Lashley to ECW

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from wrestlezone

It’s being said that recently Bobby Lashley has asked WWE management to move him over to ECW. Lashley and current Smackdown head writer Michael Hayes have not been getting along and have been involved in several backstage arguments in recent weeks. Lashley loved working with Paul Heyman in OVW so that is why he has requested to be moved to ECW.

what do you guys think about this? i personally think it will be a bad move because smackdown cant suffer another big name like Lashley to leave. and ECW misuses the talent they already have. So, opinions?
its a horrible move. fire the writer. ecw will ruin lashleys career. guarenteed
I would'nt mind him going to ECW, they can use all the talent they can get. He would no doubt be a main eventer over there compared to Smackdown where he's like mid-carding. I think ECW has done a pretty good job of using they're talent, Smackdown's done a much worse job, Matt Hardy is a lower card guy.
i hate the new ecw so that means im gonna end up hating lashley even thoe hez got great talent (no mic skills thoe). his career will go down the drain just like everybody else in the new ecw!
dboy1373 said:
ecw is still better than tna
but it will never be the way it use to

Warning for spam... Thats 2 in a matter of 5 minutes.. Add more to your post! and talking about something that deals with the topic wouldnt hurt.
Like I said in another thread...they need to fire Hayes. Smackdown definitely can't afford to lose Lashley, but they can sure find someone who can write better than Micheal Pecker Stain Hayes. Not to mention, Lashley doesn't even look like an ECW guy to me.
See i don't think they should fire hayes but i think it would be better if they moved him to raw or swapped him around with whoevr the head writer is at OVW because all in all he is a somewhat good writer, taken some of the angles are contreversial but i hate to say it but its true that controversey creates cash lol. Lashley is superb on Smackdown! but a move to ECW could move him on to greatness especially if they moved him into and angle with the big show where show drops the title to him...only time will tell

pastie out
Fire Hayes? I wish there would be some protection on the two where they must leave each other alone. Why? Because Bobby Lashley is becoming a serious power that's rising on SmackDown! and will get held back in ECW because he doesn't fit in. And for Michael Hayes? I'd say fire him too, but look how solid SmackDown! has been the past several weeks when Hayes just began. If it wasn't him, it sure as hell was a coincidence.
I think that I already posted this in another Lashley thread. Yea come to think of it I am positive that I did that. But since you all want a comment. I think that him going to ECW is the best thing right now for him. It will get him the creditbility that he needs. Cause if the ECW fans take him in then the WWE fans will deffinitly take him in!
It doesn't really matter if he looks right in ECW. Khali? Terkay? Come on. Lashley's much better than them. While I still love the ECW originals, ECW sucks, and Lashlye can only make it a little better.
wordisborn21 said:
I think that I already posted this in another Lashley thread. Yea come to think of it I am positive that I did that. But since you all want a comment. I think that him going to ECW is the best thing right now for him. It will get him the creditbility that he needs. Cause if the ECW fans take him in then the WWE fans will deffinitly take him in!

youre refferring to ECW fans being seperate from RAW/Smackdown fans, I dont think thats the case at all, Most old school ECW fans probably turned away from the brand after the first show, this new ECW is hardly different from RAW or Smackdown. IMO Lashley would be better on RAW, maybe in exchange for Umaga, he's done enough on RAW.
I Think Bobby Lashley would not be a great addition to ECW because hes not a very extreme wrester. I know ECW wants to look different than in the past but i think it would ruin his career! i like lashley on SmackDown!
yea i gotta agree ^. lashley doesnt belong in ecw at all. they need to work things out becuz smackdown needs him. hes a while away from world champion material but sd! needs him as one o their top babyfaces
well i want lashley on smackdown tops but if you look at an angle ecw only has one title right? so thats the only title anyone in ecw can contend for so thatd be so easy for lashley to just be a #1 contender and win it
This is bad

Lashley is better off on Smackdown although he used to work with Heyman berfore what can he do over there at the moment???

I think Lashley should stay on Smackdown get a couple more U.S. title runs and then go for the WHC
it will ruin lashleys career. they need to just keep him on smackdown and give him the world title. i think thats what he wants, he deserves it a whole lot!
If that's what he wants than it's probably for the best. Personally I think ECW is in more need of top guys than Smackdown is. They've got RVD, Big Show (Who is rumoured to be retiring soon) and who else? CM Punk eventually, but for now he's in the midcard, Holly and Test? Neither are really main event material yet. Smackdown isn't as bad as everyone will lead you to believe. They've got Batista, Booker, Benoit, Kane, Undertaker, Kennedy and Mysterio and Mark Henry when they get back. Smackdown's turning around, and is getting better every week.

Also Heyman said last night, that the 6th spot in the chamber can be someone from Raw or Smackdown. I think it'll be Lashley, but maybe they'll surprise us.
well with the internet I didnt think there was still surprises in wrestling but yeah i do think it will be lashley in the 6th spot it only makes sense.
The fact that Lance Storm sees a lot of potential in Lashley speaks volumes.

For a guy that's as muscular as he is, he moves extraordinarily well. He does have the skills to be a technical wrestler (just ask Chris Benoit). He suplexes the hell out of people. I really don't care whether he looks ECW or not, the fact is that it's no longer ECW. It doesn't matter to me where he goes because he'll receive a positive response wherever. WWE fans have already bought into him, WWECW fans would appreciate his workrate. We'll see...
I dont mind seeing Lashley in ECW, as it's just a third WWE brand. With Vince having some reservations about putting the title on R.V.D. I would'nt mmind seeing Lashley winning the title. I dont think he's ready but he's certainly a better choice than Test or Holly.
if lashley goes to ecw he will just be moving from one crap show i dont watch to another. hes nothing but size and cant cut a promo to save his life. id be mad an want to leave also if i were him tho im sure fighting finlay has to get old after about the 16th week in a row...
mysticx0 said:
if lashley goes to ecw he will just be moving from one crap show i dont watch to another. hes nothing but size and cant cut a promo to save his life. id be mad an want to leave also if i were him tho im sure fighting finlay has to get old after about the 16th week in a row...

I have been saying that for months, the man is far too soft spoken and monochrome to be a good speaker. Everytime I listen to him he just so quit and lacking in passion and energy. With his lack of vocal intensity he will flop in ECW, you need atleast some vocal power to work there and he has none.
^True the guy really does have terrible mic skills and his gimmick is a little bit generic, but look how Hardcore Holly is doing over there, I wouldn't call him The Rock. But yeah if he could get some mic skills, there's nothing stopping him from becoming the most popular guy in the entire buisness.

And no matter how much you or anyone else doesn't want it to happen, it most likely will. The whole thing in Paul Heyman's announcement, that any Smackdown or Raw guy could come over for the chamber spot, it's paving the way for him.
DeathIsARight said:
I have been saying that for months, the man is far too soft spoken and monochrome to be a good speaker. Everytime I listen to him he just so quit and lacking in passion and energy. With his lack of vocal intensity he will flop in ECW, you need atleast some vocal power to work there and he has none.

Then what do you think of Sylvester Terkay being moved over to ECW? The man has not uttered a single word since he first appeared on television! Since I've never seen his amateur wrestling or MMA matches, I'm beginning to wonder if the guy is a mute or something.

Same thing with The Great Khali, who apparently doesn't speak a lick of English, and Daivari, who now apparently insists on speaking only in Farsi upon arriving in ECW. With Khali and Terkay, there are just way too many big guys in ECW. I'm beginning to think that Vinnie Mac is creating ECW for his own personal enjoyment, strange as it sounds.

Going back to the topic: Bobby Lashley in ECW. While he is extremely soft-spoken, I think he would work better than any of the above due to his ring work being a tad more interesting. Maybe in the past you needed to be able to address an audience, but this is Vince McMahon's ECW (or WWECW), and the old rules clearly don't apply anymore. Already guys like Mike Knox (who always seems nervous when he speaks) and CM Punk (who has done little to no speaking in the ring) have received big pushes. Anything is possible.

But Bobby Lashley has only been in the WWE for just over a year. I don't think he has the seniority where Vince McMahon will honor his request, at least not yet. Maybe it will happen eventually. I personally think ECW is getting boring very quickly and needs some people that can actually wrestle to make the brand more interesting. Namely, some wrestlers that weigh less than 250, and some cruiserweights wouldn't hurt, either.
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