Lariat's Elite 8 Old School Talker's Series: (1) Ric Flair vs. (8) Terry Funk

Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk. Who ya got?

  • "To BE the MAN... you gotta BEAT. THE. MAN. Woooooo!"

  • "I need to find... a sissy!"

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Team Finnley Baylor
Lariat's Elite 8 Old School Talker's series

Ric Flair



Terry Funk


Ric Flair... one of the best talkers in wrestling history goes against another tough talker in Terry Funk.

I agree with you on Funk being a very under rated on the mic, but boy you stuck him up against an impossible foe when it comes to talking. Flair may arguably be the best promo cutter of all time, hell, I'd say that The Rock wouldn't exist if not for the Flair style of promo cutting.

Flair is the be all end all of Pro Wrestling and it's hard to top him in any regard, but talking? That's an uphill battle that Funk can't win. That being said, I'm going to go ahead and vote for Funk. Enough people are going to vote for Flair and they should, but Funk deserves some respect as well.
Ric Flair is extremely hard to vote against in something like this. I mean his "Wooo" alone transcended generations.
Terry Funk to me always had something Flair didn't and that is that he connected crowd and would always say, either heel or face, what they would want him to.
All respect to the Funkster, but Flair is immortal on the stick, if you'll pardon the pun. Face, Heel, Tweener, the guy could make it all, and he could sell whatever he was trying to push with ease. If he hadn't been a wrestler, he damn sure would have been a snake-oil salesman.
When guys like Shawn Michaels, Triple H and AJ Styles are going around still yelling your catchphrases, you know you're good. "To be the man you gotta beat the man" has become one of Wrestling's best and most said quote and it takes someone as legendary as Ric Flair to say it. Whether Ric was a face or heel, his words were often repeated by every wrestling fan. He was legendary on the mic and at times, fucking hilarious. Ric lived his promos. If he wasn't talking shit, he was talking about how great he was and dammit he was right. Ric Flair, somewhat incorporated Terry Funk's style into his promos eventually, over-shaddowing Terry at his own game- acting crazy in his promos. Ric, can hang with just about anybody. Flair wins this, and it's not even close.

Vote Flair
We all know that Flair is the definitition of LEGENDARY. He is the guy you compare everyone to when making a promo. But I still stick with Terry Funk as the most amusing for me and therefore he got my vote.

This entire debate can be summed up with just their catch phrases.

Flair - "To be the man, you gotta beat the man!"
(the most quoted catchphrase ever. 2nd would be "wathca gonna do when the 24 inch.................bruther?)

Funk - "Let me tell you something all you simple minded people."
(the most subtle yet ingenious put down ever! there is no comeback for that.)
Ludicrous matchup is ludicrous. This is like comparing the Himalayas to your first-grade molehill project. He said what he wanted to say as heel or face, got the desired pops, and went postal (bounce off ropes, elbow on ring, et al) for good measure. How can anyone - least of all Terry Funk - hope to equal Flair at his best?

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