Kurt Angle Threatens CM Punk (via twitter)


Pre-Show Stalwart
From Kurt Angle's twitter:
CM Punk had classic promo last night. Good for Him. But if U ever say another word about Me again, Ur toast! If U don't believe Me, try Me!

ANGLE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! At first, I didn't know what the heck Angle was talking about. He wasn't responding to anyone and hadn't posted in a days time then he posted that. I think what he was bringing up was how Punk had mocked him over the twitter war Angle had with Swagger/Orton a few months ago about using his finishers and then claiming his acct was hacked etc.

Freaking Angle and Hogan should have a show called "Wrestler's say the darndest things(on twitter.)" Even fucking Taz had to make a comment about how most guys were never pushed to were Punk has been and able to get away with what he did last night. That's because Punk is more talented and unique then Taz and the rest of the dudes who look like they just finished their shift at the junkyard.

Anyway, I'm feeling less and less confident about Punk ever showing up in TNA. He's too valuable to WWE as it is.
Is Angle actually threatening the legend that is CM Punk ? As The Miz would say, Really? Really? Really !! Punk would destroy Kurt in a heartbeat. He wouldn't even break a sweat doing it.

I bet Angle tweets in the next couple of days that his twitter account was once again "hacked".
Maybe Punk said "And when this angle's over" and Kurt thought he was on about him? :shrug:
Kurt thinks his name is "best wrestler in the world." Kurt is issuing the challenge to Punk to be decided at the 2012 Olympics.
I don't see the problem. Is Kurt Angle not talented enough to call out CM Punk? Could he not break him in two? I don't see a problem here.

I think it's a case of Punk not doing anything that merited a callout. The only thing he's said that could be a shot against Angle was said months ago. So why say that if you insult me again I will end you? Kurt's just dived right back into the crazy pool.
Angle knows exactly what he is doing. Punk is red hot right now so a comment like that gets attention. Also, on the off chance Punk is ever actually out of a contract Angle is making his pitch to him.
Who knows whether Kurt is actually pissed at Punk for the Twitter comment he made a few months back, or whether he thinks something in that promo was directed at him, or whether he is planting the seeds for a feud in TNA should The Punkster ever show up there...

Angle is still in my eyes the best in the world, but he should not be allowed anywhere near a computer.

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