Lawler's Role


Whoo.. is this rooodyPOO?
I felt it relevant to express my opinion on the matter of Cole and Lawler as commentary partners. I would suggest for a long time now, Jerry Lawler has been the weak link at the announce table, even before Cole "turned heel". I feel that, especially lately, Jerry has had very few relevant or effective words to contribute the commentary with emphasis on the time since we started getting three announcers at the table. It feels like he's bitter or otherwise spiteful. He doesn't answer questions posed by colleagues and he's only good for insulting wrestlers or other announcers. I think the announce table would be better off without him, even if it was he and Ross again, because he starting to become boring once he stopped rooting for the heels years ago. If they really are considered to be the best announce team, consider Ross and Tazz, Ross and McMahon, Ross and Paul Heyman... and even JBL was better than Lawler in my humble, yet flawed opinion. My answer would be to suggest that maybe this WrestleMania match is Lawler's way of retiring and we won't be subject to his weak announcing.

I really don't feel 100% that he's doing the greatest job in this angle with Michael Cole, aside him being impressive for 60+ in the ring. His only achievements other than wrestling ones are corny insults, dirty looks and the sympathy of the WWE Universe and their President John Cena (helping him get to Elimination Chamber, furthering the Cole/Lawler rivalry). What I mean is, he isn't good at being a good guy in my opinion.

Is there anyone else that feels that Lawler, as a commentator, is overrated, and perhaps he would be on the verge of irrelevancy if he wasn't playing "good guy" to Cole's bad guy?
I think Lawler's problems revolve around the company's decision to make Michael Cole a star. Personally, I believe Cole is doing a good job with it, but where does this leave Lawler? He used to serve as the color man in the announcing team, ranting about "puppies" while favoring bad guys over good guys. Later, he turned "good" himself and provided color analysis of the matches while still injecting his "tough guy" personality into his announcing.

But what's he supposed to do now? There can't really be two color analysts kicking up a fuss at ringside; it would clash with the match taking place in the ring. And when a ruckus breaks out at the announcing table while wrestlers are fighting it out in the ring, which scene do the cameras follow?......That's right, they pan to what's happening away from the ring. A good example of that came when a recent divas' match was in progress while Cole was ranting and raving at ringside. The camera showed Brie Bella giving dirty looks to Cole while the wrestlers in the ring fought unnoticed until Cole was through.

Jerry Lawler might be retiring; we don't know yet. But I wouldn't be surprised if he were less than thrilled with the manner his on-air role is being compromised while Cole gets the spicy stuff. It's even possible the company is giving Lawler his Wrestlemania Moment in exchange for retiring after the event. If not that, maybe they're trying to mollify him as reward for his "sacrifice."

In other words, I don't think the problem is that Lawler isn't doing a good job announcing; I think it's that he no longer really has an announcing job to do.
First off, you're a fool if you think Lawler is worse than Tazz, Cole or any of the other talentless dbag announcers. Cole is one of the worse announcers in history. The only reason his heel turn is working right now is because fans so legitimately hated him (when he was a face) that Vince made the genius move to FINALLY capitalize on that go away heat.

Lawler is the best announcer they have right now, but he has to be more tame cuz of Cole's big heel turn. He's certainly better than that tool they have on Superstars or that fucking hack Matt Stryker.
So maybe I'm the only one who thinks he's not saying anything interesting or effective? Do you enjoy his announcing over the past year? He's the only wrestler/announcer who doesn't call moves or explain anything technical in the ring like Tazz or JBL did. Thus, now that he's no longer the "heel" commentator, his role at the table has been lacking, IN MY OPINION. I can't objectively tell you Lawler is 'worse than' Cole or Tazz, but do I believe he's the weak link at the Raw table now? YES.
The younger announcers are still learning, and they're adding a lot more insight than Lawler is as far as I can tell. You're welcome to prove me wrong... or just be one of those guys that attacks other posters as opposed to their posts. Call me sensitive, but don't call me a fool.
i dunno man, cole is the one that people hate on (myself included) all he does is praise heels. i will admit that lawler does seem to be in a slump, though he has been going through some hard times as of late, plus he has to work with cole (which must be tiring and frustrating). must admit, lawler has been calling matches kinda poorly so somethings up.
I think what we're running into here is what we run into with faces and heels in the ring. Faces always tend to be the ones that get beat-down until the most important point when they score their telling blow and manage to win the confrontation. However, in order for a face to seem heroic, the heel must seem nigh unbeatable or at least very credible. Verbally, that seems to be what the WWE is doing, that is establishing Cole as a verbal colossus that leaves everyone else in the dust.

And Lawler must go along with it if he is to become the hero figure later.

Lawler is excellent at running his mouth and being funny on the mic, which is what an announcer needs, but one of his major contributions comes in his reactions. Very few can react to a major moment quite like Lawler which is why he and Cole, working at extremes of the spectrum, play off each other so well. Personally, I see nothing wrong with the team, Cole or Lawler, but because Cole is the heel, he must seem the more dominant at this time (that is dominating most of the conversation by whining all the time.)
Yes, Lawler is overrated as a commentator. I am glad that I am not the only one!!! I never really mentioned that I did not care for Lawler as a commentator so thank you for giving me this opportunity. He can be pretty boring and sometimes he seems like he does not know everything that he needs to know to do his job. He does seem pretty irrelevent outside of his fued with Cole and the Miz.

In Lawler and Cole's fued, Cole is really taking home the bacon. Cole is making this fued good and he is the reason for it to be happening. What has Lawler done besides giving dirty looks and beating up people?
lawler is the best commentator they got. He actually calls the match not like Cole who just sits there and talks about his love for mizzes cock.

Lawler and Jr were amazing they had great chemistry calling moves and matches, not talking about random shit. And cole is only getting heat cuz hes so fucking annoying. Please bring back JR!

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