he wanted to maek money, he pretended to be the son of Santo. Along with the future Renato Torres, they formed quite a succesful pairin, with Torres pretending to be the son of Charro Aguayo or Blue Demon, depending on who and where they were fighting.

However, Cruz didn't feel right pretending to be a Santo descendent, and instead became known as El Zica II, to honour his deceased brother. He moved around Mexico looking for work, but hardly anyone would book him, because he was so young and small. He took to working out, and penniless, he ended up living in an abandonned car. Eventually, with his tail between his leg he returned home to his parents and began working out and started getting booked more often on local shows.

Eventually, he went to the state capital, and tried out for the promotion there, but they sad he'd need a better persona to go any further. His mask was lost to Fantasma Negro, and he set about getting a new persona. He decided to take his lead from El Llanero Solitario, who you may recognize as The Lone Ranger, and adopted a gold mask with the Lone Ranger's black mask prited onto it. He also took the name Solitario, dropping the llanero part to avoid any copyright claims. Incedentally, he was one of the first to have his jaw exposed, something that is very common now, as Rey Mysterio shows us.

He won a few hair matches, and a title, the Occident Welterweight Title. It's still contested today, and has been won by some big names, but I've never really heard of it, and neither has wikipedia.


Solitario debuted in EMLL in 1966, and quickly established himself as an up and coming star. This match is one of his first with the company.


Following an early period of doing tag matches like this, he embarked on his first proper gimmick, something similar to Randy Orton's legend killer gimmick. It was not uncommon for young wrestlers to lose their masks early mon, only to redebut or become unmasked permanently. It was a huge shock then, when Solitario took the hair of both Ray Mendoza and Rene Guajardo, two of the greatest unmasked wrestlers ever. Beore that they had each lost lost one lucha de apuestas contest, Mendoza to Guajardo and Guajardo to Santo, so Solitario was in high company indeed.

Perhaps unsuprisingly, Solitario was considerd a big deal, and he formed a trio with two other up and comers Dr Wagner and Angel Blanco. Solitario was so popular though, that the trio didn't last long and split when the other two turned on him shortly after he won his actual title. As a result, Solitario turned face, and one of his hottest feuds ever began, with Dr Wagner, but more on that one later. He won Angelo Blanco's mask then his hair in his feud with him too.

Solitario won a few more titles, but he was one of the first out of the door when Mendoza set up the UWA to rival the EMLL, for reasons only known to himself. Probably money though.

UWA, Indies and Japan

Solitario started a few feuds on indepentdent shows promoted by Mendoza, largely against Mendoza himself, before expanding his horizons and wrestling in LA and Japan. His success in Japan was stunted though by the fact that he was there before the light heavyweight revolution there, and ended up facing guys like Giant Baba, who couldn't really wrestle a lucha style. By the time guys like Fujinami and Tiger Mask came through, his reputation was tarnished, although his match with Canek against Chavo Sr and Fujinami is considered a classic in Japan.

Eventuially, Mendoza set up UWA, and built it around Solitario and Canek in the light heavyweight and heavyweight divisions respectively. Solitario had taken the hair of Perro Agueyo by now, and he was seen as a total main eventer. He was a bit of a dick, but promoters booked him because he was such a draw, as emphasised by his position on Santo's team in Santo's final match.

Eventually him and Wagner had the payoff mask vs mask match that was 15 years in the making. A heavily edited and horrendously filmed version of that encounter can be seen below.


The End

After beating Wagner, Solitario continued to wrestle for about a year, and still drew huge. It is common for wrestlers to go on into their 60s in Mexico, so for Solitario he still had years of his career ahead of him. He wrestled in singles ontests and was still very much active until his injury.


However, it was not to be. Following an injury against Fishman, he required surgery and died on the operating table, aged 39. His death is mired in controversy, with some stating that his heart attack was caused by a mixture of cocaine and anaesthetic drugs. One of his heroes and friends, Blue Demon, as well as certain family members have stated his death was the result of a strange illness or virus. I personally wouldn't be that suprised if the virus in qestion was AIDS, caused by sharing steroid needles, but that is pure speculation.

Lucha de Apuestas

Hairs taken

Ray Mendoza
Rene Guajardo
Alfonso Dantes
Karloffe Lagarde
Coloso Colossetti
David Morgan
Cesar Valentino
Angel Blanco
Perro Aguyao
El Faraon
El Signo

Masks Won

Aguila Tapatia
The White Hand
Angel Blanco
El Cardenal
El Audaz
Ku Klux Klan (seriously, as with El Nazi, this is a real one)
Mascara Roja
Bestia Roja
El Olimpico
Dr. Wagner


Occidental Welterweight Champion
NWA World Middleweight Champion
NWA World Light Heavyweight Champion
UWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion
2 Time UWA World Junior Light Heavyweight Champion
UWA World Light Heavyweight Champion
Belated Week 4: El Canek


Canek is undoubtedly the most successful and notable "big man" in Mexican wrestling. He holds wins over some the biggest wrestlers in the world, and was heavily pushed by IC25 in this year's WZ tournament. Not everyone is convinced, personally I think he is average but has managed to make a bit of a name for himself and Mr. Sam has called him "the world's slowest cruiserweight", which I think is unfair, he's only one of those things, and seeing how he weighs more than John Cena, it isn't a cruiserweight.

So anyway, this well travelled luchador is unquestionably an interesting character in the world of lucha libre, and one of only a handful to have appeared on WWE payperview. So let's look at him in more detail.

Vital Statistics

Trained by: Ham Lee, Indio Azteca, Maciste, El Remington I, El Chacal
Allegiance: Flitted back and forth through his career. Think Jericho.
Other names: El Universitario, Príncipe Azul
Legacy: One son, El Hijo del Canek/ Canek jr.
Finishers: Canek Press, Gorilla Press, Senton, Spinning Leg Lariat
Born: 19 June 1952
Died: Still wrestling, despite being older than my dad.

Career History

Before he was Canek

Very few sources list his real name, and unlike other legends who have remained masked like Mil Mascaras, his name hasn't been given away in films. As a result not even wikipedia gives his real name, but the name Felipe Estrada has been bandied about, so I'll go with that. Anyway, Estrada began wrestling at the age of 18, which is actually relatively late. Fittingly, his first name was El Universitario, meaning "the student" and he wrestled with that at a number of small shows.

At one such show, in his native Tabasco, one of the main eventers, Mathematico, no-showed. With little time to get a replacement, Universitario was put into the tag team main event with El Angel Azul, or The Blue Angel. The team proved to be popular and stayed together for quite sometime. Eventually, Angel sold Estrada one of his own outfits and Estrada changed his name to El Principe Azul, The Blue Prince.

Under this guise, El Principe managed to get quite a following, but he still wrestled only in Tabasco and didn't venture north. That being said, he did manage to win his first mask, that of Ultratumba, as well as the hair of Ultratumba and El Noruego. By now, Principe was a big enough star to leave Tabasco and venture into Mexico City. In doing so, he decided to change his name, and took the name Canek, a name of Mayan kings, due to the high concentration of Mayan artifacts and ruins in the area he grew up.

The rise of El Canek in Mexico

Canek continued to wrestle in small time companies, but he was amongst those who were part of the breakaway UWA promotin from a very early stage. For the first time in his career he became a rudo, or heel, and started to gather momentum, winning his first and only Mexican National Light Heavyweight title off Dr. Wagner. This was the beginning of his long feud with Dr. Wagner, which resulted in hundreds of matches over time. Eventually, Mil Mascaras was also brought into the feud, and was one person never defeated by Canek.

I think this match is much more recent, but it contains the four most important people in UWA's early days.




Having reached the upper echelons of the fledgling company, it is not suprising that Canek was given the chance to be the UWA Heavyweight Champion. Canek had already beaten Wagner, and with Mascaras in Japan and often taking his brother Dos Caras with him, it fell to Canek to take the championship of the inaugral champion, the great Lou Thesz. Canek beat Thesz, in what would be the first of many matches against megastars.

New Japan and the foreign invasion angle

As champion, Canek became more marketable, and as a result of New Japan's exchange deal with UWA, he found himself facing international wrestlers. Canek often went abroad to face Japanese wrestlers, but there was often a foreign invader gimmick, who would try and take Canek's crown. Often, they'd win it briefly only for the now face Canek to win it back in front of a Mexican crowd.

At this point it had occurred to most promoters that due to their size, Mexican performers were unable to put up a decent and believable fight against larger American wrestlers, although Mil Mascaras had had some success. Canek, however, was the same size as many of the WWF roster, and as a result, he was able to fight them.

His first bigtime bout to this affect was when he faced Andre the Giant and beat him, including a bodyslam, some 4 years before WrestleMania III and, what's more, he was the only person to beat Andre in 15 years.



The bodyslam is at 4 minutes in the second video, for those without time on their hands.

He then went onto draw with Hulk Hogan and beat, albeit by DQ, Stan Hansen.

Such was his popularity, that he was booked in this huge Japanese match a few years later.



In the years following this he continued to beat big named stars such as Kokina, who later became Yokozuna, Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader. However, by the end of the 80s the foreign invader gimmick was getting tired, and with the advent of AAA, UWA started on a rapid downwards decline to bankrupcy and closing its doors. One of the last fights when the promotion was still going strong was when Canek managed to take the mask of the Blue Blazer, Owen Hart, as seen here.


After UWA

UWA closed its doors, and Canek went to EMLL where he became a tag team champion. Also in this time, he finally beat Mil Mascaras, after some 20 years of trying.



Apart from an abortive tour in the early 1980s and a few shows in areas with a high concentration of Mexicans like Texas and Southern California, Canek had scarecly wrestled in the United States, but he did feature at Royal Rumble 1997, as can be seen here.

[youtube]gXnrutAt1-k[/youtube] (Starts at 7 minutes)



After that, Canek became something of a marquee figure and is now on the AAA promotion where he very rarely defends his UWA Heavyweight title and is involved in big storylines, his career is all but over.


Lucha de Apuestas

Hairs taken

As Principe Azul

El Noruego

As Canek

Sunny War Cloud
Ruben Juarez
Jose Torres
Dorrel Dixon
Humberto Garza
Cesar Valentino
La Momia
Pantera Negra
Coloso Colosetti (x2)
Ring Fujinami
Abdullah Tamba

Masks Won

As Principe Azul


As Canek

El Destroyer
La Momia
El Asesino
Blue Blazer
Torre Infernal
Universo 2000


Northern Mexico Heavyweight Champion
Mexican National Light Heavyweight Champion
IWRG World Heavyweight Champion
15 Time UWA World Heavyweight Champion
CMLL Tag Team Champion (w/Dr. Wagner jr.)
CMLL Trios Champion (w/Rayo de Jalisco jr. & Black Warrior)
2002 Rey de Reyes
There are plenty of reasons to LOVE this thread by Tastycles, but the featuring of El Canek is just one of them. I actually stumbled across this man while researching my Superheavyweights a year or so ago. I was specifically reading up on Yokozuna, and his history brought me a blurb about a smaller Mexican wrestler who had actually successfully bodyslammed Yoko prior to the sumo's WWF days.

When I read up on Canek after that, I learned about his international renoun, the "rub" given to him by Lou Thesz, and the amazing power he shows for an undersized luchador. Indeed his is pushing 60 years old, and remains a huge draw in Mexico. I think Tastycles' comparison of Canek to Chris Jericho is one that extends far beyond just allegiances.

Tastycles said:
His first bigtime bout to this affect was when he faced Andre the Giant and beat him, including a bodyslam, some 4 years before WrestleMania III and, what's more, he was the only person to beat Andre in 15 years.

This alone blows my mind. First Thesz puts the guy over, then Andre!? And at a time when Andre was still very credible, and before WWF's "revisionist history" promoting Andre as a man who'd not lost in 15 years.

Think about this - El Canek is 6 feet tall exactly and weighs 240 lbs. Hulk Hogan, on the other hand, is 6 ft 4 and more than 300 lbs. So Hogan has 4 inches and 60 lbs on Canek, and yet Canek slammed Andre and pinned him 3 years before Hogan did. Just food for thought.

Canek defeated Hogan. He beat Big Van Vader. He beat Yokozuna (Kokina) and slammed him. He beat Andre the Giant and slammed him. He took Owen "Blue Blazer" Hart's mask.

Through Tastycles' information, I have come to the conclusion that El Canek is, in fact, the 2nd greatest Mexican wrestler of all time, behind Mil Mascaras. I am willing to accept Mil's dominance and his place as the greatest Luchador of all time. But I'll put Canek over Guerrero, Aguayo, Caras, Santo, and nearly all others. He carried the UWA longer than Hogan carried the WWF and longer than Flair carried the NWA.
Week 5: Rey Misterio Sr.


Everyone knows that the current Rey Mysterio used to be called Rey Mysterio Jr. That obviously implies that there was a Rey Mysterio Sr at some point. Well there was, with a slightly diffferent spelling, and while he never really set the world on fire as a performer in his own right, the people he's trained are some of the most famous and notable luchadors in the history of wrestling.

These include the names of those who have made it in America like Rey Mysterio, Konnan, Haybusa and Psicosis.

Vital Statistics

Trained by: Chamaco Martinez,El Egipcio, El Faraón, Enrique Torres, El Engermero, Atila, El Solitario
Allegiance: Tecnico
Other names: El Genio, Maravilla Blanca, Rayman, Jinetes De Apocalipsis
Legacy: One son, El Hijo de Rey Mysterio, One nephew Rey Mysterio Jr, One neice, Metalika
Finishers: Power Bomb, Plancha, La Tapatía (Mexican surfboard)
Born: 8 January 1958
Died: Still wrestling

Career History

Early Days

Miguel Angel Lopez Diaz was born with the most Spanish name in history in the late 1950s in Tiujana, Mexico. Unlike most of the luchadors we come across, there were no wrestlers in his family when he was growing up. Nevertheless, Diaz was interested in performing from an early age and began training behind his mother's back at the age of 15.

Another unusual aspect about him is that he appears to be the only luchador in history not to have lied to promoters about how old he was. As a result, he perfected his craft for 3 years before making his debut on his 18th birthday as El Genio (The Genius, making him one of two criminally forgotten wrestlers to use the name).

After a while, he began wrestling under the name Maravilla Blanca (White Wonder) and wearing a white mask, which was shortly abandonned in favour of bcoming Rayman. He then became part of the tag team Jinetes De Apocalipsis (riders of the apocalypse keen readers may note that this the Mexican name for the Four Horsemen, and this was 10 years before the NWA did it), but he didn't really get anywhere.

After two years of crap gimmicks and going nowhere, Diaz took the name Rey Misterio in 1979 (mystery king) partly due to the fact he was born on the Mexican day of kings.

Tijuana's number one (self) promoter

Rey Misterio proved to be immensly popular early on and he became the regions biggest asset, resisting temptation to head to Mexico City to the bigger promotion. Misterio started winning masks left, right and centre as well as a whole host of Tijuana and Baja California titles. It should be noted that during his career, he won 51 lucha de apuesta contests, including 39 mask matches, which is frankly unprecidented.

Unfortunately, nothing from this era is televised, so you'll have to take my word for it, but Misterio was a beast at taking masks. Part of the reason for this is because at a very early age, in his 20s, he was the main promoter in the region. That being said, he was not above losing, and in 1988 he lost his mask to Fishman, again in an untelevised match.

The teacher

Rey Mysterio spent the latter part of the 1980s teaching all of the wrestlers mentioned before and more, opening a gym with Negro Casas in 1987. The principle reason for this was that he needed to fill the gaps madeby those heading south to Mexico. In the early 1990s, he finally let two of them carry his name, his nephew who became Rey Misterio jr and Misterioso. They vied to be his true successor, with Misterioso as the heel. Their feud eventually culminated in a match shortly before Rey went to WCW, seen here.


One of his other students was Konnan, who he competed with at Starrcade 1990, his only appearence in a US major promotion. They beat the British team in the Pat O'Connor memorial tournament, before losing to the Steiners in the semi-finals.

Mysterio set about fighting with a lot of his young understudies, as seen here when he took the mask of Psicosis


and here when his match with Konnan ended in a riot.


But as the lure of America pulled his young wrestlers away, Mysterio was left with very little talent and didn't do very much.


By now, Rey was in his forties and he started to be on the wane. The fall of WCW led to his promotion being able to draw in the bigger names, and he also wrestled for AAA in Mexico City a few times. Thanks to him having the same name as Rey Mysterio, it is veryy difficult to find these fights, but he had some legendary hardcore matches against Psicosis.

His school is still going strong, and probably the most notable recent graduate is the 20 year old El Hijo de Rey Mysterio, his son, who is something of a rip off of his cousin, but that is in no way a bad thing.

Here they are fighting together.


And that is pretty much it. Misterio is still going, but he isn't doing very much. Misterio hasn't had scores of TV matches, and he hasn't made for a good article, but what I will say is that his contribution to modern lucha libre shouldn't be ignored. If a luchador wrestled in North America in the last fifteen years, he's either been trained by this guy or he is a Guerrero, and that is impressive.


Lucha de Apuestas

Hairs taken

El Siberiano
Lobo Rubio
Cien Caras
Nicho El Milionaro
+ 3 more, not recorded

Masks Won

Zorro de Oro
Angel Azul
Tornado Negro
Monje Negro
Rambo Star
Angel de Plata
Fraile del Mal
Estrella Azul
Caballero Rojo
Diamante Negro
+ 25 more, mostly in Tijuana and unrecorded


Tijuana Welterweight Champion
Baja California Middleweight Champion
WWA World Junior Light Heavyweight Champion
Americas Title
2 Time IWC Middleweight Champion
IWC TV Champion
2 Time XLAW Extreme Champion
WWO World Champion
2 Time WWA Tag Team Champion (w/ Rey Misterio Jr., w/ El Dandy)
3 Time Tijuana Tag Team Champion (w/ Saeta Oriental, w/ Super Astro, w/ Rey Guerrero)
PWR Tag Team Champion (w/El Hijo de Rey Misterio)
Thank you so much!!! I watch AAA and CMLL every weekend and have 100's of matches on my hard drive. Am I the only one that thinks that Perros De Mal would run circles around 60% of the WWE? I was positively hurt to see how the punk'd Mesias in TNA, simply because they didn't know how to use him. He would've destroyed TNA if used correctly. I think the Introduction of Konnan in AAA was the best thing they've done in a long time...
Nice thread Tastycles...need more threads like this around here. Perhaps this thread could be used to enlighten posters about potential members of Team Mexico or Team Puerto Rico in the Wrestlezolympics coming up. Most people are only aware of the luchadors who stepped foot in WCW, TNA or WWE...not the ones who are tremendously over in their home territories.

One luchador I would like to see highlighted is Dr. Wagner Jr., who has had a storied career. I could do it myself, but I wouldn't wanna steal your thunder.

Awesome thread....

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