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Rabbid Wolverine

Pre-Show Stalwart
tna needs to keep the gold around these 2 for awhile
tna has sum good teams, team 3d, vkm(kinda stale but the outlaws cant be forgotten), they should have never broke up AMW(i liked them)

i think this could be one of tna's strong points... a strong tag team division

but as for LAX... there probly the best tag team in any promotion .... with the exception of the hardy's (when they get put together) but thats still pretty good
They are effective, and are over with the crowd. However, I think their role is heel, but no matter what they do the fans cheer them!

Team 3-D are also over, but again although they are face, they seem to get a lot of heat sometimes.

I think lax should hold onto the belts. In the meantime, turn 3-D heel, lax face and stick vkm in there.
I do love L.A.X, although i did find the whole Latino nation thing at Against all odds a bit racist.....they had a bunch of latino wrestlers come out to help LAX and the announcers kept saying konnan has got people from the latino nation to come help, members of the latino nation...i was like so wait...just because konnan is latino that means he knows loads of latino people to come help, in that case brother devon should have the black community come and help him out... i was a little shocked....maybe its just me.
I don't think it was meant in that way, however, I see a few 'latino' people filing complaints. I don't think they'll have much offence though.
nah i dont think it was meant that way, just bad wording i think.

I think it may garner a couple of complaints but not many.
HAHAHA, ye rite, i didnt even know that, but they could expand LAX if they really wanted too (maybe rey mysterio, juss lose the mask and cover his face with a couple bandanas, and have him as the short little leader with konnan)

i also think that they should keep them as heels
You don't have a right that says you cannot to be offended in this country...

Deal with it , I hate people who say they are offended who gives a shit if you are...

I liked the angle with the Lation nation and I don't see anyone filing complaints because they represent Italins in the wrong way..
You don't have a right that says you cannot to be offended in this country...

Deal with it , I hate people who say they are offended who gives a shit if you are...

I liked the angle with the Lation nation and I don't see anyone filing complaints because they represent Italins in the wrong way..

I didnt say i was offended i just thought it mite come across as racist in some circles...

I liked the angle also....just came across in an odd way...
LAX's whole gimmick is about how they're fighting for the Latino nation and are this growing movement, so who else are they gonna have help them? The run-ins at AAO weren't any more racist than the group itself is.
Who knows who else will help LAX but you have to admit its one of the best wrestling stables going right now in the industry...I mean they are entertaining but heres a question if Konnan was healthy do you think that TNA would put the NWA title on him i mean as like a willl TNA ever push LAX as more than what it is??? Also i can see like Homcidie being the X divsion champ what you think?
I love LAX man they should have the belts on these guys for a little longer. i mean have you seened Homicide in ROH? He's amazing and I think when LAX splits Homicide should have a shot at the X-Division Title. Team 3d also deserve a shot at the tag team belts.
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