Kurt Angle about Hulk Hogan: "He's the one guy I really trust."

Midnite Express 2009

Getting Noticed By Management
Kurt Angle recently did an interview and was asked about the storyline involing he & Jeff Jarrett along with his children. While Angle mentioned that he didn't feel too comfortable with certain parts of the storyline, he said he was a trooper and still went with it, being a team player and all. But then he said something that really rasied my eyebrow. He said, in reference to Hulk Hogan being a "buffer" and helping him with the storyline and making sure that things didn't get out of hand that, " he's (Hulk Hogan) the one guy I really trust." He also went on to say that he trusts Dixie Carter too.

So the question I have is, should Kurt Angle, in the long run, trust that Hogan has his best interest at heart or that Hulk Hogan has Hulk Hogan's best interest at heart and could really only be doing this for ratings and not really caring that Kurt Angle's priviate life, in some ways, is being shown on national television? Is Angle speaking through what he's told to say, or from his heart and furthermore, will his "trust" in Hulk Hogan come to bite him in the butt, given Hulk Hogan's former track record?
That is an extremely good question! I'd like to think that Hogan does have Kurt's best interest in mind when it comes to this storyline, but who really knows for sure?

I hadn't thought about it before I read your post (I hadn't seen this interview, until I read the bit that you posted), but I wonder if Hogan is living vicariously through Kurt a little bit? ...I mean, regarding Hogan's divorce. I bet the Hulkster would love to be able to smash Linda's face into a wedding cake, etc. Maybe this storyline is a little bit of a jab towards Linda as well? ...again, that hadn't crossed my mind at ALL until I read this.

On the other side of the coin (in regard to the Hogan/Linda aspect to this storyline), maybe Hogan's messy divorce is what makes Angle feel able to trust Hogan "overseeing things". Kurt & Hogan are sort of kindred spirits here...with the pro-wrestling "real-life" marriage falling apart. Maybe Hogan really is looking out for Kurt's best interest(s), for the sole reason that Hogan understands what it's like to go through such a public divorce.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't think that this one storyline will "bite him in the butt" (him being Kurt). Hopefully this angle will be wrapped up soon, then Kurt will move on to another feud. Russo was always notorious for having wrestlers with "legit heat" feud with one another, so I'd be more worried about where Vinny-Roo's real intentions lie with Kurt's feelings and/or legacy.
I don't even see where this thread is relevant, only because of the simple fact that no one in these forums have a clue or even know's who HULK HOGAN is in real life.

It's obviously semi real because HOGAN is a heel, and that's why everyone shit's on him, and ANGLE is a face. The interview is not a part of any storyline, i think ANGLE is speaking from his experience thus far with HOGAN in TNA and the current storyline. If it's true, then I would think a hat tip to HOGAN if he's sincerely monitoring the angle between JEFF and KURT & family.
basically agreeing with what above poster said. this storyline doesnt really effect hogan so he wont have that much personal interest in it. hogan cant really "hogan" this storyline. and as above said , hogan will probably be more considering with this as he basically is/was going threw the same thing as kurt so hell be more sympothetic.
Kurt's really trying hard to sell this whole, "I'm staying in TNA until I retire", "I love TNA and everything about," crap that he's pushing.

This to me is way more disappointing than him saying he'll retire in TNA, instead of the place that gave him his stage to shine in the WWE. His choice and all, but to say that he "really" trusts Hulk Hogan, who has buried person-after-person throughout his career for his benefit is a stretch.
While I want to believe that Kurt and Hogan are great friends, and that Hogan would give Kurt the shirt off of his back, I just can't buy it whole heartedly. I like Hogan...I like Kurt. But it is a business and deep down, everyone is out for themselves.

This sounds like a PR move.
This is probably one of the reasons why Sting went back to TNA, because he probably also trust Dixie Carter. I don't know if he Trust Hogan, Bischoff and Russo.

Speaking of Kurt Angle, am not surprise he didn't say he trust Vince Russo. So what that is saying, Hogan is also involve the creative team, but I don't know what's his job really in TNA. I don't know many people in the wrestling business who trust Hogan like Kurt do, because Hogan was brought in the company and suppose to help the company but he didn't, the ratings are still the same and Hogan was the one who brought in the Nasty boys and look what happen to them.

Kurt has been in TNA for a very long time, his performance has always been at 100% whether he was heel or baby face, he always goes out in the ring and do his job. There are people who aren't feeling the whole Angle with Jarrett and his wife. They don't like the fat that it involves his kids as well and i know it bothers Kurt Angle. I think its easy for Kurt to say he Trust Hogan because his performance is always on the up and up unlike some of the guys in TNA which i find it werid because some of the storylines some of the wrestlers are involve in don't do so good, but with Kurt it seems so easy for him to be involve in a storyline where he can tell a very good wrestling match as far as story-telling.
While I want to believe that Kurt and Hogan are great friends, and that Hogan would give Kurt the shirt off of his back, I just can't buy it whole heartedly. I like Hogan...I like Kurt. But it is a business and deep down, everyone is out for themselves.

This sounds like a PR move.

I have to agree with this being a PR move. Dixie Cater, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff all knew going into things that their top draws were people that the fans wanted to see elsewhere (i.e. WWE). I'm not going to get too far into the "I want to retire in TNA" statement, but here lately, to me anyway, it seems as if Kurt Angle has been selling himself a little bit too much by proclaiming he loves TNA and so forth. I'm not Kurt, I don't know what he's thinking or what he's being told and in some ways, I feel somewhat silly trying to decifer what his true intentions with these comments are, however, I wondered why the words "trust" and "Hulk Hogan" were ever put into a sentence together, like I orginally said, given Hogan's track record.

Perhaps he & Hogan sat down together, and talked about this before the whole storyline ever happened, that way everyone knew their roles and knew what to do & what not to do. My "thing" with his statement is, how far can he go in trusting Hogan, even after the storyline is over? To say "he's the one guy I really trust" makes it seem as if he can't trust anyone else, and if that's the case, then WHAT is Kurt trust Hogan with? It can't just end at the storyline, trust-wise, that is. So in essence, one has to wonder (if one cares anyway to wonder), what caused Kurt to "trust" Hogan more than anyone else? Is that statement apart of a bigger storyline soon to come? Now I know I'm creating a post within a post, but just something about that statement struck me as curious.
I think Hogan does have simpathyfor Kurt, but the spots they do with the kids is just crazy. How JJ n Karen had the kids say bad stuff about Kurt. That just blew my mind. Kept me watch but made me sad as well.
Well, Kurt Angle is once again kissing Hogan's ass!

It's all about if Hogan like's you in TNA. So, anyone that say's good thing's about Hogan, their getting a push. Expect to see Angle win the TNA Championship in the next few month's.

The only guy you can trust is Hogan? Really? The guy who has held down more guy's than I can count and refuses to job after 30 year's. The guy is the man who is only in TNA for the money.

Kurt Angle, quite kissing his ass. Hogan is the biggest douchebag, egotistical political prick. He only see's TNA as $$$.
Well, Kurt Angle is once again kissing Hogan's ass!

It's all about if Hogan like's you in TNA. So, anyone that say's good thing's about Hogan, their getting a push. Expect to see Angle win the TNA Championship in the next few month's.

The only guy you can trust is Hogan? Really? The guy who has held down more guy's than I can count and refuses to job after 30 year's. The guy is the man who is only in TNA for the money.

Kurt Angle, quite kissing his ass. Hogan is the biggest douchebag, egotistical political prick. He only see's TNA as $$$.

TNA is where he works at. OF COURSE he sees TNA as "$$$". What do you expect him to be there for? The joy of being back in a wrestling company? I hear sound stages are the shit.

When you get a job at Burger King for instance, do you get it so you can make some money, or to make the customers' days much brighter. Jesus Christ ...

You talk like you freakin' know the guy. "It's all about if Hogan likes you in TNA". 'The fuck are you? A writer? A booker? A wrestler? Quit reading the scum-sheets and don't assume crap you're not sure of. Moron.

God damn, you're the epitome of everything that's wrong with the IWC.
Personally, I knew a post about this was going to happen and the automatic Hogan has never put anyone over and blah, blah, blah.

first question is was/were any of us in the back with said parties? NO

Second: How do we know the true interest of Hogan. We here all the rumors of Hogan being a douche and not putting people over, but wasn't it Hogan who tried to pass the torch on to people on more than one occasion only for them to fail and it have to go back to Hogan. Warrior, Sid, the list goes on. The only person who took the ball from Hogan was the Rock but sadly to say he retired from wrestling what was like two years after Hogan gave it to him.

We can't just assume that we know these things, granted Bret says shit all the time about Hogan not helping him, this is one person and there have been others, but look at the people he helped create along the lines too. UT, he helped Goldberg, Macho Man (part of his success is also due to Steamboat), Earthquake, Sid, Kamala I can't name many from WCW as they didn't create to many people there, but he did alot with WWE.

Kurt and Hogan probably are in the back helping each other especially with their nasty divorces, I mean why would he not look out for him as he does have some creative control and i think he does want to see some strong competition to the E.

I don't personally know Hulk, but he was the one who helped the Big Show lose weight before he went back to the E to look better and more agile.
Pure PR spin and nothing more. Not that I blame Angle or anything because it's just plain common sense to say nothing to glowing things about the company you work for and the people running it. In the real world, after all, you can't get away with kicking your boss in the gut, hit him with a stunner and call him a sumbitch 10 times a night.

As for Hogan being the only guy he really trusts, pure bullshit. It's part of the PR spin of course, but it's still bullshit. If Angle trusts anyone completely in TNA, it'd be Dixie Carter because she's ALWAYS done whatever Kurt's asked of her. Hell, she'd probably birth Angle's next child if he wanted.
TNA is where he works at. OF COURSE he sees TNA as "$$$". What do you expect him to be there for? The joy of being back in a wrestling company? I hear sound stages are the shit.

When you get a job at Burger King for instance, do you get it so you can make some money, or to make the customers' days much brighter. Jesus Christ ...

You talk like you freakin' know the guy. "It's all about if Hogan likes you in TNA". 'The fuck are you? A writer? A booker? A wrestler? Quit reading the scum-sheets and don't assume crap you're not sure of. Moron.

God damn, you're the epitome of everything that's wrong with the IWC.

Huh, wait? Epitome of everything wrong with the IWC? Hell no! I'm just not a smarky prick who just clinges to other's people's opinion's and think's AJ Styles is the best wrestler in the world. :lmao: I think TNA will be out of business in 2 years, and I think Kurt Angle is overrated. I have my own opinion.

Anyway, what I mean is Hogan's only in it for the money. Not the fan's, the talent, or TNA in general. He want's the moola, that's all. He's just a old man looking to stay relevent. I mean really, the guy's freakin back is mess up like shit, and still want's to cut a 15 minute promo. Why? He's getting paid for it and he's getting TV time.

There's a slow burning fire, a virus if you will, and it's slowly burning inside TNA. It's got a white handlebar mustache and a pair of sunglasses.
Huh, wait? Epitome of everything wrong with the IWC? Hell no! I'm just not a smarky prick who just clinges to other's people's opinion's and think's AJ Styles is the best wrestler in the world. :lmao: I think TNA will be out of business in 2 years, and I think Kurt Angle is overrated. I have my own opinion.

Anyway, what I mean is Hogan's only in it for the money. Not the fan's, the talent, or TNA in general. He want's the moola, that's all. He's just a old man looking to stay relevent. I mean really, the guy's freakin back is mess up like shit, and still want's to cut a 15 minute promo. Why? He's getting paid for it and he's getting TV time.

There's a slow burning fire, a virus if you will, and it's slowly burning inside TNA. It's got a white handlebar mustache and a pair of sunglasses.

This is just such a total pile of horse crap, but mostly about the fans. There's a reason that Hogan is the #1 most requested (and has granted the most wishes) for the Make-A-Wish foundation. The man gives a rats ass about the fans.

Good for Angle, I don't see any reason to doubt him. Just more of the IWC chatter on here that insists on ignoring the actual evidence in front of us and insisting that we know better the true character and facts of what's going on behind closed doors at these wrestling companies.
Pure PR spin and nothing more.

That's all it is. When it comes to sports people, celebrities and politicians, it amazes me that the press spends so much time asking what those folks think, given that the answer received may have nothing whatever to do with the truth.

This past week, Tammy (Sunny) Sytch revealed that she was lying when she told everyone that WWE had not contacted her for inclusion in the HOF. Why did she lie? Would the world have stopped spinning on it's axis if she told the truth in the first place? The answer to that lies in the difference between the truth and storylines.

In Kurt Angle's case, we wrestling fans are constantly mixing up truth with storylines; it's part and parcel of wanting to believe these people are a lot like their on-air characters. In the case being discussed here, I doubt Kurt's saying that he trusts Hogan has anything to do with real life. He'll say he trusts Hogan because the writers have instructed him to do it. In real life, Kurt is probably savvy enough to watch his back in all matters concerning Hulk.
Honestly, Hulk Hogan does have his own best interest at heart. However, Kurt Angle being happy is for the better when it comes to Hulk Hogan.

Angle healthy and happy makes him want to keep working for TNA. TNA is what Hogan is hoping keeps him relevant in the wrestling world. Angle sticking around in TNA for a couple more years keeps the company with one of it's biggest names. It helps everyone else.

So, it works both ways. It's a healthy relationship for both, really. If Hogan were a wrestler still, it could be different. In this case, it seems normal.

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