Leaked News on Christian

The Whole F'N Show

Professional Smark
Former WWE creative team member John Piermarini has started his blog in which he has released a ton of scoops regarding things that occured in the company during the two years he was employed. The blog has since been pulled (the Website does say it will be back soon) but we have managed to retain some of the things Piermarini said. Here is what he wrote about popular WWE star Christian and the company's internal view of him:

"As much as it seems Christian turns into the fan favorite choice to win Money in the Bank Match each year it’s not going to happen. Christian is seen as a good hand that can help some of the younger talent and does not have a lot of support from higher ups to be a Main Event guy. Edge vs. Christian as a Main Event program has been pitched to death and rejected every time."

"Before Christian was injured a story was being developed to turn Christian heel and work a program with Matt Hardy. The seeds were being dropped on Smackdown at the time Christian was injured."

W'sup wit dat?
This is terrible but not surprising news.

As much as we all push of that Edge Vs Christian feud in the main event picture.

The fact of the matter is we won't ever get it, and this proves it right here.
And putting him against Matt Hardy isn't exactly what I would call a first class ticket to the main event.

More disappointing news from the desk of WWE creative.
So let me get this straight.

After all the years of people that knew what they were talking about saying Christian isn't a main event guy and that he isn't going to get the big push and that he's someone decent enough but belongs in the midcard, we were right all along?

Christian is a good worker, but he never has been someone that can carry a show. Whether the IWC likes it or not, that's reality. He's reached the peak of what he's going to get to and that was being ECW Champion. He's an upper midcard/midcard guy and that's all he should be. Nothing wrong with or sad about this news at all.
So let me get this straight.

After all the years of people that knew what they were talking about saying Christian isn't a main event guy and that he isn't going to get the big push and that he's someone decent enough but belongs in the midcard, we were right all along?

Christian is a good worker, but he never has been someone that can carry a show. Whether the IWC likes it or not, that's reality. He's reached the peak of what he's going to get to and that was being ECW Champion. He's an upper midcard/midcard guy and that's all he should be. Nothing wrong with or sad about this news at all.

I'm going to go a little bit further with this. I feel that by giving Christian the ECW Championship, that was the WWE's way of pacifying the Christian marks. And his run as champion was basically a failure, anyway.

All of his fans feel that he should be world champion and is the messiah of pro-wrestling when the guy hasn't drawn a dime since he was in a tag team with Edge. Those fans just might be the most ignorant and stubborn fans in professional wrestling right now and I hope this news gives them a big wake-up call. I hate to sound like a dick but you guys need to come to the reality that you can be the biggest fan of someone but if they aren't as good as you think they are, maybe you're wrong and need to change your way of thinking. The experts have spoken... Christian is officially a bust.
BOO KB & D-MAN!!! BOOOOOOO DAMMIT BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

I dunno, Christian seems like one that could be a main event player in the WWE if he'd been given the ball. I've just thought Christian was a great overall package in the sense that he's great on the mic, great in the ring, has lots of charisma and can still look good when losing. For me, Christian always had a lot of things going for him that Chris Jericho has had.

At any rate, I can't exactly say that I'm surprised by this revelation. If Christian was going to get a main event push, it would've happened a long time ago. While still a young man overall, Christian is in his late 30s and that just doesn't jive with a lot of happenings in the WWE as far as pushes go at the moment.
I doubt we will see anyone in WWE over the age of 30 as a main event player unless that person has already been cemented as one. I.E: Undertaker, Jericho, Triple H, Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Edge, etc. I would like to see Christian in an upper mid card or even main event role against Edge, Barrett, or Alberto Del Rio. He doesn't necessarily have to be World Heavyweight Champion, but he is semi popular in WWE, he is comfortable on the mic, and can put on decent matches with anyone. We will probably never see him as MITB winner, but I think the man deserves at least one shot to prove himself. If he doesn't have what WWE is looking for, then just keep him in midcard limbo or release him.
Truthfully, drawing power isn't really the issue here. He hasn't been given the chance to draw in the main event. As far as when he was given a chance, he did within the tag team ranks.

Aside from that, I don't have figures on which match draws more and how much merchandise Christian has sold. So, that's a weird argument to have. Still, he gets huge reactions from the live crowd, he has the internet community and is a good hand.

I feel a push would only help the company. If it works, then it's good. If it doesn't, he puts over a main event guy. Nothing wrong with it either way.
BOO KB & D-MAN!!! BOOOOOOO DAMMIT BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

I dunno, Christian seems like one that could be a main event player in the WWE if he'd been given the ball. I've just thought Christian was a great overall package in the sense that he's great on the mic, great in the ring, has lots of charisma and can still look good when losing. For me, Christian always had a lot of things going for him that Chris Jericho has had.

At any rate, I can't exactly say that I'm surprised by this revelation. If Christian was going to get a main event push, it would've happened a long time ago. While still a young man overall, Christian is in his late 30s and that just doesn't jive with a lot of happenings in the WWE as far as pushes go at the moment.

D-Man makes a good point. Normally I'd be up in arms wanting to start riots and looting the streets of Compton and pulling truckers from their trucks and hitting them silly!! :wtf:

But, alas, I'm not that concerned. I really don't think Christian is THAT fearful over his spot. He seems to still have a pretty decent spot when he comes back. If Christian was so scared about his position in WWE, he would have made the decision to leave a while back. I'm sure he's already aware of what his position is coming back to the E once he's recovered. If it was crappy enough, he could've turned in his walking papers. But alas, he's got so much crowd support that he still is sticking with it. Even VKM probably knows that he's got a cash cow in Captain Charisma, he didn't get that nickname for naught.

Besides, as long as Christian keeps doing what he does, and doesn't start creating alter ego twitters or youtubes or posts vids of himself eating grapes, I think he will still do just fine.
Christian must be happy to stay in WWE, because last time he was having a great push back in the summer of 2005 I think, just before he joined TNA, facing Cena and Jericho for the title.

Then, he gets moved to Smackdown!, everyone thought he was going to main event and be a "top heel", but it never happened, Christian was obviously upset and left for TNA, where he was the biggest star there along with Angle and Sting.

Now, I don't know if he left TNA because of money, because of his position in TNA (they seemed to have moved him down the card because of people like Samoa Joe, Styles, Angle, Nash, Foley, Booker T etc.). So if Christian hasn't already requested his release now, he seems to be happy enough.
I think Christian should get at least one run with the World title when he returns. Christian is one of my favorite competitors of all time and has worked very hard. If Rey Mysterio can be World Champion then why can't christian. He is really good in the ring very charismatic. I am glad he didn't have that feud with Hardy because he wouldn't have gained anything from feuding with him. Matt Hardy is a waste and it would have brought Christian down. As far as the Edge feud, it could be really amazing if it was played out properly. The match they had last year was very good and I wish they could wrestle at Wrestlemania for the World title. It pisses me off that after all those years of hard work, Christian can't even get a good feud with his former tag team partner.
I'm going to go a little bit further with this. I feel that by giving Christian the ECW Championship, that was the WWE's way of pacifying the Christian marks. And his run as champion was basically a failure, anyway.

All of his fans feel that he should be world champion and is the messiah of pro-wrestling when the guy hasn't drawn a dime since he was in a tag team with Edge. Those fans just might be the most ignorant and stubborn fans in professional wrestling right now and I hope this news gives them a big wake-up call. I hate to sound like a dick but you guys need to come to the reality that you can be the biggest fan of someone but if they aren't as good as you think they are, maybe you're wrong and need to change your way of thinking. The experts have spoken... Christian is officially a bust.

Coming from an owen hart fan? Talk about a bust, even before his untimely death (i too am a fan of owens) but the guy would never have carried the show, this is basically wwe said christian cant carry a show, he proved with tna he can, and they refuse to admit they were wrong so they wont push him its ignorance and ego like much of wrestling is, christian IS good enough to rule smackdown but he wont, because he is being screwed over...thats it
Coming from an owen hart fan? Talk about a bust, even before his untimely death (i too am a fan of owens) but the guy would never have carried the show, this is basically wwe said christian cant carry a show, he proved with tna he can, and they refuse to admit they were wrong so they wont push him its ignorance and ego like much of wrestling is, christian IS good enough to rule smackdown but he wont, because he is being screwed over...thats it

Oh, that must be it. They're ignorant and don't want to make the MOUNTAINS of money that you feel Christian can draw because they're... stubborn? Now that's just plain silly.

Also, you say that Christian's run as NWA champion in TNA proves his worth? How does it prove anything? TNA was still an infant of its current self back then. Hell... Ring of Honor could have given them a run for their money. And just because Christian had a successful run with them, you feel he could carry a multi-BILLION dollar company on his shoulders? Much like other blind marks that post on Wrestlezone, you're giving Christian wayyyy too much credit. Besides, TNA was still banking off Christian's popularity that was gained during his stint with the WWE. He went straight from the WWE into TNA which gave them a guaranteed boost in sales and ratings for a short while. But just like everything else in TNA, it plateaued.

Lastly, I was, am, and always will be a fan of Owen Hart. But I never said the guy would've, could've or should've carried the WWE on his shoulders and he should have been given the WWE championship belt. So I don't know where you got the idea behind all of the BS you just got done spitting. Regardless of how big of a fan I was to him, Owen would've gotten swallowed up in the world title picture. The only purpose he ever could have served as champion would have been a transitional one. Besides that, he had his time. If he were alive a few years longer, who knows. But if we go by the height of his popularity before he died, he wouldn't have stood a chance.

Unlike many posters on here, I won't let my personal feelings about a pro-wrestler get in the way of the truth about undeserving they are of a championship.
I'm a huge fan of Christian and I don't care what this report says. The guy hasn't had a chance to really pursue the WWE or WHC yet. Yes he was ECW Champion, but that was WWECW for God's sake. Look at the overall talent that was in WWECW by the time Christian returned. Swagger, Dreamer, Benjamin, Regal, Ryder, Henry. Really? Really? REALLY?!? So before you can bash him about not drawing or looking strong during that his two reigns as ECW Champion, look at what he had to work with over there okay?

He's great on the stick, he's over with the fans. He's Captain Charisma for a reason and he deserves at least a shot on SmackDown to be in the WHC picture. If he gets a good reaction, which I'm sure he would, give him the ball for 3 or so months. The WWE wants to push the youth and not water down Edge's credibility too much, have Christian take the belt off him and then in a few months use him to put over a young guy like Del Rio and make him WHC or something.

Just a thought. Don't bury the guy when he's had WWECW to work with most of his 2nd stint in the WWE. Thanks.
This has been brewing in me for quite some time now....I am certainly no Christian mark, but I do recognize talent....WWE has proven to be a bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.....they want the next big star, but they'll look in all the wrong places...they want the next Hogan, or Rock or even Cena....but dammit they already have Cena...they split up all these damn tag teams for what? The Colons, Hart Dynasty, among dozens of others....are they being stupid or stupid? tag teams used to give back to wrestling in actual tag team wrestling and future stars like Edge, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy maybe John Morrison and The Miz, and many others....why should Christian be labeled the Jannetty? looking back at the past world champs on SD, saying that drawing power being a reason for Christian held back is a crock of shit....they took a chance on CM Punk....twice...failed....took a chance on Jack Swagger...epic fail!...The Great Khali who may be popular in India, but in the states everyone knows he is shit....fail....why cant WWE give Christian at least a freakin 3 week reign just to see how it goes....the credibility of the world title has already gone down....he may actually bring some prestige back to it with great matches and a stellar feud with Edge....unlike Matt Hardy, he does belong in the title picture...Matt can complain all he wants, but he doesnt look like a champion at all....he looked like a bum in WWE....hell Chris Benoit even got a world title with his passable mic skills....the man could wrestle, and so does Christian, but he also provides mic skills that are in the excellent category....I think he will ultimately never win the big one because he was the Instant Classic in TNA...he proved when he went there that he was that damn good...and Vince just hates being proven wrong....its just sad that a guy like Mason Ryan will ultimately win the world title this year, while Christian might never will...way to go WWE....and with all this youth movement nonsense....only a couple of guys have had a chance to win titles to included in that argument...Sheamus and The Miz, while other young guys are being groomed.....yet their world champ on SD is like 37 in Edge....you mean to tell me Jerry Lawler can get a wwe title shot and be believable but Christian cant? cmon wwe im no idiot
Oh, that must be it. They're ignorant and don't want to make the MOUNTAINS of money that you feel Christian can draw because they're... stubborn? Now that's just plain silly.

Also, you say that Christian's run as NWA champion in TNA proves his worth? How does it prove anything? TNA was still an infant of its current self back then. Hell... Ring of Honor could have given them a run for their money. And just because Christian had a successful run with them, you feel he could carry a multi-BILLION dollar company on his shoulders? Much like other blind marks that post on Wrestlezone, you're giving Christian wayyyy too much credit. Besides, TNA was still banking off Christian's popularity that was gained during his stint with the WWE. He went straight from the WWE into TNA which gave them a guaranteed boost in sales and ratings for a short while. But just like everything else in TNA, it plateaued.

Lastly, I was, am, and always will be a fan of Owen Hart. But I never said the guy would've, could've or should've carried the WWE on his shoulders and he should have been given the WWE championship belt. So I don't know where you got the idea behind all of the BS you just got done spitting. Regardless of how big of a fan I was to him, Owen would've gotten swallowed up in the world title picture. The only purpose he ever could have served as champion would have been a transitional one. Besides that, he had his time. If he were alive a few years longer, who knows. But if we go by the height of his popularity before he died, he wouldn't have stood a chance.

Unlike many posters on here, I won't let my personal feelings about a pro-wrestler get in the way of the truth about undeserving they are of a championship.

hmmmm yet it proves he can carry a show does it not? and after he carried the belt tna shot out of a cannon and became 2nd in wrestling, so you actually provided me with another point, im a huge fan of christian yes, but im also a huge fan of daniel bryan, but im not screaming for him to hold the wwe title, because i dont think he should, so obviously i say this because of what i see, and christian sells merchandise, wwe threw a title on swagger...man they made a killing there right? your correct they ALWAYS make a killing on their champ decisions...maybe...hmmm vince, who owns the company if you didnt know that, doesnt care to give christian the shot...sooo he doesnt because he can make that decision, ever hear of Test? he could have and should have been something, but personal reasons got in his way...same with miz and kennedy a few years back...no personal issues never arise in wwe and cause someone deserving to get screwed over, your totally right.
This IS upsetting news. WWE have been playing it wrong AGAIN. WWE need to to him as main event face, because he isn't a good midcarder. He deserves a shot at the big time!! I think he can pull it off. He's better than The Miz. By far!!
To all the naysayers of Christian I say... buullshhiit! WWE is losing their top stars at a far faster rate then they're even close to making new stars, and yet you think it's better for WWE to push guys like the Miz, John Morrison, Sheamus, Wade Barrett and others over someone like Christian? Christian is great in the ring, he pours charisma and fans eat it up (whether he's a face or a heel), and he's GOLD on the mic. Not to mention he's got the experience needed that this whole youth movement, who aren't even over as stars, don't have.

Even the WRITER want to push Christian and you don't think that's proof of something? The only reason Christian's not being pushed or given the chance is solely because of Vince McMahon. And yet you act like Vince's judgment is gold in this instance, despite the state the WWE's product is IN right now. Did you watch RAW this week? The show had a story revolving around the old Jerry Lawler, had an atrocious dance contest, had the Bella Twins in a feud with Daniel Bryan, and so on. Have you watched Smackdown lately? They have Michael Cole ruining commentary the entire show (as he does on RAW), they have segments with JTG of all people, and I guess people forgot about the whole terrible angle between Edge and Kane and the kidnapping of Paul Bearer. And everyone's suddenly right behind Vince's judgment and view on talent and the direction the company should go with their talent? Yeah.

Christian was part of one of (if not THE) most entertaining and OVER tag teams in the last decade. When that team broke up Christian wasn't pushed or given a real chance and yet he STILL got HIMSELF over, despite being given nothing. He was one of the most entertaining and over heels in the entire company at that time. What did WWE do? Instead of taking advantage of that, giving him a chance, they end up letting him leave the company! Now I'm not saying his loss was some huge thing to the company (but no one's really is), but it was definitely a missed opportunity. That's the story of Christian's singles career in WWE; a missed opportunity.

If you even look at his time in TNA; when he arrived in TNA the ratings were consistently in the 0.7 and 0.8s. When Christian was champion during his first reign the ratings increased and were consistently in the 0.9 - 1.1s. They even reached a 1.2 in May 2006 for the FIRST time in Impact history. Now, is that solely because of Christian? Perhaps not, but he was in the main event picture throughout that time and the CHAMPION.

And guess what? When Christian lost the title to Jeff Jarrett, in the following months the ratings dropped right back down to 0.8 and 0.7s. That's a pretty significant drop don't you think? Considering Impact's ratings are always, for years, the same, shifting up and down between 1.0 and 1.2. The ratings remained lower throughout Jarrett's reign (anyone surprised?), and even when STING was champion, the ratings only really began to rise back up to 1.1 when Christian set his sights back on the World championship and eventually won it for the second time in January 2007. From there Christian was champion, Kurt Angle debuted and the ratings remained consistently up in the 1.0s for the whole year. Now, Christian can’t be given sole credit for the ratings but he was certainly an influence on them, and it’s proof the audience wanted to see him where he was, in the main events and as champion (otherwise the ratings would’ve decreased when he was in the spotlight).

The fact is, though, if the reasoning is Christian’s size well if guys like the Miz, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, or Jack Swagger can be World champion in WWE then there’s absolutely no reason Christian can’t and shouldn’t. Christian’s better at every aspect of the game then the Miz (and yes, that includes on the mic). He’s certainly no smaller then a great deal of people getting or who have gotten chances. And that is a shame.

I guess if he had taken steroids like Edge maybe he’d be champion by now.
This is dissapointing news but not suprising sad to say,Vince and Co have never really been high on Christian since he left the company and re-signed again,shame really but as much as us Christian want him to get a big push,we know deep down hes not going to get one!!

And that Matt Hardy idea? thats bullshit!!
This IS upsetting news. WWE have been playing it wrong AGAIN. WWE need to to him as main event face, because he isn't a good midcarder. He deserves a shot at the big time!! I think he can pull it off. He's better than The Miz. By far!!

Ok,well let me get this straight, Christian, who while being in a tag team, with Edge, got carried more than a newborn baby. Christian has been average at best. I mean, was he talented, yes, but so was Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, and MVP. Christian has ALWAYS BEEN OVERRATED. Whether he was ECW champion, or not, he wouldn't hold the WHC or WWE title. He can't hold a show up by himself, The Miz can easily hold a show by himself. Hell, he can feud with Lawler, talk shit with Cole, cheat and cause Orton or Cena a match, make Alex Riley do something, and even cut promos. To say that The Miz is worse than Christian is not only childish and biased, it is idiotic and totally false.
So much stunning idiocy in this thread. SO MUCH. Everywhere.

1) To those saying Christian can never be a main eventer...how the fuck do you figure? He's never been given the chance first off, secondly he possesses all of the tools necessary to be a successful main eventer. He's a good worker, great on the mic, and he's consistently been one of the most over guys on the roster all the way back to before he left for TNA. Sorry, what more does he need? You push Christian right now as a main event babyface on Smackdown and he could easily carry that show just as well if not better than Edge, Jack Swagger, or Dolph Ziggler. Any argument to the contrary is flat out wrong, sorry.

2) Christian hasn't drawn a dime D-Man? Seriously? So is that why he was getting huge pops during his return to the WWE? Was that why his merchandise was selling so well? Because he can't draw? Please, this "so and so can't draw" bullshit is the most fallible and naive argument there is when trying to discredit a wrestler. NO ONE in the WWE outside of guys like Undertaker, Triple H, and Cena are big-time draws. There are almost none left in the entire BUSINESS. If not being able to draw is so bad, fuck, fire 90% of the WWE roster right this second. Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Edge, Kane, shit just send them all packing because none of them single-handedly can draw 20,000. Please, spare me the bullshit. And his ECW title reign being a failure? How so? By extending the life of a dying show well past what it would have done without him? By being one of the most over champs on the roster? By actually being booked on PPVs in title matches, unlike almost every previous ECW champion?

I've long since given up hope that Christian will get the big push he deserves. He wasn't made by Trips, Orton or Cena and Vince has never been a fan of the guy, so he's basically screwed to waste away in the midcard working good matches and getting great pops while people without even 1/4 of the talent of Christian like Wade Barrett get main event pushes. I'm over it at this point, and just hope that Christian will atleast get some air time on his return.

Oh and another quick thing about the "Christian can't draw" bullshit, he immediately bumped up TNA's attendance and ratings, and if he were to be booked into a feud with Edge it would draw more than any other feud or program the WWE has worked in the last 5 years, guaranteed. But no, instead we have Edge wheeling Paul Bearer around in a wheelchair.

Oh and KB you don't need to be able to single-handedly carry a show to be a useful main event player. Guys like CM Punk have proven this over and over again. And you SERIOUSLY think Christian couldn't carry Smackdown as the champion? Seriously? The same brand that saw Jack Swagger's pathetic joke of a title reign last year? Throw Christian in as champ and the ratings for Smackdown are just as good as they would be with Edge or the Undertaker in that top spot. You're seriously stubborn if you think otherwise.
Well I can't say I'm surprised. People have been saying this for years. It really is too bad because I do like Christian. I do think that if he were given a ball, he would do a more than adequate job of rolling it. His TNA run more or less proved that, I think. The truth is that if WWE was ever gonna push Christian as a serious long term main eventer, it would've happened a long time ago. Sad to say but Christian is more than likely gonna spend the rest of his career as a glorifed midcarder. This is kinda upsetting to me because I was really hoping for an Edge vs Christian feud. They had a great match together on RAW quite some time ago and I really wish they could've made a feud out of it.
Chris Jericho and Christian. Two very similar workers, two very different careers - Y2J came in as (at best) an ex WCW midcarder, he was given a massive push which culminated in him becoming the first ever undisputed champion. Throughout his career he has been given transitional champ runs on the 'A' show despite the fact that viewing figures during these reigns have been mediocre. He has illustrated on a number of occasions that (like a certain Mr Johnson) he regards himself as better than wrestling and yet STILL gets pushed to the moon.

Now look at Christian. Christian has been built by the WWe - he had no notable exposure prior to the E. He worked through the Light Heavyweight Division to the Tag Belts to the IC belt and eventually to the World Title scene against Cena then... he was quietly moved to the 'B' show:wtf: Was it really that surprising that he tried pastures new with TNA? Despite some good initial pushing, sort of as always, TNA dropped the ball and he was lost in the shuffle amidst a spattering of incoming ex WWe stars. He returns 'home' essentially to join in the main event feud on SD but because the dog on the street knew he was going to be Jeff Hardy's 'mystery' assailant but Vince couldn't have his big surprise ruined - Matt became Jeff's nemesis and Christian was demoted to the 'C' show where he did so much sterling work as the Champion he was trusted with the curtain jerker match at nearly every PPV where he never disappointed. How was he rewarded? He wasn't even allowed to be the last ever WWeCW champ and it ceased to be recognised as a World belt so he couldn't even refer to it in vignettes. In fact he was even made to confess to Edge that he'd never been World Champ, pissing on TNA and ECW title reigns and the work he put into such.

Now as Y2J has been afforded reign after reign after reign on the 'A' brand despite regular apathy to the business, can someone REALLY tell me that Christian, who has lived and breathed the business from the start, does not deserve at least one go at holding the big gold belt on the 'B' show?

(Before anyone starts - I love Y2J and should he return, I hope he is pushed as hard as ever - so don't be thinking that I'm hating on the guy, I personally do think he is the best there is at what he does.)

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