Kofi Kingston Singles Run?

CM Steel

A REAL American
The thrown together tag team of Kofi Kingston & R-Truth had a good run as the WWE tag team champions. So now that the team has lost the tag team titles to Daniel Bryan & Kane aka team hell no. What could be next for the tag team? Nothing but for them to go back to the mid-card as singles wrestler's. Or they can feud with each other setting up a break-up.

Kofi Kingston would have to be the one who turns heel here since R-Truth had his heel run last year solo and with the Miz. Kofi could finally get fed up with R-Truth believing in "Li'l Jimmy" and turn on Truth after a match to show his anger. Kofi Kingston has been long over due for a heel turn for years. It could do his career wonders heading into a new direction for him.

After his feud with R-Truth, Kofi could go after the WWE world heavyweight championship. It is secondary to the WWE championship. Kofi Kingston was CM Punk's successer on the now defunct ECW brand. So now or even in 4-5 months Kofi Kingston can be a bonafied contender for the WHC. The turn almost worked for Rikishi back in 2000. The turn CAN work for Kofi Kingston now in 2012-13.
Let me think on this for a second. NO WAY IN HELL!

I'm not sure why everyone is so keen on Kofi turning heel. The guy is a natural face. With his high flying move set and general smiling fun having demeanor in the ring he is a face that is over. I don't understand why people thing turning heel equals an instant jump into the WHC or WWE title picture.

I'm not even convinced the team should break up just yet. Half of the reason the tag division is so weak is as soon as a team loses the titles they break up. If they do go that route Truth is the one who should turn heel. In 2011 he was one of the better heels in the WWE.
It's hard to say for me. I like Kofi Kingston, and I think he has potential to have a bigger role than what he has now in the tag team division. But sometimes heel turns help a guy establish more of a character. If it helped him get on the mic more and show a little more of what he has, then yeah I say do it.

But I think if we can still see what Kofi has on the microphone and in the ring without turning him heel, if they gave him a chance. Turn R Truth heel again, and have him and Kofi feud. Make Kofi actually start cutting big promos, and start grooming him more for feuds with bigger and better guys.

For someone reason I always liked Kofi, maybe it was his moves, or his original gimmick that caught my eye, but he also seemed to look like someone who could do better. I like what they did with him a few years back, and he and Orton worked well in the ring and in their feud.

I don't think they need to turn him heel to make him work again. Although if they did, I'd actually like to see him feud with Evan Bourne. Have Evan upset that Kofi ditched him for Truth, and maybe even have Kofi start to change more and more. It'd help both guys get over a little more in the end too, as long as they give it enough exposure and attention.
I don't think they need to turn him heel to make him work again. Although if they did, I'd actually like to see him feud with Evan Bourne. Have Evan upset that Kofi ditched him for Truth, and maybe even have Kofi start to change more and more. It'd help both guys get over a little more in the end too, as long as they give it enough exposure and attention.

Now that's a cool idea. Not only would it give Kofi something to do (rather than lose to upper-midcarders, then win the United States Title like usual), it actually would actually add some semblance of importance to the tag team division. The fact that Evan cares that Kofi ditched him would show that the division is something worth caring about. An interesting way for Kofi to turn heel, if he needs to, without using the cookie cutter mold that the OP suggested (no offense to OP--good thread! I just like this idea more!).

I'm also not sure if turning heel is what Kofi needs, but I do hope that he is involved in a good storyline soon. He's extremely solid in the ring and is pretty over as a face. We've heard in the past (feud with RKO; last year's Elimination Chamber promo) that he has competence on the mic--it'd be good to hear him use those skills more than once a year!
No, not this way.

Kofi Kingston may or may not need to turn heel somewhere down the line. But, I don't think it would be beneficial for him to do it now. Turning on Truth, who just came off of a big heel run before the two teamed together, wouldn't work for me. It has been over done.

Tag team is together - Tag Team are real successful - Tag Team begin to lose - Tag Team gain heat between one another - One goes heel, attacking the other.

Most the time, this ends up with one guy gone and the other up in the air on how successful he will be. Look at some teams who have followed this method.

Cade and Murdoch, Cryme Tyme, Miz and Morrison, The Hart Dynasty, and the biggest one- The Rockers.

Would Kofi turning heel on Truth, thus ending this team, help at all for Kingston? It probably wouldn't. Save the heel turn, if there ever is to be one, for a time when it can be needed. The WWE doesn't need any heels in the mid-card. They already have Sandow, Cersaro, Rhodes, Miz, Ziggler, "Encore," and many others. Kofi is better off as a face for now.
kofi is a natural face with his look and move set BUT if they were to turn him heel this would be the perfect way to do it. like you said have him get fed up with r-truth and his belief of little jimmy. say kofi is looking for the hot tag after getting his ass beat and truth is distracted with little jimmy. kofi and truth lose the match. kofi gets in truths face and berates him for being insane and believing in an imaginary child. honestly that would be a good feud and would make both far more relevant than they are now.
He proved to be a competent singles wrestler when he went up against Randy Orton. I loved that storyline and I thought their match was really good. I'm with you. I don't think a KK heel run would help him much, but let him be a bit more gritty like he was with Orton
Kofi is someone that's proven to be consistently reliable when it comes to putting on good quality wrestling matches. As a tag team, I think he and Truth have gone as far as they're going to. The tag team scene in WWE continues to improve and there are a good number of teams with solid potential active on the roster right now, so Kofi & Truth are really no longer needed as a team.

I think it's time for Kofi to head back to singles action. Personally, I'd like to see Kofi go heel. I'm not sure how well it'd work but he's long since gone as far as he's going to with his current face character. After all, he's already been a 3 time IC champ and 2 time US champ as his current babyface character. Kofi is someone that I believe still has untapped potential and if WWE gets behind him, I think he could portray a heel character well.
Kofi is someone that's proven to be consistently reliable when it comes to putting on good quality wrestling matches. As a tag team, I think he and Truth have gone as far as they're going to. The tag team scene in WWE continues to improve and there are a good number of teams with solid potential active on the roster right now, so Kofi & Truth are really no longer needed as a team.

I think it's time for Kofi to head back to singles action. Personally, I'd like to see Kofi go heel. I'm not sure how well it'd work but he's long since gone as far as he's going to with his current face character. After all, he's already been a 3 time IC champ and 2 time US champ as his current babyface character. Kofi is someone that I believe still has untapped potential and if WWE gets behind him, I think he could portray a heel character well.

Man I never thought I would see the day you jumped on the Kofi heel turn bandwagon JH. It saddens my heart.

Back on topic, I love Kofi. I would call him my #2 guy right now. I can't remember the last time he was in a boring match. He may not tell the best stories when he wrestles, but he is consistent. His mic skills aren't great but back when he and Truth were doing guest commentary when feuding with the PTPs he did a passable job.

I would liken him to a John Morrison, he is a guy who puts on solid fast paced matches, gets a pop, is good for some terrific spots, and can easily float between the main event and mid card. I doubt he will be a guy who gets those long reigns as champ, but I could see him holding the WHC a few times, and maybe even the WWE title in two or three years.
Maybe it's a tag match when Kofi gets fed up with Little Jimmy and slaps him down or dropkicks him. Truth freaks out, Kofi calls Truth an idiot, a crazy man or something, dropkicks him and leaves him laying during a tag match.

The following week Kofi tells us how he's tired of this ridiculousness from Truth, it's time to stop playing and get serious. He tells us he's here to win titles, not friends and he and Truth are through as tag partners.
After that match last night with Ziggler, I think even Ziggler is probably thinking, "Damn! I wish I could work with him some more! That was f**kin awesome!"

The smaller guys who really need to help make relevant the mid-card scene should be aware of how well Kingston can be when they allow him the kind of match he had on RAW. Sin Cara will need those kinds of matches in order to become something big in the WWE. And I think given that Kofi has been pretty solid for years now. He's the man to have constantly in the US/IC hunt given that he's the perfect mid-card face. He's all well-executed flash and charm. So I'd be happy to see him back in singles matches helping mid-card heels elevate themselves by having to go through him.
A case could be made for both. If you go back to when Kofi was running around with Cryme Tyme, he showed a very serious, almost intimidating side. Kofi could pull it off, but its not necessary. If they kept him a super face, he'd sell merch and whatnot...
I'm really interested to see how Kofi could handle a heel turn, I'm not sure if i'd like it or not, but he needs something different about him.

I would enjoy seeing a Kofi-Miz feud over the IC title, and I would also like to Kofi hold the WHC for a month or 2 during the summer (Probably won't happen due to Triple H wanting long title reigns)

But long story short, if Kofi has a really strong single run then I wouldn't rule out him being a potential MITB winner. But I want to see him have a nice run with the IC title before we look any further.

The other question I have is, where does R-Truth go from here? Does he possibly go to Smackdown and feud with Censaro? Does he get lost in the mix? I hope the first thing they drop Little Jimmy from R-Truth.
It makes more sense that Air Boom reform as a team, turning on Truth than feuding with Bourne. That way Truth gets a new partner (or god forbid tags with Lil Jimmy/Handicap Matches) and WWE gets another new team for it's burgeoning division.

If you are keeping Kofi face- Bray Wyatt makes his long awaited debut with Evan Bourne in tow as one of his "flock", they soon add Ted DiBiase and possibly Big Zeke before long Kofi is in the classic Lex/Tatanka feud with Truth. The twist this time being that Truth is the one lying if you want Kofi face or if you are going with Air Boom being bad, then you put them with Wyatt and have them dump DiBiase who then teams with Truth.
If anything, Truth should turn heel on Kofi. The whole "Lil Jimmy" thing has gotten way old wayyyy fast. R Truth's best stuff was last year with Miz. He was crazy, but in a good way. Not "I have an imaginary friend and it's funny because I'm a grown man" way.
Kofi is not turning and the answer is not to turn someone, deal with it. Anyone who thinks Rikishi's heel turn worked is an absolute imbecile.

You're an idiot. This is a terrible idea because Kofi Kingston is one of those wrestlers who should always be a face. Not only would he have to change his entire offensive style, he would have to learn to cut a promo. Kofi needs character development because he has been stagnant since the feud with Orton finished. He never got the time to push on his character, the three hour Raw should make this easier.
Absolutely not. Kofi Kingston is a natural face -- the guy's fun-loving, easy to identify with, and always over with the crowd as a babyface; too many people try to push a heel turn onto Kofi, just because they think he's stagnating or whatever. Kofi doesn't have the qualities that heel should have, nor is he ever going to bring any intensity or a mean streak. Don't let his outburst against Randy Orton fool you, Kofi simply can't be that guy every night. Have you ever looked at Kofi's move set? What about the entire basis of his character? None of this screams heel, it's all perfectly suited to being a face.

I know that the IWC loves to preach on about Kofi's star ability and that a heel turn would kick start that, but he'd likely have a better chance of making it to the top as a face. The guy is one of the most consistently over stars in the WWE -- the crowd goes nuts for his major spots and stuff like that. He fits a perfect niche and has a perfect role carved out for him, he doesn't need to turn heel to cut that out from underneath him. Some guys are just natural faces, Kofi certainly fits that bill.

If anything, turn Truth heel. He had momentum in his last run as a heel (he had a WWE Championship match against John Cena) and he's got a much easier (and more natural) transition into that role. To force Kofi heel, even though Truth is the much more proven heel of the two just seems counterintuitive.
Kofi is too loved by a lot of the younger WWE audience to be turned heel, he is like a Jeff Hardy like-character who many thought would never even get a main title match but just kept in the upper mid card to stay relevant and to help sell merchandise because they are just loved by the crowd. Honestly R-Truth was a great heel and should go back to being one as he was hilarious with Lil Jimmy and has been buried ever since the whole storyline with Miz. On another note I would love to see Kofi get a chance to really prove himself, everyone just remembers him for his very short stint with Orton and he did a pretty good job at more of a main even level.
Why do people continue to insist that he needs a heel run?

Kofi doesn't need to turn heel, he just needs to be given a drive. Personally, his rivalry with Dolph Ziggler should be what puts him to the next level.

2 years ago, Kofi and Dolph brought back the IC title back to its glory. They did it again a year ago with the US Title. Since then, they have made Dolph a person who is determined to be champion while Kofi just touches gold where he goes, but it never seems like he's hungry for it.

If Dolph wins the WHC, that should be the driving force for Kofi. Two people who were on the same level years ago, with one person reaching the zenith and other, knowing he's on the same level as the champ, wanting what he has.

It's essentially Bret vs. Shawn. Hell, if Kofi just starts saying, "I want to be the first African champion," that'll suffice.
I was going to make this its own forum, but it makes more sense to post here as a reply...

For us old school fans, we remember Ric Flair, Yokozuna, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Chris Benoit (may as well be called Voldemort), Batista, and Rey Mysterio. All of them captured their first WWE or World Heavyweight title thanks to the Royal Rumble. Add in the comeback to the title story of Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 10, The Undertaker's first title win since 1991 at Wrestlemania 13, HHH's return to the title at Wrestlemania 18, Lesnar's return to at Wrestlemania 19 and Taker winning his first World Heavyweight title with the first official Streak vs. Title match at Wrestlemania 23. The rest of the matches since...ugh.

The Royal Rumble used to create such compelling stories of wrestlers moving up to the top of the heap. Since Wrestlemania 24, we've seen Cena, Orton, Edge, and Del Rio win the Rumble and go on to lose, while Sheamus won the World Heavyweight belt in 18 seconds. Seems a waste of a strong PPV that once was considered to be the ONLY way to get a title match at Wrestlemania.

I bring this up because once upon a time, before Benoit did his horrible deed, he had the perfect feel-good story: career mid-card wrestler, always overlooked and considered too short to be at the top wins the Royal Rumble against all odds, and wins the top title to mass cheers and tears. The most recent moment like that was Mysterio winning the belt for the fallen Eddie Guerrero (God rest his soul, R.I.P.), but it got buried among the John Cena\HHH affair in Chicago. (Sorry, Batista's win was big but seemed oddly isolated compared to the other, more emotional moments)

This now is the perfect time for Kofi Kingston to win the Royal Rumble. Right now, he's buried among the tag team title chase, but it would not take long for him to break out and re-join the singles action. Would it be so far-fetched for Kofi to win the Rumble? He's just as athletic, if not more so, than Shawn Michaels was, and as just as much stamina as it took Benoit to go bell-to-bell. He's has insane crazy moments, like his amazing handstand walk, much like Michael's skinning-the-cat moment. We know Kofi can compete against pretty much anyone, and his style is certainly unique. He's won every mid-card belt the company can give a male, and why not put Kofi up against his favorite rival Dolph Ziggler? So many feuds have culminated at Wrestlemania after long standing matches, like Hart\Michaels, Rock\Austin, Rock\HHH, Lesnar\Angle, Cena\Edge and Cena\Show. What if Ziggler cashed in, won the World Heavyweight Title from Sheamus, then held it until Wrestlemania where he took on Royal Rumble winner Kofi Kingston? You don't think they could go 45 minutes like CM Punk and Chris Jericho?

And if Kofi won, maybe some of the haters would be disgusted (but they hate everything so why bother trying to please them?!) but the fans would be quite pleased. Kofi has been a consistent face, an underdog, and give the fans some impressive title defenses. And we'd get that fresh, feel-good story that the Royal Rumble should be providing.
Kofi Kingston NEEDS to turn heel, he is pigeonholed now as the mid card coloured guy who is a high flyer. The best things he has done is whe he got a mini fued with Orton a few years ago, he got to show a much edgier side and GOT TO SPEAK.
Kofi needs a change, R-Truth is in his 40s and has had his best main event run, he will be a comedy act for the remaining tenure of his contract. Kofi, is a main event talent treading water in the mid card. He should be given an opportunity to show his other side, change things up a bit. Guarantee it would be a winner, pair him with a female HOT valet, may be bring in Velvet Sky or have the Funkadactyls turn on Brodus. Imagine a heel Kofi with two hot coloured girls on his arm...........awesome. His first feud is going over lay, then moves on to a more solid main event heel run, possibly after an IC run.
Kofi turning heel? It doesn't solve your problem, if we haven't even seen if he has any skills as a face. What would change if he goes heel? His ring work (his best skill), maybe but nothing else. WWE still won't let him talk.
I personally don't see anything for Kofi Kingston in the near or far future. He's most likely to be a career Mid-Carder. That's not a bad thing since he works really well, but I think his gimmick is getting rather stale. It's like he's lost his flare and he's no longer as exciting as he used to be. The crowd isn't really into him anymore and don't chant BOOM BOOM BOOM as loudly or enthusiastically. He's booked as a weakling in his singles matches and barely comes off as a threat, if at all. His matches last only a minute and from my memory, I can only remember his last important match before returning to Tag Team competition being the win over Sheamus for the US title. With guys like him, there's really nothing more to do. He's not involved in any storylines. He's not involved in any entertaining angles. He's just there. What else can he possibly do in the Mid-Card? He's won both US and IC titles multiple times. He's won the Tag Team titles multiple times. He's not being put in any feuds. It makes me not even wanna watch him. He could win the KOTR tournament, but if the end result is gonna be something like William Regal's or Billy Gunn's, then that's also pointless.
If anything Kofi should turn heel here and I think it would be rather interesting to see a heel Kofi feuding with a face R-Truth and Kofi as a heel, can you imagine the heat he would get for not only slamming Lil' Jimmy but also slamming the fans who buy into that crap and Kofi becomes like a Rocky Maivia type heel in terms of the heat he ends up getting

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