Kofi - The Division Chameleon?


Riley Justin
I know that there are alot of Kofi threads, but after I watched this weeks RAW again, I started to think about Kofi's appearance in the main event.

Kofi to me is that mid-carder that can fit into any scene. He's always going back and forth winning the mid-card titles, the tag titles and competing for the world/WWE titles at any given time. He's also always going back and forth with competition, and he comfortably looks good taking on any kind of opponent, whether it be building new mid-carders like Barrett and Dolph on Smackdown from 2009-2011, tag teaming with Punk and Bourne, or competing in the elimination chamber, he looks right at home.

I think what caught my attention was that this week although he was taking on former world champs and ring generals like Punk and Jericho, Kofi didn't seem like an underdog or like he didn't fit in, and maintained a confident performance. He even had the balls to take a dive onto Miz and Jericho after seeing what happened to R-Truth. This made me think "Wow, it's like he never left the upper-midcard and spent time on the low-card".

I think of Kofi the same way I think of Edge back in 2002-4 - He was constantly going up and down the card and divisions, but he only needed that extra something special that could pull him up to the main event. Much like Edge was taking on the likes of Angle and HBK, Kofi has taken on guys like Orton and Sheamus.

I'm not saying that Kofi should be pushed to main-event status, or even that he should permanently stay in the main-event, but I think I've been reminded of why we all loved Kofi 2-3 years ago. I don't think that there's anything wrong with his persona or his image as a face, I just think that after seeing it for so long we've become abit numb to the Kofi persona (Although I do think that he has a very fresh look in comparison to alot of the roster).

How would I use him in 2012? I'd give him the mic. He's a good talker, and he sounds pretty cool on the stick, so I don't know why he's never given much promo time. I think that he would be much more used on Smackdown. Right now there's not alot of room for a guy like him to develop or shine out on RAW (Not saying that I'm not happy with the rosters at the moment). Although I do think that he has a great overall package, I do think that he should change up alittle to compensate for his lack of mic time. You can tell that he is being kept around so that creative can use him when the time comes, the same way WWE waited an extended period of time to utilise guys like Edge, Jeff Hardy, Randy (Even though they did try to rush at first). Those guys all had the same character for years until they were pushed at the right time to become a major player. Who knows what could happen to Kofi. I've learnt to never say never, as we've all seen guys with dead end personas like R-Truth, who seemed to be at dead points in their careers who managed to shock the IWC and turn things around. Who knows what could happen to Kofi.

Your thoughts?
I think Kofi can be this generations Mr Perfect or Rick Rude or Jake Roberts etc.... will never be the top dog of the company but is a crucial member of it. He puts on good matches, is entertaining, people love him, especially kids, and like you said he's good on the mic. He will always be entertaining and will be one of those people you may not pay to go see but will entertain you to the point that you'll come back much like those other guys did.
Iagree with much of what you've said. He's a good performer and is pretty over with the fans so it makes sense having him in and around the main event. He didn't look out of place either.
There's no doubt in my mind that there is main-event potential in Kofi Kingston. Anybody who saw the short-lived Kingston/Orton can attest to that. The spot of him doing the boom drop in the MSG crowd through the table is the moment I always look back at. It showed us that Kofi can take it to that next level intensity wise and that he can hold his own when given the chance on the mic.

Is he going to blow you away with charisma and make you rewatch his promos years later? No. He's a competent guy who is rarely ever given the chance to speak. The Orton feud shortly dissipated (supposedly due to Kingston botching a couple of moves) and that was the last we ever saw of Kofi as a upper-midcarder/low main eventer.

I think there is money to be made in Kofi, and it doesn't have to be the IWC band-aid of "turn him heel." Give him some mic time, let him gain back that intensity and see how he does with a Miz or a Del Rio.
Kofi's nothing more than a fringe main eventer, he'll never be given the opportunity to run with either World belt for the simplistic reason he's too small in stature.

Orton in late 09' really put Kofi over more than any other superstar could have, then WWE dropped Kofi for the simple reason he's too small and to predictable in the sense he's a face, he does some gnarly stuff that creates moments like Royal Rumble 2012 and the handstand or his MSG moment beating Orton around the arena then putting him through the table but he's stuck in the role of a face.

As I pointed out not too long ago with Evan's current suspension once he comes back maybe they should have Kofi turn heel on him (maybe the day after WM) leading to them having some kind of bout at Extreme Rules and write Bourne out of storylines for a while until he can sort himself out and this gives Kofi a new fresh edge that could possibly take him back into the main event picture.
Kofi's nothing more than a fringe main eventer, he'll never be given the opportunity to run with either World belt for the simplistic reason he's too small in stature.

Does that argument hold water any more? Why am I asking? I know it doesn't. Your two world champions, ladies and gentlemen: CM Punk, six foot two, 218 pounds; Daniel Bryan, five foot ten, 210 pounds. Kofi Kingston is six foot, 212 pounds - slightly smaller than Punk, slightly larger than Bryan. Chris Jericho, former world champion, current main eventer. Christian, two time world champion in the last year alone, soon to be a main eventer once again upon return. Rey Mysterio, three-time world champion and perennial favourite of fans and management alike. How can you argue Kofi's being discriminated against because of his size in the face of that?

I'll offer three reasons that are all different degrees of unlikely, but still all much more likely than "he's small, and Vince likes cushion for the pushin'":
  1. Politics - Orton supposedly polticked Kofi out of the main event.
  2. Race - Unlikely, but with more evidence than the small argument.
  3. Kofi's shit - the Slyfox argument.
Kofi has always been entertaining to watch inside the ring. He's athletic, fast and agile and his jumping ability often leads to some of the best looking spots in his matches. He consistently gets a good response from the fans and he does good work. Kofi's weakness has been his promo work. We don't hear him talk very often but when we do, it's honestly not bad. However, it's not really good either. It's just kind of there. He doesn't really evoke any sort of emotional response, good or bad.

I don't see Kofi Kingston being a long term main eventer. I think Kofi's future will probably lie within the mid-card to upper mid-card area with an occassional journey into the tag team picture. Every once in a while, I think he'll also make it into the main event scene, but he probably won't be a permanent fixture there. Basically, I look for Kofi to ultimately be along the same likes as Rey Mysterio. Mysterio is a bigger star now, but I think that Kofi can potentially reach a similar level in time.

As for the "too small" arguments I sometimes read, it's really become an argument that doesn't hold any water. Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho and CM Punk are 5 of the most over wrestlers in the WWE at this time and most of them average right around the 6 foot mark, maybe just slightly more for a couple of them, and generally weigh in the 210-220 pound range. Shawn Michaels was roughly around the same size, as was Bret Hart, Ricky Steamboat and Ric Flair.
No word of a lie, I don't think I've ever heard Kofi Kingston's voice. If I have, I certainly don't remember it. I'm aware that he has cut promos, and my sources tell me that he even had a Jamaican accent for a period, which he's since dropped. I assume he's since dropped it; he could talk like Dolly Parton for all I know. I'm going to pretend he talks like Dolly Parton from now on - it's highly unlikely I'm ever actually going to hear him talk. I assumed that Rey Mysterio sounded like James Brown for the first few years of his career.

While we're here, I say we should adopt "division chameleon" in place of "upper midcarder," "midcarder," "tag team wrestler," and/or "jobber to the stars."
I like his 'RIDDLER' ring-gear at the moment :)

Kofi is an excellent athlete, with what seem like steam pistons in his legs! On his 'Boom-Drop' jump up, he must get to 5-6ft easily! The man is a live wire.

But sadly, I cannot see him as a long-term main eventer. At least not yet. He just needs that certain something to elevate him. He's a face, he's OK on the mike, he has some real skills, some of his stuff is just dazzling to watch.

But somehow, it just does not seem like quite enough, in this present form. Would a heel turn do it? I don't know, maybe. But it does seem like the first thing to try that would be different, though it could be a disaster if it's the wrong move.
Just to clear a few things up, this is NOT a 'I think Kofi needs to be pushed to the moon' thread.

Why is every solution to a character 'turn them heel'? It's such a lazy solution; it's like the equivalent of buying fast food for every meal of the day because you're too lazy to cook - at the end of it you just end up fat and disappointed in the final result.

Kofi's persona is fine. It stands out and he has a great look, we're all just so used to it now that it doesn't have the same appeal, the same way that there isn't a problem with CM Punk's or Brodus Clay's gimmick, but give it a few months and we'll be sick of em (For some of us CM Punk already). What would a heel turn do at this point? He'd come to the ring looking angry, pretty much like every other wrestler in the company that attempts to be a heel. Plus he'd lose a persona and a look that works very well for him. If he were going to change, it would have to be for something very special.
I think they should just put him on SD, let him go over there and feud with bryan, or christian when he comes back, SD is mostly full of midcarders anyways, with the exception of Randy, and maybe barrett.
Kofi definitely has main event potential, but i also see him more in the rey mysterio/kane role where he moves in and out of it. The guy is a freak athlete and unlike many similar style athletes, hes actually a wrestler too, he understands the mental aspects of wrestling and wrestles pretty smoothly.

I dont think he needs a gimmick change at all, just needs a bit more intensity to it ala the Orton feud, which i think was a main event gimmick. As far as promos, i think the Orton/Nascar promo from back then proved that he can cut a good promo when given some actual material to work with.

He also has a lot oh charisma, if you listen closely on tv and especially if you attend live events you can clearly see he gets probably the 6th or 7th best reaction of any babyface, despite not really doing anything of any real significance in a while.

As far as the race argument, if you look at WWE's roster, JTG is the only black person who is not in the midst of some type of push so they clearly have no problem pushing them.

And size, people give me a damn break, the whole WWE only wanting bodybuilders idea is a complete and utter joke. If you seriously think guys like Mark Henry, Big Show, Cena and Sheamus are only getting main event pushes because they are big, then you quite frankly dont know a damn thing about wrestling.
I believe it was Triple H who pointed out Kofi supposedly being Jamaican. I could be wrong though.

As far as Kofi goes, I was a big fan of him initially, but he took the backseat for awhile. I really enjoyed his feud with McIntyre over the IC title, and his US title match with Sheamus at Extreme Rues was well done. I became bored with him for awhile though, but find his more recent performances getting better again. He does fit well into just about any match and is one of the few people on the roster who could work a good match with just about anyone. I loved his work with Miz in the WWE title tournament when Punk "quit".
I do think that at some point Kofi will have the World Title. He will eventually be a main eventer. I dont ever see him being a top face of the company, but I can see him being a sort of type of superstar who transitions from Main Event to Upper Mid-Carder at anytime. Kofi is a good talent and I think he'll be around a while.
I agree that Kofi needs something that will truly make him stand ahead of the class of midcarders he is currently feuding with. This is a reason that I wish that more veterans were around to help put more guys over and help them connect with the fans on a more personal level. Right now the most interesting thing that he has going for him is his ever changing ring gear at every PPV he is involved in, but other than that he still doesn't have that factor that makes me go, "Whoa!"I do like him where he is though. I think he could stay where he is and still be relevant without being in our faces or make us believe he is stealing spot light time.

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