Kofi Kingston on Raw

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
Not sure if this has been done or not. I couldn't find it, so I'm sorry if it has already been done.

Last night on Raw Kofi accompanied Teddy Long and Aksana to the ring, to further the GM feud. This bothered me for a couple of reasons. 1) kofi is a Raw product, while Teddy and Aksana is smackdown. 2) Kofi and rtruth seemed to be building towards a legit tag team feud with primo and epico that could have culminated at Wrestlemania. Sorry this just bugs me, in my opinion it seems that the tag belts are being buried once again. I'm not sure if I feel sorrier for Kofi or the tag champs themselves Primo and Epico (who by the way didn't even make TV last night) Thoughts?
Let's just wait and see. I think people are overreacting to this and I still think we see him in a match for the tag belts at Mania. He could have just been a face with nothing to do that week, he could have been out there just because of Dolph and Swagger. Let us see what happens next week or on Smackdown.
There is so much build going on everywhere. From Cody and Show to The Rock and Cena, things are hectic right now. Kofi would be lucky to make Team Teddy.
I personally dont care if Kofi is on or not. I actually enjoy it much more when Kofi is not on my TV. But nonetheless, back to topic.

I think Kofi joining Teddy/Aksana is to show that he will be on team Teddy Long at WM28. I believe their building towards a possible 6vs6 elimination tag team match at WM28. Team Teddy Long(R-Truth,Kofi Kingston,Santino Marella,The Great Khali,Ezekiel Jackson,Evan Bourne) vs Team John Lauranitis(Dolph Ziggler,Jack Swagger,David Otunga,Alberto Del Rio,Mark Henry,Christian). With the winning team's captain gaining control of both brands. But i honestly would rather see this type of match then Primo+Epico vs Kofi+Truth for the titles. Cause that doesn't interest me for 1, and for 2 it would be too obvious that sadly Kofi+Truth would win the titles.
I see it being a mega size elimination tag match, as well, at Mania 28. I think it will be a 7 on 7 match like they did with Team Cena and The Nexus at Summer Slam a couple of years ago. I see Team Long having Santino, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Great Khali, Zik, and possibly Rey Mysterio and Mick Foley. I see Team Laurinithis having David Otunga, Alberto, Christian, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger and Hunico. I wouldn`t mind seeing this. I would predict that Team long loses and John L. becomes GM of both brands.
He was just as worthless and useless as ever, man I really hate Kofi Kingston

boom boooom booooooom....
more like bore, snore, snooze.

Kingston will be likely added to some shitty multi-member tag match at WM28 on the Face side of things, and he'll have some big spot, crash burn, and then be eliminated.

Teddy was in charge of RAW Monday night so him coming out with a RAW guy is definitely OK. Especially a face. I was at RAW in Monday and let me say one thing -NOT A SPOILER- Kofi vs Dolph was a Superstars match taped beforehand and it was EPIC!!! Watch this match. It was match of the night and it wasn't even on TV
They used Kofi because they don't have anything to do with Kofi until Evan Bourne comes back in a few weeks. He isn't involved with any other Wrestlemania storylines, so this should just be considered filler. They already added Bourne back in to the RAW intro, so obviously they have at least some desire to use him once his suspension is over. Logically, they will reform Airboom just to get things going again.
I don't think this hurts him at all. I like Kofi. I think he has the potential to be a pretty big star in WWE, in the same vein as Mysterio. Unfortunately, his tag partner screwed him over and killed his push (as well as the tag team division. No one cares about Primo & Epico as champs... or Hunico, for that matter).

So, if you're a WWE writer, what to do with someone tossed into your lap b/c of someone else's bad decisions? Apparently, use him as mid-card and multi-superstar PPV match filler to bide time until Bourne comes back. He came out with Teddy Long and Aksana on RAW to even out the odds against Vicki's group b/c Teddy doesn't have a Smackdown guy hanging with him other than Santino, who was in the match. Kofi did wrestle Dolph on Superstars, so I guess they'll play that up when Smackdown airs Friday as to why he came out. Plus, like others have said, I think he winds up either in a Triple Threat tag match at WM against Primo & Epico and Swagger & Ziggler, or in the Team Teddy vs. Team Laurinaitis match.

Personally, I think this may be a precursor to Kofi (and Bourne, perhaps) moving to Smackdown. They're both more over with the younger fan base, which makes up most of Smackdown's audience. If they don't reform Air Boom, I could see Kofi feuding with Cody Rhodes for the IC title. I think those two could put together pretty good matches. Unless they change Kofi's character around, he's better suited for Smackdown, IMO.
They needed a face who isn't in a current storyline with half a bit of credibility for the role...Kofi fits the bill. That's probably all there is to it. Except for a few IWC marks, nobody seems to care about the tag team division or is broken up that it seems to be in shambles, myself included by the way, so WWE isn't rushing to put anyone together as a tag team.
I think he was just there for Ziggler and Swagger since there was that triple threat tag team title match. They'll still be a kingston/truth tag team title match at mania. Just don't be surprised if it's another triple threat.
Kofi did seem very out of place during Santino's victory. He was just kinda there standing next to Teddy and showing support for Santino. I think it comes down to the simple fact that he has absolutely nothing to do until Bourne returns (hopefully) for the revival of Air Boom to win the Tag Team Championship at or before Wrestlemania. Hey, a guy can dream. I loved that team. He might also have been there to support Teddy due to how he might be a candidate to be on Teddy's team for the GM match. I can easily see Kofi and Santino being part of the Long team for that match against Otunga and a couple of heels for JL.

We might see something happen on Smackdown to make some sense out of Kofi randomly being there. Or we might not. Maybe he and Santino are friends in real life and he got the permission to be out there to root for his buddy. There really are a number of different reasons for why Kofi was there so randomly. Then again, there might have been no reason and he was just told to be there. I don't think it matters that much. If anything my theory is that he's going to be on Teddy's team with Santino and was there to show support. If not, fingers are crossed for that Air Boom reunion and he just had nothing else to do.
All I know is, and I stand by this no matter how much you 'know it alls' wanna make fun of me, Kofi looks like a tall black Hornswaggle. Look at a side by side. Freaky.

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