Konnor and Adam Rose Each Eat Second Respective Wellness Violations


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ascension started entertaining me after their initial main roster push died a swift death. I suspect that regularly working the undercard C and D shows has helped these guys more than developmental ever did (though I have a few theories on this which relate more to my perception of them than any actual improvement). So I'm bummed out about Konnor.

Adam Rose does nothing for me. Does that guy who was a huge mark for him and Gabriel still post here?
Big one.

When Baron Corbin flops, I hope he gets repackaged as Konnor's replacement and the Ascension continues to ride the D show wasteland.
Apparently Roses' first was a secret and Konor's was back in 06!
Probably no long term impact for either of them. Both are already firmly entrenched as jobbers.
Probably no long term impact for either of them. Both are already firmly entrenched as jobbers.


The only thing they could do to hurt them at all is take Rose out of the Social Outcasts because that takes him off RAW or they could fire them.

Sending them back to NXT would actually be positive for both of them because that's where they thrive.

I know they're both suspended for failing but when they get back there isn't any fall from grace.
I still fondle myself at the thought of Leo Kruger. Just put him back in NXT for life and give him back his warlord gimmick.

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