Kurt Angle Headed to a Rehab Facility Immediately


King Of The Ring
Following his arrest last night for his fourth DUI in six years, which was discussed here:
Angle took to Twitter to make the following announcement:

I am blessed to have the support of my family, my friends and my company. In light of recent events I will immediately be entering a rehabilitation center. I realize that this is a pivotal time in my life and I ask for your understanding as well as your prayers and ontinued support. I am confident that in taking these steps I can begin to address necessary changes in my life.

If you recall, Angle split from WWE in 2006 because of the fact that he refused to go to rehab in 2006 at the company's insistence due to an addiction to painkillers. With that being said, the past is the past, and regardless of how he's gotten to the point of making the decision, it's one I'm glad he's made. He has four children, including two both under 2 years of age with his second wife.

I know that he's had two of his past DUI's kicked in the past, and maybe it's partially the pessimist in me, but my hope is that he's sincere here, and he's not just doing it as a sign of "good faith" in order to get the charges kicked. He's been caught 4 times in 6 years, but odds are hes driven that way many more times. Further, he's showed up to numerous Impact events, both tapings and PPV's, appearing high on painkillers, according to PWTorch.com.

Since Impact was already taped for Thursday, he'll obviously appear on the show, but following that, depending on how long he stays in rehab, it will be interesting to see where they go with storylines. He's a key member in the Main Event Mafia in their war against Aces and Eights, so they may have to restructure storylines as a result.

But all of that is secondary to him getting help. Angle's a Pittsburgh guy, and in the three times I've met him, seems like a genuinely nice human being. We all have our demons, I suppose, and my hopes are Angle is able to beat his. For himself, his wife, his kids, and for Impact.

If you had to guess, do you believe this was a 'forced rehab', or Angle chose to go 100% voluntarily on his own?

How significantly do you expect this to affect storylines?

Any other thoughts here are welcome.
I have to all but guarantee he's doing it as a "sign of good faith" for the court. If Kurt was serious about not drinking, he would have given it up by now.

One of the major problems with alcoholics (or drinkers, depending on your terminology) going to rehab is that they're in there with heroin addicts, crack heads, etc. They're able to justify their own problem as "not so bad" compared to their peers. "At least I never sucked anyone's (you know what) for a drink" are the kinds of thoughts that I'd imagine go through their heads while they're in group therapy.

Kurt is probably ashamed of his behavior, but I don't think that's reason enough for him to quit drinking. If it was, he wouldn't have been drinking on Thursday night at all. I just can't understand why he decided to get behind the wheel, unless his problem is that bad where he can't actually wait until he gets to where he's in a safe place to drink (such as his house, hotel room, etc). If he really needed to drive somewhere, why couldn't he have taken a cab? If he was driving all the way home, why didn't he just fly and get drunk on the plane or something? ...again, that might fall into the "shame" Kurt feels when he drinks, and he doesn't want anyone to see him. If he was just an average schmo, he could drink anywhere and not get recognized. If he drinks at a bar, or airport, he runs the risk of winding up on TMZ. Such is the celebrity curse, I'd have to imagine. You don't get a private life anymore, and your actions are put on public display.

I feel bad for poor Kurt, but he shouldn't have been behind the wheel while intoxicated again. I hope he's able to stay out of the slammer this time, since it is technically his third strike.
All I can say is it sucks...

It sucks for TNA, it sucks for Kurt, it sucks for his family, it sucks for fans, etc... It is truly a shame. Kurt is one of the best to ever step in a ring, and seeing him struggle in life, making bad decisions and sort of ruining his legacy is pretty hard to watch.

I would assume it'll effect numerous storylines, especially the Main Event Mafia based ones, if he is not there to participate in them.
This is going to be tough, but I feel the need to respond.

I am a recovering alcoholic. I am at 196 days sober right now. It's been tough , but looking at the mistakes I made through drinking, made it easier, eventually. I had 4 dwi's and lost my license but got charges revoked due to my insistence to go to rehab. I went 3 times and thought all right m life is going to get better when I get out. I don't know if it was because I was trying to avoid charges or I was in with a bunch of heroin/cocaine addicts who I thought that I was better than but within 3 days of leaving I was back to the bottle. It wasn't working for me and I found myself coming into work on afternoon shift buzzing (3-5 beers) on a regular basis and going home afterwards to pound back another 5-8 pints. Being that I work in a chemical factory where the slightest miscalculation could cause major calamities including major fire (which in a small town a major fire at a chemical factory could decimate 60% of the town). Finally in mid January I went to my HR rep and asked for help. February 15 I was in a facility with strictly alcoholics. I did my time, made some friends who I talk to daily, and have stayed sober ever since.

Anyways sorry for the rant. Back to the original topic. I seriously hope that Angle is doing this on his own accord and not being forced by Dixie and the board of governors. If he is choosing to this by himself then best of luck, if he is being forced, then I feel he is just trying to skip charges

As for Kurt Angle the wrestler, I don't care about current storylines being changed or ruined or whatever. I just care about the health of this man. I have been there and I know how hard it is and I wish him the best of luck
SO i guess we know who's gonna lose in the MEM vs Aces and 8's storyline now. they gotta right him off TV for a few months
also take a look back at when he went to TNA because Vince apparently wouldn't let him rest and recover and get help for his addictions which was the complete opposite of the truth depending who you believe, well TNA seems to have helped that 100 fold. NOT!!!!! Same with Jeff Hardy both fled WWE to avoid facing upto there demons and being in TNA has done nothing but help them get worse.

in this case Hate the players as much as the game, they both brought it on themselves themselves as good as Kurt is in the ring he is clearly not thinking straight at any other time and Jeff was never thinking straight lol.
In my opinion, this is unquestionably a case of a show of "good faith" in an effort to save face with the TNA brass and fans, as well as an attempt to secure leniency from the legal system. I don't believe for one second that this is a legitimate attempt by Kurt Angle to rehabilitate himself because he has all of a sudden seen the light, has realized he has a problem, and is trying to cure himself. Call me skeptical, but I'm simply not buying it.

The first thing I have to wonder is, what is the main motivation for his rehab? Is he looking for help due to his previous struggles with pain medication and such? Because if he is, I may soften my stance a little. This would appear to be an ongoing issue since around 2006 (and likely earlier). I guess it's possible that he may have finally realized that WWE's concerns were justified, that he has issues, and he needs help in conquering them.

However, if he is seeking assistance due to an alcohol problem, I'm very skeptical. I seriously doubt that Angle thinks he has a problem with alcohol, and frankly, I'm not convinced he actually does. I tend to believe that his bigger problem is with his ego, with his arrogant feelings of self entitlement. He's Kurt freakin' Angle, and he should be able to do whatever he goddamn pleases, and not be held to the same standards as us common folk. He shouldn't be forced to ride in a cab or hire a chauffeur or be a passenger of a designated driver. That's beyond Kurt Angle. And this is the attitude that he needs to be addressed, not a supposed alcohol addiction.

Back in the day, my buddies and I went out pretty much every weekend, usually both nights, and we did plenty of drinking, ranging from a mild buzz to a significant tear. I don't feel any of us had a drinking problem and I would be willing to bet that any of us back then drank more than Kurt Angle does now. The difference is, we never, ever, got behind the wheel of a car because no matter how much we were partying, we knew better than that and that we would be held accountable if we did. And therein is the difference. Angle's continued arrogance and ego result in a continued and ongoing "up yours" to the law by continuing to get behind the wheel of the car after a night of partying.

I don't think Angle needs alcohol counseling. I think he needs therapy to make him understand that the same rules and regulations that apply to the rest of us apply to him too. Once he begins to understand this, or at least care about it, he will be just fine. He may be employed in a world of kayfabe, but he does live in a world of reality. Or at least he should.
In my vast experiences as a booker in Extreme Warfare Revenge, I find it's generally better to move on instead of hinging the future of the storyline on Angle.

When Titus O'Neill came out to me and said he was addicted to painkillers, mere weeks before his tag title defense match at In Your House 2: Lumberjacks, I made the tough decision in sending him to rehab and just writing him out of storylines.

TNA must not put a time limit on Angle's recovery. They can't just keep him off tv for a few weeks and then rush him back for a pay-per-view. That's not how to clean someone up and certainly not how Titus O'Neill became a World Champion years later.

The best bet would be to have him take a beatdown (off-screen if they can't film it) and just let him heal. They have more than enough star power to carry this storyline forward, and while annoying, his absence is much better served getting some help than doing faction angle #23.
As an alcholic, i understand his demons. Wrestling is his JOB, his family should be his main concern. Everyone has demons, if he is genuine in taking help all the best to him.
If this is what helps Angle then cool. It's clear that he needs some kind of help as this is a recurring problem for him and it's been a blessing that he hasn't killed someone yet. I don't know if rehab is what's going to help Angle get over his problems but if it helps him then great. He clearly needs something and the fact that he's trying is a good thing, even if it's just tht he's being forced to. It's better than being in the same circumstances taht are causing all these issues.
If you had to guess, do you believe this was a 'forced rehab', or Angle chose to go 100% voluntarily on his own? I think it landed right smack in the middle. Considering how many times Angle has gotten himself into the same trouble (and has never gone to rehab before) I doubt it was all his idea but I have no doubt that the guy knows the position he's in. He's got family and every night he chooses to drink and drive he's putting so many lives in danger. And while I don't Kurt nearly enough to make this kind of judgement? I have a hard time believing part of him isn't just doing it to try and make himself look better. Either way the fact is is that he's doing it and that's half the battle. Is this gonna be what shakes the addiction or at least the bad behavior? I hope so but we can only wait and see.

How significantly do you expect this to affect storylines? Obviously it's gonna affect them a little bit but I don't see TNA doing anything too huge just yet considering it'll only draw attention to everything that has happened. It'd be one thing if Kurt was a heel right about now and on the other side (not saying it would justify anything he did) just cause it would be a lot more likely for the Aces to turn on a member than it would the Mafia. Somethings gonna have to happen and he will eventually have to go but I see it happening with a backstage attack or something a long those lines. Something that takes Angle out but at least saves some of their plans. Of course at the end of the day, the fact that's finally getting help far outweighs the damage storyline wise. Or at least I think so.
I was very sad to read about this as Kurt drunk stories had seemed to have vanished from our consciousness in recent times. I do believe that he is serious because of this - he had seemed to have been making an effort. Jeff Hardy has cleaned up his act and Kurt is in a similar place as Jeff with infant children and a new marriage - I'm hopeful that he will look to the Charismatic Enigma as motivation to get clean.

Like Jeff, I believe that TNA will support him to get clean and put his well being above short term storylines.

What this will mean to the MEM and Aces & Eights... I don't care. Some things are more important.
This is Great for Angle and terrible for TNA. Angle is a big money draw for TNA and has been since joining the company in 2006. I would love to see him get clean as Hardy did but the fact remains TNA could care less, its all about the almighty dollar. Lets face facts, Angle may be in his mid 40's but he can still put on a 5 star match every night and make whomever he is wrestling look good. TNA's story with Ace's and Eight's put all of the MEM (unfortunately including Rampage) against 5 members of the 8's. With no Angle, Who will be the fifth member or does it turn into a handicapped match? Matt Morgan would have come in handy here. Too bad that Kurt's demons are keeping him down. He is honestly the best wrestler in that company and maybe in the world. Easily a WWE HOFer and could carry a championship in any company and bring prestige back to it. I hope he clears his act up before he turns into the next Jeff Hardy. TNA doesn't care about their performers unless they are Sting or Hogan. See all they've done for Jesse and all they let Hardy do. This company is going down hill and I hope that Kurt can clean up and rid himself of his demons before he goes down with it. Just remember how a certain top billed performer carries himself as if his poop don't stink. Be well Kurt and God Bless. Be safe on your road to recovery. Any true wrestling fan is pulling for you so you can get well and entertain the few people who are watching TNA, not the ones who are watching their DVRed Total Divas from the sunday before.
I've lost a lot of respect for this guy. I'd rate Kurt Angle as one of the top wrestlers ever but there's zero excuses for this. I understand he clearly has a problem but that is not a defense for drunk driving. Alcoholism is a horrible affliction and in that regard my heart goes out to him and his family but he's been caught drink driving FOUR times now and that's only the amount of times he's been caught! Having lost a friend by a hit and run by a drunk driver I know exactly what the repercussions can be.
I hate to be the cynical one here, but the news he has gone straight to rehab to me says more that he is concerned with getting back into WWE in some way than actually dealing with his issues.

Kurt has had this problem a LONG time, Vince McMahon let Kurt go SEVEN years ago!!! a guy who was one of his top draws, in the midst of a major title push cos he could see the writing on the wall. That Kurt has managed not to hit that wall or kill someone while DUI is blind luck, nothing more.

The worst part is the guy clearly has something of offer the world at large, he was part of Warrior, an extremely good film and could have parlayed that into more movie work so he didn't need to wrestle as much... As far as I am concerned anyone who buys Kurt a beer, any mark who asks him to sign something or even employs him at this stage is part of the problem... if there ever was a guy who not only has to get out of the biz, but never EVER watch, or be part of it again it's Kurt.

I'm no Glee fan, but the Cory Monteith thing kind of feels wrong here... you had a kid who had issues, tried to deal with them and still died... same for Amy Winehouse and I see a lot of Paul Gascoigne in Kurt, a guy who has no intention seemingly of sorting it out who seems to luck out and keep going on goodwill from the past cos no one wants to be the "one who tips him over the edge"... Going to rehab won't save you unless you REALLY want to be saved however much it looks like the right thing to do.

If i'm Dixie Carter, I'd be very worried - I'd be releasing him in the same way Vince did... but she won't cos he probably has something on her... but he's probably just kissed goodbye any shot he ever had of going back to the WWE in anything other than a death montage...harsh but true... Guarantee that Kurt's next stop after a very short rehab will be moving into DDP's... and he'll bring Scott and Jake down... you watch!
I think its great that Kurt is going to rehab, he obviously has some demons that need defeating, and whether its court-ordered, TNA ordered, or Angle finally realises he needs to make changes, its a positive thing that SOMETHING is being done about it.

Angle is a fighter, and one of the most determined and focused individuals ever to step foot into a wrestling ring. He overcame a broken neck to win the Olympics, he has faught back from what everyone thought were career-ending neck injuries suffered during his professional wrestling career to still be one of the best in the world, and this is another fight he has to go into with the same mentality.

If anyone can set their mind to something and beat it, then its Kurt Angle. I hope he doesnt rush anything and gets himself sorted, for his own benefit, for the benefit of his family and lastly for the wrestling business and its fans who idolise him.

Come on Kurt, we are all behind you. You can do this! It's true, it's damn true!
Of course, we're presuming he's really in rehab..... because we've been told he is.

Considering how celebrities lie and how their lies are backed up by the people around them, who really knows? No, I have no inside knowledge of anything, but Kurt has been charged with DUI four times, and has only once been convicted of it. Even then, for a crime that would have put most of us in the slammer, he paid a $250 fine and got no jail time. Groovy!

Maybe he thinks he has a problem, or maybe he perceives a public relations snafu is all he really has to deal with. With his value to TNA, perhaps Dixie was delighted to issue sound bites reflecting how seriously the organization takes this problem as we all wish Kurt the best in rehab.....while he kicks back at home for a few weeks, enjoying the sunshine as the heat dies down and his lawyers once again take care of the criminal charges against him.

Or, maybe he truly is in rehab, finally realizing he's got a problem. Hopefully, this is true, but who can say for certain?

After all, we all know Alex Rodriguez hasn't use PEDs as a Yankee, and Lance Armstrong never used them at all, right?
I love Kurt Angle. He's one of my favourites in wrestling today and it's great that he's recognizing that he needs help and looks like he's gonna get it. I think this is voluntary because he's in a really hot storyline and why would he or anyone eles want him out of it. The ship must keep going though and storylines will continue. I'm sure they'll make some one liner like "Kurt is taking care of Mafia business" or maybe they'll shoot about it and just say get well Kurt. The war between Aces and 8's and the Main Event Mafia will continue. It appears Tito Ortiz has a keen interest in that fued and since that was the cliffhanger from last week this whole situation must continue, with Angle or not.
I hope Angle gets better.

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