Kofi Kingston....US Champion?


Who wants to Love me Sexy?
Are my eyes decieving me or did we not just bare witness to the greatest U.S. Champion in WWE history lose his title cleanly to none other than Kofi Kingston?

I mean what was WWE thinking? MVP has brought prestige to a title that had seemed to get lost in the shuffle when somebody thought of that title they couldn't help but bring his name up.

Don't get me wrong this isn't a thread bashing Kofi Kingston or his abilities I just think he shouldnt've been the one to beat MVP for the title. I hope WWE has a bright Idea for this i.e. setting up The Miz for his 1st singles title run or pushing MVP into the main event scene otherwise the belt would mean noting and Vince Russo's old belts are props speech shall remain true

your thoughts and opinions.......
I think it's pretty obvious MVP is going to take Kennedy's spot in getting fed to Orton until Triple H gets back in time for a build up to SummerSlam. So they had to toss it on someone, and picked Kofi. If Hardy's arm wasn't broke, he would have probably gotten it.
Kofi Kingston is better then MVP in my opinion. He went undefeated in ECW for the longest time and was high up on the power 25. MVP on the other hand had a record setting losing streak going. I also enjoy Kofi's in ring moves more then MVPs. Don't get me wrong I love the mid card it's one of my favorite things in wrestling. But it is Kofi's time. MVP will get a rematch and if he losses it he'll go on to fight main eventers because he's needed there at the moment. I feel Kofi can bring a lot of prestige to the US title so don't count him out.
Kofi Kingston is better then MVP in my opinion. He went undefeated in ECW for the longest time and was high up on the power 25. MVP on the other hand had a record setting losing streak going. I also enjoy Kofi's in ring moves more then MVPs. Don't get me wrong I love the mid card it's one of my favorite things in wrestling. But it is Kofi's time. MVP will get a rematch and if he losses it he'll go on to fight main eventers because he's needed there at the moment. I feel Kofi can bring a lot of prestige to the US title so don't count him out.

Once again Im not bashing Kofi I think he's a great talent but I don't think he's better than MVP. Alot of people bring up the losing streak but fail to realize it started out as a punishment then turned into a way to keep him on TV while he nursed some nagging injuries.

MVP is a future WWE champion while IMO Kofi will be nothing more than a mid-Carder. I think he'd be a great transitional champion until WWE decides to put the strap on the MIZ.
Kofi Kingston is better then MVP in my opinion. He went undefeated in ECW for the longest time and was high up on the power 25. MVP on the other hand had a record setting losing streak going.

MVP had a record long losing streak as a punishment, instead of suspending him. Kofi Kingston took the title off MVP so MVP can hopefully be a success as a main eventer. I'd like to see Kofi drop the title to Miz in a couple months.
I think it was a good move for Kofi to get the title. It can help elevate MVP to the next level and give more credibility to Kofi. Looks like a win-win for everyone.
First of all there has been way better US Champions than MVP. I like MVP, but I don't think he was one of the best US Champions ever. He might be on the top ten best US champions in the WWE but if we are counting the whole history of the title and not just the time it has been with the WWE then he is definitely not one of the best.

I think the title switch was done to give MVP a push to the main event or at least an upper midcarder. It was also probably done to start pushing Kofi and build him up. He is one of the guys that in my opinion will be the future of the company and they need to start building him up in the mid-card. When he is done with the mid-card then I think he will start becoming an upper midcarder and part-time main eventer.

Anyways, I don't mind Kofi winning the title if it is going to lead MVP into a push to the main event or upper midcard.
I don't think Kofi would make a bad champion, he has talent and charisma, the problem is when he gets jobbed out, MVP had to make the plunge the chances are he'll be in the main event and winning the world title I'm sure, Kofi's picked up some wins recently so in reality he's probably the best on RAW to take the belt at the present time.

MVP jobbing on RAW makes Kofi look credible, rather then him pinning say William Regal and MVP not passing the torch, MVP looked good in jobbing to Kofi so I don't see the downside, MVP could always go back for the US title in the future, IMO MVP is the best US Champion in the WWE history, he's brought Flair to belt, Benoit and the Bookers brought their style, but MVP tho had his own style.
Putting the belt on Kofi does not in anyway bring MVP down. It was a great, back and forth match, with Kofi winning by roll-up. It made both competitors look good, without "burying" anybody. If anything, this match helps MVP. Now he can go to the main event without having to worry about the US Title and can focus on the WWE Championship. Kofi, on the other hand, can hold the mid-card belt and have some great fueds with Hardy, Miz, and Regal. This will eventually help raise Kofi's status in the WWE and maybe even groom him for the main event spot if that is the way the WWE wants to go. So in no way is this loss bad for MVP, it is actually a positive move for both Kofi and MVP.
The real confusion I have with the whole thing is why have Kofi beat MVP when there's going to be a Fatal 4-Way? Why not just have Kofi pin Regal or Matt Hardy, take the title without hurting MVP, and then have Kofi feud with Regal and Hardy for a while, while MVP goes onto bigger things. It just doesn't really make sense. How can he beat Orton if he can't beat Kofi? Maybe they didn't plan on having a US title match at Extreme Rules so they gave Kofi the title on what would've been a random night, but it seems almost pointless if they planned on having the match in advance. If they planned on having the Fatal 4-Way, awful booking by WWE on this one. They should've had MVP lose to a heel if anything and not cleanly, so he doesn't lose anything.
It's possible that MVP could get pushed to main event level, I think he could do pretty well if it's handled the right way. To be honest, I wouldn't have minded seeing them feud over the strap for a while. They put on a really good match on Raw and I think they could have even better ones. Two young hungry guys feuding over a championship that isn't the WWE or World Championship is something I'd personally enjoy. I know the ultimate goal is to one day be a world champion but, hey, the U.S. title ain't supposed to be just chopped liver. One area TNA definitely excels over WWE is devoting time to their other titles. They at least make you feel that they give a shit about them.
I think it's pretty obvious MVP is going to take Kennedy's spot in getting fed to Orton until Triple H gets back in time for a build up to SummerSlam. So they had to toss it on someone, and picked Kofi. If Hardy's arm wasn't broke, he would have probably gotten it.

This is exactly what I planned to post. MVP is the only big name face on RAW that Orton hasn't already faced and who is a credible threat. MVP will challenge Orton unsuccessful at The Bash and Night of Champions. Hopefully this mini push will lead to an actual title run sometime within the coming year.

Kofi winning the title only happened to move MVP up. I also believe that after a couple of months Kofi will drop the title to Matt Hardy or Miz. Hopefully Kofi will make the most of this. I like Hardy, MVP and Regal all more than Kofi but I'd still love to see Kofi have a nice run with the title.
kofi won so mvp can main event. matt hardy should be seeing that title soon, as well as maybe miz.

matt should be in the main event though.

Granted, I havent seen a WWE show in a couple of months now, but did the US Championship suddenly get storylines revolving around it, get defended on a normal basis, and did MVP suddenly become uber credible after his couple of months worth of losing?
The real confusion I have with the whole thing is why have Kofi beat MVP when there's going to be a Fatal 4-Way? Why not just have Kofi pin Regal or Matt Hardy, take the title without hurting MVP, and then have Kofi feud with Regal and Hardy for a while, while MVP goes onto bigger things. It just doesn't really make sense. How can he beat Orton if he can't beat Kofi? Maybe they didn't plan on having a US title match at Extreme Rules so they gave Kofi the title on what would've been a random night, but it seems almost pointless if they planned on having the match in advance. If they planned on having the Fatal 4-Way, awful booking by WWE on this one. They should've had MVP lose to a heel if anything and not cleanly, so he doesn't lose anything.

Simple, MVP probably stated he'd rather lose the title in a pretty good TV match given some time to make Kofi look good, MVP done his job, now it's in Kofi's hands how long his run is and how successful it becomes.
The match on RAW was better then a lot of PPV matches I've recently seen and that capped off with MVP giving Kofi the belt, was magic.
kofi won so mvp can main event. matt hardy should be seeing that title soon, as well as maybe miz.

matt should be in the main event though.

Matt won't win the US Title if he did I'd be more surprised, I think he'll be pushed as a main eventer kind of like Kane, gets beat in the big matches but is consistently in the big picture.

The Miz will be the one to dethrone Kofi, I just hope WWE build up the match to say summer slam, when Miz would win it, in some kind of stipulation match, maybe a ladder match? doubtful with Edge/Jeff Hardy tomorrow but could happen, Kofi is proven worthy in ladder matches and I think Miz might be as well if given the chance.
i like kofi, hes majorly over and hes pretty good at the athletic style. but hes often reckless and out of control. while i think he s overall deserving of the belt, he almost needs a better wrestler to carry him to 5 star matches.
I think Kofi was an adequatechoice to take the title off MVP as we see MVP move to the main event. I think Kofi is more entertaining to watch. If he can pull some good mic skills and get a better gimmick he could be someone.

P.S. - anyone who said the Miz should be US champ should get their ears checked for massive injury they obviously had a huge penis pounding them hard enough in the ear to scramble their brains.
The whole reason for MVP's losing streak is switchin him from heel to face. As far as the Miz goes he'll be feudin w/ Cena for a while so they can give him crediabilty. Kofi actually if anyone noticehas been gettin slowly groomed to help carry the WWE into the future. MVP will be put back into the Main event scene which he was a part of when he started on Smackdown! Porter will hopefully get the WWE HW Title in the future.

~"MVP next WWE Champ!!!"~ Ballin
I'm confused. Obviously you are a fan of MVP, so wouldn't you want him to drop the US title eventually? It's signaling his rise above the U.S title into the main event picture. I actually liked him dropping the title to Kofi clean one on one. He gave him the rub on his way out of the mid card. Porter won't be hurt by it.
Kofi as US Champ could be the thing to turn him into a boda fie star in WW(F)E, as long as it's used better than his pointless IC title run last year.
Bear with me here...As a nostalgic wrestling fan I very often watch my old tapes from time to time. A few nights ago I was watching Survivor Series 1996 with Rocky Miavia's debut match. Then I was watching Mania 25 a couple days ago too (insomnia has it's benefits). During the introductions to the MITB ladder match I noticed the similarities between Kofi and the future Rock. The general excitement at being on the big show, the energy, the innovative moves that other people weren't/aren't using.
The Rock quickly won the IC title from Hunter and the fans turned on him because they grew tired of his uber-babyface ways. I know this probably won't happen in today's PG rated product, but it could lead to something special if the writers know what they are doing and where they are going with a character for a change.
Even if this doesn't pan out there is the potential for some great matches over the title with Matt Hardy, Miz, Regal and Dibiase Jr.
If you'll remember, Chris Jericho didn't go on to winning the World Title until he dropped the IC Title to Kofi Kingston nack at Vengeance of last year. I'm not saying MVP has the same perstige as Jericho but the point gets across. One can only imagine MVP is moving on up to the main event now. Slowly but rest assured he will be alright. As for Kofi, I enjoyed watching him as IC Champion. I think he'll do fine as long as he's put in interesting feuds and doesn't lose the title to Santino again.
I see the title change as a great step in making MVP a main eventer. Sure he lost cleanly, but that will be forgotten in time, as he starts to take on the bigger named guys in the WWE Raw locker room. Kofi however, has the recognition of beating a guy now in the main event (Now is the relative term). I don't really enjoy Kingston, he is lacking anything special, but if he can do something with the IC title, then I am all for it.

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