

Layeth The Smackdown!
Do not know where this should go, but if it must be moved sorry. Now after seeing these two make out on TV a day ago, I think the WWE is on to something here. From what I see, Layla is falling for Kaval (yes I said it), so I can see these two as a couple when the NXT finishes. Assuming, Kaval goes to SD, I see Layla drifting away from Michelle to lean more towards Kaval and turning a face. Ultimately, she would feud with Michelle for the title. As for Kaval, having Layla as a manager for your start of your WWE career could not hurt. Layla could be the top diva on SD, while Kaval would easily be on the hunt for the Intercontinental Title. I feel these two would have great chemistry together and Layla could even help Kaval loosen up and improve on his mic skills IMO. So, what do you guys think?
hmmm i think that it could happen but i dont see kaval winning as much as i would like that though...i think he will get 2nd and get picked up by smackdown. which is where he belongs and i do see them together and mayb splitting laycool up
Thats an interesting theory but it could also be that LayCool love to mess with Kaval so much that they knew he would become flustered by the events that took place and that's what seemed to happen IMO. It would nice to see Kaval go to smackdown after NXT so that he can be around Mysterio and then everyone can have wet dreams about the revival of the cruiserweight division but I don't think that Layla will have much more to do with him after she is no longer 1/2 of his pros. While it is likely that they could have LayCool break up and fight over the ownership of the Women's Championship and Kaval but at this time it looks like they want the 2 together indefinitely.
I noticed this as well. At some point, LayCool will split. Nothing is forever in wrestling. I can definately see an underlying storyline were Layla slowly starts to fall for Kaval. If it works, they go with it. If it dont, then he rejects her, th fans pop, or it tunrs out she was just playing him the whole time, and the fans boo. Either way, I definately thought of this too, and can see it possibly developing over the next few weeks or months.
Kaval is one lucky bastard. I would do horrible things to get with Layla. Anyway I think the OP is right thats a scenario I see most happening. It would play out really well, because LayCool have to break off at some point in time. I really dont care where Kaval ends up on NXT I just want him to jump to smackdown already (for the love of god do not send him to raw) so he can put on some great matches. I'd love to see Kaval/Punk, Kaval/Christian, etc
The problem with that concept: Someone besides Michelle being the top Diva on SD. Not gonna happen.

I think Layla and Kaval have really good chemistry, but I think that is more Layla because she is very charismatic and hot. Very very hot. Heck, every since she became Michelle's shadow, she got some people thinking Michelle has improved on the mic and presence. So, she must have some magical powers or something. Who knows, Kaval's voice might start matching his body. lol
Kaval is one lucky bastard. I would do horrible things to get with Layla.

As would I mate. Anyway, I too think this would be a pretty cool concept. I'm a huge Low Ki fan, and Layla is my #1 fantasy so naturally I would mark the fuck out if this were to happen. Kaval isn't very good on the mic, and Layla has such a bubbly personality, and natural charisma that it would make Kavals personality look so much better. But like NorCal said, if this were not to work, and the fans didn't give a shit, then they could easily flip the script and say she was playing him the whole time, and still get Kaval over. Good idea.
Love it! I think they work well together and would be a perfect power couple. Kaval definately needs help on the mic and that's where Layla can help. I would kind of think of them as the Maryse/Dibiase couple but only on Smackdown! and as faces. Layla can't stay heel if she's dating a major face such as Kaval. It would be interesting. Eventually maybe Michelle and Layla could fight over Kaval, and the title. Definately something I would watch.
Much like what Vickie is doing for Dolph Ziggler, I can see Layla managing Kaval somewhere down the road. She will give him a much needed mouthpiece and will be a HELL of a distraction standing ringside which will probably result in some wins for Kaval in this manor. I can see Kaval as a strong IC/US title contender and maybe a semi-main eventer like Rey Mysterio is now but he'll need Layla to help him get over from a charisma and mic skills point of view. As it stands now, this is the one area that Kaval needs serious work in. Also, if this does happen I will hate Kaval forever.
I agree with evryone here. Kaval lacks to much on his personality and I bet Layla can help him on that. I like the promos between Kaval and LayCool. Kaval is one serious dude while LayCool are Outgoing, always happy, "FLLLAAAWWLLLEEESSS". If Layla were to become the manager of Kaval, it would give Kaval a gigantic boost along with some funny promos dor me to see.

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