Last Day of Your Life


[This Space for Rent]
Simple enough Question; If today was the last day of your life, how would you go about spending it? What would you do differently, that you don't do every other day?

This is a very bar room-isque thread, but it deserves logical enough answers that it can become a chit-chat thread. It's loose enough that you can give the most primal of responses, such as just telling your Family you love them, getting your priorities in order, stuff like that.. just explain it a bit more.

However, I know we have detailed posters on this forum, and I'm truly looking for detailed responses to what you'd do. So, this is what I believe I'd do...

Naturally this is an unavoidable death. You can't stop it, it's going to happen, and it's happening after "today". So don't try to spend it seeing if you could stop it from happening. Some things you just can't, as simple as that.

SO, with that being said.. I'd start off by not going to work. If it's my last day, as much as I love my job.. I'd want to spend it with those I loved the most; my Family & Friends.

I'd want to make sure there was no question in the world that my Wife knew she was the heart and soul that makes me continue, and that even after I pass on, I'll always still love her. (assuming I naturally could) I'd want to make sure I could provide for my children in the best possible way.. so anything I knew my Wife, or Children wouldn't want (like my Wrestling collection, I'd assume) I would try and sell - that way I could give them the profit I made off of it.

I would tell my Parents how much, despite fighting and arguing over the years, I'm Grateful to have been raised by them. Without them, naturally I wouldn't be here.

I would want each of my true Friends to know what they've meant to me, and if I could help any I would do every bit of what I could, without trying to take time away from spending it with my Wife and Children.

How would each of you spend your last day Alive? Again, please be as descriptive as possible.
Damn Will, why do you have to make me feel all depressed right now?!

I, unfortunately, don't have the benefit of having a family like yourself (for the time being, that is). If I found out that I was about to die, and had no time to plan for anything, I would first have breakfast with my mother, and ask her to do me a huge favor: right all the wrongs I have done to people (e.g., pay back someone that I borrowed money from and whom I had lost contact with). Then, after telling her of all those I had wronged, I would sign the deed to my house over to her and head to Ocean City, Maryland. I would first stop at the Double T Diner (various locations throughout Maryland) to pick up some cannolis.

I would ask for a room in the best hotel money could buy in Ocean City, and then I'd walk on the beach for an hour or so while contemplating my relatively short life. Afterwards, I would call an escort agency to have someone accompany me to a nice dinner and then go back to my room in order to have my "one last time." But, right after dinner, I would drink champagne with her on the beach and hopefully she would be a good conversationalist who could tell me how she came to be an escort. Then, we would go back to my room, make out, do what's done afterwards, and fall asleep together.
Odd question as I dont really give a fuck about anyone, and they dont really give a fuck about me. Yea, ive got the new GF and everything, but we are too new for her to care too deeply for me.

So id probably just do nothing. Do the same thing I wouldve done that day anyhow. Shit, I dunno. What the fuck does it matter, im gonna be dead. Probably get to a hospital so they can take all my bone marrow right before I go, and all my organs AFTER I go. Yea, thatll work, good idea NorCal.
If today was my last day to live, I wouldn't change anything except for the fact I would have our children with us, because I would want to spend every last second with my wonderful husband and our amazing children. I wouldn't want it any other way. I would tell my family and friends how much I love them and tell them goodbye.
and they dont really give a fuck about me.

How dare you? I care!

Anyway, yeah I'd go with the general feeling and spend it with my family. I'd probably take Jess somewhere she'd always wanted to go, say bye to my mum etc. I'd make sure Jess was going to be fine without me, and organise what was going to happen with her. I might fly to San Antonio, because it doesn't matter how much I stalk Shawn, I'll be dead tomorrow. I know you all want to think I'm joking. But I need to meet him before I die damnit!

And obviously, I'd come on WZ because what's your last day without an internet forum ey? :lmao:.
Good question. Well, I'd probably visit my mother and grandparents at the cemetary, and reflect upon my life. After, I'd call my dad, and visit him to kind of make-up our failed relationship, hash out our differences. From there, I'd hang out with the GF for a few hours, whilst still maintaining my cellibacy. I'd let her know how much I love her, and her three little girls. Then, assuming it's a full 24 hr. day, I'd hang with my boys and get absolutely trashed. As I lay on my deathbed, I'd request my last rites, and get with the dyin'!
As soon as I found out, I would send out invitesto mates and book a bar for the last few hours.

In the morning, I would spend time with family. In the afternoon it would be alone time with my girlfriend, telling she had to move on as soon as possible. Then, as long as I haven't just been told that she was cheating on me for the last few months, had a readily made replacement and she was the one who injected me with this poison that was killing me, we would have sex. Actually, fuck it, we'd have sex even if she did tell me that.

Then in the evening, family and friends would come to the bar where everyone would have a great time getting bungalowed. Eventually I would drop down dead, but everyone would have enjoyed their night out and I would have spent alone time with everyone who mattered.
Knowing myself I would just spend the whole day freaking out and shit..

But if I was a sensible person I would have a few things to do, I suppose. First off I would definitely want to have sex. Creepily enough. Well, God made woman because he intended for us to reproduce, so I figure I'm just living out my life's purpose by doing it. I'd want to go to some sort of amusement park, preferably getting one of those handicap passes so I could get on every ride first, and laugh at the people standing in line. I'd eat a lot of food and try all sorts of stuff that I've never had. Then while I lie on my deathbed I would tell everybody how I feel about them. And I wouldn't pull any punches- I would tell the ones I love that I love them, and the ones that I hate that I hate them. If I'm gonna die I want people to know how I feel. Then, in my dying breath, I would yell out some witty last words that I would be remembered for. Epic day.
Screw that! If I had one day left, I would wanna gloriously by doing something like saving the world from global warning with a really big ice-cube!
I don't think I would change much from my regular day. Sure I don't live the most fascinating life, but it is my life. Why should my last day be any different from my first.

1.) I'd probably wake up, and snuggle with Robyn for a good hour or so when I wake up.

2.) I would then get up, make a thread on WZ entitiled "Guess What?!?!", then people would say I was rep ****ing or something like that.

3.) I would then make my favourite breakfast, Eggs Benedict.

4.) I would then get dressed in my favourite shirt, and a pair of shorts, and go out and sit in the sun at the river.

5.) Robyn and I would go for a car ride around town until dinner time.

6.) We would come back, and eat Tacos, or perhaps baked Macaroni.

7.) We would then sit and watch some Friends or something like that.

8.) Then we will go to bed where we would do that thing with the stuff.

9.) Then fall asleep in eachother's arms.
Dammit now I feel kinda emotional.:icon_sad:

Anyways I would change a few things up from what I normally do like not going to work(even though I really do like my job) & not going to school(I do love San Diego State as they are a top notch school).

I would also spend my last day with my girl & my son. Whatever they & my soon to be born daughter doesn't want of mine(maybe either my autographed Tim Duncan jersey or my autographed Michael Jordan jersey which in reality i'm keeping both), then I would sell it. I would spend every last waking moment with them & tell them how much I care about them, how much I love them & how much i'm gonna miss them once I passed away.

Damn I normally don't get like emotional & shit, but fuck it, that post was all about the realness.
As soon as I wake up, I'd adopt the mindset to squeeze everything I possibly could out of the day. No more long-term planning, just living in the moment.

First, I would gather my family and go to a resturant and binge on everything, whilst creating spontanious moments and interacting with my family and friends. We would laugh our way out the door. Then, I would tell them all that I love them and they have a speacial place in my heart.

Next, we go to a theme park and enjoy ourselves, just living, something that you can't do everyday.

Albeit, not the most productive way to end your life, it most certainly would be how I'd live it.
Honestly? It depends on when this last day would occur. If it is right now, today, as the thread title dictates, I would be home for the summer anyway. I would tell my family I loved them, and tell them exactly the sort of potential I see in them. (That's more towards my brothers, seeing as though my mom and step-dad probably wouldn't care what "potential" i saw in them.) As for who I would spend it with, I'd spend it with my best friend, the only person in this godforsaken town that seems to be on my side. She knows what I'm like, and what I would be worried about during this last day, and she could comfort me more than any of my relatives could.

If I could get the day bumped into the fall, college would be in session. I obviously wouldn't go to class (Organic Chemistry and Engineering classes can kiss my ass when I've got 24 hours to live). I would gather all of my friends together and blow my scholarship stipend having a blast. As the day went on I would make sure to go out knowing they were happy, and comfortable with the fact that I wouldn't be around the next day. That night would be when I gather them in a circle around me and convey my deepest feelings for all of them, and make sure that they know just how much I care.
I'd do the same thing i do everyday when i wake up: check my email, phone, etc., to make sure no one needed anything throughout the night. Then I'd come on WZ and resign immediately, say goodbye to a few people, and then go check on the people I care about that I can get to. I'd sign my money away to either friends/family or charity, then to finish off the day, I'd mount the roof of my old school as I tend to do and watch the sunset.
Go to the zoo, and just spend the day with my bear friends.

Obviously spend it with my family, make sure everything was cool with me and God, go to my church for the rest of the day, and just hang out on my pew I usually sit in.

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