Kurt Angle coming back to the WWE???


Occasional Pre-Show
Now there is a STRONG RUMOR from earlyer this year that Kurt Angle MIGHT come back to the WWE. Now if that's true (no pun inteed), Kurt might re-appear at the WWE's october PPV "Bragging Rights" which is in Kurt's hometown of Pittsberg, Pa. But one of my questions is...What brand would he be on???

RAW-On the brand where the main eventers dominate?

Smackdown!-Go back to his roots as "the man" there?

ECW-Pick up where he left off before going to TNA wrestling?

And who would he fued with first prior to coming back? Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge (after he comes back from his injury), Triple H (again), or the Undertaker?

Maybe he could go and re-form team angle and bring in Jack Swagger as the mid-card member?

But tell me, what do you think about this? I'm sure that he would, since TNA wrestling ruined his marrige to Karen Angle.
He would never go back to ECW. One of the reasons he left the WWE was most likely them sticking him on that Brand.

Angle will only be happy in the WWE as being the champion and being on at least one of the top two brands.
he would be great for smackdown against all the medium size me like cm punk hardy, jericho, mysterio ziggler morrison could all benifit from a feaud with angle and he could be champ back n forth with all those guys vince should bring him back at braging rights and anounce a match prior to for the champ vs. mystery
if the champ was punk and angle was the mystery man it would be one of the great matches for the wc yet
Well, I look at like this... if Kurt Angle leaves TNA because of this whole Jeff Jarrett situation, I have a strong feeling that he will retire wrestling altogether. From what I heard, he left WWE on bad terms with Vince McMahon and it's very unlikely that he will return. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

With that being said, if he leaves TNA, and wants to wrestle at one of the top promotions, and assuming that Vince still doesn't forgive him, I'd say that Angle would just retire.

Despite all that... if we're lucky and Vince McMahon does allow Kurt Angle to return to WWE, if he wants, then I would put him on Raw. As much as I would like him on Smackdown... I think Raw would be a better fit for him. Smackdown has less of a main event scene than Raw, but I only saw put Angle on Raw because, I hear all the people on hear talk about how the main event scene on Raw is stale and needs to have more people... I think Angle would add a lot too it.

I still find it unlikely that Kurt Angle will leave TNA, let alone return to WWE, but I guess it's still possible. I mean, he does have other interests outside of the wrestling business, so I wouldn't be too surprised to see him leave wrestling altogether by 2010.
Kurt Angle will more then likely never come back to the WWE. I think that he will stay with TNA whether he can fully have what he wants or not. TNA's schedule is so much lighter compared with WWE and if Kurt were to go back to WWE, he would probably get another addiction to painkillers or some medication of sort. However, if Kurt were to come back to the WWE, that would be sweet. I would love to see Kurt back in the WWE, I just feel it's not going to happen. Between all the things that have been said, I think he would stay with TNA even if Jarrett was there.
he left wwe because he was addicted to pain killers he said on howard stern he was taking 100 a day and vince wouldnt give him time off to rehab, he would def want a light work load and smackdowns perfect, do we really need to see him get punted by randy? weve all seen hhh angle weve seen angle cena it would actually make raw lamer but every wretler wants to "pass the torch" and it would fit perfect have him put over punk hardy morrison
With all the stuff thats happened with Jeff Jarrett and his ex-wife he probably doesn't want to be in TNA all together. The recent back-and-forths between Angle and WWE regarding the reasons why he left, drugs and rehab, etc. have probably damaged his status with the company, but anything's possible in wrestling (except Bret Hart stepping in a WWE ring on TV again). I'd like to see him back in the WWE but between his injuries and drug use he's gotta be burnt out and might just call it quits.
he left wwe because he was addicted to pain killers he said on howard stern he was taking 100 a day and vince wouldnt give him time off to rehab, he would def want a light work load and smackdowns perfect, do we really need to see him get punted by randy? weve all seen hhh angle weve seen angle cena it would actually make raw lamer but every wretler wants to "pass the torch" and it would fit perfect have him put over punk hardy morrison

Actually, not every wrestler wants to pass the torch, look at Triple H, but that's for another thread
Kurt Angle is more badly needed on Raw than he is Smackdown. If they are going to continue treating Smackdown like the B show, than they need to move the stars over there who are getting ready to retire soon like Taker (already there), Batista, and Kane (already there).

Angle would improve the quality of Raw quite a bit, in my view. The company is in desperate need of people like him who are successful in working as both a face and a heel.
Well with the whole Jeff Jarrett situation, Kurt could very well make his return to the WWE. That is if he doesn't become a full time actor. Personally I would like to see him on Raw mainly because he would make the main event much more fresh because Raw has been so stale lately.
I think that if he could work a lighter schedule like Hbk and Taker then he would come back and work for vince. As long as he cleaned up on the drug stuff. I think that it would be good to have Angle back in wwe. He could still have some good feuds. I love the idea of Angle vs Swagger, and I really want to see Kurt vs Taker at mania, but who knows.
the only way i see him coming back to the WWE is if Vinny-mac will take him back and if angle wants to deal with all the travel time and painkillers again, which i think would be a mistake for him...look at all those wrestlers who died because of drugs and shit
he left wwe because he was addicted to pain killers he said on howard stern he was taking 100 a day and vince wouldnt give him time off to rehab, he would def want a light work load and smackdowns perfect, do we really need to see him get punted by randy? weve all seen hhh angle weve seen angle cena it would actually make raw lamer but every wretler wants to "pass the torch" and it would fit perfect have him put over punk hardy morrison

Didn't a wrestling insider site tell us other wise? I'm pretty sure it was prowrestling or wrestlezone that said he made that up and admitted to it. He basically lied about the WWE and Vince.

Anyway, this aside, if he DID come back, he would jump to the main event fo sho. He would more than likely feud with HHH or Undertaker or perhaps bring up some new guys like MVP, Miz, Morrison or Bourne. Also, I think if he were to return, it would be safe to assume he would return in his hometown during the bragging right's PPV.

I don't know if he would be a face or heel but I'd say it would depend on his rival. The writing staff at the WWE don't appear to be turning Trips heel any time soon, so if he were to feud with him, expect Angle to be the heel this time.
I think that the wwe would take him back without any hesitation... angle asked for his release and the wwe didn't fire him... again he's stated many times that the wwe treated him fairly also that wwe did indeed offer him a lighter sked but for some reason he declined... I have youtube links to prove this so don't hesitate to ask for em if you didn't know.... i don't know how seriously he's taking that situation in tna with jarrett but i hope he leaves and i'm sure if he contacts the wwe they would have no problem giving him a sked like taker / hbk.... also him and vinny mac were close apparently so i think vince can forgive him
i definitely think that if angle wanted back in the wwe, vince would let him in a heartbeat. kurt is tna's biggest draw and if he were to go back to wwe, a lot of fans would probly follow. vince is smart enough to know that would be a great business move and one step closer to crushing tna once and for all.

the issue here though is not if vince would let him back, its if angle by some chance leaves tna due to this whole jarrett thing and then IF he even wants back in wwe. ive heard multiple reports of angle trashing wwe but also reports of him praising wwe.

i would absolutely love him back where he belongs on the wwe but i have trouble seeing him actually leaving tna. he wants to do movies and not wwe's shitty movies.

if he comes back at "bragging rights" in his home town i will be so pumped up because i will be there sitting 2nd row in the city of champions, mine and angles hometown, pittsburgh, pennsylvania. its true, its damn true
Angle coming back to the WWE would make me MTFO but it's so up in the air right now I really couldn't predict if he would or not.

But, in a hypothetical sense if he did come back then it should be on Smackdown. He could be the man over there and could help legitimize Punk and Morrison as main eventers. Can you imagine a match between Angle and Punk/Morrison? Fuck yeah. Angle is amongst the best ever and he could be again on WWE television. He would be boring on Raw, Smackdown FTW.
he would only come back if he could have a schedule similar to HBK or Undertaker: limited house shows. Given that Smackdown has lost Edge and is going to lose Jeff Hardy, i'd have to say he is put onto Smackdown. There are enough egos on Raw with HHH, Cena, Orton, that has to be put over. Put him on Smackdown with some nice talented young guys that he can help groom. After Hardy leaves and until Undertaker returns, their top 6 guys are CM Punk, Mysterio, Ziggler, Morrison, Kane, and Chris Jericho (who's doing tag team feuds). They need a shot in the arm.
I have a feeling Angle's not leaving TNA. It depends if Jeff Jarrett wants him there.

As other people said, if he came back, he would have a schedule similar to HBK and Undertaker. He could be the next Benoit. And I DON'T want that to happen. He should go on Smackdown. After Hardy leaves, there main guys are Punk, Morrison, Mysterio, and Jericho (Who's teaming with Big Show.) He could get in the main scene. (If Vince lets him.) And, Morrison and Angle would raise hell.
Just a quick note: Vince McMahon is a Businessman first, he knows that if Kurt Angle came back to WWE that everyone would love it. Say what you want about he way he left, etc. etc. etc. But Vince is a businessman first, asshole second.

So IF Kurt Angle comes back (Which I've always was gonna happen) he should come back on Smackdown! were he belongs and help the new guys.
I doubt he comes back I would be excited if he did but I don't think it happens. There are some bruised egos between Angle and VKM and we all know who's ass Angle will have to kiss to come back and main event and he's to talented and prideful to do it.

Angle is nearing the end of his wrestling prime and he made the best decision for his health to sign with TNA the working hours are much much better compared to the 300 day a year in the WWE.
That would be sooo sweet if Kurt Angle came back. If he does i would love to see him go back to smackdown. He could put on way better matches on SD and raw has too many top guys (hhh, hbk, cena, orton, batista). Id love to see him fued with undertaker for the world title.
With the upcoming leaving of Jeff hardy, the disappearance of The Undertaker, Smackdown left with no really believable main event faces. WE NEED A HERO, and Kurt Angle could be the man to answer our prayers, it'll be great if Angle returned to main event Samckdown, he could easily help develop smackdown's major heels right now, like CM punk, and hopefully Matt Hardy because I really want to see him go to the top. Angle's in-ring work is incredible, and we've all seen him get major pops as a face back in 2003 (if my memory serves me correctly).
If Angle wanted back, I believe Vince would have little problem signing him back to the WWE. Angle could work a lighter schedule, as he is with TNA right now, and still make more money in the WWE. Vince is someone that normally doesn't allow personal dislike of a wrestler get in the way of good business unless he absolutely hates the guy's fucking guts. Vince put out a DVD on the Macho Man Randy Savage this summer, a guy that he supposedly hates and reportedly went into damn fits whenever someone even mentioned the guy and the possibility of doing something with him at meetings. But, Vince got over that, put out a DVD collection and it's sold well.

If Vince can forgive Savage to at least the extent of acknowledging his existence, he'll have little problem working with Kurt Angle again.

As far as Angle goes, he basically wants to be in charge of TNA creative. Jeff Jarrett has basically been suspended indefinitely by Dixie Carter, she's fired two of Jarrett's biggest supporters in Dutch Mantel and Savio Vega and the fact is that Dixie Carter is someone that's bent over backwards to give Kurt Angle everything he's wanted since he arrived in TNA. I think I've read somewhere that if Kurt doesn't get the creative position, he won't resign with TNA. Now remember, I think I've read that. Given as much as TNA has invested in Kurt Angle, I won't be surprised if he's running the creative direction of the show before the year is out. If that happens, he won't be back in the WWE.
Yeah is angle were to come back home to WWE i would put him on Raw. Smackdown is perfect right no where as Raw could reely use someone like Kurt. SO IF he were to come back he should defonetly go to RAW!

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