Kurt Angle's TNA Return!!!???


Big Nasty
So, what is going to happen when Kurt Angle returns to TNA? They (TNA) played out the Angle angle (LOL) pretty good. In the weeks leading up to Bound For Glory, and then also how he went out.

Being forced out by Hogan and Bischoff and Jarrett has a similar ring to what happened back in 96 with 2 of the 3 above mentioned, as well as Sting. Sting "left" because of the whole Hogan/NWO angle. Sting would make appearances here and there and really had the wrestling world by the nuts.

After being out for around a year and a half. Sting returned to the ring at Starcade 97 to finally square off against Hogan, in one of the most anticipated matches EVER.

But, during the build up of not only this match, but the rivalry in general. Sting as "The Crow" became a larger than life gimmick. He seemed unbeatable and was billed as WCW's savior against Hogan and The NWO. Things changed quickly as eventually Sting joined The NWO, not with Hogan, but "turned" on WCW in a way, nonetheless.

I can see a similarity in how Kurt left. Even though HE was the one that said he would retire if he lost, he was still pushed out.

Obviously Kurt will not be wearing face paint and standing in the rafters. But I can see Kurt running in from the crowd and dominating members of Immortal, as well as Fortune, and then getting out of dodge.

I can see this gimmick really working for Kurt. They might take away his exact ability to put on a long ass quality match, in favor of him being totally dominant. Very similar to the way WWE used him on SD as he won the WHC and was "The Wrestling Machine". He ran through basically everyone and WWE kind of went away from his endurance-filled matches and just had him use his wrestling/suplexing ability to just smash people.

Plus, he was so intense, that you believed every minute of it. It had a Lesnar/Goldberg quality to it.

The difference with Sting/Angle though, is the lack of competition for Angle's return. Sting came back to face Hogan. Are we supposed to flip out over the fact he will face Hardy for the title?

Maybe not right this second. But, how it could work would be to have Hardy beat everyone he wrestles and have a somewhat lengthy reign. To the point where everyone is tired of him and the return of Angle could signify the end of Hardy's reign of "terror" or whatever.

I could see TNA using Angle to oppose Jarrett when he gets back. But, it has been done. The Hardy thing I guess would be the best option for Angle when he returns.

But with that being said...

My question(s) on this subject is simple...

How should Angle return?

Should he do random attacks until finally getting a match or reinstated?

What gimmick should he have?

Should he be the squeaky clean "good guy" in this angle? Or should he come back as the dominant "Wrestling Machine" from his late WWE days?

Also, whom should he focus his attack on?

The whole Immortal group? Hardy? Hogan? Jarrett?

What should Total Nonstop Action do with Kurt Angle!!??

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