Kurt Angle Better Heel or Face?


Championship Contender
the title says it all is kurt a better heel or a better face.Im gonna go with heel.when he was a heel he had more personality and more of a gimmick.as a face his character gets stale and boring.
I personally like Angle as he is now. He's kinda a tweener, saying that he's going to destroy anyone in his path to his WHC. Kurt Angle can get over doing whatever he feels like doing at the time. If he wants to be a face, he has his patriotic, broken neck Olympic Gold Medal win. If he wants to be a heel, he will let you know he's the best to ever grace the squared circle, and then prove it to you. If he wants to be a tweener, he will beat everyone's ass, and walk away with the belt. That's how he is. He's Kurt Angle.
ye his storyline right now isnt too bad.i liked the feud with him trips and stephanie that was classic lol
Everything The Great Ace says proves why Kurt will always be a better face. His post sums up the word "Respect." The fans, wether they be smarks, marks, whatever truly respect Kurt. Respect will always generate cheers, and to top it all off Kurt is just that good.....oh it's true. It's damn true.
yeah i also like him where he is right now, the weird thing is even as a heel, he still gets the respect of the fans for his in ring ability, perfect example against hbk, forget which match he went in as a heel, and people were chanting ANGLE ANGLE
Both, because he's the type of character who can make fans care about him regardless of whether he's a "good guy" or a "bad guy" at the time. Even as the dominant heel leader of the Main Event Mafia, for example, Kurt still managed to make the fans care, even in the events when he was cheating, beating down other wrestlers and calling the fans assholes outright.

Most characters have a stronger sense being face or heel, but IMO Kurt is equally as dominant as both.
Exactly. Angle will always be revered as a wrestling icon. If you can't respect him for his antics in the ring, i.e. when he is a heel, you can certainly respect his wrestling ability. People will mention him winning the Gold with a broken neck LONG after he is gone. If you can't respect his accomplishments, you can certainly respect his mic skill. If you can't respect that, you can respect his determination. The list goes on and on. Everyone can find something they like in Kurt Angle.
I'm a huge fan if Kurt Angle as a heel. But Kurt is one of those wrestlers that can do both. I think what makes me like him as a heel more though is his moveset. There's nothing as exciting as watching him lock in his submission move and keep it on till his opponent passes out. But like I said before, Kurt makes everything look good because of his intensity, look at his match with Red, both were faces and that match was amazing(no pun intended).
I agree once again with IDR, Kurt Angle was great as both, he had some damn entertaining moments as a face with Stone Cold, and later on now in TNA, he's also succeeded with it on other occasions in WWE although.

Kurt has made a name for himself also as a heel, with amazing feuds with Brock Lesnar, John Cena, A.J styles, and as the leader of the Main Event Mafia.

Kurt does everything handed to him with greatness, and I will have a very hard time choosing one preferred alignment over the other, Kurt is simply that good.

So to me, this is a draw.
Tough call, as I like him either face or heel, but I would probably go with face. He is one of the hardest working wrestlers in the business and risks himself constantly despite an injured neck within the past.
Yeah, I can't lie, this version of Kurt Angle is absolutely bland to me. I'm not sure why everyone's raving about why this character is so great, because I find it absolutely boring. Sure, his matches are still great, but I always feel as though Kurt is at his best as a heel. For one thing, the guy knows how to garner heat better than anyone else in the Impact Zone. Everyone's spoken about how TNA is lacking a great Heel at the top, and to me, that's directly tied to Kurt's face turn. Kurt is the only heel on the roster that could sustain a few losses, and still look like a credible opponent at any time. Styles seems to lack credibility right now, Desmond Wolfe is shot to Hell, and now we're resorted to using Abyss as the uber heel, something that worked better in 2003 when the much more talented Kane was pulling off the same insanity schtick. Kurt Angle is the only heel that TNA has that can take a loss or two, and still be at the top of the TNA rankings. Thus, at this point, I feel it's best for him to be a heel.
I personally have to say he's a better heel, but not because I think he's not a great face. Rather, I think that the heel role is harder to pull off. Your run-of-the-mill heel gets the audience to hate him. GREAT heels get the audience to love the face.

When I think of heels that make the audience root for the good guy, I think of Kurt Angle and HHH. There are other good heels in the game, but none play it quite like those two.

(Note: I'm not considering the role of the heel fans love for these purposes. Think Ric Flair in the 90's or CM Punk today; they're very good heels, but of a different kind.)
Obviously Kurt Angle is talented enough to work either effectively, but I absolute love him as a comedic heel. I get that Kurt Angle is intense, but when that intensity is offset with comedy something very special happens. Because he is so good in the ring, I think that sometimes his personality gets overlooked. But this guy has personality and charisma coming out of his ears when he gets to be funny.

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