Kurt Angle & TNA Behind Pushing "The Brits"; Magnus, Wolfe & Williams

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"We’re starting to get the Brits where they need to be. Desmond Wolfe, Magnus or Doug Williams – one of those three are going to end up being World Champion."

Just a few things to make note of here:

1. Nick Aldis (Magnus) is just 25 years old, Wolfe is 32 and Williams is 39.

2. Wolfe has yet to be cleared to wrestle, but it's clear based off his over-the-top personality and incredible ring ability that they have/had high hopes for him in spite of whatever happened.

3. The British Invasion (Magnus & Williams) are competing for the Tag Team Championships this Sunday at Slammiversary.​

Of the three, first off, can you see World Champion in any of them? Why or why not?

Secondly, who do you feel would be the better man to represent the companies highest award and why?

General thoughts on this?
Magnus has the potential to go to the very top. He's a poor worker currently, but the improvement he made from his debut to the initial separation of the British Invasion suggested that he was a quick learner. Its just a shame its taken another 18 months or so for them to continue his push. Working with Williams, Beer Money, Steiner & Booker did wonders for him. But a TNA champion? Not a chance. I'm still waiting for that Robert Roode or James Storm singles push they should've started about 4 years ago.

Williams & Wolfe are ready for the scrap heap.
Well, the only guy I can see being TNA Champion is Wolfe, but he hasn't been cleared to wrestle yet. Still, he's the only guy I see that can become a top contender to the Championship. He's got the mic skill's and the talent.

The other two I never saw really anything in them. Magnus is just there, and William's, I was never really high on.

The better man to represent the company's highest award? Probably all three I guess. Anyone who is'nt Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan, or RVD, or Anderson is a better man to represent the company's highest award.

If this thing pull's through, and TNA can establish a star and make him champion, it's a step in the right direction for the company.
All 3 guys could hold the world title but from past showings i would say that Desmond Wolfe would be better to hold it given his fued with Kurt Angle. I also like Doug Williams but that might be me and Magnus would need a gimmick change but I could easily see all 3 guys holding the world title.
The Anarchist has the moves but not the promo skills and the artist formally known as Oblivion has the promo skills but not the moves, as a tag team they work well because they complement the weakness of the other. Only the former Mr McGuinness has the combination to be a viable World Champion and only time will tell if he is physically capable to even be considered for the position (as a side note, does anyone else miss Chelsea?).
"Williams & Wolfe are ready for the scrap heap"

sorry, but i gotta call bull shit on this. Watch williams series of matches with A.J. for the T.V. title and tell me he's ready for the scrap heap. He's one of the best technical wrestlers around right now.

Of the three I see williams breaking out as the main eventer. He has the necessary mic skills and he excels in the ring.
Yeah I seen it in Magnus when the British Invasion was big before...

Williams is a damn good wrestler, I agree his matches with AJ Styles earlier this year were awesome.. its just a shame TNA pushes someone and then leaves them off of TV for months for us to forget about them.. and then they expect us to care about them when they show up 5 months later from being off of TV?

Wolfe, I didn't see any of him in ROH... I see people like him... I liked him in TNA so far... but this is going to take a few years... if he is even cleared to compete again.
When I think of TNA World Heavyweight Champion, the one that I look at and can honestly see it happening to is Desmond Wolfe. When Wolfe first arrived in TNA and began his feud with Kurt Angle, I quickly became a fan of him both inside the ring and on the mic. He's got the in-ring skills, the pomo ability, the overall athleticism and the charisma to be TNA WHC in my opinion. Or, I should say, he had them at this time roughly 2 years ago. We still don't know what this ongoing medical condition Wolfe has and the fact that it's kept him out for as long as it has makes me wonder about his longevity.

When it comes to Magnus, I just don't get that sense from him. He's a young guy, hopefully with his whole career ahead of him, but it's most definitely too soon in my view. He's been out of circulation for so long that, in truth, I almost completely forgot about the guy until this past Thursday. From what I saw of Magnus, of what I can remember, nothing really made a huge lasting impression with me.

Douglas Williams brought more relevance to the X Division Championship than it's had in close to 3 years. I was surprised to see how good of an all around wrestler he is. I knew he had it in the ring but I was surprised at how well he was at promos and he definitely has more charisma than I initially thought as well. However, Williams is almost 40 years of age. Now that doesn't automatically put him out of the running, but I do think it's something that bears looking at. I know that Sting, Foley & Kurt Angle have all been the champ for TNA but they're big, established names and have been for a very long time. Douglas Williams doesn't have that name recognition for TNA to potentially draw from. Because of that, I think it's far less likely that he'll be in the running to be TNA WHC.
If Desmond Wolfe was healthy then I would give the edge to Wolfe. However, when it comes down to Magnus and Williams I can't see either of the two becoming World Champion. Williams is great in the ring, but he doesn't get a decent reaction. Magnus has all the tools to be a natural heel but is still lacking in the ring. Magnus is still young so he has time to further establish his skills. Its just that you usually hear crickets whenever Williams or Magnus come to the ring. They need to establish themselves as top heels in the company for them to ever be close to becoming World champions.
desmond wolfe would be great in the mid card! doug williams is probably a lower mid card guy! i dont think either of these two have the charisma to go much further! they are awesome wrestlers but i do not find them entertaining enough to pick up a mic! whereas magnus is packed full of charisma! i would love to see him go far! i think a magnus vs matt morgan feud on the very top would be epic!
If Desmond Wolfe could wrestle then yes. He is the best the company has. He is brilliant on the mic and in the ring. Looks the part, his gimmick rocks and to me could be on par with the Rock. He's not as big a Rock but man he can be funny and dead serious at the same time. He can beat the living shit out of anyone and looks credible doing it. Man he is a mcahine and it was real dissapointment to hear that he may not wrestle again.

Magnus is 25 years old. He has the look and he even has the mic skills the man is full of potential and could very well be TNA Champion, and all those who think otherwise I've got one word for you Miz. I hate the Miz but he rode a stupid catch phrase all the way to the WWE title yes the WWE title not the secondary World title. If someone like Miz can be the top of the WWE and headline WM, then Wolfe and Magnus can be TNA Champ.
All three could be TNA world heavyweight champions. I like all three of them, so i can't decide who should be champions over the two others.

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