Layla - What's so great about her?


The Human Gameshark
I'm curious to know why the WWE has given the Diva's title to Layla as of late and kept it on her instead of sending it back to Beth Phoenix. No offense to Layla as she is certainly better than the average garbage that WWE presents in its women's division, but she's no Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Kharma, etc. The main reason I have a problem with her as champion is simply because she isn't over with the crowd. Anytime her music is played and she comes down the ramp, she seemingly gets a crowd response similar to that of Tensai. I know this is all fantasy and in the WWE logic takes a backseat nowadays, but aren't champions supposed to be over (one way or the other) before they win a strap?
Upon Layla's return after a long spell out following Laycool's demise WWE saw Layla as a top or potential top Diva. Nothing was happening with the Womens division at the time and Creative are still banging their heads against the wall to get a decent storyline for Kharma's return.

Layla will work regularly in and outside the ring for WWE, and as the FACE that she currently portrays can do things such as escort Wendy Richter and Cindi Lauper to the ring during certain segments.
I believe the main reson for Layla having the title now is that the division is going nowhere right now and with no real feud going on, or time in WWE's opinion to get a feud happening, there is no logical reason for a HEEL in Beth Phoenix to be holding the title. So the only logical option without Kelly Kelly around to take the mantle is to get another already established Face diva to hold the reins for a little while whilst creative mull things over.

I for one like Layla's in ring work, and her finnisher looks rather effective. And since the majority of us know that the Diva's division in Vince's eyes are nothing more than Eyecandy, Layla is absolutely gorgeous also. #DatAss
Everyone you named in your post other than Kharma, who's out, is heel. They needed to take it off the long time heel champion and give it to someone new, and Layla is, in my eyes, the best face diva on the roster. She's good in the ring, and good on the mic for diva's standards. I'd like to see her lose it to Kharma or AJ, but as long as I can stare at her on my TV I'm happy, because as Skinsley said, she's got #DatAss
There isn’t anything really that the other divas don’t have. She looks great and cant really wrestle like the rest of them except for a select 1 or 2. I don’t really mind, I don’t really watch divas for the wrestling that’s what the knockouts are for.
I think Layla has improved alot since he her Return at Extreme Rules. I really enjoyed her Matches with Beth at Over The Limit & No Way Out honestly. Plus she is ultra hot & sexy.
Not long ago I actually sat down and watched an entire divas match between AJ and was actually pretty damned good. How often can you say that about a divas match? I like seeing both Layla and AJ on my tv.

Layla is great in the ring, not to mention she is beyond hot like an 11.
The fact that she's hotter than hell is enough for me, but there is more to her than just that. She's been around for some time and even though she's not quite as over as Beth as an in ring performer she still kicks butt in there. No Diva is gonna get an amazing reception but she's one of the best if not right up there and deserves that spot from her hard work and time. I think he really showed her true talent when Lay-Cool split up, she proved that she's a more than competent performer and someone who can carry the Divas, sure Kharma and Pheonix are the most appealing beasts in there but Kharma isn't around and just having Beth run through everyone gets stale after a while, I love that they ran with Layla in her return and have continued to do so.
You could ask the same question about many of the Divas. It's all a matter of personal preference. As the WWE women's division is a joke and the title holds no prestige (it seems like every Diva on the roster gets a turn at holding it), it really doesn't matter to me.

I will say that Layla has improved in the ring significantly and that she looks like someone who belongs now instead of just another model put in the ring to flail about miserably. I think she is very pretty, but her posterior has always been a bit too large for my taste.

She doesn't really have anything every other diva doesn't have.
Layla has the full package, she's a proven top heel, she's a proven top face, WWE have very few faces that can work a match like Layla plus she's smoking hot which only gains her more attention.

Once Kharma returns I wouldn't be shocked if she pretty much takes the belt from Layla and plays a tweaker where she's dominating the heels and faces leading up to either Trish returning or Beth facing Kharma at maybe WrestleMania is a huge Divas match which WrestleMania's lacked for years upon years.
I think there's a lot about Layla that makes her stand out from your standard WWE Diva.

Pretty much all the Divas look hot and are the type of woman that most men would love to have a sexual relationship with. Layla is no exception but Layla is someone that's got a lot of heart and honestly does put her best effort out there. No matter what she's been asked to do, Layla has always tried her best to get it over even if it outright sucked. I have to give her credit and respect for that. She doesn't take to Twitter or Facebook to piss and moan about how she's not being "used right", she just does her best like a real pro is supposed to. I think she also showed a lot of heart coming back from her knee injury. She tore both her ACL & MCL that kept her out for almost a year. The fact that she's still pretty good inside the ring is an indicator that she worked hard to get back into ring shape. I can't help but wonder how many Divas would just call it quits and hang it up after sustaining such an injury. Layla strikes me as a woman that genuinely loves wrestling and being a part of it. She's not just there to look pretty in revealing outfits and making a relatively easy paycheck. Layla is also more than just a pretty face. She's got genuine personality and can do well as a face or a heel.

As for why she's Divas Champion, like a few others have mentioned, there's just nothing going on with the Divas right now. Layla's been out for a while and it's been a while since WWE had a strong female as Divas Champion. There are several women that have the necessary talent in WWE, such as Beth Phoenix or Natalya, but they've never really clicked with the audience. I think they could if fans are given a reason to care about them. Also, right now, there are simply much bigger & more relevant things going on than the Divas: the MITB ppv is coming up as is SummerSlam, the 1,000th episode of Raw happens in two weeks, Raw is going to 3 hours, etc. Plus, Kharma has been out for over a year, Kelly Kelly is taking time off and might not even come back, AJ is off doing her own thing right now as part of the Punk vs. Bryan feud. Right now, Layla is pretty much the best choice I think.
I'm curious to know why the WWE has given the Diva's title to Layla as of late and kept it on her instead of sending it back to Beth Phoenix. No offense to Layla as she is certainly better than the average garbage that WWE presents in its women's division, but she's no Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Kharma, etc. The main reason I have a problem with her as champion is simply because she isn't over with the crowd. Anytime her music is played and she comes down the ramp, she seemingly gets a crowd response similar to that of Tensai. I know this is all fantasy and in the WWE logic takes a backseat nowadays, but aren't champions supposed to be over (one way or the other) before they win a strap?

Most wrestlers get zero response from the crowd and being that it's a female wrestler, it's no surprise. As for Layla, she's not the best wrestler, but she's certainly entertaining, spunky and at times over acts which is always great. Hey, at least she looks like she's enjoying her job, which is all you can ask for and more than you can say for most of the wrestlers in the company. Others look tired and frustrated all the time.
Not one person said it, so I'm going... And I wouldn't be the bigbootydaddyV if I didn't... Her ASS is the best!!! LOL ok, well that's why I like her, but I think she had a great run with Lay-Cool and built up quite the following. I don't think this new Leyla will keep the belt long or go far because she's just not as interesting anymore. She pretty much is like the John Cena and Randy Orton and CM Punk of the women, did such a great job as a heel that they had to turn her face only to have be less interesting, at least that is my opinion. But yea, having a great ass and she's kinda cute too helps haha.
I honestly don't see anything special from her though I suspect there are. She is pretty cookie cutter, and isn't really anything special in the ring. She can't logically go over cleanly against a Natalya, Beth, or Kharma (in my opinion). She got the title really in a shock return similar to a male wrestler returning at number 30 to win the Royal Rumble (Ala John Cena, Edge).

A couple of things she does, "alright" is that she make a suitable opponent for the "mid card" female like Alicia Fox, Tamina, and Kaitlyn. She performs her move set well, and compared to what some divas do she sells her moves decently (I honestly haven't seen her long enough to really know, but from what I remember is that she doesn't botch her moves often (for a diva)).

She is also is a women of poor circumstances. At this point creative seem to just be waiting for a chance to bring back Kharma. I won't be surprised at all if when Kharma does return her first match is against Layla and she gets squashed. She also is better suited for being a heel. She was apart of one of the biggest Diva groups in a while with LayCool even if she wasn't the leader of it. She is also foreign and people love to boo people who don't talk or act like us (its cheap heat).

This does bring me to the one thing that I believe she is truly has going for her, and thus makes her special. She is from England (London according to Wikipedia). Maybe she truly gets over in England and the UK because she is from there, and it just doesn't transition well to North America. I would not know this for sure and you would have to ask someone who is from England, but I would believe this is the case. In my mind she is similar to a Great Khali/Jinder Mahal/Yoshi Tatsu/Sin Cara (Mistico) as she gets over in her country and gives a marketing tool to the WWE who wants to get into countries.

So I guess in a way he is somewhat special. She is from England afterall.
With Raw going to a three-hour format, many characters should now be getting a chance to show their stuff. Presumably, this also includes the girls, but Creative knows they've got to find more capable wrestlers and give them more to do.

Most of the women on the roster are athletic models who have been taught to wrestle. Most are pretty to look at but couldn't wrestle their way out of a paper bag. Unfortunately, the gals who were capable ring performers have left or been let go along the way: Trish Stratus. Lita, Molly Holly, Ivory, Victoria, Gail Kim, etc. .....

If WWE wants to expand the women's division program now that they're going to three hours, a good spot to start is with Layla. As she recently showed against A.J., she can wrestle, rather than just hit a few choreographed spots. She has a bubbly personality (which can be used in heel or face persona) and the fact is she's the only capable wrestler who is currently face (presuming Kharma returns as a heel).

That's what's great about Layla; if the good guys need someone who can perform in the ring to lead them against the Beths' and Natalyas', Layla might just be the one to do it.
It's simple Layla is the only credible face diva on the roster and unlike the rest of the faces actually can wrestle in the ring, make good matches with the heels and hasn't been ruined to be a joke (Natalya). It allows for the divas title to remain on tv whilst the division around her rebuilds.
When the time comes, a heel diva will take the title off her and the only one credible and interesting enough at the moment is AJ... so a face champion is needed.

At the moment is there anyone on the roster who should have it instead of Layla? Beth is better chasing the belt, Natalya is ruined, AJ is doing other things, Eve is more backstage than active and everyone else is to be honest not worth mentioning at their current point in their career (not including Kharma, but we all know why she can't have the title at the moment)

Most of the women on the roster are athletic models who have been taught to wrestle. Most are pretty to look at but couldn't wrestle their way out of a paper bag. Unfortunately, the gals who were capable ring performers have left or been let go along the way: Trish Stratus. Lita, Molly Holly, Ivory, Victoria, Gail Kim, etc. .....

Isn't that what Trish Status was, a athletic model who was later taught to wrestle? Its a not a bad thing to have, its only bad if it doesn't work and unfortunately most of them don't at all.
There is a big movement to get UK people over right now... Layla is the first English champion if you want to look at it that way... Barrett is clearly next and I can see the two of them becoming a duo... For the next few months get used to the British peeps being the champs cos the Olympics is on and it's 20 years since Summerslam 92... they will push it anyway they can cos its free advertising!
There is a big movement to get UK people over right now... Layla is the first English champion if you want to look at it that way... Barrett is clearly next and I can see the two of them becoming a duo... For the next few months get used to the British peeps being the champs cos the Olympics is on and it's 20 years since Summerslam 92... they will push it anyway they can cos its free advertising!

If this were true, then why is Layla still billed from Miami FL? If the plan was to get her over as "UK people" Why does WWE not state it during her entrance?
I'm not sure if the Olympics has anything to do with Layla being the champ or with Brits currently getting a chance (Are they?) but it is also totally plausible I suppose.
But who from the UK is currently being pushed or tipped for a push? Barrett earned his potential push. Layla being champ has been explained by several users(whether these opinions are wrong or not is up for debate). William Regal is just commentating, Drew Mac is still Jobbing and Sheamus is from Republic of Ireland and is not from the UK anyway. And the Magnus thing is just a rumour....

The only other person I can think of in the WWE that is from the UK is the female wrestler Paige on NXT, who lost her first match and never got an entrance, so no push there yet either. (And by the way she is absolutely stunning!!)

Now I am not saying you are wrong, the Olympics thing seems like a totally plausible reason to push British talent, but I can’t see anything currently happening in the WWE that backs it up.:shrug:
Simply a case of her being the only face, I mean she isn't remotely over but with Kelly gone perhaps for good someone has to hold it while WWE work out what to do next.

In AJ, Eve, Beth, Kharma and Nattie they have some good talent and some that are actually over in their roles, plus the signing of Sara Del Ray seems to indicate a degree of interest in the division from someone in management.
Layla, she is hot with an accent. You got can't beat that. Her ring work is good. And she is a good worker. Now that being said... I wouldn't have her with the belt at this time. No no no... Doesn't help the Divas. Granted no one really pays attention to the divas.

Now, I'm going off topic with this theory, but here is goes. Why doesn't AJ have that title?

Think about it. She has a lot of good camera time on her. We don't know if she will be heel or face. On top of that, after this Sunday, she will still be around the world champ. Would really give the Divas the much needed time. Plus she is getting more over every week.

Sorry for this theory I had to throw out, but kind of had to do it. It was bugging me.

However... Layla is a good ring worker. Decent on the Mic. If she was a male wrestler, she would be a big asset to the company.
she is the perfect example of what wwe is looking for in divas now - which isn't saying much. no offense to the lady wrestlers but wwe doesn't really expect much, and really doesn't give them any opportunities, so they really don't do much and don't improve. when no one cares about your ring work, what do you have to strive for? she can work better than most of the divas but still, she is no trish/lita/victoria/mickie james.
I've been asking myself the same question for a while but I think it has to do with like others have said, she is currently the best Face in the divas division as it stands right now. Some of you can say it's AJ but I think AJ is more of a heel and is about to go deep into heel-dom sooner than later. I think they plan on bringing in Kharma as a heel and ultimately turning Beth Phoenix face to battle Kharma. I don't think the original plan called for Layla to hold the title this long but since they've seemingly pushed back Kharma's return, Layla has kept the title and will until Kharma returns.
She wrestles pretty good and since her return i think shes been better in the ring and plus shes extremely beatifically and shes really good as a Face
This thread implies that someone out there thinks Layla is great. Which no one does. This article should be entitled "AJ - What's so great about her?" Because shes the girl people seem to think is so great. Even though shes a terrible actress, a terrible wrestler, and looks like an 11 year old guatemalan boy.

Layla wouldn't have been given the Diva's title if the people backstage didn't think she was so great, so there has to be something that they see in her. As I read the other responses though, it seems as if WWE is hellbent on making all the current champions faces... so there we go.
Yea I don't know why layala has the belt and not AJ. Aj is the hottest thing out of the diva division right now. I know some would argue that AJ doesn't need the title which I whole heartily agree with, what I am saying is that the Divas title needs HER.

She could give it spotlight that no Diva besides Karma could.
I think Layla is the Champ for 2 reasons

1. so it doesn't look weird when AJ beats her for the belt. When all this stuff with Punk/Bryan simmers down, the very over AJ may move towards the title. If Beth has it, it would look unbeleivable that AJ beats her, while Layla looks as if AJ could take her in one of her psycho rages.

2. WWE may need a loveable face champion for Kharma to squash and take the belt from...

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