Last person to tap out to The Walls in a match?


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The Walls of Jericho was billed as one of the most feared submission moves back in the year 2000 and people tapped out to it on a weekly basis...

why no longer?

Can you think of the last time someone tapped out to the walls?? and I mean in an official match - not an ambush segment
Last submission win I remember was Jericho making Danielson tap to the Liontamer on the first NXT episode. WWE's really played down the effectiveness of submissions since losing Angle and Benoit.
They got rid of it once he came back to try to hype up the "code breaker" as the best thing since sliced bread.

I almost think they need to have him go back to the lion tamer after he does the code breaker. The WWE doesn't need anymore surprise finishers that come out of no where... IMO it has a negative effect on all of them because there is so many to the point where you almost expect it to happen now.

I believe having his hurting the lower back all match to the point where it makes it believable when he sets in the tamer or the walls screams psych/in ring magic.

But if i had to guess.. there going to continue to downplay the submission angles of wrestling and continue to add "surprise finishers"

Hell I remember when the Sweet Chin Music was the only surprise finisher (when he wasn't tuning up the band) in wrestling that was believable.
Actually it was a couple Months back when it was Jericho Vs. JTG, you know when the people will actually tap when he puts his Knee to the back of the head, any other time it looks like a boston Crab
The Last One i Remember Is DBD on NXT...Anything other than that has just been A Wall Of Fail-Co, I Mean c'mon, He faced Evan Bourne and Bourne span Jericho out of it! Its being downgraded as a move since the codebreaker has been introduced, and even that becomes a FailBreaker now and again...I'm Just Sayin...
People don't tap out to it because it isn't painful. It's just a boston crab...nothing special. When he actually does the Liontamer with the knee to the back, like what he did to DBD, that's when people tap. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure that wrestlers are told not to tap unless they're actually feeling some pain.
People don't tap out to it because it isn't painful. It's just a boston crab...nothing special. When he actually does the Liontamer with the knee to the back, like what he did to DBD, that's when people tap. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure that wrestlers are told not to tap unless they're actually feeling some pain.

thats obviously not true because people tap to the STF of John Cena's and if u acctually look at it John Cena doesnt know how to do the move cause he doesnt pull back at all. John Cena's STF is to submission moves what MTV is to music.

but I believe the last time was Daniel Bryan, I will say I like that he has been using the liontamer like he did in WCW instead of his boston crab-like walls of Jericho

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