Laycool talking during the match


The King of Swing
so was i the only person really annoyed and pissed off about this. 1st the match was terrible. i mean terrbile. and them talking the whole time made it 100 times worse. now i know laycool has been on a "role" as a heel team but i personally think its because people just find them annoying, kinda like vickie. its really cheap heat. anyway who else despized them being mic'ed up??
so was i the only person really annoyed and pissed off about this. 1st the match was terrible. i mean terrbile.

It's a divas match featuring the Bellas. What were you expecting? KENTA vs Danielson?

and them talking the whole time made it 100 times worse.

So the trick employed to get heat worked. Great to know.

now i know laycool has been on a "role" as a heel team but i personally think its because people just find them annoying, kinda like vickie.

THanks Captain Obvious. I don't know how I'd have got to this logical conculsion without your help.

its really cheap heat. anyway who else despized them being mic'ed up??

Cheap heat is a staple of heel mic work. and I didn't despise it, I found it rather funny.
It was horrible and it just gave me another reason to fast forward through a divas match. McCool has to have one of the most annoying voices in wrestling and not like the annoying awesomeness of Vickie's voice.

They lost so hopefully this was just a one-time thing. There's only one person that can get away with talking during their matches and makes it that much better and LayCool aint no Rock LOL
now i know laycool has been on a "role" as a heel team
The word is 'roll'.

And it's annoying because it's supposed to be. The fans are supposed to dislike them. The fact that it worked on you means... congratulations, you are a classic mark.

One upshot of this is that their matches are going to be a LOT shorter as they won't be able to call anything in the ring.
Some people can be rather obnoxious..

But lol the minute there music kicked in and I found out they had mics on them..I just flipped the channel. Im glad I did because I really cant stand them I find there very irritable and just..stupid as edge would say. But Had I been watching the match I would share your opinion, glad I did and Hope it dosent continue.
so was i the only person really annoyed and pissed off about this.

Probably not, but I think it's brilliant. I'm gonna make some assuptions here.

1. I'm going to assume you've been/are in high school.

2. I'm going to assume you were a bit of an outcast. (You're a member of a wrestling forum.)

The really hot chicks (not the girls that you thought were attractive cause you had a chance, or the girls whos personalities made up for their looks, or the girl you told she was hot, in an attempt to get a last minute prom nite beej, amirite?) were annoying as hell, why because they were hot and people would put up with it. That's what Laycool is to smackdown. Hot chicks, with sexy bodies. But seriously you should do what most people do during divas matches. Put it on mute, take off the pants, and hope a titty or two pops out.
Obviously, the intention was to annoy. It might have worked, if it was a little more thought out. For the most part, it was just a lot of noise. It just seemed like it was improvised, not very well btw. i believe that they did the same thing w/ simon dean, and it made sense w/ his character. last night was just stupid. I'm a fan of the Laycool character. So maybe, i just had higher expectations. i Don't see it necessary, so maybe its a one time thing.
So, what, about 45 minutes of an 85 minute broadcast? (Cutting out commercials)
Seems like pretty good going to me!

Saying the ONLY things that you liked about the show, then listing about half of it seems like you're angry/upset with no real purpose or reason. Learn to better direct your hate.

Well maybe not you but im used to Raw actully being a good show -.-

I mean this segment, the thing with Micheal Cole being fucking stupid like always with his labtop and then the openning thing with Nexus dragged on for like forever.:banghead:
I thought it was a brilliant idea, being able to talk smack and call your own match. Sure they were annoying, but they are supposed to be Valley Girls, so it was totally in character. I wish they would mike up Jericho or Cena or Barrett during a match.
The talking was bad...REAL BAD! It even overshadowed the bad wrestling. I wanna see the Bella twins on the mat but they need to have divas who can help them out a little to sell the match. And as one poster said the intent was to annoy.....and it worked but when a division such as the divas is hurting so much, why make it worse? We all knew the WWE threw in the towel with the ladies when they got rid of the championship belt for the divas title and just continue to make a mockery of it all.
Yeah. Not buying the argument that they are the "good" annoying. Mainly because they do NOT get a response. They don't get booed, they don't get cheered, they can't even get the fucking "hot chick" response. I turned the channel as soon as I notice that they were audible during their entrance. Damn shame too because I love the Bellas.
God Laycool pisses me off for so many reason, first they are more annoying on the mike then the other diva who sings and can't wrestle for shit. Personally i think that Laycool is just a cheap knockoff of the Beautiful People giving the fact that they are less good looking the the BP. Also for the first time in like 10 years i actually muted the t.v. so i didn't have to listen to there annoying voices. Thats why i cross the line every thursday to actually see some pro wrestling and every monday i just turn it on to watch Bryan Danielson and NEXUS.
I'm always so used to pushing the fast forward button when the divas come out that I actually had to go back and watch the segment (and yes I call it a segment because that was no match) to see what the fuss was about. Damn, that's what you call a hot mess, and I'm not talking hot as in Laycool (Layla is a dog, more closely resembles a dog that Michael Vick electrocuted and beat the shit out of). The talking was god awful and had no logic to it all, I hope to Gawd that was a one time deal. If one of them painstakingly wants to talk, leave one to commentate at the announce desk during the match. I can't stand the whole Valley Girls gimmick to begin with and making them talk during only makes me want to go take a shit because my stomach starts cramping up. Ugh... I just threw up in my mouth a little.
One upshot of this is that their matches are going to be a LOT shorter as they won't be able to call anything in the ring.

This guy beat me to it. While I was watching, I was wondering how exactly are they going to call their spots? Well they can't and they didn't have to because the match was over in a matter of seconds. This definitely looks like a gimmick they'll continue into future matches. Future matches that will also be quite short since they can't call... argh fuck you JBSMan for taking all the steam out of my post hahaha.
it was a bitch slap to pro wrestling. Why do i wanna hear them bitch around and hear them grunt and hear layla keep saying COME ON MICHELLE. a waste of time. I can only say that, that was a cheap way of getting heat.
This guy beat me to it. While I was watching, I was wondering how exactly are they going to call their spots? Well they can't and they didn't have to because the match was over in a matter of seconds. This definitely looks like a gimmick they'll continue into future matches. Future matches that will also be quite short since they can't call... argh fuck you JBSMan for taking all the steam out of my post hahaha.

Well, since when did the women's division have "spots" in their matches anyways? But yeah, I think there will be more to come with this. At least my TV's mute button works and Layla El still has a nice rack.

I don't understand the point in trying to draw heat by annoying the audience. We normally don't care about women's wrestling (except to see some tits and ass), so why do they insist on annoying us? It doesn't get anyone interested in seeing them get beat or anything in the future, it really just makes us question why we don't change the channel.

What this all comes down to is the fact that WWE creative doesn't want to put any thought in that filler segment (the women's division). And for good reason too. Those broads couldn't carry a good storyline, nor could they even work a decent match.
It was a good way to draw heat. It also helped develop their character's more. They are supposed to be annoying, right? I just fail to see why they had to lose the match. It's the only problem I saw in it. What are The Bellas gonna get out of that? And to have your champion(s) pinned isn't good for business either if it leads to nothing.
Laycool are nothing more than imitation Valley Girls, Layla being an obnoxious British Valley Girl, sounding like she's from Essex or something (she'd be a good chavette).

I long for a REAL women's division, with REAL women's wrestlers competing. Nattie Neidhart and Beth Phoenix are the clear exceptions to the rule...both these ladies would have given Chyna a run for her money back in the day, but that's IT. What's with all these no-talent / nothing but T&A divas?
Hey there sorry, I guess I sounded a little sexist there, I mean that's what hot chicks do, they just draw attention to themselves(aka letting everyone hear what they say). I mean that's why the season of NXT was attempted, It's a step closer to (shudder I feel horrible for even thinking of this) a Vickie Guerrero reality TV show. That's the most annoying idea ever.

but from a business standpoint it all makes sense WWE's hitting some all time lows and what not, timing's kind of off but I think they're trying to draw in more Lady viewership. It makes sense, Linda's working against the WWE's past affiliation with Girls Gone Wild. I mean if chicks like stuff like Jersey Shore, The Kardashians, Lindsay Lohan, and Kathryn Heigl, I'm pretty sure things like Cody Rhodes' Grooming Tips, Layla El, Michelle McCool (I mean she did go from being a teacher to a crack****e right? that's what I thought it was before this beautif- wait Flawless?) and Eve being a wrestler. and I think it might make some money. Chicks can be stupid, they like to spend money. It makes sense. And if that Vickie reality show spawns a talk show, I'mma be pissed.
I thoght it was kind of funny. Even though they can be annoying I like Laycool. The match was terrible. Both of the divas matches were terrible on RAW. They lasted not even a minute. I didn't think it was that bad.
This match was very terrible to say the least. There were no big spots, no major moments, and no direction in the match. The only thing that came out of this was that the Bellas cheated to win. The talking during the match was just so annoying even more annoying than having Hornswoggle take up 10 minutes of Smackdown. I think this match was a disaster from the start and it just seems like WWE wants to copy TNA with the Knockouts Tag Divsion even though that division sucks too.
This guy is an idiot for saying this...It didn't draw real heat...It was just plain stupid, but don't worry since WWE is slacking off (who's writing this crap that they are doing)

You're calling me an idiot? Were you in the building or something? It wasn't real heat? What was it then? A microwave? Given the gimmick they have, which is being annoying in case you can't tell, they try to... I don't know... ANNOY the crowd! You were annoyed by the segment, right? Then mission successful. It's the idea behind their gimmick. They are supposed to be two annoying stuck up women. And putting mics on them during the match made them more annoying. It was a very unique little move. When was the last time you saw people talking while wrestling? I'm waiting... It works for them. It's how their character's go. It helps kill the whole "Beautiful People Knock-offs" image they desperately need to get rid of. Creative though of something unique to do it. Unlike your "brilliant" analysis.

TNA will surely pick up the pieces.
What the hell does TNA have to do with this? What are you even saying for that matter?
First off the420something, you are my hero lol. I thought it was pretty funny but could've been better if it was a bit more well thought out. The fact that your raging is what tells the WWE to keep it up if they want to get Lay-cool heat.
I'm truly hoping this all goes away with the return of Beth Phoenix (which I also hope is real REAL soon!).

I honestly think they may be keeping the Lay-Cool angle so that Beth can come back and shut them down.

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