Kurt Angle arrested (again)


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
Wrestling superstar Kurt Angle was arrested early this morning in North Dakota ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... highway patrol in Grand Forks found Angle sitting in his car in the median separating lanes. We're told Angle told cops he had hit an icy patch in the road. During the conversation, cops say they smelled alcohol on Angle's breath. He failed a field sobriety test and was arrested.

Since cops didn't see Angle driving, he was arrested and later charged with being in control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated -- which basically means he was allegedly drunk behind the wheel but not actually driving.

First Hardy now Angle. They are never going to keep a credible name if their big draws are getting fucked up and showing up unable to compete or just giving them bad press. I love Angle and he's one of the guys that I really wouldn't expect this out of. It's a damn shame.
Didn't he get arrested for this once before? If so, what an idiot. Nobody should feel sorry for him.
Honestly it can't be this hard to find a cab. I'll never get this about drunk drivers. Taxis exist for a reason.
And it only took five minutes for SD to jump to his defense in the TNA section. Luckily my new favorite poster Rayne was there to shoot down his lame excuses.

Excuse me as I laugh here in my corner. What was it you were saying about Kurt Angle clearly having gotten better and put behind his drug addiction since joining TNA Shattered Dreams? This is now his third arrest with the company. Unbelievable.

Rayne summed it up perfectly in the first line of his post in the thread in the TNA section. 10 years from now people are going to ask themselves if it was worth getting to see Angle perform so greatly for all those years at the expense of his own physical and mental health. I'm scared for Kurt, legitimately. I don't want to see another amazing wrestler kill himself with drugs and the never-ending grind of touring and wrestling. It's not worth it.
Would you bet a 1000 dollars on him being addicted to pills presently based on the evidence you provide remix?

Actually, yes.

I would be shocked if he doesn't take opiates on a regular basis. If he takes them every day (even at clinical doses) he probably would have withdrawal symptoms. Ask Val Venis what being on hydrocodone for three months did to him.
So by your definition it is impossible to quit abusing pills remix?

...Where did I say that?

SD, it is a FACT that wrestlers when they aren't being watched over like a hawk use drugs to keep in shape. That's what they have in their fanny packs. Kurt's a chronically injured guy who's got legitimate reasons to use pain killers for their intended purpose. However, you take an addictive drug on a regular basis, chances are you're going to get addicted. You might stick to the prescribed doses, and you might hurt like hell if you don't take them but that doesn't change the fact that Angle is most likely still addicted to pain pills.

Look up the statistics for people addicted to prescription drugs in America, why don't you SD. It's not an uncommon thing you know.
By your definitions I am not talking much about addiction then. I am referring to abuse (more than prescribed) and I think most people are as well. I am not sure what the huge issue is with legally taking what you are prescribed. My only issue is with people saying Angle is obviously abusing pills because of an alcohol related arrest. It certainly is possible regardless of this incident given his history. Certainly possible is anything but a fact though.
By your definitions I am not talking much about addiction then. I am referring to abuse (more than prescribed) and I think most people are as well. I am not sure what the huge issue is with legally taking what you are prescribed. My only issue is with people saying Angle is obviously abusing pills because of an alcohol related arrest. It certainly is possible regardless of this incident given his history. Certainly possible is anything but a fact though.

By your definition Kurt wasn't abusing Vicodin back when he was taking 50 a day. They were all prescribed.
Source and you know what I mean. I almost included by a legitimate doctor but I figured it was obvious what I was talking about. You clearly know so why did you dodge the question? Please do not waste our time questioning the definition of legitimate as another cop out.
Source and you know what I mean. I almost included by a legitimate doctor but I figured it was obvious what I was talking about.

Because it's SO hard to go to a doctor and say "look doc, I'm in a lot of pain can you prescribe something for me?" and then get early refills because you lost some while on the road (Bret said as much in the Benoit doccumentary). As for what's in the fanny packs, that was mentioned in the Benoit documentary too. It's not like actual wrestlers have talked about how drugs are used backstage either. (see: Val Venis' first scriptdanger radio thing).

Now, forgive me for coming to the conclusion that a former drug addict who's in pain and an environment where painkillers are taken more than is strictly neccesary is more than likely taking pain killers (which ain't going to do much to stop him relapsing now, is it?)

You clearly know so why did you dodge the question? Please do not waste our time questioning the definition of legitimate as another cop out.

We know that Angle's drugs were from legit doctors. YOu know how we know? Because he never failed a WWE drug test while he admitted he was on "65 a day". WWE lets you take prescribed drugs if you can prove that they are prescribed by a legit doctor, which they were.

SD I never spoke about Kurt abusing drugs. You did. I said that Angle's more than likely hooked on pain killers. Which he probably is, along with pretty much every wrestler over the age of 36. However, it'd be damn hard to prove whether he's abusing them. Which is why I never mentioned abuse.
No use arguing with SD. From what I read in his posts, anything that is vague or unknown about TNA is never negative. Anything that is vague or unknown about WWE has to be negative or a vast conspiracy to hide undesirable things. Even though there are no hard evidence to prove anything in either situation, his mind is already made up about what he believes in. Even when something happens that reveal that his beliefs is misguided like this Angle incident, he will still spin it to be "I'm not wrong because I was talking about drugs not alcohol" when everyone is saying about Angle screwing up and not the way he screwed up.
Because it's SO hard to go to a doctor and say "look doc, I'm in a lot of pain can you prescribe something for me?" and then get early refills because you lost some while on the road (Bret said as much in the Benoit doccumentary). As for what's in the fanny packs, that was mentioned in the Benoit documentary too. It's not like actual wrestlers have talked about how drugs are used backstage either. (see: Val Venis' first scriptdanger radio thing).

So you chose the cop out route. I wish I was surprised. Almighty remix, just how many pills is angle taking a day?

We know that Angle's drugs were from legit doctors. YOu know how we know? Because he never failed a WWE drug test while he admitted he was on "65 a day". WWE lets you take prescribed drugs if you can prove that they are prescribed by a legit doctor, which they were.

They have a drug test that can tell if you took 2 a day or 60? News to me.

SD I never spoke about Kurt abusing drugs. You did. I said that Angle's more than likely hooked on pain killers. Which he probably is, along with pretty much every wrestler over the age of 36. However, it'd be damn hard to prove whether he's abusing them. Which is why I never mentioned abuse.

If every wrestler over 36 is then why is it only an issue being discussed related to Angle? I did not bring up drugs here before X did and technically you mentioned vicodin before either of us.

Probably the most amusing part of any of these posts is that it all originates from me questioning the drug issue in a post where someone clearly listed drugs and alcohol separate. So if alcohol and drug are synonymous why did they make that distinction to begin with?

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